/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliMagF.h" #include "AliTrackReference.h" #include "AliITShit.h" #include "AliITS.h" #include "AliITSvSPD02.h" #include "AliITSgeom.h" #include "AliITSgeomSPD.h" #include "AliITSDetTypeSim.h" #include "AliITSCalibrationSPD.h" #include "AliITSsegmentationSPD.h" #include "AliITSsimulationSPD.h" #include "AliMC.h" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Step manager and // geometry class // for the ITS // SPD test beam // geometry of summer 2002 // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ClassImp(AliITSvSPD02) //______________________________________________________________________ AliITSvSPD02::AliITSvSPD02(): AliITS(), fGeomDetOut(kFALSE), fGeomDetIn(kFALSE), fMajorVersion((Int_t)kvSPD02), fMinorVersion(2), fGeomNumber(2002), fEuclidGeomDet(), fRead(), fWrite(), fDet1(300.0), fDet2(300.0), fChip1(300.0), fChip2(300.0), fIDMother(0), fIgm(kvSPD02){ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Standard default constructor for the ITS SPD test beam 2002 version 1. // Inputs: // none. // Outputs: // none. // Return: // A default created class. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t i; for(i=0;i<60;i++) fRead[i] = '\0'; for(i=0;i<60;i++) fWrite[i] = '\0'; for(i=0;i<60;i++) fEuclidGeomDet[i] = '\0'; } //______________________________________________________________________ AliITSvSPD02::AliITSvSPD02(const char *title,Int_t gn) : AliITS("ITS", title), fGeomDetOut(kFALSE), fGeomDetIn(kFALSE), fMajorVersion(1), fMinorVersion(2), fGeomNumber(2002), fEuclidGeomDet(), fRead(), fWrite(), fDet1(300.0), fDet2(300.0), fChip1(300.0), fChip2(300.0), fIDMother(0), fIgm(kvSPD02){ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Standard constructor for the ITS SPD testbeam 2002 version 1. // Inputs: // const char *title title for this ITS geometry. // Int_t gn Geometry version number (year) default 2002. // Outputs: // none. // Return: // A standard created class. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t i; fGeomNumber = gn; fIdN = 2; fIdName = new TString[fIdN]; fIdName[0] = "IMBS"; fIdName[1] = "ITST"; fIdSens = new Int_t[fIdN]; for(i=0;iGetGeometry()->GetNode("alice"); aALIC->cd(); // Define ITS Mother Volume Float_t data[3]; Float_t ddettest=200.0E-4,ddettelescope=300.0E-4; Float_t dchipMiniBus=750.0E-4,dchiptest=300.0E-4; //Float_t yposition= 0.0; TRotMatrix *r0 = new TRotMatrix("ITSidrotm0","ITSidrotm0", 90.0,0,0.0,0,90.0,270.0); data[0] = 10.0; data[1] = 50.0; data[2] = 100.0; TBRIK *iITSVshape = new TBRIK("ITSVshape", "ITS Logical Mother Volume","Air", data[0],data[1],data[2]); TNode *iITSV = new TNode("ITSV","ITS Mother Volume",iITSVshape, 0.0,0.0,0.0,0,0); iITSV->cd(); // set ourselve into ITSV subvolume of aALIC // SPD part of telescope (MiniBuS) data[0] = 0.705; data[1] = 0.5*ddettelescope; data[2] = 3.536; TBRIK *iIMB0shape = new TBRIK("IMB0shape","SPD wafer","Si", data[0],data[1],data[2]); Float_t detMiniBusX,detMiniBusY,detMiniBusZ; data[0] = detMiniBusX = 0.64; data[1] = detMiniBusY = 0.5*ddettelescope; data[2] = detMiniBusZ = 3.48; TBRIK *iIMBSshape = new TBRIK("IMBSshape","SPD Sensitive volume","Si", data[0],data[1],data[2]); Float_t chipMiniBusX,chipMiniBusY,chipMiniBusZ; data[0] = chipMiniBusX = 0.793; data[1] = chipMiniBusY = 0.5*dchipMiniBus; data[2] = chipMiniBusZ = 0.68; TBRIK *iICMBshape = new TBRIK("ICMBshape","chip Minibus","Si", data[0],data[1],data[2]); data[0] = TMath::Max(detMiniBusX,chipMiniBusX); data[1] = detMiniBusY+chipMiniBusY; data[2] = TMath::Max(detMiniBusZ,chipMiniBusZ); TBRIK *iITELshape = new TBRIK("ITELshape","ITELshape","Air", data[0],data[1],data[2]); // SPD under test Float_t spdX,spdY,spdZ,spdchipX,spdchipY,spdchipZ; data[0] = 0.705; data[1] = ddettest; data[2] = 3.536; TBRIK *iITS0shape = new TBRIK("ITS0shape","SPD wafer","Si", data[0],data[1],data[2]); // contains detector data[0] = spdX = 0.64; data[1] = spdY = ddettest; data[2] = spdZ = 3.48; TBRIK *iITSTshape = new TBRIK("ITSTshape","SPD sensitive volume","Si", data[0],data[1],data[2]); // ITS0 with no translation and unit rotation matrix. data[0] = spdchipX = 0.793; data[1] = spdchipY = dchiptest; data[2] = spdchipZ = 0.68; TBRIK *iIPC0shape = new TBRIK("IPC0shape","Readout Chips","Si", data[0],data[1],data[2]); // chip under test data[0] = TMath::Max(spdchipX,spdX); data[1] = spdY+spdchipY; data[2] = TMath::Max(spdchipZ,spdZ); TBRIK *iIDETshape = new TBRIK("IDETshape","Detector Under Test","Air", data[0],data[1],data[2]); // Place volumes in geometry Int_t i,j; char name[20],title[50]; Double_t px=0.0,py=0.0,pz[4]={-38.0,0.0,0.0,0.0}; pz[1] = pz[0]+2.0; pz[2] = pz[1]+38.0+spdY+spdchipY+34.5; pz[3] = pz[2]+2.0; TNode *iITEL[4],*iICMB[4],*iIMB0[4],*iIMBS[4]; TNode *iIDET = new TNode("IDET","Detector Under Test",iIDETshape, 0.0,0.0,pz[1]+38.0,r0,0); iIDET->cd(); TNode *iITS0 = new TNode("ITS0","SPD Chip",iITS0shape, 0.0,iIDETshape->GetDy()-spdY,0.0,0,0); TNode *iIPC0[5]; for(i=0;i<5;i++) { //place readout chips on the back of SPD chip under test sprintf(name,"IPC0%d",i); sprintf(title,"Readout chip #%d",i+1); j = i-2; iIPC0[i] = new TNode(name,title,iIPC0shape, 0.0,spdchipY-iIDETshape->GetDy(), j*2.0*spdchipZ+j*0.25*(spdZ-5.*spdchipZ),0,0); } // end for i iITS0->cd(); TNode *iITST = new TNode("ITST","SPD sensitive volume",iITSTshape, 0.0,0.0,0.0,0,0); for(Int_t i=0;i<4;i++){ iITSV->cd(); sprintf(name,"ITEL%d",i); sprintf(title,"Test beam telescope element #%d",i+1); iITEL[i] = new TNode(name,title,iITELshape,px,py,pz[i],r0,0); iITEL[i]->cd(); iICMB[i] = new TNode("ICMB","Chip MiniBus",iICMBshape, 0.0,-iITELshape->GetDy()+detMiniBusY,0.0,0,0); iIMB0[i] = new TNode("IMB0","Chip MiniBus",iIMB0shape, 0.0, iITELshape->GetDy()-detMiniBusY,0.0,0,0); iIMB0[i]->cd(); iIMBS[i] = new TNode("IMBS","IMBS",iIMBSshape,0.0,0.0,0.0,0,0); // place IMBS inside IMB0 with no translation and unit rotation matrix. } // end for i aALIC->cd(); iITST->SetLineColor(kYellow); fNodes->Add(iITST); for(i=0;i<4;i++){ iIMBS[i]->SetLineColor(kGreen); fNodes->Add(iIMBS[i]); } // end for i } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSvSPD02::CreateGeometry(){ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This routine defines and Creates the geometry for version 1 of the ITS. // ALIC ALICE Mother Volume // |- ITSV ITS Mother Volume // |- IDET Detector under Test // | |- ITS0 SPD Si Chip // | | |- ITST SPD Sensitivve Volume // | |- IPC0 *5 Readout chip // |- ITEL *4 SPD Telescope // |- IMB0 SPD Si Chip // | |- IMBS SPD Sensitive volume // |- ICMB Chip MiniBus. // Inputs: // none. // Outputs: // none. // Return: // none. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// switch (fGeomNumber){ case 2002: CreateGeometry2002(); break; default: CreateGeometry2002(); break; } // end switch } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSvSPD02::CreateGeometry2002(){ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This routine defines and Creates the geometry for version 1 of the ITS. // ALIC ALICE Mother Volume // |- ITSV ITS Mother Volume // |- IDET Detector under Test // | |- ITS0 SPD Si Chip // | | |- ITST SPD Sensitivve Volume // | |- IPC0 *5 Readout chip // |- ITEL *4 SPD Telescope // |- IMB0 SPD Si Chip // | |- IMBS SPD Sensitive volume // |- ICMB Chip MiniBus. // // ITEL ITEL IDET ITEL ITEL // Z-> -38 -36 02 36.5 38.5 // | | | | | // cpn1 1 2 1 3 4 // Inputs: // none. // Outputs: // none. // Return: // none. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Float_t data[49]; // Define media off-set Int_t *idtmed = fIdtmed->GetArray()+1; // array of media indexes Int_t idrotm[4]; // Array of rotation matrix indexes Float_t ddettest=200.0E-4,ddettelescope=300.0E-4; Float_t dchipMiniBus=750.0E-4,dchiptest=300.0E-4; Float_t yposition= 0.0; // These constant character strings are set by cvs during commit // do not change them unless you know what you are doing! const Char_t *cvsDate="$Date$"; const Char_t *cvsRevision="$Revision$"; if(gMC==0) return; // Define Rotation-reflextion Matrixes needed // 0 is the unit matrix AliMatrix(idrotm[0], 90.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 90.0,270.0); /* data[0] = 10.0; data[1] = 50.0; data[2] = 100.0; gMC->Gsvolu("ITSV","BOX",idtmed[0],data,3); gMC->Gspos("ITSV",1,"ALIC",0.0,0.0,0.0,0,"ONLY"); */ TGeoVolumeAssembly *itsV = gGeoManager->MakeVolumeAssembly("ITSV"); const Int_t length=100; Char_t vstrng[length]; if(fIgm.WriteVersionString(vstrng,length,(AliITSVersion_t)IsVersion(), fMinorVersion,cvsDate,cvsRevision)) itsV->SetTitle(vstrng); else Error("CreateGeometry","Error writing/setting version string"); TGeoVolume *alic = gGeoManager->GetVolume("ALIC"); if(alic==0) { Error("CreateGeometry","alic=0"); return; } // end if // See idrotm[199] for angle definitions. alic->AddNode(itsV,1,0); //cout << "idtmed[0]=" << idtmed[0]<Gsvolu("IMBS","BOX ",idtmed[1],data,3); // sensitive detecor volulme gMC->Gspos("IMBS",1,"IMB0",0.0,0.0,0.0,0,"ONLY"); // place IMBS inside // IMB0 with no translation and unit rotation matrix. Float_t chipMiniBusX,chipMiniBusY,chipMiniBusZ; data[0] = chipMiniBusX = 0.793; data[1] = chipMiniBusY = 0.5*dchipMiniBus; data[2] = chipMiniBusZ = 0.68; gMC->Gsvolu("ICMB","BOX ",idtmed[1],data, 3); // chip Minibus data[0] = TMath::Max(detMiniBusX,chipMiniBusX); data[1] = detMiniBusY+chipMiniBusY; data[2] = TMath::Max(detMiniBusZ,chipMiniBusZ); gMC->Gsvolu("ITEL","BOX ",idtmed[0],data,3); gMC->Gspos("IMB0",1,"ITEL",0.0,data[1]-detMiniBusY,0.0,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("ICMB",1,"ITEL",0.0,-data[1]+chipMiniBusY,0.0,0,"ONLY"); // SPD under test Float_t spdX,spdY,spdZ,spdchipX,spdchipY,spdchipZ; data[0] = spdX = 0.705; data[1] = spdY = 0.5*ddettest; data[2] = spdZ = 3.536; gMC->Gsvolu("ITS0", "BOX ", idtmed[1], data, 3); // contains detector data[0] = 0.64; data[1] = 0.5*ddettest; data[2] = 3.48; gMC->Gsvolu("ITST","BOX ",idtmed[1],data,3);// sensitive detecor volume gMC->Gspos("ITST",1,"ITS0",0.0,0.0,0.0,0,"ONLY"); // place ITST inside // ITS0 with no translation and unit rotation matrix. data[0] = spdchipX = 0.793; data[1] = spdchipY = 0.5*dchiptest; data[2] = spdchipZ = 0.68; gMC->Gsvolu("IPC0", "BOX ", idtmed[1],data,3); // chip under test data[0] = TMath::Max(spdchipX,spdX); data[1] = spdY+spdchipY; data[2] = TMath::Max(spdchipZ,spdZ); gMC->Gsvolu("IDET","BOX ",idtmed[0],data,3); gMC->Gspos("ITS0",1,"IDET",0.0,data[1]-spdY,0.0,0,"ONLY"); for(Int_t i=-2;i<3;i++) gMC->Gspos("IPC0",i+3,"IDET",0.0,-data[1]+spdchipY, i*2.*spdchipZ+i*0.25*(spdZ-5.*spdchipZ),0,"ONLY"); // Positions detectors, Beam Axis Z, X to the right, Y up to the sky. Float_t p00X,p00Y,p00Z,p01X,p01Y,p01Z,p10X,p10Y,p10Z,p11X,p11Y,p11Z; p00X = 0.0; p00Y = 0.0; p00Z = -38.0; gMC->Gspos("ITEL",1,"ITSV",p00X,p00Y,p00Z,idrotm[0],"ONLY"); p01X = 0.0; p01Y = 0.0; p01Z = p00Z+2.0; gMC->Gspos("ITEL",2,"ITSV",p01X,p01Y,p01Z,idrotm[0],"ONLY"); Float_t pdetX,pdetY,pdetZ; pdetX = 0.0; pdetY = 0.0+yposition; pdetZ = p01Z+38.0; gMC->Gspos("IDET",1,"ITSV",pdetX,pdetY,pdetZ,idrotm[0],"ONLY"); p10X = 0.0; p10Y = 0.0; p10Z = pdetZ + 34.5; gMC->Gspos("ITEL",3,"ITSV",p10X,p10Y,p10Z,idrotm[0],"ONLY"); p11X = 0.0; p11Y = 0.0; p11Z = p10Z+2.0; gMC->Gspos("ITEL",4,"ITSV",p11X,p11Y,p11Z,idrotm[0],"ONLY"); } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSvSPD02::CreateMaterials(){ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Create ITS SPD test beam materials // This function defines the default materials used in the Geant // Monte Carlo simulations for the geometries AliITSv1, AliITSv3, // AliITSvSPD02. // In general it is automatically replaced by // the CreateMaterials routine defined in AliITSv?. Should the function // CreateMaterials not exist for the geometry version you are using this // one is used. See the definition found in AliITSv5 or the other routine // for a complete definition. // // Inputs: // none. // Outputs: // none. // Return: // none. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// switch (fGeomNumber){ case 2002: CreateMaterials2002(); break; default: CreateMaterials2002(); break; } // end switch } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSvSPD02::CreateMaterials2002(){ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Create ITS SPD test beam materials // This function defines the default materials used in the Geant // Monte Carlo simulations for the geometries AliITSv1, AliITSv3, // AliITSvSPD02. // In general it is automatically replaced by // the CreateMaterials routine defined in AliITSv?. Should the function // CreateMaterials not exist for the geometry version you are using this // one is used. See the definition found in AliITSv5 or the other routine // for a complete definition. // // Inputs: // none. // Outputs: // none. // Return: // none. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Float_t tmaxfdSi = 0.1; // Degree Float_t stemaxSi = 0.0075; // cm Float_t deemaxSi = 0.1; // Fraction of particle's energy 0Field()->Integ(); Float_t fieldm = gAlice->Field()->Max(); AliMaterial(1,"AIR$",0.14610E+02,0.73000E+01,0.12050E-02, 0.30423E+05,0.99900E+03); AliMedium(1,"AIR$",1,0,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfdAir,stemaxAir,deemaxAir, epsilAir,stminAir); AliMaterial(2,"SI$",0.28086E+02,0.14000E+02,0.23300E+01, 0.93600E+01,0.99900E+03); AliMedium(2,"SI$",2,0,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfdSi,stemaxSi,deemaxSi, epsilSi,stminSi); } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSvSPD02::Init(){ // Initialise the ITS after it has been created. // Inputs: // none. // Outputs: // none. // Return: // none. AliDebug(1,Form("Init: Major version %d Minor version %d",fMajorVersion, fMinorVersion)); // UpdateInternalGeometry(); AliITS::Init(); if(fGeomDetOut) GetITSgeom()->WriteNewFile(fWrite); // fIDMother = gMC->VolId("ITSV"); // ITS Mother Volume ID. } /* //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSvSPD02::SetDefaults(){ // sets the default segmentation, response, digit and raw cluster classes // Inputs: // none. // Outputs: // none. // Return: // none. const Float_t kconv = 1.0e+04; // convert cm to microns Info("SetDefaults","Setting up only SPD detector"); if(!fDetTypeSim) fDetTypeSim = new AliITSDetTypeSim(); fDetTypeSim->SetITSgeom(GetITSgeom()); AliITSgeomSPD *s0; Int_t i; Float_t bx[256],bz[280]; fDetTypeSim->ResetCalibrationArray(); fDetTypeSim->ResetSegmentation(); //SPD // Get shape info. Do it this way for now. s0 = (AliITSgeomSPD*) GetITSgeom()->GetShape(kSPD); AliITSCalibration *resp0=new AliITSCalibrationSPD(); resp0->SetTemperature(); resp0->SetDistanceOverVoltage(); SetCalibrationModel(0,resp0); AliITSsegmentationSPD *seg0=new AliITSsegmentationSPD(); seg0->SetDetSize(s0->GetDx()*2.*kconv, // base this on AliITSgeomSPD s0->GetDz()*2.*kconv, // for now. s0->GetDy()*2.*kconv); // x,z,y full width in microns. seg0->SetNPads(256,160);// Number of Bins in x and z for(i=000;i<256;i++) bx[i] = 50.0; // in x all are 50 microns. for(i=000;i<160;i++) bz[i] = 425.0; // most are 425 microns except below for(i=160;i<280;i++) bz[i] = 0.0; // Outside of detector. bz[ 31] = bz[ 32] = 625.0; // first chip boundry bz[ 63] = bz[ 64] = 625.0; // first chip boundry bz[ 95] = bz[ 96] = 625.0; // first chip boundry bz[127] = bz[128] = 625.0; // first chip boundry bz[160] = 425.0; // Set so that there is no zero pixel size for fNz. seg0->SetBinSize(bx,bz); // Based on AliITSgeomSPD for now. SetSegmentationModel(kSPD,seg0); // set digit and raw cluster classes to be used const char *kData0=(fDetTypeSim->GetCalibrationModel(0))->DataType(); if (strstr(kData0,"real")) fDetTypeSim->SetDigitClassName(kSPD,"AliITSdigit"); else fDetTypeSim->SetDigitClassName(kSPD,"AliITSdigitSPD"); // SetSimulationModel(kSPD,new AliITSsimulationSPDdubna(seg0,resp0)); // iDetType->ReconstructionModel(new AliITSClusterFinderSPD()); // SetResponseModel(kSDD,new AliITSCalibrationSDD()); // SetSegmentationModel(kSDD,new AliITSsegmentationSDD()); // DetType(kSDD)->ClassNames("AliITSdigitSDD","AliITSRawClusterSDD"); // SetResponseModel(kSSD,new AliITSCalibrationSSD()); // SetSegmentationModel(kSSD,new AliITSsegmentationSSD()); // DetType(kSSD)->ClassNames("AliITSdigitSSD","AliITSRawClusterSSD"); if(fgkNTYPES>3){ Warning("SetDefaults", "Only the four basic detector types are initialised!"); }// end if return; } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSvSPD02::SetDefaultSimulation(){ // sets the default simulation. // Inputs: // none. // Outputs: // none. // Return: // none. if(GetITSgeom()==0){ Warning("SetDefaultSimulation","ITS geometry is null!"); return; } if(!fDetTypeSim) fDetTypeSim = new AliITSDetTypeSim(); AliITSsimulation *sim; //AliITSsegmentation *seg; //AliITSCalibration *res; if(fDetTypeSim){ sim = fDetTypeSim->GetSimulationModel(kSPD); if (!sim) { //seg = (AliITSsegmentation*)fDetTypeSim->GetSegmentationModel(kSPD); //res = (AliITSCalibration*)fDetTypeSim->GetResponseModel(GetITSgeom()->GetStartSPD()); sim = new AliITSsimulationSPD(fDetTypeSim); SetSimulationModel(kSPD,sim); }else{ // simulation exists, make sure it is set up properly. sim->SetCalibrationModel(GetITSgeom()->GetStartSPD(),(AliITSCalibration*)fDetTypeSim->GetCalibrationModel(GetITSgeom()->GetStartSPD())); sim->SetSegmentationModel(kSPD,(AliITSsegmentation*)fDetTypeSim->GetSegmentationModel(kSPD)); sim->Init(); } // end if } // end if iDetType // if(fDetTypeSim){ // sim = fDetTypeSim->GetSimulationModel(kSDD); // if (!sim) { // seg = (AliITSsegmentation*)fDetTypeSim->GetSegmentationModel(kSDD); // res = (AliITSCalibration*)fDetTypeSim->GetResponseModel(GetITSgeom()->GetStartSDD()); // sim = new AliITSsimulationSDD(seg,res); // SetSimulationModel(kSDD,sim); // }else{ // simulation exists, make sure it is set up properly. // sim->SetResponseModel((AliITSCalibration*)fDetTypeSim->GetResponseModel(GetITSgeom()->GetStartSDD())); // sim->SetSegmentationModel((AliITSsegmentation*)fDetTypeSim->GetSegmentationModel(kSDD)); // sim->Init(); // } //end if // } // end if iDetType // if(fDetTypeSim){ // sim = fDetTypeSim->GetSimulationModel(kSSD); // if (!sim) { // seg = (AliITSsegmentation*)fDetTypeSim->GetSegmentationModel(kSSD); // res = (AliITSCalibration*)fDetTypeSim->GetResponseModel(GetITSgeom()->GetStartSSD()); // sim = new AliITSsimulationSSD(seg,res); // SetSimulationModel(kSSD,sim); // }else{ // simulation exists, make sure it is set up properly. // sim->SetResponseModel((AliITSCalibration*)fDetTypeSim->GetResponseModel(GetITSgeom()->GetStartSSD())); // sim->SetSegmentationModel((AliITSsegmentation*)fDetTypeSim->GetSegmentationModel(kSSD)); // sim->Init(); // } // end if // } // } */ //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSvSPD02::DrawModule() const { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Draw a shaded view of the ITS SPD test beam version 1. // Inputs: // none. // Outputs: // none. // Return: // none. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set everything unseen gMC->Gsatt("*", "seen", -1); // Set ALIC mother visible gMC->Gsatt("ALIC","SEEN",0); // Set ALIC ITS visible gMC->Gsatt("ITSV","SEEN",0); // Set ALIC Telescopes visible gMC->Gsatt("ITEL","SEEN",0); // Set ALIC detetcor visible gMC->Gsatt("IDET","SEEN",0); // Set Detector chip mother visible and drawn gMC->Gsatt("IPC0","SEEN",1); // Set Detector mother visible and drawn gMC->Gsatt("ITS0","SEEN",1); // Set minibus chip mother visible and drawn gMC->Gsatt("ICMB","SEEN",1); // Set minibus mother visible and drawn gMC->Gsatt("IMB0","SEEN",1); } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSvSPD02::StepManager(){ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Called for every step in the ITS SPD test beam, then calles the // AliITShit class creator with the information to be recoreded about // that hit. // The value of the macro ALIITSPRINTGEOM if set to 1 will allow the // printing of information to a file which can be used to create a .det // file read in by the routine CreateGeometry(). If set to 0 or any other // value except 1, the default behavior, then no such file is created nor // it the extra variables and the like used in the printing allocated. // Inputs: // none. // Outputs: // none. // Return: // none. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(!(this->IsActive())){ return; } // end if !Active volume. if(!(gMC->TrackCharge())) return; Int_t cpy0=0,cpy1=0,id,mod,ncpys,status; TLorentzVector position, momentum; static AliITShit hit;// Saves on calls to construtors //TClonesArray &lhits = *(GetDetTypeSim()->GetHits()); TClonesArray &lhits = *(Hits()); // // Track status // Track status status = 0; if(gMC->IsTrackInside()) status += 1; if(gMC->IsTrackEntering()) status += 2; if(gMC->IsTrackExiting()) status += 4; if(gMC->IsTrackOut()) status += 8; if(gMC->IsTrackDisappeared()) status += 16; if(gMC->IsTrackStop()) status += 32; if(gMC->IsTrackAlive()) status += 64; // // Fill hit structure. id = gMC->CurrentVolID(cpy0); if(id==fIdSens[0]){ // Volume name "IMBS". Det=1, ladder=1 ncpys = 4; } else if(id == fIdSens[1]){ // Volume name "ITST" ncpys = 1; } else return; // end if id = gMC->CurrentVolOffID(2,cpy1); fIgm.DecodeDetector(mod,ncpys,cpy0,cpy1,0); // // Fill hit structure. // hit.SetModule(mod); hit.SetTrack(gAlice->GetMCApp()->GetCurrentTrackNumber()); gMC->TrackPosition(position); gMC->TrackMomentum(momentum); hit.SetPosition(position); hit.SetTime(gMC->TrackTime()); hit.SetMomentum(momentum); hit.SetStatus(status); hit.SetEdep(gMC->Edep()); hit.SetShunt(GetIshunt()); if(gMC->IsTrackEntering()){ hit.SetStartPosition(position); hit.SetStartTime(gMC->TrackTime()); hit.SetStartStatus(status); return; // don't save entering hit. } // end if IsEntering // Fill hit structure with this new hit. //Info("StepManager","Calling Copy Constructor"); new(lhits[fNhits++]) AliITShit(hit); // Use Copy Construtor. // Save old position... for next hit. hit.SetStartPosition(position); hit.SetStartTime(gMC->TrackTime()); hit.SetStartStatus(status); return; }