/************************************************************************** - Contact: Oleksandr_Borysov oborysov@cern.ch - Link: /afs/cern.ch/user/o/oborysov/public/da/pedestal36186.000.raw, ssddaconfig.txt, ssdddlmap.txt, badchannels.root - Run Type: PEDESTAL - DA Type: LDC - Number of events needed: ~200 - Input Files: raw_data_file_on_LDC, in the daqDetDB: ssddaconfig.txt, ssdddlmap.txt, badchannels.root - Output Files: ./ ./ssddaldc_.root, FXS_name=ITSSSDda_.root local files are persistent over runs: data source - Trigger types used: **************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "TString.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "daqDA.h" #include "AliITSHandleDaSSD.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TPluginManager.h" using namespace std; struct ConfigStruct { Int_t fNModuleProcess; string fSsdDdlMap; string fBadChannels; Bool_t fCheckChipsOff; ConfigStruct() : fNModuleProcess(108), fSsdDdlMap(""), fBadChannels(""), fCheckChipsOff(kFALSE) {} }; Int_t SaveEquipmentCalibrationData(const AliITSHandleDaSSD *ssddaldc, const Char_t *fprefix = NULL); Bool_t ReadDAConfigurationFile(const Char_t *configfname, AliITSHandleDaSSD *const ssddaldc, ConfigStruct& cfg); int main( int argc, char** argv ) { const Char_t *configfname = "ssddaconfig.txt"; const Char_t *bcfname = "badchannels.root"; const Char_t *ddlmfname = "ssdddlmap.txt"; AliITSHandleDaSSD *ssddaldc; TString feefname, fcdbsave, lfname; Int_t status; Char_t *dafname = NULL; ConfigStruct cfg; gROOT->GetPluginManager()->AddHandler("TVirtualStreamerInfo", "*", "TStreamerInfo", "RIO", "TStreamerInfo()"); /* check that we got some arguments = list of files */ if (argc<2) { fprintf(stderr, "Wrong number of arguments\n"); return -1; } char *datafilename = argv[1]; ssddaldc = new AliITSHandleDaSSD(datafilename); if (ssddaldc->IsZombie()) { cerr << "Failed to process raw data file " << datafilename << "! Exit DA!\n"; return -1; } lfname.Form("./%s", configfname); if (!(status = daqDA_DB_getFile(configfname, lfname.Data()))) { if (!ReadDAConfigurationFile(lfname.Data(), ssddaldc, cfg)) cerr << "Error reading configuration file " << lfname.Data() << " !\n"; } else fprintf(stderr, "Failed to import DA configuration file %s from the detector db: %d, %s \n", configfname, status, lfname.Data()); if (cfg.fBadChannels.size() > 0) bcfname = cfg.fBadChannels.c_str(); lfname.Form("./%s", bcfname); if (status = daqDA_DB_getFile(bcfname, lfname.Data())) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to import the file %s from the detector db: %d, %s! Exit DA!\n", bcfname, status, lfname.Data()); delete ssddaldc; return -3; } if (!ssddaldc->ReadStaticBadChannelsMap(lfname.Data())) { cerr << "Error reading static bad channels map " << lfname.Data() << "! Exit DA!\n"; delete ssddaldc; return -4; } if (cfg.fSsdDdlMap.size() > 0) ddlmfname = cfg.fSsdDdlMap.c_str(); lfname.Form("./%s", ddlmfname); if (!(status = daqDA_DB_getFile(ddlmfname, lfname.Data()))) { if (!ssddaldc->ReadDDLModuleMap(lfname.Data())) cerr << "Error reading DDL map from file " << lfname.Data() << " !\n"; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to import file %s from the detector db: %d, %s \n", ddlmfname, status, lfname.Data()); if (!ssddaldc->ReadDDLModuleMap()) cerr << "Failed to load the DDL map from AliITSRawStreamSSD!\n"; } if (!ssddaldc->ProcessRawData(cfg.fNModuleProcess)) { cerr << "Error !ssddaldc->ProcessRawData()" << endl; delete ssddaldc; return -1; } daqDA_progressReport(90); dafname = "."; if (ssddaldc->SaveCalibrationSSDLDC(dafname)) { cout << "SSDDA data are saved in " << dafname << endl; status = daqDA_FES_storeFile(dafname, "CALIBRATION"); if (status) fprintf(stderr, "Failed to export file : %d\n", status); } else cerr << "Error saving DA data to the file!\n"; feefname.Form("%s/ssddaldc_%i.root", ".", ssddaldc->GetLdcId()); cout << "Saving feessdda data in " << feefname << endl; TFile *fileRun = new TFile (feefname.Data(),"RECREATE"); if (fileRun->IsZombie()) { cerr << "Error open file " << feefname << endl; delete ssddaldc; delete fileRun; return -2; } ssddaldc->Write(); fileRun->Close(); delete fileRun; fcdbsave.Form("ssddaldc_%i.root", ssddaldc->GetLdcId()); status = daqDA_DB_storeFile(feefname.Data(), fcdbsave.Data()); if (status) fprintf(stderr, "Failed to export file %s to the detector db: %d, %s \n", feefname.Data(), status, fcdbsave.Data()); cout << SaveEquipmentCalibrationData(ssddaldc) << " files were uploaded to DetDB!\n"; if(cfg.fCheckChipsOff) ssddaldc->CheckOffChips(); delete ssddaldc; daqDA_progressReport(100); return 0; } //__________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t SaveEquipmentCalibrationData(const AliITSHandleDaSSD *ssddaldc, const Char_t *fprefix) { TString feefilename; Int_t count = 0, status; for (Int_t ddli = 0; ddli < 16; ddli++) { for(Int_t adi = 1; adi <= 9; adi++) { if (!ssddaldc->AdDataPresent(ddli, adi)) continue; if (fprefix) feefilename.Form("%s%i_%i", fprefix, ssddaldc->DdlToEquipmentId(ddli), adi); else feefilename.Form("%i_%i", ssddaldc->DdlToEquipmentId(ddli), adi); if (ssddaldc->SaveEqSlotCalibrationData(ddli, adi, feefilename)) { status = daqDA_DB_storeFile(feefilename, feefilename); if (status) fprintf(stderr, "Error %i, failed to export file %s\n", status, feefilename.Data()); else count++; } } } return count; } //__________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t ReadDAConfigurationFile(const Char_t *configfname, AliITSHandleDaSSD *const ssddaldc, ConfigStruct& cfg) { // Dowload configuration parameters from configuration file or database const int nkwords = 12; char const *keywords[nkwords] = {"ZsDefault", "OffsetDefault", "ZsFactor", "PedestalThresholdFactor", "CmThresholdFactor", "NModulesToProcess", "DDLMapFile", "BadChannelsFile", "ZSMinValue", "MergeBCFlag", "CheckChipsOff", "OffLadder"}; Int_t tmpint, laddern; Float_t tmpflt; fstream dfile; vector allist(0), cllist(0); if (!configfname) { cerr << "No DA configuration file name is specified, Return!\n"; return kFALSE; } if (!ssddaldc) { cerr << "ssddaldc == 0, DA configuration file will not be read! Return!\n"; return kFALSE; } dfile.open(configfname, ios::in); if (!dfile.is_open()) { cerr << "Error open DA configuration file " << configfname << " defaul value are used!\n"; return kFALSE; } while (!dfile.eof()) { string str, keystr, tmpstr; getline(dfile, str); stringstream strline(str); strline >> keystr; if (keystr.size() == 0) continue; if ((keystr.at(0) == '#') ) continue; int ind = 0; while (keystr.compare(keywords[ind])) if (++ind == nkwords) break; switch (ind) { case 0: strline >> tmpint; if (strline.fail()) cerr << "Failed to read " << keystr << " value from DA configuration file!\n"; else { ssddaldc->SetZsDefaul(tmpint); cout << "Default value for ZS thereshold " << keystr << ": " << ssddaldc->GetZsDefault() << endl; } break; case 1: strline >> tmpint; if (strline.fail()) cerr << "Failed to read " << keystr << " value from DA configuration file!\n"; else { ssddaldc->SetOffsetDefault(tmpint); cout << "Default value for offset correction " << keystr << ": " << ssddaldc->GetOffsetDefault() << endl; } break; case 2: strline >> tmpflt; if (strline.fail()) cerr << "Failed to read " << keystr << " value from DA configuration file!\n"; else { ssddaldc->SetZsFactor(tmpflt); cout << keystr << ": " << ssddaldc->GetZsFactor() << endl; } break; case 3: strline >> tmpflt; if (strline.fail()) cerr << "Failed to read " << keystr << " value from DA configuration file!\n"; else { ssddaldc->SetPedestalThresholdFactor(tmpflt); cout << keystr << ": " << ssddaldc->GetPedestalThresholdFactor() << endl; } break; case 4: strline >> tmpflt; if (strline.fail()) cerr << "Failed to read " << keystr << " value from DA configuration file!\n"; else { ssddaldc->SetCmThresholdFactor(tmpflt); cout << keystr << ": " << ssddaldc->GetCmThresholdFactor() << endl; } break; case 5: strline >> tmpint; if (strline.fail()) cerr << "Failed to read " << keystr << " value from DA configuration file!\n"; else { cfg.fNModuleProcess = tmpint; cout << keystr << ": " << cfg.fNModuleProcess << endl; } break; case 6: strline >> tmpstr; if (strline.fail()) cerr << "Failed to read " << keystr << " value from DA configuration file!\n"; else { if (tmpstr.size() == 0) continue; if (tmpstr.at(0) == '#') continue; cfg.fSsdDdlMap = tmpstr; cout << keystr << ": " << cfg.fSsdDdlMap.c_str() << endl; } break; case 7: strline >> tmpstr; if (strline.fail()) cerr << "Failed to read " << keystr << " value from DA configuration file!\n"; else { if (tmpstr.size() == 0) continue; if (tmpstr.at(0) == '#') continue; cfg.fBadChannels = tmpstr; cout << keystr << ": " << cfg.fBadChannels.c_str() << endl; } break; case 8: strline >> tmpint; if (strline.fail()) cerr << "Failed to read " << keystr << " value from DA configuration file!\n"; else { ssddaldc->SetZsMinimum(tmpint); cout << keystr << ": " << ssddaldc->GetZsMinimum() << endl; } break; case 9: strline >> tmpint; if (strline.fail()) cerr << "Failed to read " << keystr << " value from DA configuration file!\n"; else { ssddaldc->SetMergeBCFlag(static_cast(tmpint)); cout << keystr << ": " << ssddaldc->GetMergeBCFlag() << endl; } break; case 10: strline >> tmpint; if (strline.fail()) cerr << "Failed to read " << keystr << " value from DA configuration file!\n"; else { cfg.fCheckChipsOff = static_cast(tmpint); cout << keystr << ": " << cfg.fCheckChipsOff << endl; } break; case 11: char dside; while (!strline.eof()) { strline >> tmpstr; if (strline.fail()) cerr << "Failed to read " << keystr << " value from DA configuration file!\n"; if (tmpstr.size() == 0) break; if ((tmpstr.at(0) == '#') ) break; if ( sscanf(tmpstr.c_str(), "%c%u", &dside, &laddern) < 2 ) { cerr << "Error reading side and ladder number form the config file: " << tmpstr << "! Continue!\n"; continue; } if ( toupper(dside) == 'A') allist.push_back(laddern); else if ( toupper(dside) == 'C') cllist.push_back(laddern); else cerr << "Error! " << dside << " SSD ladder side can be either A or C! Continue!\n"; } break; default: cerr << keystr << " is not a key word, no assignment were made!\n"; } } if (allist.size() == 0 && cllist.size() == 0) return kTRUE; short *tmparr = 0, si; vector::iterator it; if (allist.size() > 0) { tmparr = new short [allist.size()]; cout << "Following A side " << (allist.size()>1?"ladders are":"ladder is") << " supposed to be off and will be suppressed :"; for ( it = allist.begin(), si = 0; it < allist.end(); it++, si++ ) { tmparr[si] = *it; cout << " " << tmparr[si]; } cout << ";" << endl; ssddaldc->SetALaddersOff(allist.size(), tmparr); } if (tmparr) delete [] tmparr; if (cllist.size() > 0) { tmparr = new short [cllist.size()]; cout << "Following C side " << (cllist.size() > 1 ? "ladders are" : "ladder is") << " supposed to be off and will be suppressed :"; for ( it = cllist.begin(), si = 0; it < cllist.end(); it++, si++ ) { tmparr[si] = *it; cout << " " << tmparr[si]; } cout << ";" << endl; ssddaldc->SetCLaddersOff(cllist.size(), tmparr); } if (tmparr) delete [] tmparr; return kTRUE; }