/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This class initializes the class AliITSgeom // The initialization is done starting from // a geometry coded by means of the ROOT geometrical modeler // This initialization can be used both for simulation and reconstruction /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliITSsegmentationSPD.h" #include "AliITSsegmentationSDD.h" #include "AliITSsegmentationSSD.h" #include "AliITSInitGeometry.h" #include ClassImp(AliITSInitGeometry) //______________________________________________________________________ AliITSInitGeometry::AliITSInitGeometry(): TObject(), // Base Class fName(0), // Geometry name fMajorVersion(kvDefault), // Major versin number fTiming(kFALSE), // Flag to start inilization timing fSegGeom(kFALSE), // Flag to switch between the old use of // AliITSgeomS?D class, or AliITSsegmentation // class in fShape of AliITSgeom class. fDecode(kFALSE), // Flag for new/old decoding fDebug(0){ // Debug flag // Default Creator // Inputs: // none. // Outputs: // none. // Return: // A default inilized AliITSInitGeometry object fName = "Undefined"; } //______________________________________________________________________ AliITSInitGeometry::AliITSInitGeometry(AliITSVersion_t version): TObject(), // Base Class fName(0), // Geometry name fMajorVersion(version), // Major version number fTiming(kFALSE), // Flag to start inilization timing fSegGeom(kFALSE), // Flag to switch between the old use of // AliITSgeomS?D class, or AliITSsegmentation // class in fShape of AliITSgeom class. fDecode(kFALSE), // Flag for new/old decoding fDebug(0){ // Debug flag // Default Creator // Inputs: // none. // Outputs: // none. // Return: // A default inilized AliITSInitGeometry object switch (version) { case kv11: fName="AliITSv11"; break; case kvDefault: default: AliFatal(Form("Undefined geometry: fMajorVersion=%d, ",(Int_t)fMajorVersion)); fName = "Undefined"; break; } // switch } //______________________________________________________________________ AliITSgeom* AliITSInitGeometry::CreateAliITSgeom(){ // Creates and Initilizes the geometry transformation class AliITSgeom // to values appropreate to this specific geometry. Now that // the segmentation is part of AliITSgeom, the detector // segmentations are also defined here. // Inputs: // none. // Outputs: // none. // Return: // A pointer to a new properly inilized AliITSgeom class. If // pointer = 0 then failed to init. AliITSVersion_t version = kvDefault; TDatime datetime; TGeoVolume *itsV = gGeoManager->GetVolume("ITSV"); if(!itsV){ AliError("Can't find ITS volume ITSV, exiting - nothing done!"); return 0; }// end if const Char_t *title = itsV->GetTitle(); if(!ReadVersionString(title,version)) Warning("UpdateInternalGeometry","Can't read title=%s\n",title); SetTiming(kFALSE); SetSegGeom(kFALSE); SetDecoding(kFALSE); AliITSgeom *geom = CreateAliITSgeom(version); AliDebug(1,"AliITSgeom object has been initialized from TGeo\n"); return geom; } //______________________________________________________________________ AliITSgeom* AliITSInitGeometry::CreateAliITSgeom(Int_t major){ // Creates and Initilizes the geometry transformation class AliITSgeom // to values appropreate to this specific geometry. Now that // the segmentation is part of AliITSgeom, the detector // segmentations are also defined here. // Inputs: // Int_t major major version, see AliITSVersion_t // // Outputs: // none. // Return: // A pointer to a new properly inilized AliITSgeom class. If // pointer = 0 then failed to init. switch(major){ case kv11: SetGeometryName("AliITSv11"); SetVersion(kv11); break; case kvDefault: default: SetGeometryName("Undefined"); SetVersion(kvDefault); break; } // end switch AliITSgeom *geom = new AliITSgeom(); if(!InitAliITSgeom(geom)){ // Error initilization failed delete geom; geom = 0; } // end if return geom; } //______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSInitGeometry::InitAliITSgeom(AliITSgeom *geom){ // Initilizes the geometry transformation class AliITSgeom // to values appropreate to this specific geometry. Now that // the segmentation is part of AliITSgeom, the detector // segmentations are also defined here. // Inputs: // AliITSgeom *geom A pointer to the AliITSgeom class // Outputs: // AliITSgeom *geom This pointer recreated and properly inilized. // Return: // none. if(!gGeoManager){ AliFatal("The geometry manager has not been initialized (e.g. " "TGeoManager::Import(\"geometry.root\")should be " "called in advance) - exit forced"); return kFALSE; } // end if switch(fMajorVersion) { case kv11: { return InitAliITSgeomV11(geom); } break; // end case case kvDefault: default: { AliFatal("Undefined geometry"); return kFALSE; } break; // end case } // end switch return kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSInitGeometry::TransposeTGeoHMatrix(TGeoHMatrix *m)const{ // Transpose the rotation matrix part of a TGeoHMatrix. This // is needed because TGeo stores the transpose of the rotation // matrix as compared to what AliITSgeomMatrix uses (and Geant3). // Inputs: // TGeoHMatrix *m The matrix to be transposed // Outputs: // TGEoHMatrix *m The transposed matrix // Return: // none. Int_t i; Double_t r[9]; if(m==0) return; // no matrix to transpose. for(i=0;i<9;i += 4) r[i] = m->GetRotationMatrix()[i]; // diagonals r[1] = m->GetRotationMatrix()[3]; r[2] = m->GetRotationMatrix()[6]; r[3] = m->GetRotationMatrix()[1]; r[5] = m->GetRotationMatrix()[7]; r[6] = m->GetRotationMatrix()[2]; r[7] = m->GetRotationMatrix()[5]; m->SetRotation(r); return; } //______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSInitGeometry::InitAliITSgeomV11(AliITSgeom *geom){ // Initilizes the geometry transformation class AliITSgeom // Now that the segmentation is part of AliITSgeom, the detector // segmentations are also defined here. // // Inputs: // AliITSgeom *geom A pointer to the AliITSgeom class // Outputs: // AliITSgeom *geom This pointer recreated and properly inilized. // LG const Int_t kItype = 0; // Type of transformation defined 0=> Geant const Int_t klayers = 6; // number of layers in the ITS const Int_t kladders[klayers] = {20,40,14,22,34,38}; // Number of ladders const Int_t kdetectors[klayers] = {4,4,6,8,22,25};// number of detector/lad const AliITSDetector kIdet[6] = {kSPD,kSPD,kSDD,kSDD,kSSD,kSSD}; const TString kPathbase = "/ALIC_1/ITSV_1/"; const char *pathSPDsens1, *pathSPDsens2; pathSPDsens1="%sITSSPD_1/ITSSPDCarbonFiberSectorV_%d/ITSSPDSensitiveVirtualvolumeM0_1/ITSSPDlay1-Stave_%d/ITSSPDhalf-Stave%d_1/ITSSPDlay1-Ladder_%d/ITSSPDlay1-sensor_1"; pathSPDsens2="%sITSSPD_1/ITSSPDCarbonFiberSectorV_%d/ITSSPDSensitiveVirtualvolumeM0_1/ITSSPDlay2-Stave_%d/ITSSPDhalf-Stave%d_1/ITSSPDlay2-Ladder_%d/ITSSPDlay2-sensor_1"; const char *pathSDDsens1, *pathSDDsens2; pathSDDsens1 = "%sITSsddLayer3_1/ITSsddLadd_%d/ITSsddSensor3_%d/ITSsddWafer3_%d/ITSsddSensitivL3_1"; pathSDDsens2 = "%sITSsddLayer4_1/ITSsddLadd_%d/ITSsddSensor4_%d/ITSsddWafer4_%d/ITSsddSensitivL4_1"; const char *pathSSDsens1, *pathSSDsens2; pathSSDsens1 = "%sITSssdLayer5_1/ITSssdLay5Ladd_%d/ITSssdSensor5_%d/ITSssdSensitivL5_1"; pathSSDsens2 = "%sITSssdLayer6_1/ITSssdLay6Ladd_%d/ITSssdSensor6_%d/ITSssdSensitivL6_1"; const TString kNames[klayers] = { pathSPDsens1, // lay=1 pathSPDsens2, // lay=2 pathSDDsens1, // lay=3 pathSDDsens2, // lay=4 pathSSDsens1, // lay=5 pathSSDsens2};// Lay=6 Int_t mod,nmods=0, lay, lad, det, cpn0, cpn1, cpn2, cpnHS=1; Double_t tran[3]={0.,0.,0.}, rot[10]={9*0.0,1.0}; TArrayD shapePar; TString path, shapeName; TGeoHMatrix matrix; Bool_t initSeg[3]={kFALSE, kFALSE, kFALSE}; TStopwatch *time = 0x0; if(fTiming) time = new TStopwatch(); if(fTiming) time->Start(); for(mod=0;modInit(kItype,klayers,kladders,kdetectors,nmods); for(mod=0; modCreateMatrix(mod,lay,lad,det,kIdet[lay-1],tran,rot); RecodeDetector(mod,cpn0,cpn1,cpn2); if (kIdet[lay-1]==kSPD) { // we need 1 more copy number because of the half-stave if (det<3) cpnHS = 0; else cpnHS = 1; path.Form(kNames[lay-1].Data(),kPathbase.Data(),cpn0,cpn1,cpnHS,cpn2); } else { path.Form(kNames[lay-1].Data(),kPathbase.Data(),cpn0,cpn1,cpn2); }; geom->GetGeomMatrix(mod)->SetPath(path); GetTransformation(path.Data(),matrix); geom->SetTrans(mod,matrix.GetTranslation()); TransposeTGeoHMatrix(&matrix); //Transpose TGeo's rotation matrixes geom->SetRotMatrix(mod,matrix.GetRotationMatrix()); if(initSeg[kIdet[lay-1]]) continue; GetShape(path,shapeName,shapePar); if(shapeName.CompareTo("BOX")){ Error("InitITSgeom","Geometry changed without proper code update" "or error in reading geometry. Shape is not BOX."); return kFALSE; } // end if } // end for module if(fTiming){ time->Stop(); time->Print(); delete time; } // end if return kTRUE; } //_______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSInitGeometry::GetTransformation(const TString &volumePath, TGeoHMatrix &mat){ // Returns the Transformation matrix between the volume specified // by the path volumePath and the Top or mater volume. The format // of the path volumePath is as follows (assuming ALIC is the Top volume) // "/ALIC_1/DDIP_1/S05I_2/S05H_1/S05G_3". Here ALIC is the top most // or master volume which has only 1 instance of. Of all of the daughter // volumes of ALICE, DDIP volume copy #1 is indicated. Similarly for // the daughter volume of DDIP is S05I copy #2 and so on. // Inputs: // TString& volumePath The volume path to the specific volume // for which you want the matrix. Volume name // hierarchy is separated by "/" while the // copy number is appended using a "_". // Outputs: // TGeoHMatrix &mat A matrix with its values set to those // appropriate to the Local to Master transformation // Return: // A logical value if kFALSE then an error occurred and no change to // mat was made. // We have to preserve the modeler state // Preserve the modeler state. gGeoManager->PushPath(); if (!gGeoManager->cd(volumePath.Data())) { gGeoManager->PopPath(); Error("GetTransformation","Error in cd-ing to %s",volumePath.Data()); return kFALSE; } // end if !gGeoManager mat = *gGeoManager->GetCurrentMatrix(); // Retstore the modeler state. gGeoManager->PopPath(); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSInitGeometry::GetShape(const TString &volumePath, TString &shapeType,TArrayD &par){ // Returns the shape and its parameters for the volume specified // by volumeName. // Inputs: // TString& volumeName The volume name // Outputs: // TString &shapeType Shape type // TArrayD &par A TArrayD of parameters with all of the // parameters of the specified shape. // Return: // A logical indicating whether there was an error in getting this // information Int_t npar; gGeoManager->PushPath(); if (!gGeoManager->cd(volumePath.Data())) { gGeoManager->PopPath(); return kFALSE; } TGeoVolume * vol = gGeoManager->GetCurrentVolume(); gGeoManager->PopPath(); if (!vol) return kFALSE; TGeoShape *shape = vol->GetShape(); TClass *classType = shape->IsA(); if (classType==TGeoBBox::Class()) { shapeType = "BOX"; npar = 3; par.Set(npar); TGeoBBox *box = (TGeoBBox*)shape; par.AddAt(box->GetDX(),0); par.AddAt(box->GetDY(),1); par.AddAt(box->GetDZ(),2); return kTRUE; } // end if if (classType==TGeoTrd1::Class()) { shapeType = "TRD1"; npar = 4; par.Set(npar); TGeoTrd1 *trd1 = (TGeoTrd1*)shape; par.AddAt(trd1->GetDx1(),0); par.AddAt(trd1->GetDx2(),1); par.AddAt(trd1->GetDy(), 2); par.AddAt(trd1->GetDz(), 3); return kTRUE; } // end if if (classType==TGeoTrd2::Class()) { shapeType = "TRD2"; npar = 5; par.Set(npar); TGeoTrd2 *trd2 = (TGeoTrd2*)shape; par.AddAt(trd2->GetDx1(),0); par.AddAt(trd2->GetDx2(),1); par.AddAt(trd2->GetDy1(),2); par.AddAt(trd2->GetDy2(),3); par.AddAt(trd2->GetDz(), 4); return kTRUE; } // end if if (classType==TGeoTrap::Class()) { shapeType = "TRAP"; npar = 11; par.Set(npar); TGeoTrap *trap = (TGeoTrap*)shape; Double_t tth = TMath::Tan(trap->GetTheta()*TMath::DegToRad()); par.AddAt(trap->GetDz(),0); par.AddAt(tth*TMath::Cos(trap->GetPhi()*TMath::DegToRad()),1); par.AddAt(tth*TMath::Sin(trap->GetPhi()*TMath::DegToRad()),2); par.AddAt(trap->GetH1(),3); par.AddAt(trap->GetBl1(),4); par.AddAt(trap->GetTl1(),5); par.AddAt(TMath::Tan(trap->GetAlpha1()*TMath::DegToRad()),6); par.AddAt(trap->GetH2(),7); par.AddAt(trap->GetBl2(),8); par.AddAt(trap->GetTl2(),9); par.AddAt(TMath::Tan(trap->GetAlpha2()*TMath::DegToRad()),10); return kTRUE; } // end if if (classType==TGeoTube::Class()) { shapeType = "TUBE"; npar = 3; par.Set(npar); TGeoTube *tube = (TGeoTube*)shape; par.AddAt(tube->GetRmin(),0); par.AddAt(tube->GetRmax(),1); par.AddAt(tube->GetDz(),2); return kTRUE; } // end if if (classType==TGeoTubeSeg::Class()) { shapeType = "TUBS"; npar = 5; par.Set(npar); TGeoTubeSeg *tubs = (TGeoTubeSeg*)shape; par.AddAt(tubs->GetRmin(),0); par.AddAt(tubs->GetRmax(),1); par.AddAt(tubs->GetDz(),2); par.AddAt(tubs->GetPhi1(),3); par.AddAt(tubs->GetPhi2(),4); return kTRUE; } // end if if (classType==TGeoCone::Class()) { shapeType = "CONE"; npar = 5; par.Set(npar); TGeoCone *cone = (TGeoCone*)shape; par.AddAt(cone->GetDz(),0); par.AddAt(cone->GetRmin1(),1); par.AddAt(cone->GetRmax1(),2); par.AddAt(cone->GetRmin2(),3); par.AddAt(cone->GetRmax2(),4); return kTRUE; } // end if if (classType==TGeoConeSeg::Class()) { shapeType = "CONS"; npar = 7; par.Set(npar); TGeoConeSeg *cons = (TGeoConeSeg*)shape; par.AddAt(cons->GetDz(),0); par.AddAt(cons->GetRmin1(),1); par.AddAt(cons->GetRmax1(),2); par.AddAt(cons->GetRmin2(),3); par.AddAt(cons->GetRmax2(),4); par.AddAt(cons->GetPhi1(),5); par.AddAt(cons->GetPhi2(),6); return kTRUE; } // end if if (classType==TGeoSphere::Class()) { shapeType = "SPHE"; npar = 6; par.Set(npar); TGeoSphere *sphe = (TGeoSphere*)shape; par.AddAt(sphe->GetRmin(),0); par.AddAt(sphe->GetRmax(),1); par.AddAt(sphe->GetTheta1(),2); par.AddAt(sphe->GetTheta2(),3); par.AddAt(sphe->GetPhi1(),4); par.AddAt(sphe->GetPhi2(),5); return kTRUE; } // end if if (classType==TGeoPara::Class()) { shapeType = "PARA"; npar = 6; par.Set(npar); TGeoPara *para = (TGeoPara*)shape; par.AddAt(para->GetX(),0); par.AddAt(para->GetY(),1); par.AddAt(para->GetZ(),2); par.AddAt(para->GetTxy(),3); par.AddAt(para->GetTxz(),4); par.AddAt(para->GetTyz(),5); return kTRUE; } // end if if (classType==TGeoPgon::Class()) { shapeType = "PGON"; TGeoPgon *pgon = (TGeoPgon*)shape; Int_t nz = pgon->GetNz(); const Double_t *rmin = pgon->GetRmin(); const Double_t *rmax = pgon->GetRmax(); const Double_t *z = pgon->GetZ(); npar = 4 + 3*nz; par.Set(npar); par.AddAt(pgon->GetPhi1(),0); par.AddAt(pgon->GetDphi(),1); par.AddAt(pgon->GetNedges(),2); par.AddAt(pgon->GetNz(),3); for (Int_t i=0; iGetNz(); const Double_t *rmin = pcon->GetRmin(); const Double_t *rmax = pcon->GetRmax(); const Double_t *z = pcon->GetZ(); npar = 3 + 3*nz; par.Set(npar); par.AddAt(pcon->GetPhi1(),0); par.AddAt(pcon->GetDphi(),1); par.AddAt(pcon->GetNz(),2); for (Int_t i=0; iGetA(),0); par.AddAt(eltu->GetB(),1); par.AddAt(eltu->GetDz(),2); return kTRUE; } // end if if (classType==TGeoHype::Class()) { shapeType = "HYPE"; npar = 5; par.Set(npar); TGeoHype *hype = (TGeoHype*)shape; par.AddAt(TMath::Sqrt(hype->RadiusHypeSq(0.,kTRUE)),0); par.AddAt(TMath::Sqrt(hype->RadiusHypeSq(0.,kFALSE)),1); par.AddAt(hype->GetDZ(),2); par.AddAt(hype->GetStIn(),3); par.AddAt(hype->GetStOut(),4); return kTRUE; } // end if if (classType==TGeoGtra::Class()) { shapeType = "GTRA"; npar = 12; par.Set(npar); TGeoGtra *trap = (TGeoGtra*)shape; Double_t tth = TMath::Tan(trap->GetTheta()*TMath::DegToRad()); par.AddAt(trap->GetDz(),0); par.AddAt(tth*TMath::Cos(trap->GetPhi()*TMath::DegToRad()),1); par.AddAt(tth*TMath::Sin(trap->GetPhi()*TMath::DegToRad()),2); par.AddAt(trap->GetH1(),3); par.AddAt(trap->GetBl1(),4); par.AddAt(trap->GetTl1(),5); par.AddAt(TMath::Tan(trap->GetAlpha1()*TMath::DegToRad()),6); par.AddAt(trap->GetH2(),7); par.AddAt(trap->GetBl2(),8); par.AddAt(trap->GetTl2(),9); par.AddAt(TMath::Tan(trap->GetAlpha2()*TMath::DegToRad()),10); par.AddAt(trap->GetTwistAngle(),11); return kTRUE; } // end if if (classType==TGeoCtub::Class()) { shapeType = "CTUB"; npar = 11; par.Set(npar); TGeoCtub *ctub = (TGeoCtub*)shape; const Double_t *lx = ctub->GetNlow(); const Double_t *tx = ctub->GetNhigh(); par.AddAt(ctub->GetRmin(),0); par.AddAt(ctub->GetRmax(),1); par.AddAt(ctub->GetDz(),2); par.AddAt(ctub->GetPhi1(),3); par.AddAt(ctub->GetPhi2(),4); par.AddAt(lx[0],5); par.AddAt(lx[1],6); par.AddAt(lx[2],7); par.AddAt(tx[0],8); par.AddAt(tx[1],9); par.AddAt(tx[2],10); return kTRUE; } // end if Error("GetShape","Getting shape parameters for shape %s not implemented", shape->ClassName()); shapeType = "Unknown"; return kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSInitGeometry::DecodeDetector( Int_t &mod,Int_t layer,Int_t cpn0,Int_t cpn1,Int_t cpn2) const { // decode geometry into detector module number. There are two decoding // Scheams. Old which does not follow the ALICE coordinate system // requirements, and New which dose. // Inputs: // Int_t layer The ITS layer // Int_t cpn0 The lowest copy number // Int_t cpn1 The middle copy number // Int_t cpn2 the highest copy number // Output: // Int_t &mod The module number assoicated with this set // of copy numbers. // Return: // none. // This is a FIXED switch yard function. I (Bjorn Nilsen) Don't // like them but I see not better way for the moment. switch (fMajorVersion){ case kvDefault:{ Error("DecodeDetector","Major version = kvDefault, not supported"); }break; case kv11:{ return DecodeDetectorv11(mod,layer,cpn0,cpn1,cpn2); }break; default:{ Error("DecodeDetector","Major version = %d, not supported", (Int_t)fMajorVersion); return; }break; } // end switch return; } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSInitGeometry::RecodeDetector(Int_t mod,Int_t &cpn0, Int_t &cpn1,Int_t &cpn2){ // decode geometry into detector module number. There are two decoding // Scheams. Old which does not follow the ALICE coordinate system // requirements, and New which dose. // Inputs: // Int_t mod The module number assoicated with this set // of copy numbers. // Output: // Int_t cpn0 The lowest copy number // Int_t cpn1 The middle copy number // Int_t cpn2 the highest copy number // Return: // none. // This is a FIXED switch yard function. I (Bjorn Nilsen) Don't // like them but I see not better way for the moment. switch (fMajorVersion){ case kvDefault:{ Error("RecodeDetector","Major version = kvDefault, not supported"); return; } case kv11:{ return RecodeDetectorv11(mod,cpn0,cpn1,cpn2); }break; default:{ Error("RecodeDetector","Major version = %d, not supported", (Int_t)fMajorVersion); return; }break; } // end switch return; } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSInitGeometry::DecodeDetectorLayers(Int_t mod,Int_t &layer, Int_t &lad,Int_t &det){ // decode geometry into detector module number. There are two decoding // Scheams. Old which does not follow the ALICE coordinate system // requirements, and New which dose. Note, this use of layer ladder // and detector numbers are strictly for internal use of this // specific code. They do not represent the "standard" layer ladder // or detector numbering except in a very old and obsoleate sence. // Inputs: // Int_t mod The module number assoicated with this set // of copy numbers. // Output: // Int_t lay The layer number // Int_t lad The ladder number // Int_t det the dettector number // Return: // none. // This is a FIXED switch yard function. I (Bjorn Nilsen) Don't // like them but I see not better way for the moment. switch (fMajorVersion) { case kvDefault:{ Error("DecodeDetectorLayers", "Major version = kvDefault, not supported"); return; }break; case kv11:{ return DecodeDetectorLayersv11(mod,layer,lad,det); }break; default:{ Error("DecodeDetectorLayers","Major version = %d, not supported", (Int_t)fMajorVersion); return; }break; } // end switch return; } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSInitGeometry::DecodeDetectorv11(Int_t &mod,Int_t layer, Int_t cpn0,Int_t cpn1,Int_t cpn2) const { // decode geometry into detector module number // Inputs: // Int_t layer The ITS layer // Int_t cpn0 The lowest copy number // Int_t cpn1 The middle copy number // Int_t cpn2 the highest copy number // Output: // Int_t &mod The module number assoicated with this set // of copy numbers. // Return: // none. const Int_t kDetPerLadderSPD[2]={2,4}; const Int_t kDetPerLadder[6]={4,4,6,8,22,25}; const Int_t kLadPerLayer[6]={20,40,14,22,34,38}; Int_t lad=-1,det=-1; switch(layer) { case 1: case 2:{ lad = cpn1+kDetPerLadderSPD[layer-1]*(cpn0-1); det = cpn2; } break; case 3: case 4:{ lad = cpn0+1; det = cpn1+1; } break; case 5: case 6:{ lad = cpn0+1; det = cpn1+1; } break; default:{ } break; } // end switch mod = 0; for(Int_t i=0;i6) Error("DecodeDetectorLayers","lay=%d>6",lay); mod2 = kLadPerLayer[lay-1]*kDetPerLadder[lay-1] - mod2+mod; lad = mod2/kDetPerLadder[lay-1]; if(lad>=kLadPerLayer[lay-1]||lad<0) Error("DecodeDetectorLayers", "lad=%d not in the correct range",lad); det = (mod2 - lad*kDetPerLadder[lay-1])+1; if(det>kDetPerLadder[lay-1]||det<1) Error("DecodeDetectorLayers", "det=%d not in the correct range",det); lad++; } //______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSInitGeometry::WriteVersionString(Char_t *str,Int_t length,AliITSVersion_t maj)const{ // fills the string str with the major version number // Inputs: // Char_t *str The character string to hold the major version number // Int_t length The maximum number of characters which // can be accommodated by this string. // str[length-1] must exist // AliITSVersion_t maj The major number Int_t i = (Int_t)maj; snprintf(str,length-1,"Major Version= %d",i); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSInitGeometry::ReadVersionString(const Char_t *str,AliITSVersion_t &maj)const{ // fills the string str with the major and minor version number // Inputs: // Char_t *str The character string to holding the major version number // Int_t length The maximum number of characters which can be // accommodated by this string. str[length-1] must exist // Outputs: // AliITSVersion_t maj The major number // Return: // kTRUE if no errors Bool_t retcode=kFALSE; Int_t n=strlen(str); if(n<15) return retcode; // not enough space for numbers Int_t m,i; m = sscanf(str,"Major Version= %2d",&i); maj = kvDefault; if(m>0){ retcode = kTRUE; if(i==11){ maj = kv11; } } return retcode; }