#if !defined(__CINT__) #include #include "AliITSDDLRawData.h" #include "AliRunLoader.h" #include "AliLoader.h" #include "AliITS.h" #endif /* Before running this macro it is necessary to comment the following line of the method AddDigit in the class AliITSsimulationSDD //if( fResponse->Do10to8() ) signal = Convert8to10( signal ); In this way the amplitude value for signal coming from SDD takes only 8 bits and not 10. */ //DigitsFile is the input file that contains digits void AliITSDDLRawData(Int_t eventNumber=0){ Int_t spdLDCs=2; Int_t sddLDCs=4; Int_t ssdLDCs=2; Int_t eventn=0; const char * inFile_new = "galice.root"; AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::Open(inFile_new,"Event","read"); rl->LoadgAlice(); Int_t nevents=rl->GetNumberOfEvents(); cout<<"Number of Events:"<nevents){ cout<<"Insert the event number:"; cin>>eventNumber; cout<GetEvent(eventNumber-1); AliLoader *itsloader=rl->GetLoader("ITSLoader"); itsloader->LoadDigits(); TTree *TD=itsloader->TreeD(); gAlice=rl->GetAliRun(); if(!gAlice){ cout<<"gAlice is null"<GetDetector("ITS"); Int_t nmodules; ITS->InitModules(-1,nmodules); ITS->SetTreeAddressD(TD); AliITSDDLRawData *util=new AliITSDDLRawData(); //Verbose level // 0: Silent // 1: cout messages // 2: txt files with digits //BE CAREFUL, verbose level 2 MUST be used only for debugging and //it is highly suggested to use this mode only for debugging digits files //reasonably small, because otherwise the size of the txt files can reach //quickly several MB wasting time and disk space. util->SetVerbose(0); TStopwatch timer; //SILICON PIXEL DETECTOR cout<<"Formatting data for SPD"<RawDataSPD(ITS,TD,spdLDCs,eventNumber); timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); //ONLY FOR DEBUGGING // util->TestFormat(eventNumber); //SILICON DRIFT DETECTOR cout<<"Formatting data for SDD"<RawDataSDD(ITS,TD,sddLDCs,eventNumber); timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); //SILICON STRIP DETECTOR cout<<"Formatting data for SSD"<RawDataSSD(ITS,TD,ssdLDCs,eventNumber); timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); delete util; return; }