/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 2007-2009, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ // ***************************************** // Checks the quality assurance // by comparing with reference data // P. Cerello Apr 2008 // INFN Torino // --- ROOT system --- #include "TH1.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TPad.h" //#include "Riostream.h" // --- AliRoot header files --- #include "AliITSQASSDChecker.h" #include "AliITSQADataMakerRec.h" #include "AliLog.h" ClassImp(AliITSQASSDChecker) //__________________________________________________________________ AliITSQASSDChecker& AliITSQASSDChecker::operator = (const AliITSQASSDChecker& qac ) { // Equal operator. this->~AliITSQASSDChecker(); new(this) AliITSQASSDChecker(qac); return *this; } void AliITSQASSDChecker::CheckRaws(TH1* histo) { // checker for RAWS Double_t minSSDDataSize = 0; Double_t maxSSDDataSize = 200; Double_t minDDLDataSize = 0; Double_t maxDDLDataSize = 50; Double_t minLDCDataSize = 0; Double_t maxLDCDataSize = 100; Double_t minMeanDDLDataSize = 0; Double_t maxMeanDDLDataSize = 50; Double_t minMeanLDCDataSize = 0; Double_t maxMeanLDCDataSize = 100; // Double_t maxOccupancy = 5; TString histname = histo->GetName(); if (histname.EndsWith("SSDEventType")) { if (histo->GetEntries()==0) { AliWarning("Event type histogram is empty"); } else if (histo->GetBinContent(histo->FindBin(7))==0) AliWarning("No type 7 (physics) events in EventType"); } if (histname.EndsWith("SSDDataSize")) { if (histo->GetEntries()==0) AliWarning("SSD data size histogram is empty"); if (histo->GetMean()>maxSSDDataSize||histo->GetMean()GetMean())); } if (histname.EndsWith("SSDDataSizePerDDL")) { if (histo->GetEntries()==0) { AliWarning("Data size per DDL histogram is empty"); } else { for(Int_t i = 512; i < 528; i++) { if(histo->GetBinContent(histo->FindBin(i))==0) { AliWarning(Form("Data size / DDL histogram: bin for DDL %i is empty",i)); } else if(histo->GetBinContent(histo->FindBin(i))GetBinContent(histo->FindBin(i))>maxDDLDataSize) AliWarning(Form("Data size DDL %i is %-.2g kB",i,histo->GetBinContent(histo->FindBin(i)))); } } } if (histname.EndsWith("SSDDataSizePerLDC")) { if (histo->GetEntries()==0) { AliWarning("Data size per LDC histogram is empty"); } else { AliInfo(Form("Data size per LDC histogram has %f entries",histo->GetEntries())); for(Int_t i = 170; i < 178; i++) { if(histo->GetBinContent(histo->FindBin(i))==0) { AliWarning(Form("Data size / LDC histogram: bin for LDC %i is empty",i)); } else if(AliITSQADataMakerRec::AreEqual(histo->GetBinContent(histo->FindBin(i)),minLDCDataSize) ||histo->GetBinContent(histo->FindBin(i))>maxLDCDataSize) AliWarning(Form("Data size LDC %i is %-.2g kB",i,histo->GetBinContent(i))); } } } if (histname.EndsWith("SSDLDCId")) { if (histo->GetEntries()==0) { AliWarning("LDC ID histogram is empty"); } else { for(Int_t i = 170; i < 177; i++) { if(histo->GetBinContent(histo->FindBin(i))==0) { AliWarning(Form("LDC ID histogram: No entries for LDC %i",i)); } else if(histo->GetBinContent(histo->FindBin(i))!=histo->GetBinContent(histo->FindBin(i+1))) { AliWarning("LDC Id distribution is not uniform"); i=176; } } } } if (histname.EndsWith("SSDDDLId")) { if (histo->GetEntries()==0) { AliWarning("DDL ID histogram is empty"); } else { for(Int_t i = 512; i < 527; i++) { if(histo->GetBinContent(histo->FindBin(i))==0) { AliWarning(Form("DDL ID histogram: No entries for DDL %i",i)); } else if(histo->GetBinContent(histo->FindBin(i))!=histo->GetBinContent(histo->FindBin(i+1))) { AliWarning("DDL Id distribution is not uniform"); i=526; } } } } if (histname.Contains("SSDDataSizeLDC")) { if (histo->GetEntries()==0) { AliWarning(Form("LDC %s data size distribution is empty", histname(histname.Length()-3,3).Data())); } else if (histo->GetMean()GetMean()>maxMeanLDCDataSize) AliWarning(Form("Mean data size of LDC %s is %-.2g kB",histname(histname.Length()-3,3).Data(), histo->GetMean())); } if (histname.Contains("SSDDataSizeDDL")) { if (histo->GetEntries()==0) { AliWarning(Form("DDL %s data size distribution is empty", histname(histname.Length()-3,3).Data())); } else if (histo->GetMean()GetMean()>maxMeanDDLDataSize) AliWarning(Form("Mean data size of DDL %s is %-.2g kB",histname(histname.Length()-3,3).Data(), histo->GetMean())); } /* Lines below commented out because nothing was checked with them since the AliWarning was commented (F. Prino, June 18 2014) if (histname.Contains("SSDAverageOccupancy")) { const char* side = ""; int ladder = 0; int layernr = 0; if (histname.EndsWith("5")) layernr = 499; if (histname.EndsWith("6")) layernr = 599; for (Int_t i = 1; i < histo->GetNbinsY() + 1; i++) { //ladder/side loop if(i==3.*int(i/3.)){ ladder=int(i/3.)+layernr; side="P side"; } else if(i==3.*int(i+1/3.)){ ladder=int((i+1)/3.)+layernr; side="N side"; } for (Int_t j = 1; j < histo->GetNbinsX() + 1; j++) { //module loop //if(histo->GetBinContent(j,i)>maxOccupancy) // AliWarning(Form("Occupancy ladder %i, module %i, %s is %-.2f %%",ladder,j,side, histo->GetBinContent(j,i))); }//module loop }//ladder loop } */ } //__________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSQASSDChecker::MakeSSDImage( TObjArray ** list, AliQAv1::TASKINDEX_t task, AliQAv1::MODE_t mode) { //create the image for raws and recpoints. In the other case, the default methodof CheckerBase class will be used // gStyle->SetPalette(1,0); Bool_t rval=kFALSE; fImage=(TCanvas**)AliQAChecker::Instance()->GetDetQAChecker(0)->GetImage(); if(task == AliQAv1::kRAWS) rval = MakeSSDRawsImage(list, task,mode); else rval=kFALSE; return rval; } //_______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSQASSDChecker::MakeSSDRawsImage(TObjArray ** list, AliQAv1::TASKINDEX_t task, AliQAv1::MODE_t mode ) { // MakeSSDRawsImage: raw data QA plots for (Int_t esIndex = 0 ; esIndex < AliRecoParam::kNSpecies ; esIndex++) { //printf("-------------------------> %i \n", esIndex); if (! AliQAv1::Instance(AliQAv1::GetDetIndex(GetName()))->IsEventSpecieSet(AliRecoParam::ConvertIndex(esIndex)) || list[esIndex]->GetEntries() == 0) continue; else { const Char_t * title = Form("QA_%s_%s_%s", GetName(), AliQAv1::GetTaskName(task).Data(), AliRecoParam::GetEventSpecieName(esIndex)) ; if ( !fImage[esIndex] ) fImage[esIndex] = new TCanvas(title, title,1280,980) ; fImage[esIndex]->Clear() ; fImage[esIndex]->SetTitle(title) ; fImage[esIndex]->cd(); //TPaveText someText(0.015, 0.015, 0.98, 0.98); //someText.AddText(title); //someText.Draw(); fImage[esIndex]->Print(Form("%s%s%d.%s", AliQAv1::GetImageFileName(), AliQAv1::GetModeName(mode), AliQAChecker::Instance()->GetRunNumber(), AliQAv1::GetImageFileFormat()), "ps") ; fImage[esIndex]->Clear() ; Int_t nx =2; //TMath::Nint(TMath::Sqrt(nImages)); Int_t ny =2; // nx ; fImage[esIndex]->Divide(nx, ny) ; TIter nexthist(list[esIndex]) ; TH1* hist = NULL ; Int_t npad = 1 ; fImage[esIndex]->cd(npad); fImage[esIndex]->cd(npad)->SetBorderMode(0) ; while ( (hist=static_cast(nexthist())) ) { //gPad=fImage[esIndex]->cd(npad)->GetPad(npad); TString cln(hist->ClassName()) ; if ( ! cln.Contains("TH") ) continue ; if(hist->TestBit(AliQAv1::GetImageBit())) { //Printf("Histo name: %s - Class: %s",hist->GetName(),hist->ClassName()); hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.02); hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.02); hist->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.02); hist->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.02); if(cln.Contains("TH2")) { gPad->SetRightMargin(0.15); gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.05); hist->SetStats(0); hist->SetOption("colz") ; //hist->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("palette")->SetLabelSize(0.025); //gPad->Update(); } hist->DrawCopy() ; fImage[esIndex]->cd(++npad) ; fImage[esIndex]->cd(npad)->SetBorderMode(0) ; } } fImage[esIndex]->Print(Form("%s%s%d.%s", AliQAv1::GetImageFileName(), AliQAv1::GetModeName(mode), AliQAChecker::Instance()->GetRunNumber(), AliQAv1::GetImageFileFormat()), "ps") ; } } return kTRUE; } //__________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliITSQASSDChecker::Check(AliQAv1::ALITASK_t /*index*/, const TObjArray * list, const AliDetectorRecoParam * /*recoParam*/) { // main checker method AliDebug(AliQAv1::GetQADebugLevel(),Form("AliITSQASSDChecker called with offset: %d\n", fSubDetOffset)); AliInfo(Form("AliITSQASSDChecker called with offset: %d\n", fSubDetOffset) ); //cout<<"(AliITSQASSDChecker::Check): List name "<GetName()<GetName(); if (list->GetEntries() == 0){ test = 1. ; // nothing to check } else { TIter next(list) ; TH1 * hdata ; count = 0 ; while ( (hdata = dynamic_cast(next())) ) { if (hdata) { TString histname = hdata->GetName(); if(!histname.Contains("fHistSSD")) continue; Double_t rv = 0.; if(hdata->GetEntries()>0) { rv = 1; //if(histname.Contains("PerDDL")) cout << "(AliITSQASSDChecker::Check) " << histname << " has " << hdata->GetEntries() << " entries. Mean: " << hdata->GetMean() << endl; // if(hdata->GetMean()>0&&!histname.Contains("_Ladder")) cout << "(AliITSQASSDChecker::Check) " << histname << " not empty! " << hdata->GetEntries() << " entries. Mean: " << hdata->GetMean() << endl; } // if (listname.Contains("Raws")) CheckRaws(hdata); // if (listname.Contains("RecPoints")) CheckRecPoints(hdata); //AliDebug(AliQAv1::GetQADebugLevel(), Form("%s -> %f", hdata->GetName(), rv)) ; //cout<GetName()<<" - "<