/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Log$ Revision 1.5 2000/11/21 13:47:55 gosset All Mathieson parameters (Sqrt(K3), K2 and K4) set in one function, SetSqrtKx3AndDeriveKx2Kx4 or SetSqrtKx3AndDeriveKx2Kx4, for each cathode plane Revision 1.4 2000/10/25 10:41:52 morsch IntPH(..): Protec Log against random numbers equal to 0. Revision 1.3 2000/07/03 11:54:57 morsch AliMUONSegmentation and AliMUONHitMap have been replaced by AliSegmentation and AliHitMap in STEER The methods GetPadIxy and GetPadXxy of AliMUONSegmentation have changed name to GetPadI and GetPadC. Revision 1.2 2000/06/15 07:58:48 morsch Code from MUON-dev joined Revision 2000/06/09 21:33:35 morsch AliMUONResponse code from AliMUONSegResV0.cxx */ #include "AliMUONResponseV0.h" #include "AliSegmentation.h" #include #include ClassImp(AliMUONResponseV0) //__________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONResponseV0::SetSqrtKx3AndDeriveKx2Kx4(Float_t SqrtKx3) { // Set to "SqrtKx3" the Mathieson parameter K3 ("fSqrtKx3") // in the X direction, perpendicular to the wires, // and derive the Mathieson parameters K2 ("fKx2") and K4 ("fKx4") // in the same direction fSqrtKx3 = SqrtKx3; fKx2 = TMath::Pi() / 2. * (1. - 0.5 * fSqrtKx3); Float_t cx1 = fKx2 * fSqrtKx3 / 4. / TMath::ATan(Double_t(fSqrtKx3)); fKx4 = cx1 / fKx2 / fSqrtKx3; } //__________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONResponseV0::SetSqrtKy3AndDeriveKy2Ky4(Float_t SqrtKy3) { // Set to "SqrtKy3" the Mathieson parameter K3 ("fSqrtKy3") // in the Y direction, along the wires, // and derive the Mathieson parameters K2 ("fKy2") and K4 ("fKy4") // in the same direction fSqrtKy3 = SqrtKy3; fKy2 = TMath::Pi() / 2. * (1. - 0.5 * fSqrtKy3); Float_t cy1 = fKy2 * fSqrtKy3 / 4. / TMath::ATan(Double_t(fSqrtKy3)); fKy4 = cy1 / fKy2 / fSqrtKy3; } Float_t AliMUONResponseV0::IntPH(Float_t eloss) { // Calculate charge from given ionization energy loss Int_t nel; nel= Int_t(eloss*1.e9/32.); Float_t charge=0; if (nel == 0) nel=1; for (Int_t i=1;i<=nel;i++) { Float_t arg=0.; while(!arg) arg = gRandom->Rndm(); charge -= fChargeSlope*TMath::Log(arg); } return charge; } // ------------------------------------------- Float_t AliMUONResponseV0::IntXY(AliSegmentation * segmentation) { // Calculate charge on current pad according to Mathieson distribution // const Float_t kInversePitch = 1/fPitch; // // Integration limits defined by segmentation model // Float_t xi1, xi2, yi1, yi2; segmentation->IntegrationLimits(xi1,xi2,yi1,yi2); xi1=xi1*kInversePitch; xi2=xi2*kInversePitch; yi1=yi1*kInversePitch; yi2=yi2*kInversePitch; // // The Mathieson function Double_t ux1=fSqrtKx3*TMath::TanH(fKx2*xi1); Double_t ux2=fSqrtKx3*TMath::TanH(fKx2*xi2); Double_t uy1=fSqrtKy3*TMath::TanH(fKy2*yi1); Double_t uy2=fSqrtKy3*TMath::TanH(fKy2*yi2); return Float_t(4.*fKx4*(TMath::ATan(ux2)-TMath::ATan(ux1))* fKy4*(TMath::ATan(uy2)-TMath::ATan(uy1))); } Int_t AliMUONResponseV0::DigitResponse(Int_t digit) { // add white noise and do zero-suppression and signal truncation // Float_t meanNoise = gRandom->Gaus(1, 0.2); // correct noise for slat chambers; // one more field to add to AliMUONResponseV0 to allow different noises ???? Float_t meanNoise = gRandom->Gaus(1.5, 0.2); Float_t noise = gRandom->Gaus(0, meanNoise); digit+=(Int_t)noise; if ( digit <= ZeroSuppression()) digit = 0; if ( digit > MaxAdc()) digit=MaxAdc(); return digit; }