#ifndef ALIITSSEGMENTATION_H #define ALIITSSEGMENTATION_H #include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliITSgeom.h" /* $Id$ */ //---------------------------------------------- // - // ITS segmentation virtual base class - // - //---------------------------------------------- class TF1; class AliITSsegmentation : public TObject { public: AliITSsegmentation(); AliITSsegmentation(const AliITSsegmentation& source); virtual ~AliITSsegmentation(); AliITSsegmentation& operator=(const AliITSsegmentation &source); // Set Detector Segmentation Parameters // // Detector size virtual void SetDetSize(Float_t p1,Float_t p2,Float_t p3) {fDx=p1; fDz=p2; fDy=p3;} // Cell size virtual void SetPadSize(Float_t,Float_t) {MayNotUse("SetPadSize");} // Maximum number of cells along the two coordinates virtual void SetNPads(Int_t,Int_t) = 0; // Returns the maximum number of cells (digits) posible virtual Int_t GetNPads() const = 0; // Set layer virtual void SetLayer(Int_t) {MayNotUse("SetLayer");} // Number of Chips virtual Int_t GetNumberOfChips() const {MayNotUse("GetNumberOfChips"); return 0;} virtual Int_t GetMaximumChipIndex() const {MayNotUse("GetNumberOfChips"); return 0;} // Chip number from local coordinates virtual Int_t GetChipFromLocal(Float_t, Float_t) const {MayNotUse("GetChipFromLocal"); return 0;} virtual Int_t GetChipsInLocalWindow(Int_t* /*array*/, Float_t /*zmin*/, Float_t /*zmax*/, Float_t /*xmin*/, Float_t /*xmax*/) const {MayNotUse("GetChipsInLocalWindow"); return 0;} // Chip number from channel number virtual Int_t GetChipFromChannel(Int_t, Int_t) const {MayNotUse("GetChipFromChannel"); return 0;} // Transform from real to cell coordinates virtual void GetPadIxz(Float_t,Float_t,Int_t &,Int_t &) const = 0; // Transform from cell to real coordinates virtual void GetPadCxz(Int_t,Int_t,Float_t &,Float_t &) const = 0; // Local transformation of real local coordinates - virtual void GetPadTxz(Float_t &,Float_t &) const = 0; // Transformation from Geant cm detector center local coordinates // to detector segmentation/cell coordiantes starting from (0,0). virtual Bool_t LocalToDet(Float_t,Float_t,Int_t &,Int_t &) const = 0; // Transformation from detector segmentation/cell coordiantes starting // from (0,0) to Geant cm detector center local coordinates. virtual void DetToLocal(Int_t,Int_t,Float_t &,Float_t &) const = 0; // Transform from real global to local coordinates void GetLocal(Int_t module,Float_t *g ,Float_t *l, AliITSgeom *geom) const { if(geom) geom->GtoL(module,g,l); else AliFatal("Pointer to ITS geometry class (AliITSgeom) is null\n"); } // Transform from real local to global coordinates void GetGlobal(Int_t module,Float_t *l ,Float_t *g, AliITSgeom *geom) const { if(geom) geom->LtoG(module,l,g); else AliFatal("Pointer to ITS geometry class (AliITSgeom) is null\n"); } // Initialisation virtual void Init() = 0; // // Get member data // // Detector length virtual Float_t Dx() const {return fDx;} // Detector width virtual Float_t Dz() const {return fDz;} // Detector thickness virtual Float_t Dy() const {return fDy;} // Cell size in x virtual Float_t Dpx(Int_t) const = 0; // Cell size in z virtual Float_t Dpz(Int_t) const = 0; // Maximum number of Cells in x virtual Int_t Npx() const = 0; // Maximum number of Cells in z virtual Int_t Npz() const = 0; // Layer virtual Int_t GetLayer() const {MayNotUse("GetLayer"); return 0;} // Set hit position // virtual void SetHit(Float_t, Float_t) {} // angles virtual void Angles(Float_t& /* p */, Float_t& /* n */) const {MayNotUse("Angles");} // // Get next neighbours virtual void Neighbours(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t*,Int_t[10],Int_t[10]) const {MayNotUse("Neighbours");} // Function for systematic corrections // Set the correction function virtual void SetCorrFunc(TF1* fc) {fCorr = fc;} // Get the correction Function virtual TF1* CorrFunc() {return fCorr;} // Print Default parameters virtual void PrintDefaultParameters() const = 0; protected: virtual void Copy(TObject &obj) const; Float_t fDx; //SPD: Full width of the detector (x axis)- microns //SDD: Drift distance of the 1/2detector (x axis)-microns //SSD: Full length of the detector (x axis)- microns Float_t fDz; //SPD: Full length of the detector (z axis)- microns //SDD: Full Length of the detector (z axis) - microns //SSD: Full width of the detector (z axis)- microns Float_t fDy; //SPD: Full thickness of the detector (y axis) -um //SDD: Full thickness of the detector (y axis) - microns //SSD: Full thickness of the detector (y axis) -um TF1* fCorr; // correction function ClassDef(AliITSsegmentation,2) //Segmentation virtual base class }; #endif