#ifndef ALIITSRESIDUALSANALYSIS_H #define ALIITSRESIDUALSANALYSIS_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-2008, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ //************************************************************************* // AliITSResidualAnalysis: class which deals with the analysis of the * // tracks residuals in the ITS * // More comments will come with the development of the interfaces and * // functionalities of the class. * //************************************************************************* #include "AliAlignmentTracks.h" class TObject; class TCanvas; class TH1F; class TH2F; class TArrayI; class AliTrackPointArray; class AliTrackResiduals; class AliAlignObj; class AliITSResidualsAnalysis : public AliAlignmentTracks { public: AliITSResidualsAnalysis(); AliITSResidualsAnalysis(const TString aliTrackPoints,const TString geom); AliITSResidualsAnalysis(const TArrayI *volIDs); AliITSResidualsAnalysis(TArrayI *volIDs,AliTrackPointArray **tracksClustArray,AliTrackPointArray **tracksFitPointsArray); //AliITSResidualsAnalysis(const AliITSResidualsAnalysis &res); ~AliITSResidualsAnalysis(); //virtual ~AliITSResidualsAnalysis(){} // void AddArray(AliTrackPointArray *trackClust,AliTrackPoinArray *trackFitPoints); void ListVolUsed(TTree *pointsTree,TArrayI ***arrayIndex,Int_t **lastIndex); void ListVolUsed(){if(!fIsIndexBuilt)return;ListVolUsed(fPointsTree,fArrayIndex,fLastIndex);}; void InitHistograms(const TArrayI *volIDs); void FillResHists(AliTrackPointArray *trackClust,AliTrackPointArray *trackFitPoints) const; void DrawHists() const; Bool_t AnalyzeHists(Int_t minNpoints) const; void FillVolumeCorrelationHists(Int_t ivol,Int_t volIDalignable,Int_t volIDpoint,Bool_t used) const; Bool_t SetBinning(const TArrayI *volids,Float_t *phiBin,Float_t *zBin); Float_t** CheckSingleLayer(const TArrayI *volids); TArrayI* GetSingleLayerVolids(Int_t layer) const; Int_t GetBinPhiZ(const Int_t volID,Int_t *binz) const; void GetTrackDirClusterCov(AliTrackPoint *point,Double_t &phi,Double_t &lambda,Double_t &lambda2,Double_t &alpha,Double_t &xovery,Double_t &zovery) const; void CalculateResiduals(const TArrayI *volids,const TArrayI *volidsfit,AliGeomManager::ELayerID layerRangeMin,AliGeomManager::ELayerID layerRangeMax,Int_t iterations=1,Bool_t draw=kTRUE); void ProcessPoints(TString minimizer="fast",Int_t fit=0,AliGeomManager::ELayerID iLayerToAlign=(AliGeomManager::ELayerID)1,AliGeomManager::ELayerID iLayerToExclude=(AliGeomManager::ELayerID)1,TString misalignmentFile=""); void ExtractResiduals(Int_t layer=1,Int_t minEnt=10,TString filename="ResidualsAnalysisTree.root") const; Int_t PlotResiduals(Int_t layer=1,TString filename="resPlot_MA_layer") const; TString GetFileNameTrackPoints() const { return fAliTrackPoints; }; TString GetFileNameGeometry() const { return fGeom; }; void SetFileNameTrackPoints(TString name) { fAliTrackPoints=name; }; void SetFileNameGeometry(TString name) { fGeom=name; }; enum ModulePhiZ{ fkPhiSPD1=20, fkZSPD1=4, fkPhiSPD2=40, fkZSPD2=4, fkPhiSDD1=14, fkZSDD1=6, fkPhiSDD2=22, fkZSDD2=8, fkPhiSSD1=34, fkZSSD1=22, fkPhiSSD2=38, fkZSSD2=25 }; protected: Int_t fnHist; // number of histogram = number of alignable volumes considered Int_t fnPhi; // coordinate of the volume (Phi) Int_t fnZ; // coordinate of the volume (Z) Int_t **fvolidsToBin; // array with volID and bin Int_t *fLastVolVolid; // Last Vol Volid Double_t ***fCoordToBinTable; // array with coordinate and bin TH1F **fVolResHistRPHI; // Histogram of Residuals along Global rphi TH1F **fResHistZ; // Histogram of Residuals along Global Z TH1F **fPullHistRPHI; // Misc Histogram ... TH1F **fPullHistZ; // Misc Histogram ... TH1F **fTrackDirPhi; // Misc Histogram ... TH1F **fTrackDirLambda; // Misc Histogram ... TH1F **fTrackDirLambda2; // Misc Histogram ... TH1F **fTrackDirAlpha; // Misc Histogram ... TH1F *fTrackDirPhiAll; // Misc Histogram ... TH1F *fTrackDirLambdaAll; // Misc Histogram ... TH1F *fTrackDirLambda2All; // Misc Histogram ... TH1F *fTrackDirAlphaAll; // Misc Histogram ... TH2F **fTrackDir; // Misc Histogram ... TH2F *fTrackDirAll; // Misc Histogram ... TH2F *fTrackDir2All; // Misc Histogram ... TH2F *fTrackDirXZAll; // Misc Histogram ... TH1F **fResHistGlob; // Histogram of Residuals TH2F **fhistCorrVol; // Misc Histogram ... TH2F *fVolNTracks; // Histogram to see how many tracks pass through a given module TH2F *fhEmpty; // Histogram to get/set the binning TH2F *fhistVolNptsUsed; // Histogram with the numer of points used per volume TH2F *fhistVolUsed; // Histogram with the numer of volumes udes TH2F *fSigmaVolZ; // Histogram with the sigma vs volume Z Bool_t fsingleLayer; // Tag for single layer Bool_t fWriteHist; // Tag for histograms TArrayI *fpTrackVolIDs; // array that gives the volID for the i^(th) entry TArrayI **fVolVolids; // array with the volumes to analyze TArrayI **fVolUsed; // array with the volumes to use Bool_t fRealignObjFileIsOpen; // indicator- if the file fRealignObjFilename is opened TClonesArray *fClonesArray; // pointer to the TClonesArray with the final AliAlignObjParams TString fAliTrackPoints; // Filename with the AliTrackPoints TString fGeom; // Filename with the Geometry ClassDef(AliITSResidualsAnalysis,1) // Residuals analysis for the ITS }; #endif