void AliITSNeuralFit (Int_t field_factor = 1, Bool_t exact_pid = kTRUE, const char *fname_chains = "its_chains.root", const char *fname_save = "its_neural.root", const char *fname_points = "its_recpoints_v1.root") { Int_t i, k; TStopwatch timer; // Look for magnetic field // if 'factor' option is 0, the field is read from gAlice, // else it is converted into double. // if 'exact_pid' is true, the "galice.root" file is opened // to get informations about particles Double_t factor = (Double_t)field_factor; Int_t nparticles = 0; TFile *fileAlice = 0; AliITSPid *pid = new AliITSPid(1); // Remove an already existing Run Loader if (gAlice) { delete AliRunLoader::Instance(); delete gAlice; gAlice=0; } // Instance the new Run Loader AliRunLoader* rl = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root"); if (rl == 0x0) { cerr<<"AliITSFindTracks.C : Can not open session RL=NULL"<< endl; return 3; } // Instance the ITS Loader AliITSLoader* itsl = (AliITSLoader*)rl->GetLoader("ITSLoader"); if (itsl == 0x0) { cerr<<"AliITSFindTracksV2.C : Can not get ITS loader"<LoadgAlice()) { cerr<<"AliITSFindTracksV2.C : LoadgAlice returned error"<LoadKinematics(); AliStack* stack = rl->Stack(); if (field_factor == 0) { factor = rl->GetAliRun()->Field()->SolenoidField() / 2.; } else { factor = (Double_t)field_factor; } // Open files and trees and set branches TFile *fileP = new TFile(fname_points); TFile *fileC = new TFile(fname_chains); TTree *treeP = (TTree*)fileP->Get("TreeP"); TTree *treeC = (TTree*)fileC->Get("TreeC"); AliITSglobalRecPoint *pnt = 0, *newpt = 0; treeP->SetBranchAddress("Points", &pnt); Int_t l[6]; treeC->SetBranchAddress("l0", &l[0]); treeC->SetBranchAddress("l1", &l[1]); treeC->SetBranchAddress("l2", &l[2]); treeC->SetBranchAddress("l3", &l[3]); treeC->SetBranchAddress("l4", &l[4]); treeC->SetBranchAddress("l5", &l[5]); Int_t nP = (Int_t)treeP->GetEntries(); Int_t nC = (Int_t)treeC->GetEntries(); // Store points into a TClonesArray TClonesArray arrayP("AliITSglobalRecPoint", nP); for (i = 0; i < nP; i++) { treeP->GetEntry(i); new(arrayP[i]) AliITSglobalRecPoint(*pnt); } // Generate new file of fitted tracks Double_t mass, dedx, mom; Int_t label, pdg; AliITSNeuralTrack *track = 0; TFile *fileT = new TFile(fname_save, "recreate"); TTree *treeT = new TTree("TreeT", "Neural found tracks (fitted)"); treeT->Branch("Tracks", "AliITSNeuralTrack", &track); timer.Start(); // Scan chains tree and fit tracks cout << "Selected field factor = " << factor << endl; cout << "Fitting..." << endl; for (i = 0; i < nC; i++) { // Get track treeC->GetEntry(i); track = new AliITSNeuralTrack; for (k = 0; k < 6; k++) { newpt = (AliITSglobalRecPoint*)arrayP[l[k]]; track->Insert(newpt); } // Cook label and preliminary fit track->AssignLabel(); track->SetFieldFactor(factor); track->RiemannFit(); // PID pdg = TMath::Abs(((TParticle*)stack->Particle(lab))->GetPdgCode()); if (pdg == 0) pdg = 211; switch (pdg) { case 11: mass = 0.000511; break; case 211: mass = 0.13957018; break; case 321: mass = 0.493677; break; case 2212: mass = 0.938272; break; default: cout << "PDG code " << pdg << " not recognized. Skipping track..." << endl; continue; } track->SetPDGcode(pdg); track->SetMass(mass); // Kalman Fit track->SeedCovariance(); track->KalmanFit(); if (!track->PropagateTo(3.0)) continue; treeT->Fill(); } cerr << "DONE" << endl; timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); treeT->Write(); fileT->Close(); }