real*8 function alphasPDF(Q) implicit none integer nset real*8 Q,a call getnset(nset) call evolveAs(nset,Q,a) alphasPDF=a return end * real*8 function alphasPDFM(nset,Q) implicit none integer nset real*8 Q,a call evolveAs(nset,Q,a) alphasPDFM=a return end * subroutine GetQmass(nnf,mass) implicit none integer nset real*8 Q,alphas,alfas0,scale0,mass integer nnf,nf,order nset = 1 call GetQmassM(nset,nnf,mass) return entry GetOrderAs(order) nset = 1 call GetOrderAsM(nset,order) return end subroutine evolveAs(nset,Q,alphas) implicit none include '' integer iset,imem common/SET/iset,imem integer nset character*16 s1,s2,s3 real*8 Q,alphas,alfas0,scale0,Mc,Mb,Mt real*8 Q0(nmxset) real*8 AlfasQ(nmxset) real*8 b0,b1,b2,L,As,mass double precision CtLhALPI,CtLhAlphaNew parameter (b0=1.2202,b1=0.4897,b2=0.1913) integer n integer order integer EvlOrd(nmxset) integer parm(nmxset) integer Etype(nmxset) integer Method(nmxset) integer nnf,naf,nf(nmxset) real*8 cmass,bmass,tmass common/masses_LHA/cmass,bmass,tmass save EvlOrd,parm,Etype,alfasQ,Q0,Method c equivalence (Mc,Massc) c equivalence (Mb,Massb) c equivalence (Mt,Masst) call setnset(nset) c if (method(nset).eq.0) then if ((Etype(nset).eq.1).or.(Etype(nset).eq.2)) then L=log(Q/Q0(nset)) As=alfasQ(nset) if (Etype(nset).eq.2) call GetParmPDF(nset,parm,As) c print *,Etype,parm,As if (EvlOrd(nset).eq.0) L=b0*L if (EvlOrd(nset).eq.1) L=(b0+As*b1)*L if (EvlOrd(nset).eq.2) L=(b0+As*b1+As**2*b2)*L . -0.5*As**2*b0*b1/2d0*L**2 alphas=As/(1.0+As*L) endif endif if (method(nset).eq.1) then call alfasevolve(nset,alphas,Q) elseif (method(nset).eq.2) then call alphamrs(5,alphas,Q) elseif (method(nset).eq.3) then alphas = 3.1415926535898d0*CtLhALPI(Q) elseif (method(nset).eq.4) then alphas = CtLhAlphaNew(Q) elseif (method(nset).eq.5) then call alphamrs(3,alphas,Q) elseif (method(nset).eq.6) then call alphamrs(4,alphas,Q) endif return * entry GetQmassM(nset,nnf,mass) n=abs(nnf) mass=0d0 if (n.eq.4) mass=cmass if (n.eq.5) mass=bmass if (n.eq.6) mass=tmass return entry GetNactive(naf,q) c compute nnfn = number of active flavors at scale q. n = 3 if(q .ge. cmass) n = 4 if(q .ge. bmass) n = n + 1 if(q .ge. tmass) n = n + 1 naf = n return entry GetAlfas(nset,alfas0,scale0) scale0=Q0(nset) alfas0=alfasQ(nset) if (Etype(nset).eq.2) call GetParmPDF(nset,parm(nset),alfas0) return * entry GetOrderAsM(nset,order) order=EvlOrd(nset) return * entry InitAlphasPDF(nset) Etype(nset)=-1 EvlOrd(nset)=-1 read(1,*) s1,s2,s3 if (index(s2,'lo').eq.1) EvlOrd(nset)=0 if (index(s2,'nlo').eq.1) EvlOrd(nset)=1 if (index(s2,'nnlo').eq.1) EvlOrd(nset)=2 if (EvlOrd(nset).lt.0) then write(*,*) 'File description error:' write(*,*) 'Unknown alpha_s evolution order ',s2 stop endif if (index(s1,'Fixed').eq.1) then Etype(nset)=1 parm(nset)=-1 read(1,*) alfasQ(nset),Q0(nset),cmass,bmass,tmass endif if (index(s1,'Variable').eq.1) then Etype(nset)=2 alfasQ(nset)=0d0 read(1,*) parm(nset),Q0(nset),cmass,bmass,tmass endif if (Etype(nset).lt.0) then write(*,*) 'File description error:' write(*,*) 'Unknown alpha_s evolution method ',s1 stop endif Method(nset)=-1 if (index(s3,'Internal').eq.1) Method(nset)=0 if (index(s3,'EvolCode').eq.1) Method(nset)=1 if (index(s3,'MRSTalfa').eq.1) Method(nset)=2 if (index(s3,'CTEQalfa').eq.1) Method(nset)=3 if (index(s3,'CTEQABalfa').eq.1) Method(nset)=4 if (index(s3,'MRST3alfa').eq.1) Method(nset)=5 if (index(s3,'MRST4alfa').eq.1) Method(nset)=6 if (Method(nset).lt.0) then write(*,*) 'File description error:' write(*,*) 'Unknown alpha_s method ',s3 stop endif c print *,'alpha_s evolution method = ',method return end subroutine alphamrs(nflav,alpha,Q) IMPLICIT real*8 (a-h,o-z) common/SET/iset,imem common/masses_LHA/cmass,bmass,tmass dimension parms(31) DATA PI/3.14159/ DATA TOL/.0005/ data memold/-1/ integer nset save alambda,memold c c print *,'calling alphamrs with ',nflav,Q call getnset(nset) c c c alambda=0.323 c alambda=0.3342 c -- find alambda corresponding to alphas given in first parameter call getnmem(nset,imem) if( then call listPDF(nset,imem,parms) alphas = parms(1) print *,alphas memold=imem qz2=8315. qz = dsqrt(qz2) alambda = 0.3000 astep = 0.010 tol2 = 0.0000001 idir = +1 10 continue alambda = alambda + idir*astep call mrslambda(nflav,alpha,qz,alambda) if(idir*(alphas-alpha).gt.0.0) then go to 20 else astep = 0.5*astep idir = -1*idir go to 20 endif 20 continue if(abs(alpha-alphas).gt.tol2) go to 10 endif c - alambda found -- save it !!!! c - next call mrslambda to get alphas at q with the correct alambda call mrslambda(nflav,alpha,q,alambda) RETURN END * subroutine rgras(alpha,Q2) IMPLICIT real*8 (a-h,o-z) real*8 mc,mb,mt include '' character*16 name(nmxset) integer nmem(nmxset),ndef(nmxset),mem common/NAME/name,nmem,ndef,mem q=dsqrt(q2) call getnset(nset) nflav=5 if(name(nset).eq.'QCDNUM_MRST3') nflav=3 if(name(nset).eq.'QCDNUM_MRST4') nflav=4 call alphamrs(nflav,alpha,Q) return end * * new vewrsion of mrslambda 13/5/2004 - includes lo, nlo, and nnlo with flags * subroutine mrslambda(nflav,alpha,Q,alambda) IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,O-Z) DATA PI/3.14159/ DATA TOL/.0005/ c The value of Lambda required corresponds to nflav=4 c iord=0 gives leading order, iord=1 gives NLO, iord=2 gives NNLO qsdt=8.18 !! This is the value of 4m_c^2 qsct=74.0 !! This is the value of 4m_b^2 c print *,'calling mrslambda with ',nflav,Q,alambda al2=alambda*alambda q2=q*q t=dlog(q2/al2) c c next line to be replaced by a getiord in the final version c iord=1 c call getnset(nset) call GetOrderAsM(nset,iord) ITH=0 TT=T qsdtt=qsdt/4. qsctt=qsct/4. AL=ALAMBDA AL2=AL*AL FLAV=4. if(nflav.eq.3) flav=3. QS=AL2*dEXP(T) if( then !! running stops below 0.5 qs=0.5d0 t=dlog(qs/al2) tt=t endif c if( then c flav=3. c go to 11 c endif IF( GO TO 12 IF( GO TO 312 11 CONTINUE B0=11-2.*FLAV/3. X1=4.*PI/B0 IF(IORD.eq.0) then ALPHA=X1/T ELSE if( then alpha=qwikalf(t,iord,flav) go to 51 endif B1=102.-38.*FLAV/3. X2=B1/B0**2 AS2=X1/T*(1.-X2*dLOG(T)/T) 5 AS=AS2 F=-T+X1/AS-X2*dLOG(X1/AS+X2) FP=-X1/AS**2*(1.-X2/(X1/AS+X2)) AS2=AS-F/FP DEL=ABS(F/FP/AS) IF((DEL-TOL).GT.0.) go to 5 ALPHA=AS2 51 continue ENDIF IF(ITH.EQ.0) RETURN GO TO (13,14,15) ITH c GO TO 5 12 ITH=1 T=dLOG(QSCTT/AL2) GO TO 11 13 ALFQC4=ALPHA FLAV=5. ITH=2 GO TO 11 14 ALFQC5=ALPHA ITH=3 T=TT GO TO 11 15 ALFQS5=ALPHA ALFINV=1./ALFQS5+1./ALFQC4-1./ALFQC5 ALPHA=1./ALFINV RETURN 311 CONTINUE B0=11-2.*FLAV/3. X1=4.*PI/B0 IF(IORD.eq.0) then ALPHA=X1/T ELSE if( then alpha=qwikalf(t,iord,flav) go to 351 endif B1=102.-38.*FLAV/3. X2=B1/B0**2 AS2=X1/T*(1.-X2*dLOG(T)/T) 35 AS=AS2 F=-T+X1/AS-X2*dLOG(X1/AS+X2) FP=-X1/AS**2*(1.-X2/(X1/AS+X2)) AS2=AS-F/FP DEL=ABS(F/FP/AS) IF((DEL-TOL).GT.0.) go to 35 ALPHA=AS2 351 continue endif IF(ITH.EQ.0) RETURN GO TO (313,314,315) ITH 312 ITH=1 T=dLOG(QSDTT/AL2) GO TO 311 313 ALFQC4=ALPHA FLAV=3. ITH=2 GO TO 311 314 ALFQC3=ALPHA ITH=3 T=TT GO TO 311 315 ALFQS3=ALPHA ALFINV=1./ALFQS3+1./ALFQC4-1./ALFQC3 ALPHA=1./ALFINV RETURN END double precision function qwikalf(t,iord,flav) implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) dimension z3(6),z4(6),z5(6),zz3(6),zz4(6),zz5(6) data z3/ -.161667E+01,0.954244E+01, .0.768623E+01,0.101523E+00,-.360127E-02,0.457867E-04/ data z4/ -.172239E+01,0.831185E+01, .0.721463E+01,0.835531E-01,-.285436E-02,0.349129E-04/ data z5/ -.872190E+00,0.572816E+01, .0.716119E+01,0.195884E-01,-.300199E-03,0.151741E-05/ data zz3/-.155611E+02,0.168406E+02, .0.603014E+01,0.257682E+00,-.970217E-02,0.127628E-03/ data zz4/-.106762E+02,0.118497E+02,0.664964E+01, .0.112996E+00,-.317551E-02,0.302434E-04/ data zz5/-.531860E+01,0.708503E+01,0.698352E+01, .0.274170E-01,-.426894E-03,0.217591E-05/ data pi/3.14159/ nfm2=flav-2. x=dsqrt(t) x2=x*x x3=x*x2 x4=x*x3 x5=x*x4 go to (1,2) iord 1 go to (3,4,5) nfm2 3 y=z3(1)+z3(2)*x+z3(3)*x2+z3(4)*x3+z3(5)*x4+z3(6)*x5 go to 10 4 y=z4(1)+z4(2)*x+z4(3)*x2+z4(4)*x3+z4(5)*x4+z4(6)*x5 go to 10 5 y=z5(1)+z5(2)*x+z5(3)*x2+z5(4)*x3+z5(5)*x4+z5(6)*x5 go to 10 2 go to (6,7,8) nfm2 6 y=zz3(1)+zz3(2)*x+zz3(3)*x2+zz3(4)*x3+zz3(5)*x4+zz3(6)*x5 go to 10 7 y=zz4(1)+zz4(2)*x+zz4(3)*x2+zz4(4)*x3+zz4(5)*x4+zz4(6)*x5 go to 10 8 y=zz5(1)+zz5(2)*x+zz5(3)*x2+zz5(4)*x3+zz5(5)*x4+zz5(6)*x5 go to 10 10 qwikalf=4.*pi/y return end c===================================================================== c next is alphas routine from PDFLIB c c DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION ALPHAS2(SCALE,qcdl5) subroutine aspdflib(alphas2,SCALE,iord,qcdl5) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) double precision + NF,KNF c CHARACTER*20 PARM(NCHDIM) c double precision c + VAL(NCHDIM) c DATA XMC/1.5D0/,XMB/4.75D0/,XMT/100.D0/ DATA XMC/1.43D0/,XMB/4.30D0/,XMT/100.D0/ DATA ZEROD/0.D0/,PONED/0.001D0/,ONED/1.D0/,TWOD/2.D0/ c QCDL5=0.165d0 c print *,qcdl5,iord LO = 1 if( LO = 2 c if(LO.eq.1) then c print *,'Calculating ALPHA_S at Leading Order',LO c else c print *,'Calculating ALPHA_S at Next to Leading Order',LO c endif TMAS = 180.0d0 ALPHAS2 = ZEROD C. PI=4.0D0*ATAN(ONED) B6 = (33.D0-2.D0*6.D0)/PI/12.D0 BP6 = (153.D0 - 19.D0*6.D0) / PI / TWOD / (33.D0 - 2.D0*6.D0) B5 = (33.D0-2.D0*5.D0)/PI/12.D0 BP5 = (153.D0 - 19.D0*5.D0) / PI / TWOD / (33.D0 - 2.D0*5.D0) B4 = (33.D0-2.D0*4.D0)/PI/12.D0 BP4 = (153.D0 - 19.D0*4.D0) / PI / TWOD / (33.D0 - 2.D0*4.D0) B3 = (33.D0-2.D0*3.D0)/PI/12.D0 BP3 = (153.D0 - 19.D0*3.D0) / PI / TWOD / (33.D0 - 2.D0*3.D0) XLC = TWOD * LOG( XMC/QCDL5) XLB = TWOD * LOG( XMB/QCDL5) XLT = TWOD * LOG( XMT/QCDL5 * TMAS/XMT) XLLC = LOG( XLC) XLLB = LOG( XLB) XLLT = LOG( XLT) C65 = ONED/( ONED/(B5 * XLT) - XLLT*BP5/(B5 * XLT)**2 ) + - ONED/( ONED/(B6 * XLT) - XLLT*BP6/(B6 * XLT)**2 ) C45 = ONED/( ONED/(B5 * XLB) - XLLB*BP5/(B5 * XLB)**2 ) + - ONED/( ONED/(B4 * XLB) - XLLB*BP4/(B4 * XLB)**2 ) C35 = ONED/( ONED/(B4 * XLC) - XLLC*BP4/(B4 * XLC)**2 ) + - ONED/( ONED/(B3 * XLC) - XLLC*BP3/(B3 * XLC)**2 ) + C45 C Q = SCALE XLQ = TWOD * LOG( Q/QCDL5 ) XLLQ = LOG( XLQ ) c KNF = NFL c NF = KNF c IF ( NF .LT. ZEROD) THEN IF ( Q .GT. XMT * TMAS/XMT) THEN NF = 6.D0 ELSEIF ( Q .GT. XMB ) THEN NF = 5.D0 ELSEIF ( Q .GT. XMC ) THEN NF = 4.D0 ELSE NF = 3.D0 ENDIF c ENDIF c print *,nf IF(NF .GT. 6.D0) NF = 6.D0 IF ( NF .EQ. 6.D0 ) THEN ALF = ONED/(ONED/(ONED/(B6*XLQ)- BP6/(B6*XLQ)**2*XLLQ) + C65) IF (LO.EQ.1) ALF = ONED/B6/XLQ ELSEIF ( NF .EQ. 5.D0 ) THEN ALF = ONED/(B5 * XLQ) - BP5/(B5 * XLQ)**2 * XLLQ IF (LO.EQ.1) ALF = ONED/B5/XLQ ELSEIF ( NF .EQ. 4.D0 ) THEN ALF = ONED/(ONED/(ONED/(B4*XLQ)- BP4/(B4*XLQ)**2*XLLQ) + C45) IF (LO.EQ.1) ALF = ONED/B4/XLQ ELSEIF ( NF .EQ. 3.D0 ) THEN ALF = ONED/(ONED/(ONED/(B3*XLQ)- BP3/(B3*XLQ)**2*XLLQ) + C35) IF (LO.EQ.1) ALF = ONED/B3/XLQ ELSE WRITE(*,*)'Error in Alphas2' STOP ENDIF ALPHAS2 = ALF RETURN END c ======================================================================== SUBROUTINE CtLhAlphaNewSET(MC,MB,MT,Q0,ALPHA0,IORDER,IMODE) c call to set quark masses for alpha_s, and choose lambda or its c equivalent to make alpha_s take the value alpha0 at scale Q0. IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION MC, MB, MT, Q0, ALPHA0 INTEGER IORDER, IMODE DOUBLE PRECISION UDSCBT, QQ0, AALPHA0 INTEGER IIORDER, IIMODE COMMON /QMASSES/ UDSCBT(6), IIMODE, IIORDER COMMON /ALSCALE/ QQ0, AALPHA0 double precision Adummy integer Nfl, Idummy common / QCDtable / Adummy, Nfl, Idummy if((imode .lt. 1) .or. (imode .gt. 3)) then print *,'CtLhAlphaNewSET: fatal imode=',imode stop endif IIMODE = IMODE QQ0 = Q0 AALPHA0 = ALPHA0 IIORDER = IORDER UDSCBT(1) = .005D0 UDSCBT(2) = .010D0 UDSCBT(3) = .300D0 UDSCBT(4) = MC UDSCBT(5) = MB UDSCBT(6) = MT c set artificial quark masses, if necessary, in alpha_s to enforce c the requested maximum number of flavors... if(Nfl .le. 5) UDSCBT(6) = 6.d99 if(Nfl .le. 4) UDSCBT(5) = 5.d99 if(Nfl .le. 3) UDSCBT(4) = 4.d99 if(Nfl .le. 2) UDSCBT(3) = 3.d99 if(Nfl .le. 1) UDSCBT(2) = 2.d99 if(Nfl .le. 0) UDSCBT(1) = 1.d99 c print *,'CtLhAlphaNewSET: imode=',imode,' Nfl=',Nfl !*** temporary *** c print *,'CtLhAlphaNewSET: mc,mb,mt=', mc, mb, mt !*** temporary *** c print *,'CtLhAlphaNewSET: Q0, alpha0=',Q0, alpha0 !*** temporary *** RETURN END FUNCTION CtLhAlphaNew(Q) IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION CtLhAlphaNew, Q DOUBLE PRECISION Q2, CtLhQALPHAS, UDSCBT integer nf,ier INTEGER IIMODE, IIORDER COMMON /QMASSES/ UDSCBT(6), IIMODE, IIORDER if((iimode .ge. 1) .and. (iimode .le. 3)) then Q2=Q*Q nf=6 if ( UDSCBT(6)**2) nf=5 if ( UDSCBT(5)**2) nf=4 if ( UDSCBT(4)**2) nf=3 if ( UDSCBT(3)**2) nf=2 if ( UDSCBT(2)**2) nf=1 if ( UDSCBT(1)**2) nf=0 c external maximum number of flavors -- typically, nfmax=5 so c top quark is not a parton even at large Q... CtLhAlphaNew=CtLhQALPHAS(Q2,nf,ier) if(ier .ne. 0) then print *,'warning in CtLhAlphaNew, Q=',Q,' nf=',nf, & ' ier=',ier,' CtLhAlphaNew=',CtLhAlphaNew endif else print *,'CtLhAlphaNew: undefined mode=',iimode stop endif return end FUNCTION CtLhQALPHAS(QQ2,NF,IERR) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) COMMON /ALSCALE/ Q0, ALPHA0 COMMON /QMASSES/ UDSCBT(6), IIMODE, IIORDER Q02 = Q0**2 ALP0 = ALPHA0 IOR = IIORDER NFFF = NF CtLhQALPHAS = CtLhA0TOA1(QQ2,Q02,ALP0,IOR,NFFF,IERR) RETURN END FUNCTION CtLhA0TOA1(QSU,QS0,AS0,IORD,NFF,IERR) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) COMMON /QMASSES/ UDSCBT(6), IIMODE, IIORDER QS1 = QSU QMU0 = SQRT(QS0) QMU1 = SQRT(QS1) DO I = 1, 6 IF(QMU0.GE.UDSCBT(I)) NF0 = I IF(QMU1.GE.UDSCBT(I)) NF1 = I ENDDO IF(NF1.LT.NF0) THEN IST = -1 JST = 0 ELSE IST = 1 JST = 1 ENDIF ALFA0 = AS0 Q00 = QS0 IERR = 0 DO 50 NF = NF0,NF1,IST IF(NF.NE.NF1) THEN Q21 = UDSCBT(NF+JST)**2 ELSE Q21 = QS1 ENDIF IMODE = IIMODE ALFA1 = CtLhALPHAR(Q21,Q00,ALFA0,NF,IORD,IMODE,JERR) IERR = IERR + JERR !IERR is sum of all errors ALFA0 = ALFA1 Q00 = Q21 50 CONTINUE CtLhA0TOA1 = ALFA0 NFF = NF1 RETURN END FUNCTION CtLhALPHAR(QSQ,QS0,AS0,NF,IORD,IMODE,IERR) C calculate ALPHAS FROM RGE GIVEN AS0 AT QS0. C C IORD=1: LEADING ORDER DEFINED BY C Q*d(alpha)/d(Q) = c1*alpha**2 C C IORD=2,IMODE=1: QCD NUM CHOICE DEFINED BY C Q*d(alpha)/d(Q) = c1*alpha**2 + c2*alpha**3 C C IORD=2,IMODE=2: AD HOC ALTERNATIVE DEFINED BY C Q*d(alpha)/d(Q) = c1*alpha**2 / (1 - (c2/c1)*alpha) C C IORD=2,IMODE=3: TRADITIONAL CTEQ CHOICE DEFINED BY C ALPHA = c3*(1 - c4*log(L)/L)/L, WHERE L=log((Q/lambda)**2) C C c1 = -beta0/(2*pi) where beta0 = 11. - (2./3.)*nf C c2 = -beta1/(8*pi**2) where beta1 = 102. - (38./3.)*nf C C c3 = -2/c1 C c4 = -2*c2/c1**2 C C IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) DATA PI / 3.14159265358979d0 / BET0 = 11.d0 -(2*NF)/3.d0 BET1 = 102.d0 - (38*NF)/3.d0 B0 = BET0/(4.d0*PI) B1 = BET1/(4.d0*PI*BET0) IERR = 0 TERM0 = 1.d0/AS0+B0*LOG(QSQ/QS0) IF(TERM0.LE.0.) THEN CtLhALPHAR = 100. IERR = 1 PRINT *,'CtLhALPHAR WARNING: RETURN 100.' RETURN ENDIF ALFA0 = 1.d0/TERM0 C ORDER=1 IS LEADING ORDER, WHICH IS SAME FOR ALL IMODE. IF(IORD.EQ.1) THEN CtLhALPHAR = ALFA0 RETURN ELSEIF(IORD.NE.2) THEN PRINT *,'FATAL ERROR: UNDEFINED ORDER IN CtLhALPHAR' STOP ENDIF C QCD NUM CHOICE: Q*d(alpha)/d(Q) = c1*alpha**2 + c2*alpha**3 IF(IMODE .EQ. 1) THEN c use Newton's method to solve the equation, instead of the c simple iterative method used in qcdnum (jcp 9/01) DO ITER = 1, 20 ARG = (1.d0/ALFA0+B1)/(1.d0/AS0+B1) IF(ARG.LE.0.) THEN CtLhALPHAR = 10. IERR = 1 PRINT *,'CtLhALPHAR WARNING: RETURN 10.' RETURN ENDIF TERM = TERM0 + B1*LOG(ARG) - 1.d0/ALFA0 ALFA1 = ALFA0/(1.d0 + ALFA0*(1.d0 + B1*ALFA0)*TERM) IF(ABS(ALFA1-ALFA0).LT.1.E-12) GOTO 20 ALFA0 = ALFA1 ENDDO CtLhALPHAR = 10. IERR = 1 RETURN 20 CONTINUE CtLhALPHAR = ALFA1 RETURN C AD HOC ALTERNATIVE: Q*d(alpha)/d(Q) = c1*alpha**2 / (1 - (c2/c1)*alpha) ELSEIF(IMODE .EQ. 2) THEN c first get a good starting point, to be sure Newton's method doesn't go c to the wrong root. BEST = 9.d99 DO ITRY = 0, 20 IF(ITRY.NE.0) ALFA0 = (1./B1)*(ITRY-0.5D0)/20.D0 F = -1.d0/ALFA0 + TERM0 - B1*LOG(ALFA0/AS0) IF(ABS(F) .LT. BEST) THEN BEST = ABS(F) ALBST = ALFA0 ENDIF ENDDO ALFA0 = ALBST DO ITER=1, 20 F = -1.d0/ALFA0 + TERM0 - B1*LOG(ALFA0/AS0) ALFA1 = ALFA0/(1.d0 + ALFA0*F/(1.d0 - B1*ALFA0)) IF(ABS(ALFA1-ALFA0) .LT. 1.E-12) GOTO 30 ALFA0 = ALFA1 ENDDO CtLhALPHAR = 10. IERR = 1 RETURN 30 CONTINUE CtLhALPHAR = ALFA1 RETURN C TRADITIONAL CTEQ CHOICE: ALPHA = c3*(1 - c4*log(L)/L)/L, WHERE L=log((Q/lambda)**2) ELSEIF(IMODE .EQ. 3) THEN Z = -LOG(B0*AS0) TMP = BET1/BET0**2 DO ITER = 1, 20 F = EXP(Z) - (1.D0 - TMP*Z*EXP(-Z))/(B0*AS0) FPRI = EXP(Z) + TMP*(1.D0-Z)*EXP(-Z)/(B0*AS0) ZNEW = Z - F/FPRI IF(ABS(Z-ZNEW) .LT. 1.E-10) GOTO 40 Z = ZNEW ENDDO CtLhALPHAR = 10. IERR = 1 RETURN 40 CONTINUE XLAMSQ = QS0 * EXP(-EXP(ZNEW)) XL = LOG(QSQ/XLAMSQ) c return a fixed value if no solution... IF(XL .LE. 0.D0) THEN CtLhALPHAR = 10.D0 IER = 1 RETURN ENDIF CtLhALPHAR = (1.d0 - TMP*LOG(XL)/XL)/(B0*XL) c place a cutoff if comes out very large... if(CtLhALPHAR .gt. 10.d0) then CtLhALPHAR = 10.d0 ier = 1 endif RETURN ELSE PRINT *,'FATAL UNDEFINED IMODE=',IMODE STOP ENDIF END FUNCTION CtLhALPInew (AMU) C Returns effective g**2/(4pi**2) = alpha/pi. IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H, O-Z) data pi / 3.14159265358979d0 / q = amu alpha = CtLhAlphaNew(q) CtLhalpinew = alpha/pi RETURN END subroutine CTEQ6NewAlpha(nset,mem) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H, O-Z) common / QCDtable / Alambda, Nfl, Iorder dimension parms(2) q0 = 91.188d0 c call GetLam4M(nset,mem,alpha0) c call GetLam5M(nset,mem,ximode) call listPDF(nset,mem,parms) alpha0 = parms(1) ximode = parms(2) imode = int(ximode) iiorder = iorder c ********************************************************** c the input data file should probably specify a very large c value for xmt, because we never allow top quark as a parton c in the PDF fitting, so there are never more than 5 active c flavors. Presume it is most consistent therefore to c also keep top quark loop out of running of alpha. c ********************************************************** call GetQmass(4,cmass) call GetQmass(5,bmass) call GetQmass(6,tmass) write(6,*) 'CTEQ6NewAlpha: mc, mb, mt=', & cmass, bmass, tmass call CtLhAlphaNewSET(XMC,XMB,XMT,Q0,ALPHA0,IIORDER,IMODE) RETURN END c================================================= subroutine getnset(nset) integer iset,nset save iset nset = iset c print *,'getting nset:',nset return c entry setnset(nset) iset = nset c print *,'setting nset:',nset return end c================================================= subroutine getnmem(nset,nmem) include '' integer nmem,nset,member(nmxset) save member nmem = member(nset) return c entry setnmem(nset,nmem) member(nset) = nmem return end c=================================================