/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Event shape utility class // Circularity, Thrust, ... // Authors: Antonio Ortiz Velasquez // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "AliEventShape.h" #include "AliStack.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliMCEventHandler.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include #include #include #include #include //____________________________________________________________________ ClassImp(AliEventShape) //___________________________________________________________________ TArrayD * AliEventShape::GetThrustParamMC(AliMCEvent* mcEvent, Int_t nstudymin, Double_t ptcutoff, Double_t etacutoff, Bool_t chom) { /* This function returns an array of values of thrust. To get these values you have to do: TArrayD* eventshapes = 0; eventshapes = AliShapeEvent::GetThrustParamMC(mcEvent, 3, 1, 1, kFALSE); Double_t thrust=eventshapes->GetAt(0); Double_t thrustmin=eventshapes->GetAt(1); Double_t recoil=eventshapes->GetAt(2); The calculus uses primary particles. The input parameters: 1. nstudymin, is the minumum number of particles which you want that participate in the calculus.(default:nstudymin =3) 2. ptcutoff, is the cut in pt applied to participants to calculate the variables.(default: ptcutoff=1) 3. etacutoff, is the cut in acceptance applied to participants to calculate the variables.(default: etacutoff=1) 4. if chom=kTRUE, then the calculus includes neutral particles (rejecting photons and neutrinos). if chom=kFALSE, then the calculus includes only charged particles (rejecting photons and neutrinos). Returned values: thrust->0: 2-jet event, thrust->0.5: isotropic event Recoil is a term which is sensitive to radiation outside from acceptance, 1>=recoil>=0, thrustmin, is a measure of the radiation which is perpendicular to the plane formed by beam axis and thrust axis, 2/TMath::Pi()>thrustmin>0. In the limit of 2 back-to-back jets thrusmin->0, while in the case of a uniformly distributed event thrustmin->2/TMath::Pi(); */ AliStack* stack = 0; stack = mcEvent->Stack(); Double_t * ptT = 0; Double_t * pxT = 0; Double_t * pyT = 0; Double_t ptsuma = 0; Double_t pxsuma = 0; Double_t pysuma = 0; TArrayD* evsh = new TArrayD(3); Int_t nPrim = stack->GetNprimary(); Int_t nmctracks = 0; for (Int_t iMCTracks = 0; iMCTracks < nPrim; iMCTracks++) { TParticle* trackmc = stack->Particle(iMCTracks); if (!trackmc) continue; Double_t etamc =trackmc ->Eta(); Double_t ptmc=trackmc->Pt(); Int_t pdgCode = TMath::Abs(trackmc->GetPdgCode()); if (TMath::Abs(etamc) > etacutoff) continue; //only particles in |eta|<=etacutoff if(ptmc < ptcutoff) continue; // PT cut Bool_t isprimary = stack->IsPhysicalPrimary(iMCTracks); // Check if particle is charged, and primary if(isprimary == 0) continue; // only primary particles TParticlePDG* pdgPart =trackmc ->GetPDG(); if(chom == 1){//include neutral particles // skip photons and neutrinos if (pdgCode == 22 || pdgCode == 12 || pdgCode == 14 || pdgCode == 16) continue; nmctracks++; } else{ //only charged particles if (pdgPart->Charge() == 0)continue; nmctracks++; } } // Minimum number of particles used in the analysis if(nmctracks < nstudymin){ evsh->AddAt(-2,0); evsh->AddAt(-2,1); evsh->AddAt(-2,2); return evsh; } Int_t j=0; pxT = new Double_t[nmctracks]; pyT = new Double_t[nmctracks]; ptT = new Double_t[nmctracks]; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nmctracks; i++) { pxT[i] = 0; pyT[i] = 0; ptT[i] = 0; } for (Int_t iMCTracks = 0; iMCTracks < nPrim; ++iMCTracks) { TParticle* trackmc = stack->Particle(iMCTracks); if (!trackmc) continue; Double_t etamc = trackmc ->Eta(); Double_t pxmc = trackmc->Px(); Double_t pymc = trackmc->Py(); Double_t ptmc = trackmc->Pt(); Int_t pdgCode = TMath::Abs(trackmc->GetPdgCode()); if (TMath::Abs(etamc) > etacutoff) continue; if(ptmc < ptcutoff) continue; Bool_t isprimary = stack->IsPhysicalPrimary(iMCTracks); if(isprimary==0) continue; TParticlePDG* pdgPart =trackmc ->GetPDG(); if(chom==1){ if (pdgCode == 22 || pdgCode == 12 || pdgCode == 14 || pdgCode == 16)continue; } else { if (pdgPart->Charge() == 0) continue; } ptT[j] = ptmc; pxT[j] = pxmc; pyT[j] = pymc; ptsuma += ptmc; pxsuma+=pxmc; pysuma+=pymc; j++; } Double_t numerador = 0; Double_t numerador2 = 0; Double_t phimax = -1; Double_t pFull = -1; Double_t pMax = 0; Double_t phi = 0; Double_t thrust = 80; Double_t thrustminor = 80; Double_t nx = 0; Double_t ny = 0; Double_t phiparam = 0; //Getting thrust for(Int_t i = 0; i < 360; ++i){ numerador = 0; phiparam = 0; nx = 0; ny = 0; phiparam=((TMath::Pi()) * i) / 180; // parametrization of the angle nx = TMath::Cos(phiparam); // x component of an unitary vector n ny = TMath::Sin(phiparam); // y component of an unitary vector n for(Int_t i1 = 0; i1 < nmctracks; ++i1){ numerador += TMath::Abs(nx * pxT[i1] + ny * pyT[i1]);//product between momentum proyection in XY plane and the unitari vector. } pFull=numerador / ptsuma; if(pFull > pMax)//maximization of pFull { pMax = pFull; phi = phiparam; } } phimax=(phi * 180) / TMath::Pi();//angular parameter of the unitary vector which maximiza thrust //if n vector and beam axis form a plane, then we can calculate a second unitary vector perpendicular to that plane Double_t nx1 = TMath::Cos(phi); Double_t ny1 = TMath::Sin(phi); for(Int_t i2 =0; i2 < nmctracks; ++i2){ numerador2 += TMath::Abs(pxT[i2] * ny1 - nx1 * pyT[i2]);//cross product: P_{i} X n, P_{i}=(px_{i},py_{i}) } thrust = 1 - pMax;//this is the value of thrust thrustminor = numerador2 / ptsuma;//this is the value of thrust minor Double_t recoil = TMath::Abs(TMath::Sqrt(pxsuma * pxsuma + pysuma * pysuma)) / (ptsuma);//factor sentsitive to radiation outside from acceptance evsh->AddAt(thrust, 0); evsh->AddAt(thrustminor, 1); evsh->AddAt(recoil, 2); delete [] ptT; delete [] pxT; delete [] pyT; return evsh; } Double_t AliEventShape::GetCircularityMC(AliMCEvent* mcEvent, Int_t nstudymin, Double_t ptcutoff, Double_t etacutoff, Bool_t chom) { /* This function returns the circularity value of the event The calculus uses primary particles. The input parameters: 1. nstudymin, is the minumum number of particles which you want that participate in the calculus.(default:nstudymin =3) 2. ptcutoff, is the cut in pt applied to participants to calculate the variables.(default: ptcutoff=1) 3. etacutoff, is the cut in acceptance applied to participants to calculate the variables.(default: etacutoff=1) 4. if chom=kTRUE, then the calculus includes neutral particles (rejecting photons and neutrinos). if chom=kFALSE, then the calculus includes only charged particles (rejecting photons and neutrinos). 1>=circularity>=0 */ AliStack* stack = 0; stack = mcEvent->Stack(); TMatrixDSym s(2); Double_t s00 = 0; Double_t s01 = 0; Double_t s10 = 0; Double_t s11 = 0; Double_t ptot = 0; Double_t circularity = -2; Int_t nmctracks = 0; Int_t nPrim = stack->GetNprimary(); for (Int_t iMCTracks = 0; iMCTracks < nPrim; ++iMCTracks) { TParticle* trackmc = stack->Particle(iMCTracks); if (!trackmc) continue; Double_t etamc = trackmc ->Eta(); Double_t ptmc = trackmc->Pt(); Double_t pxmc = trackmc->Px(); Double_t pymc = trackmc->Py(); Int_t pdgCode = TMath::Abs(trackmc->GetPdgCode()); if (TMath::Abs(etamc) > etacutoff) continue; if (ptmc < ptcutoff) continue; Bool_t isprimary = stack->IsPhysicalPrimary(iMCTracks); if (isprimary == 0) continue; TParticlePDG* pdgPart = trackmc ->GetPDG(); if(chom == kTRUE){ // skip photons and neutrinos if (pdgCode == 22 || pdgCode == 12 || pdgCode == 14 || pdgCode == 16) continue; } else{ if (pdgPart->Charge() == 0)continue; } ptot = ptot + (ptmc * ptmc); s00 = s00 + (pxmc * pxmc); s01 = s01 + (pxmc * pymc); s10 = s10 + (pymc * pxmc); s11 = s11 + (pymc * pymc); nmctracks++; } //track loop if (nmctracks < nstudymin) { Printf("Too few particles, abort"); return -2; } if(ptot != 0){ s(0,0) = s00 / ptot; s(0,1) = s01 / ptot; s(1,0) = s10 / ptot; s(1,1) = s11 / ptot; const TMatrixDSymEigen eigen(s); const TVectorD eigenVal=eigen.GetEigenValues(); circularity = 2 * (1 - eigenVal(0)); } return circularity; }