/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ITS geometry manipulation routines. // // Created April 15 1999. // // version: 0.0.0 // // By: Bjorn S. Nilsen // // version: 0.0.1 // // Updated May 27 1999. // // Added Cylindrical random and global based changes. // // // // Modified and added functions Feb. 7 2006 // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The local coordinate system by, default, is show in the following // figures. Also shown are the ladder numbering scheme. //Begin_Html /*

This shows the relative geometry differences between the ALICE Global coordinate system and the local detector coordinate system.

This shows the front view of the SPDs and the orientation of the local pixel coordinate system. Note that the inner pixel layer has its y coordinate in the opposite direction from all of the other layers.

This shows the front view of the SDDs and the orientation of the local pixel coordinate system.

This shows the front view of the SSDs and the orientation of the local pixel coordinate system.


// version: 0
// Written by Bjorn S. Nilsen
// Data Members:
// TString    fVersion 
//     Transformation version.
// Int_t      fTrans
//     Flag to keep track of which transformation 
// Int_t      fNmodules
//      The total number of modules
// Int_t fNlayers
//     The number of ITS layers for this geometry. By default this
//  is 6, but can be modified by the creator function if there are
// more layers defined.
// TArrayI fNlad
//     A pointer to an array fNlayers long containing the number of 
// ladders for each layer. This array is typically created and filled 
// by the AliITSgeom creator function.
// TArrayI fNdet
//     A pointer to an array fNlayers long containing the number of
// active detector volumes for each ladder. This array is typically
// created and filled by the AliITSgeom creator function.
// TObjArray fGm containing objects of type AliITSgeomMatrix
//     A pointer to an array of AliITSgeomMatrix classes. One element 
// per module (detector) in the ITS. AliITSgeomMatrix basicly contains
// all of the necessary information about the detector and it's coordinate
// transformations.


#include "AliITSgeom.h"
#include "AliLog.h"


fVersion("GEANT"),// Transformation version.
fTrans(0),       // Flag to keep track of which transformation 
fNmodules(0),    // The total number of modules
fNlayers(0),     // The number of layers.
fNlad(),         //[] Array of the number of ladders/layer(layer)
fNdet(),         //[] Array of the number of detector/ladder(layer)
fGm(0,0)        // Structure of translation. and rotation.
    //     The default constructor for the AliITSgeom class. It, by default,
    // sets fNlayers to zero and zeros all pointers.
    // Do not allocate anything zero everything.
    // Inputs:
    //    none.
    // Outputs:
    //    none.
    // Return:
    //    a zeroed AliITSgeom object.


AliITSgeom::AliITSgeom(Int_t itype,Int_t nlayers,const Int_t *nlads,
                       const Int_t *ndets,Int_t mods):
fVersion("GEANT"),    // Transformation version.
fTrans(itype),       // Flag to keep track of which transformation 
fNmodules(mods),     // The total number of modules
fNlayers(nlayers),   // The number of layers.
fNlad(nlayers,nlads),//[] Array of the number of ladders/layer(layer)
fNdet(nlayers,ndets),//[] Array of the number of detector/ladder(layer)
fGm(mods,0)         // Structure of translation. and rotation.
    //     A simple constructor to set basic geometry class variables
    // Inputs:
    //      Int_t itype   the type of transformation kept.
    //                    bit 0 => Standard GEANT
    //                    bit 1 => ITS tracking
    //                    bit 2 => A change in the coordinate system 
    //                    has been made. others are still to be defined 
    //                    as needed.
    //      Int_t nlayers The number of ITS layers also set the size of 
    //                    the arrays
    //      Int_t *nlads  an array of the number of ladders for each 
    //                    layer. This array must be nlayers long.
    //      Int_t *ndets  an array of the number of detectors per ladder
    //                    for each layer. This array must be nlayers long.
    //      Int_t mods    The number of modules. Typically the sum of all the 
    //                    detectors on every layer and ladder.
    // Outputs:
    //     none
    // Return:
    //     A properly inilized AliITSgeom object.

void AliITSgeom::Init(Int_t itype,Int_t nlayers,const Int_t *nlads,
                      const Int_t *ndets,Int_t mods){
    //     A simple Inilizer to set basic geometry class variables
    // Inputs:
    //      Int_t itype   the type of transformation kept.
    //                    bit 0 => Standard GEANT
    //                    bit 1 => ITS tracking
    //                    bit 2 => A change in the coordinate system 
    //                    has been made. others are still to be defined 
    //                    as needed.
    //      Int_t nlayers The number of ITS layers also set the size of 
    //                    the arrays
    //      Int_t *nlads  an array of the number of ladders for each 
    //                    layer. This array must be nlayers long.
    //      Int_t *ndets  an array of the number of detectors per ladder 
    //                    for each layer. This array must be nlayers long.
    //      Int_t mods    The number of modules. Typically the sum of all the 
    //                    detectors on every layer and ladder.
    // Outputs:
    //     none
    // Return:
    //     A properly inilized AliITSgeom object.

    fVersion  = "GEANT";     // Transformation version.
    fTrans    = itype;       // Flag to keep track of which transformation 
    fNmodules = mods;        // The total number of modules
    fNlayers  = nlayers;     // The number of layers.
    fNlad.Set(nlayers,nlads);//[] Array of the number of ladders/layer(layer)
    fNdet.Set(nlayers,ndets);//[] Array of the number of detector/ladder(layer)
    fGm.Expand(mods);        // Structure of translation. and rotation.
void AliITSgeom::CreateMatrix(Int_t mod,Int_t lay,Int_t lad,Int_t det,
                              AliITSDetector idet,const Double_t tran[3],
                              const Double_t rot[10]){
    // Given the translation vector tran[3] and the rotation matrix rot[1],
    // this function creates and adds to the TObject Array fGm the
    // AliITSgeomMatrix object.
    // The rot[10] matrix is set up like:
    /*   / rot[0]  rot[1]  rot[2] \
    //  |  rot[3]  rot[4]  rot[5]  |
    //   \ rot[6]  rot[7]  rot[8] /  if(rot[9]!=0) then the Identity matrix
    // is used regardless of the values in rot[0]-rot[8].
    // Inputs:
    //    Int_t           mod     The module number. The location in TObjArray
    //    Int_t           lay     The layer where this module is
    //    Int_t           lad     On which ladder this module is
    //    Int_t           det     Which detector on this ladder this module is
    //    AliITSDetector idet     The type of detector see AliITSgeom.h
    //    Double_t       tran[3]  The translation vector
    //    Double_t       rot[10]  The rotation matrix.
    // Outputs:
    //    none
    // Return:
    //    none.
    Int_t id[3];
    Double_t r[3][3] = {{1.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,1.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0,1.0}};

	Error("CreateMatrix","mod=%d is out of bounds max value=%d",mod,
    } // end if
    delete fGm.At(mod);
    id[0] = lay; id[1] = lad; id[2] = det;
    if(rot[9]!=0.0) { // null rotation
        r[0][0] = rot[0]; r[0][1] = rot[1]; r[0][2] = rot[2];
        r[1][0] = rot[3]; r[1][1] = rot[4]; r[1][2] = rot[5];
        r[2][0] = rot[6]; r[2][1] = rot[7]; r[2][2] = rot[8];
    } // end if
    fGm.AddAt(new AliITSgeomMatrix(idet,id,r,tran),mod);
    //     The destructor for the AliITSgeom class. If the arrays fNlad,
    // fNdet, or fGm have had memory allocated to them, there pointer values
    // are non zero, then this memory space is freed and they are set
    // to zero. In addition, fNlayers is set to zero. The destruction of
    // Inputs:
    //    none.
    // Outputs:
    //    none.
    // Return:
    //    none.

AliITSgeom::AliITSgeom(const AliITSgeom &source) : 
fVersion(source.fVersion), // Transformation version.
fTrans(source.fTrans),   // Flag to keep track of which transformation
fNmodules(source.fNmodules),// The total number of modules
fNlayers(source.fNlayers), // The number of layers.
fNlad(source.fNlad),    // Array of the number of ladders/layer(layer)
fNdet(source.fNdet),    // Array of the number of detector/ladder(layer)
fGm(source.fGm.GetSize(),source.fGm.LowerBound())// Structure of 
                                                  // translation and rotation.
    //     The copy constructor for the AliITSgeom class. It calls the
    // = operator function. See the = operator function for more details.
    // Inputs:
    //     AliITSgeom &source  The AliITSgeom class with which to make this
    //                         a copy of.
    // Outputs:
    //     none.
    // Return:
    //     none.
    Int_t i,n;

    n = source.fGm.GetLast()+1;

    this->fVersion  = source.fVersion;
    this->fTrans    = source.fTrans;
    this->fNmodules = source.fNmodules;
    this->fNlayers  = source.fNlayers;
    this->fNlad     = source.fNlad;
    this->fNdet     = source.fNdet;
    for(i=source.fGm.LowerBound();i=fNmodules) return -1;
    if(id[0]==lay&&id[1]==lad&&id[2]==det) return i;
    // Array of modules fGm is not in expected order. Search for this index
        if(id[0]==lay&&id[1]==lad&&id[2]==det) return i;
    } // end for i
    // This layer ladder and detector combination does not exist return -1.
    return -1;
void AliITSgeom::GetModuleId(Int_t index,Int_t &lay,Int_t &lad,Int_t &det)
    //      This routine computes the layer, ladder and detector number 
    // given the module index number. The number of ladders and detectors
    // per layer is determined when this geometry package is constructed,
    // see AliITSgeom(const char *filename) for specifics.
    // Inputs:
    //     Int_t index  The module index number, starting from zero.
    // Outputs:
    //     Int_t lay    The layer number. Starting from 1.
    //     Int_t lad    The ladder number. Starting from 1.
    //     Int_t det    The detector number. Starting from 1.
    // Return:
    //     none.
    Int_t id[3];
    AliITSgeomMatrix *g = GetGeomMatrix(index);

    if (g == 0x0){
        Error("GetModuleId","Can not get GeoMatrix for index = %d",index);
        lay = -1; lad = -1; det = -1;
        lay = id[0]; lad = id[1]; det = id[2];
    }// End if
    // The old way kept for posterity.
    Int_t i,j,k;
    j = 0;
    } // end for k
    lay = k+1;
    i = index -j + fNdet[k]*fNlad[k];
    j = 0;
    } // end for k
    lad = k+1;
    det = 1+i-fNdet[lay-1]*k;
Int_t AliITSgeom::GetNDetTypes(Int_t &max)const{
    // Finds and returns the number of detector types used and the
    // maximum detector type value. Only counts id >=0 (no undefined
    // values. See AliITSgeom.h for list of AliITSDetecor enumerated types.
    // Inputs:
    //    none.
    // Outputs:
    //    The maximum detector type used
    // Return:
    //    The number of detector types used
    Int_t i,*n,id;

    max = -1;
    for(i=0;imax) max=id;
    } // end for i
    n = new Int_t[max+1];
    for(i=0;i-1)n[id]++; // note id=-1 => undefined.
    } // end for i
    id = 0;
    for(i=0;i=0 (no undefined
    // values. See AliITSgeom.h for list of AliITSDetecor enumerated types.
    // Inputs:
    //    none.
    // Outputs:
    //    The maximum detector type used
    // Return:
    //    The number of detector types used
    Int_t i,j,*n,id,max;

    max = -1;
    for(i=0;imax) max=id;
    } // end for i
    n = new Int_t[max+1];
    for(i=0;i-1)n[id]++; // note id=-1 => undefined.
    } // end for i
    id = 0;
    for(i=0;i<=max;i++) if(n[i]!=0) id++;
    j = 0;
    for(i=0;i<=max;i++) if(n[i]!=0){
        maxs[j] = n[i];
        types[j++] = (AliITSDetector) i;
    } // end for i/end if
    delete[] n;
    return id;
Int_t AliITSgeom::GetStartDet(Int_t dtype)const{
    // returns the starting module index value for a give type of detector id.
    // This assumes that the detector types are different on different layers
    // and that they are not mixed up.
    // Inputs:
    //    Int_t dtype A detector type number. 0 for SPD, 1 for SDD, 
    //                and 2 for SSD.
    // Outputs:
    //    none.
    // Return:
    //    the module index for the first occurrence of that detector type.

    case 0:
        return GetModuleIndex(1,1,1);
    case 1:
        return GetModuleIndex(3,1,1);
    case 2:
        return GetModuleIndex(5,1,1);
        Warning("GetStartDet","undefined detector type %d",dtype);
        return 0;
    } // end switch

    Warning("GetStartDet","undefined detector type %d",dtype);
    return 0;
Int_t AliITSgeom::GetLastDet(Int_t dtype)const{
    // returns the last module index value for a give type of detector id.
    // This assumes that the detector types are different on different layers
    // and that they are not mixed up.
    // Inputs:
    //     Int_t dtype A detector type number. 0 for SPD, 1 for SDD, 
    //                 and 2 for SSD.
    // Outputs:
    // Return:
    //     the module index for the last occurrence of that detector type.

    case kSPD:
        return GetModuleIndex(3,1,1)-1;
    case kSDD:
        return GetModuleIndex(5,1,1)-1;
    case kSSD:
        return GetIndexMax()-1;
    case kSSDp: case kSDDp: case kND:
        Warning("GetLastDet","undefined detector type %d",dtype);
        return 0;
    } // end switch

    Warning("GetLastDet","undefined detector type %d",dtype);
    return 0;

void AliITSgeom::PrintData(FILE *fp,Int_t lay,Int_t lad,Int_t det)const{
    //     This function prints out the coordinate transformations for
    // the particular detector defined by layer, ladder, and detector
    // to the file pointed to by the File pointer fp. fprintf statements
    // are used to print out the numbers. The format is
    // layer ladder detector Trans= fx0 fy0 fz0 rot= frx fry frz 
    // Shape=fShapeIndex
    //                         dfr= fr[0] fr[1] fr[2]
    //                         dfr= fr[3] fr[4] fr[5]
    //                         dfr= fr[6] fr[7] fr[8]
    // By indicating which detector, some control over the information 
    // is given to the user. The output it written to the file pointed
    // to by the file pointer fp. This can be set to stdout if you want.
    // Inputs:
    //     FILE *fp           A file pointer to an opened file for 
    //                        writing in which the results of the 
    //                        comparison will be written.
    //     Int_t lay          The layer number. Starting from 1.
    //     Int_t lad          The ladder number. Starting from 1.
    //     Int_t det          The detector number. Starting from 1.
    // Outputs:
    //     none
    // Return:
    //     none.
    AliITSgeomMatrix *gt;
    Double_t t[3],r[3],m[3][3];

    gt = this->GetGeomMatrix(GetModuleIndex(lay,lad,det));
    fprintf(fp,"%1.1d %2.2d %2.2d Trans=%f %f %f rot=%f %f %f Shape=%d\n",
    fprintf(fp,"        dfr= %e %e %e\n",m[0][0],m[0][1],m[0][2]);
    fprintf(fp,"        dfr= %e %e %e\n",m[1][0],m[1][1],m[1][2]);
    fprintf(fp,"        dfr= %e %e %e\n",m[2][0],m[2][1],m[2][2]);

Int_t AliITSgeom::GetNearest(const Double_t g[3],Int_t lay)const{
    //      Finds the Detector (Module) that is nearest the point g [cm] in
    // ALICE Global coordinates. If layer !=0 then the search is restricted
    // to Detectors (Modules) in that particular layer.
    // Inputs:
    //     Double_t g[3]  The ALICE Cartesian global coordinate from which the
    //                    distance is to be calculated with.
    //     Int_t lay      The layer to restrict the search to. If layer=0 then
    //                    all layers are searched. Default is lay=0.
    // Output:
    //     none.
    // Return:
    //     The module number representing the nearest module.
    Int_t    i,l,a,e,in=0;
    Double_t d,dn=1.0e10;
    Bool_t   t=lay!=0; // skip if lay = 0 default value check all layers.

            if(da;e--){dn[e] = dn[e-1];in[e] = in[e-1];}
                dn[a] = d; in[a] = i;
            } // end if d