/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ #include "AliMUONBusStruct.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include #include //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \class AliMUONBusStruct /// Bus patch structure for tracker raw data /// each Dsp contains at most 5 bus patch structure /// Beside the total length and length of the below data /// the header of the block contains the bus patch id, trigger words /// and data structure itself (11bits for manu id, 6 bits for channel id and /// 12 bits for charge) /// /// \author Christian Finck //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using std::cout; using std::endl; /// \cond CLASSIMP ClassImp(AliMUONBusStruct) /// \endcond const Int_t AliMUONBusStruct::fgkHeaderLength = 4; const UInt_t AliMUONBusStruct::fgkDefaultDataKey = 0xB000000B; const Int_t AliMUONBusStruct::fgkManuNofChannels(64); //___________________________________________ AliMUONBusStruct::AliMUONBusStruct() : TObject(), fDataKey(0), fTotalLength(0), fLength(0), fBusPatchId(0), fBufSize(43*fgkManuNofChannels), /* assuming 43 manus max per bustpatch. Anyway fData is resized where needed (though it makes it slower) */ fData(new UInt_t[fBufSize]), fDspId(0), fBlkId(0) { /// /// ctor /// } //___________________________________________ AliMUONBusStruct::~AliMUONBusStruct() { /// /// dtor /// delete[] fData; } //___________________________________________ void AliMUONBusStruct::SetAlloc(Int_t size) { /// /// Allocate size /// return if size < fBufSize /// if (size < fBufSize) return; else ResizeData(size); } //___________________________________________ void AliMUONBusStruct::AddData(UInt_t data) { /// could have used class from ROOT /// but the structure must be as simple as possible /// to be written on disc blockwise, not so sure ? if (fLength == fBufSize) ResizeData(); fData[fLength++] = data; fTotalLength = fLength + fgkHeaderLength; } //___________________________________________ void AliMUONBusStruct::ResizeData(Int_t size) { /// In case of resizing the vector /// the most simplest way to do it /// if (size == 0) fBufSize *= 2; else fBufSize = size; UInt_t* newData = new UInt_t[fBufSize]; for (Int_t i = 0; i < fLength; i++) newData[i] = fData[i]; delete[] fData; fData = newData; } //___________________________________________ AliMUONBusStruct:: AliMUONBusStruct(const AliMUONBusStruct& event) : TObject(event), fDataKey(event.fDataKey), fTotalLength(event.fTotalLength), fLength(event.fLength), fBusPatchId(event.fBusPatchId), fBufSize(event.fBufSize), fData(new UInt_t[event.fBufSize]), fDspId(event.fDspId), fBlkId(event.fBlkId) { /// /// copy ctor /// for (int i = 0; i < event.fBufSize; i++) fData[i] = event.fData[i]; } //___________________________________________ AliMUONBusStruct& AliMUONBusStruct::operator=(const AliMUONBusStruct& event) { /// /// assignment operator /// if (this == &event) return *this; fDataKey = event.fDataKey; fTotalLength = event.fTotalLength; fLength = event.fLength; fBusPatchId = event.fBusPatchId; fBufSize = event.fBufSize; fBlkId = event.fBlkId; fDspId = event.fDspId; delete [] fData; fData = new UInt_t[event.fBufSize]; for (int i = 0; i < event.fLength; i++) fData[i] = event.fData[i]; return *this; } //___________________________________________ Int_t AliMUONBusStruct::Compare(const TObject *obj) const { /// /// sort bus patch by bus patch number /// important for AliMUONRawWriter /// AliMUONBusStruct* event = (AliMUONBusStruct*) obj; return (fBusPatchId > event->GetBusPatchId()) ? 1 : -1; } //___________________________________________ void AliMUONBusStruct::Clear(Option_t *) { /// clear /// delete the allocated memory /// delete[] fData; } //___________________________________________ UInt_t AliMUONBusStruct::GetData(Int_t n) const { /// /// get data /// if ( n>=0 && n=0 && n> 31) & 0x1; AliError("Index outside limits."); return 0; } //___________________________________________ UShort_t AliMUONBusStruct::GetManuId(Int_t n) const { /// /// get manu Id /// if ( n>=0 && n> 18) & 0x7FF; AliError("Index outside limits."); return 0; } //___________________________________________ UChar_t AliMUONBusStruct::GetChannelId(Int_t n) const { /// /// get channel Id /// if ( n>=0 && n> 12) & 0x3F; AliError("Index outside limits."); return 0; } //___________________________________________ UShort_t AliMUONBusStruct::GetCharge(Int_t n) const { /// /// get charge (in ADC) /// if ( n>=0 && n