#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliRunDigitizer.h" #include "AliRunLoader.h" #include "AliLoader.h" #include "AliMUON.h" #include "AliMUONChamber.h" #include "AliMUONConstants.h" #include "AliMUONDigit.h" #include "AliMUONDigitizerv1.h" #include "AliMUONHit.h" #include "AliMUONHitMapA1.h" #include "AliMUONPadHit.h" #include "AliMUONTransientDigit.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // AliMUONDigitizerv1 implements a full digitizer to digitize digits directly // from hits. It also performs merging over several input streams. // The first input stream is assumed to be the signal and all other input // streams are assumed to be background. SDigits are never generated by this // digitizer and one should use the AliMUONSDigitizerv1 for that task. // // NOTE: This digitizer will become depricated in the future in favour of // AliMUONSDigitizerv1 and AliMUONDigitizerv2. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ClassImp(AliMUONDigitizerv1) //___________________________________________ AliMUONDigitizerv1::AliMUONDigitizerv1() : AliMUONDigitizer() { // Default ctor - don't use it } //___________________________________________ AliMUONDigitizerv1::AliMUONDigitizerv1(AliRunDigitizer* manager) : AliMUONDigitizer(manager) { // ctor which should be used } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliMUONDigitizerv1::GenerateTransientDigits() { // Loops over all tracks and hits in the current selected event and calls // MakeTransientDigitsFromHit for each hit. // Note: Charge correlation is applied to the tracking chambers. TTree* treeH = gime->TreeH(); if (GetDebug() > 1) Info("GenerateTransientDigits", "Generating transient digits using treeH = 0x%X" , (void*)treeH); // // Loop over tracks Int_t ntracks = (Int_t) treeH->GetEntries(); for (Int_t itrack = 0; itrack < ntracks; itrack++) { if (GetDebug() > 2) Info("GenerateTransientDigits", "Processing track %d...", itrack); muondata->ResetHits(); treeH->GetEvent(itrack); // // Loop over hits TClonesArray* hits = muondata->Hits(); for (Int_t ihit = 0; ihit < hits->GetEntriesFast(); ihit++) { AliMUONHit* mHit = static_cast( hits->At(ihit) ); Int_t ichamber = mHit->Chamber()-1; // chamber number if (ichamber > AliMUONConstants::NCh()-1) { Error("GenerateTransientDigits", "Hit 0x%X has a invalid chamber number: %d", ichamber); continue; } // //Dumping Hit content: if (GetDebug() > 2) { Info("GenerateTransientDigits", "Hit %d: chamber = %d\tX = %f\tY = %f\tZ = %f\teloss = %f", ihit, mHit->Chamber(), mHit->X(), mHit->Y(), mHit->Z(), mHit->Eloss() ); } // // Inititializing Correlation AliMUONChamber& chamber = pMUON->Chamber(ichamber); chamber.ChargeCorrelationInit(); if (ichamber < AliMUONConstants::NTrackingCh()) { // Tracking Chamber // Initialize hit position (cursor) in the segmentation model chamber.SigGenInit(mHit->X(), mHit->Y(), mHit->Z()); }; // else do nothing for Trigger Chambers MakeTransientDigitsFromHit(itrack, ihit, mHit); } // hit loop } // track loop }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliMUONDigitizerv1::MakeTransientDigitsFromHit(Int_t track, Int_t iHit, AliMUONHit * mHit) { // This method is called for every hit in an event to generate AliMUONTransientDigits // from the hit and add these to fTDList. // The AliMUONChamber::DisIntegration method us used to figure out which pads are // fired for a given hit. We then loop over the fired pads and add an AliMUONTransientDigit // for each pad. if (GetDebug() > 3) Info("MakeTransientDigitsFromHit", "Making transient digit for hit number %d.", iHit); // // Calls the charge disintegration method of the current chamber if (GetDebug() > 4) Info("MakeTransientDigitsFromHit", "Calling AliMUONChamber::DisIngtegration..."); Float_t newdigit[6][500]; // Pad information Int_t nnew=0; // Number of touched Pads per hit Int_t ichamber = mHit->Chamber()-1; AliMUONChamber& chamber = pMUON->Chamber(ichamber); chamber.DisIntegration(mHit->Eloss(), mHit->Age(), mHit->X(), mHit->Y(), mHit->Z(), nnew, newdigit); // Creating new TransientDigits from hit for(Int_t iTD = 0; iTD < nnew; iTD++) { Int_t charge; Int_t digits[6]; digits[0] = Int_t(newdigit[1][iTD]); // Padx of the Digit digits[1] = Int_t(newdigit[2][iTD]); // Pady of the Digit digits[2] = Int_t(newdigit[5][iTD]); // Cathode plane digits[3] = Int_t(newdigit[3][iTD]); // Induced charge in the Pad if (fSignal) { charge = digits[3]; digits[4] = Int_t(newdigit[3][iTD]); // Signal due to physics } else { charge = digits[3] + fMask; digits[4] = 0; // No signal due to physics since this is now background. }; digits[5] = iHit+fMask; // Hit number in the list if (GetDebug() > 4) Info("MakeTransientDigitsFromHit", "DisIntegration result %d: PadX %d\tPadY %d\tPlane %d\tCharge %d\tHit %d", iTD, digits[0], digits[1], digits[2], digits[3], digits[5]); AliMUONTransientDigit* mTD = new AliMUONTransientDigit(ichamber, digits); mTD->AddToTrackList(track + fMask, charge); OnCreateTransientDigit(mTD, mHit); AddOrUpdateTransientDigit(mTD); }; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void AliMUONDigitizerv1::AddDigit(Int_t chamber, Int_t tracks[kMAXTRACKS], Int_t charges[kMAXTRACKS], Int_t digits[6]) { // Derived to add digits to TreeD. muondata->AddDigit(chamber, tracks, charges, digits); }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int_t AliMUONDigitizerv1::GetSignalFrom(AliMUONTransientDigit* td) { // Derived to apply the chamber response model to the digit. // Using AliMUONChamber::ResponseModel() for this. if (GetDebug() > 3) Info("GetSignalFrom", "Applying response of chamber to TransientDigit signal."); // // Digit Response (noise, threshold, saturation, ...) Int_t q = td->Signal(); AliMUONChamber& chamber = pMUON->Chamber(td->Chamber()); AliMUONResponse* response = chamber.ResponseModel(); q = response->DigitResponse(q, td); return q; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bool_t AliMUONDigitizerv1::InitOutputData(AliMUONLoader* muonloader) { // Derived to initialize the output digits tree TreeD, create it if necessary // and sets the muondata tree address to treeD. if (GetDebug() > 2) Info("InitOutputData", "Creating digits branch and setting the tree address."); muondata->SetLoader(muonloader); // New branch per chamber for MUON digit in the tree of digits if (muonloader->TreeD() == NULL) { muonloader->MakeDigitsContainer(); if (muonloader->TreeD() == NULL) { Error("InitOutputData", "Could not create TreeD."); return kFALSE; }; }; muondata->MakeBranch("D"); muondata->SetTreeAddress("D"); return kTRUE; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void AliMUONDigitizerv1::FillOutputData() { // Derived to fill TreeD and resets the digit array in muondata. if (GetDebug() > 2) Info("FillOutputData", "Filling trees with digits."); muondata->Fill("D"); muondata->ResetDigits(); }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void AliMUONDigitizerv1::CleanupOutputData(AliMUONLoader* muonloader) { // Derived to write the digits tree and then unload the digits tree once written. if (GetDebug() > 2) Info("CleanupOutputData", "Writing digits and releasing pointers."); muonloader->WriteDigits("OVERWRITE"); muonloader->UnloadDigits(); }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bool_t AliMUONDigitizerv1::InitInputData(AliMUONLoader* muonloader) { // Derived to initialise the input to read from TreeH the hits tree. // If the hits are not loaded then we load the hits using the muon loader. if (GetDebug() > 2) Info("InitInputData", "Loading hits in READ mode and setting the tree address."); muondata->SetLoader(muonloader); if (muonloader->TreeH() == NULL) { muonloader->LoadHits("READ"); if (muonloader->TreeH() == NULL) { Error("InitInputData", "Can not load the hits tree."); return kFALSE; }; }; muondata->SetTreeAddress("H"); return kTRUE; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void AliMUONDigitizerv1::CleanupInputData(AliMUONLoader* muonloader) { // Derived to release the loaded hits and unload them. if (GetDebug() > 2) Info("CleanupInputData", "Releasing loaded hits."); muondata->ResetHits(); muonloader->UnloadHits(); };