/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Jet finder base class // manages the search for jets // Authors: jgcn@mda.cinvestav.mx // andreas.morsch@cern.ch //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include "AliJetFinder.h" #include "AliJet.h" #include "AliJetReader.h" #include "AliJetReaderHeader.h" #include "AliJetControlPlots.h" #include "AliLeading.h" ClassImp(AliJetFinder) AliJetFinder::AliJetFinder(): fPlotMode(kFALSE), fJets(0), fGenJets(0), fLeading(0), fReader(0x0), fPlots(0x0), fOut(0x0) { // Constructor fJets = new AliJet(); fGenJets = new AliJet(); fLeading = new AliLeading(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliJetFinder::~AliJetFinder() { // destructor // here reset and delete jets fJets->ClearJets(); delete fJets; fGenJets->ClearJets(); delete fGenJets; // close file if (fOut) { fOut->Close(); fOut->Delete(); } delete fOut; // reset and delete control plots if (fPlots) delete fPlots; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliJetFinder::SetOutputFile(const char *name) { // opens output file fOut = new TFile(name,"recreate"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliJetFinder::PrintJets() { // Print jet information cout << " Jets found with jet algorithm:" << endl; fJets->PrintJets(); cout << " Jets found by pythia:" << endl; fGenJets->PrintJets(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliJetFinder::SetPlotMode(Bool_t b) { // Sets the plotting mode fPlotMode=b; if (b && !fPlots) fPlots = new AliJetControlPlots(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliJetFinder::WriteJetsToFile(Int_t i) { // Writes the jets to file fOut->cd(); char hname[30]; sprintf(hname,"TreeJ%d",i); TTree* jetT = new TTree(hname,"AliJet"); jetT->Branch("FoundJet",&fJets,1000); jetT->Branch("GenJet",&fGenJets,1000); jetT->Branch("LeadingPart",&fLeading,1000); jetT->Fill(); jetT->Write(hname); delete jetT; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliJetFinder::WriteRHeaderToFile() { // write reader header fOut->cd(); AliJetReaderHeader *rh = fReader->GetReaderHeader(); rh->Write(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliJetFinder::Run() { // Do some initialization Init(); // connect files fReader->OpenInputFiles(); // write headers WriteHeaders(); // loop over events Int_t nFirst,nLast; nFirst = fReader->GetReaderHeader()->GetFirstEvent(); nLast = fReader->GetReaderHeader()->GetLastEvent(); // loop over events for (Int_t i=nFirst;iFillMomentumArray(i); fLeading->FindLeading(fReader); fReader->GetGenJets(fGenJets); FindJets(); if (fOut) WriteJetsToFile(i); if (fPlots) fPlots->FillHistos(fJets); fLeading->Reset(); fGenJets->ClearJets(); Reset(); } // write out if (fPlots) { fPlots->Normalize(); fPlots->PlotHistos(); } if (fOut) { fOut->cd(); fPlots->Write(); fOut->Close(); } } // // The following methods have been added to allow for event steering from the outside // void AliJetFinder::ConnectTree(TTree* tree) { // Connect the input file fReader->ConnectTree(tree); } void AliJetFinder::WriteHeaders() { // Write the Headers if (fOut) { fOut->cd(); WriteRHeaderToFile(); WriteJHeaderToFile(); } } Bool_t AliJetFinder::ProcessEvent(Long64_t entry) { // // Process one event // printf("<<<<< Processing Event %5d >>>>> \n", (Int_t) entry); Bool_t ok = fReader->FillMomentumArray(entry); if (!ok) return kFALSE; fLeading->FindLeading(fReader); FindJets(); if (fOut) WriteJetsToFile(entry); if (fPlots) fPlots->FillHistos(fJets); fLeading->Reset(); fGenJets->ClearJets(); Reset(); return kTRUE; } void AliJetFinder::FinishRun() { // Finish a run if (fPlots) { fPlots->Normalize(); fPlots->PlotHistos(); } if (fOut) { fOut->cd(); fPlots->Write(); fOut->Close(); } }