// $Id$ //_________________________________________________________________________ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // class AliJetParticlesReader // // // // This reader reads tracks from Event Summary Data // // taken from Piotr.Skowronski@cern.ch // // more info: http://alisoft.cern.ch/people/skowron/analyzer/index.html // // // // loizides@ikf.uni-frankfurt.de // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliJetEventParticles.h" #include "AliJetParticlesReader.h" ClassImp(AliJetParticlesReader) AliJetParticlesReader::AliJetParticlesReader() : TNamed(), fEventParticles(0), fOwner(kTRUE), fDirs(0), fCurrentEvent(0), fCurrentDir(0), fNEventsRead(0), fFirst(0), fLast(0), fPtMin(0),fPtMax(1000), fEtaMin(-1),fEtaMax(1), fPhiMin(0),fPhiMax(2*TMath::Pi()) { //Constructor } AliJetParticlesReader::AliJetParticlesReader(TObjArray *dirs) : TNamed(), fEventParticles(0), fOwner(kTRUE), fDirs(dirs), fCurrentEvent(0), fCurrentDir(0), fNEventsRead(0), fFirst(0), fLast(0), fPtMin(0),fPtMax(1000), fEtaMin(-1),fEtaMax(1), fPhiMin(0),fPhiMax(2*TMath::Pi()) { } AliJetParticlesReader::~AliJetParticlesReader() { //Constructor if((fOwner) && (fEventParticles)) delete fEventParticles; } Int_t AliJetParticlesReader::Next() { //moves to next event //if asked to read up to event nb. fLast, //and it is overcome, report no more events if ((fNEventsRead > fLast) && (fLast > 0) ) return kFALSE; do //if asked to read from event fFirst, rewind to it { if ( ReadNext() == kFALSE) return kFALSE; //if no more evets, return it } while (fNEventsRead < fFirst); //here we have event return kTRUE; } TString& AliJetParticlesReader::GetDirName(Int_t entry) { //returns directory name of entry to read TString* retval;//return value if (fDirs == 0) { retval = new TString("."); return *retval; } if ((entry>fDirs->GetEntries()) || (entry<0)) //if out of bounds return empty string //note that entry==0 is accepted even if array is empty (size=0) { Error("GetDirName","Entry out of bounds"); retval = new TString(); return *retval; } if (fDirs->GetEntries() == 0) { retval = new TString("."); return *retval; } TClass *objclass = fDirs->At(entry)->IsA(); TClass *stringclass = TObjString::Class(); TObjString *dir = (TObjString*)objclass->DynamicCast(stringclass,fDirs->At(entry)); if(dir == 0) { Error("GetDirName","Object in TObjArray is not a TObjString"); retval = new TString(); return *retval; } //Info("GetDirName","Returned ok %s",dir->String().Data()); return dir->String(); }