/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 2009-2011, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class AliITSQASSDRefData // ITS SSD reference values for the QA // // Origin: Panos.Christakoglou@cern.ch, NIKHEF-Utrecht University //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliITSQASSDRefData.h" ClassImp(AliITSQASSDRefData) //___________________________________________________________________________ AliITSQASSDRefData::AliITSQASSDRefData() : TObject(), fRefList(0), fNameList(0) { //Default constructor } //___________________________________________________________________________ AliITSQASSDRefData::AliITSQASSDRefData(Int_t specie) : TObject(), fRefList(0), fNameList(0) { //Default constructor SetDefault(specie); } //___________________________________________________________________________ AliITSQASSDRefData::AliITSQASSDRefData(const char* path) : TObject(), fRefList(0), fNameList(0) { //Constructor with the path of the ascii file as an argument SetReferenceData(path); } //___________________________________________________________________________ AliITSQASSDRefData::AliITSQASSDRefData(const AliITSQASSDRefData& refData): TObject(), fRefList(refData.fRefList), fNameList(refData.fNameList) { //Copy constructor } //___________________________________________________________________________ AliITSQASSDRefData& AliITSQASSDRefData::operator = (const AliITSQASSDRefData& refData) { //assignment operator if(&refData != this) { fRefList = refData.fRefList; fNameList = refData.fNameList; } return *this ; } //___________________________________________________________________________ AliITSQASSDRefData::~AliITSQASSDRefData() { //Destructor if(fRefList) delete fRefList; if(fNameList) delete fNameList; } //___________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSQASSDRefData::AddReference(const char* name="", Int_t id=-1, Double_t value=0) { //Adding a ref. value to the list //Printf("(AliITSQASSDRefData::AddReference) Name: %s - Id: %d - Value: %lf",name,id,value); if(id>-1&&idGetSize()) { AliError(Form("Reference with id %i already exists. Choose other id or use SetReferenceValue(Int_t, Double_t) to overwrite",id)); return; } if( (strcmp(name,"")!=0) && GetID(name)!=-1) { AliError(Form("Reference with name %s already exists. Choose other name or use SetReferenceValue(const char*, Double_t) to overwrite",name)); return; } if(id==-1) id=fRefList->GetSize(); fRefList->Set(id+1); fRefList->AddAt(value,id); fNameList->AddAt(new TObjString(name),id); } //___________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSQASSDRefData::GetID(const char* name) { //Get the id of the reference value Int_t status = -1; TString refName = ""; TString stringName = name; TObjString *dummyString = 0; for (Int_t id=0; idGetEntriesFast(); id++){ dummyString = static_cast (fNameList->At(id)); refName = dummyString->GetString(); if(refName == stringName) { status = id; } } return status; } //___________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliITSQASSDRefData::GetReferenceValue(const char* name) { //Returns the ref. value based on the given name TString refName = ""; TObjString *dummyString = 0; for (Int_t id=0; idGetEntriesFast(); id++){ dummyString = static_cast (fNameList->At(id)); refName = dummyString->GetString(); if(refName.Data()==name) return fRefList->At(id); } AliError(Form("Reference name %s unknown",name)); return -1; } //___________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliITSQASSDRefData::GetReferenceValue(Int_t id) { //Returns the ref. value based on the given id if (id<0||id>fRefList->GetSize()-1){ AliError("Reference ID out of range"); return 0; } return fRefList->At(id); } //___________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSQASSDRefData::PrintTable() { //Prints the list of reference values Printf("___ SSD REFERENCE DATA ___ "); Printf("ID ----- Value ------- Name"); Int_t id=0; TString refName = ""; TObjString *dummyString = 0; for(id=0; idGetSize()-1; id++) { dummyString = static_cast (fNameList->At(id)); refName = dummyString->GetString(); Printf("%i ------ %4.3g -------- %s",id,fRefList->At(id),refName.Data()); } } //___________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSQASSDRefData::SetDefault(Int_t specie) { //Sets the default values if(!fNameList) fNameList = new TObjArray(); fNameList->Add(new TObjString("minSSDDataSize")); fNameList->Add(new TObjString("maxSSDDataSize")); fNameList->Add(new TObjString("minDDLDataSize")); fNameList->Add(new TObjString("maxDDLDataSize")); fNameList->Add(new TObjString("minLDCDataSize")); fNameList->Add(new TObjString("maxLDCDataSize")); fNameList->Add(new TObjString("minMeanDDLDataSize")); fNameList->Add(new TObjString("maxMeanDDLDataSize")); fNameList->Add(new TObjString("minMeanLDCDataSize")); fNameList->Add(new TObjString("maxMeanLDCDataSize")); fNameList->Add(new TObjString("maxOccupancy")); fNameList->SetOwner(kTRUE); //specie == 0 ==> Default Double_t refValues[11] = {0,0.0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; //specie == 1 ==> Low multiplicity if(specie == 1) { refValues[0] = 0; refValues[1] = 500; refValues[2] = 0; refValues[3] = 50; refValues[4] = 0; refValues[5] = 100; refValues[6] = 0; refValues[7] = 50; refValues[8] = 0; refValues[9] = 100; refValues[10] = 5; } //specie == 2 ==> High multiplicity if(specie == 2) { refValues[0] = 0; refValues[1] = 500; refValues[2] = 0; refValues[3] = 50; refValues[4] = 0; refValues[5] = 100; refValues[6] = 0; refValues[7] = 50; refValues[8] = 0; refValues[9] = 100; refValues[10] = 5; } //specie == 3 ==> Cosmics if(specie == 3) { refValues[0] = 0; refValues[1] = 500; refValues[2] = 0; refValues[3] = 50; refValues[4] = 0; refValues[5] = 100; refValues[6] = 0; refValues[7] = 50; refValues[8] = 0; refValues[9] = 100; refValues[10] = 5; } //specie == 4 ==> Calibration if(specie == 4) { refValues[0] = 0; refValues[1] = 500; refValues[2] = 0; refValues[3] = 50; refValues[4] = 0; refValues[5] = 100; refValues[6] = 0; refValues[7] = 50; refValues[8] = 0; refValues[9] = 100; refValues[10] = 5; } if(!fRefList) fRefList = new TArrayD(); fRefList->Set(11,refValues); } //___________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSQASSDRefData::SetReferenceData(const char* path) { //Parses an ascii file with the reference values if(!fRefList) fRefList = new TArrayD(); if(!fNameList) fNameList = new TObjArray(); ifstream file; file.open(path); if (!file) { AliWarning(Form("No file found at %s",path)); SetDefault(0); return; } if(file.bad()){ AliWarning("Reference data could not be read: Default values are used."); SetDefault(0); return; } fRefList->Set(0); Int_t id = 0, newid = -1; Double_t value = 0; TString name = ""; while (!file.eof()) { //file >> newid; file >> name >> id >> value; //Printf("Name: %s - Id: %d - Value: %lf",name.Data(),id,value); if (newid==id) continue; //skip line if id is the same as previous AddReference(name.Data(), id, value); newid = id; } file.close(); } //___________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSQASSDRefData::SetReferenceValue(Int_t id, Double_t value) { //Adding a single reference value by id if(id<0||id>fRefList->GetSize()-1) { AliWarning(Form("Reference ID %i out of range: value not set",id)); } else fRefList->SetAt(value,id); } //___________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSQASSDRefData::SetReferenceValue(const char* name, Double_t value) { //Adding a single reference value by name Int_t id = GetID(name); //Printf("Name: %s - Id: %d",name,id); if(id == -1) { AliError(Form("Reference name %s unknown: value not set",name)); return; } fRefList->SetAt(value,id); }