#ifndef ALIMUONTRACK_H #define ALIMUONTRACK_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /*$Id$*/ // Revision of includes 07/05/2004 /// \ingroup rec /// \class AliMUONTrack /// \brief Reconstructed track in ALICE dimuon spectrometer /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Reconstructed track in ALICE dimuon spectrometer //////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "AliMUONTrackParam.h" // object belongs to the class #include class AliMUONHitForRec; class AliMUONObjectPair; class AliMUONTrack : public TObject { public: AliMUONTrack(); // Default constructor AliMUONTrack(AliMUONObjectPair *segment); // Constructor from a segment virtual ~AliMUONTrack(); // Destructor AliMUONTrack (const AliMUONTrack& track); // copy constructor AliMUONTrack& operator=(const AliMUONTrack& track); // assignment operator /// return pointeur to track parameters at vertex AliMUONTrackParam* GetTrackParamAtVertex() {return &fTrackParamAtVertex;} /// set track parameters at vertex void SetTrackParamAtVertex(const AliMUONTrackParam* trackParam) {fTrackParamAtVertex = *trackParam;} /// return array of track parameters at hit TClonesArray* GetTrackParamAtHit() const {return fTrackParamAtHit;} /// reset array of track parameters at hit void ResetTrackParamAtHit() { fTrackParamAtHit->Delete(); } void AddTrackParamAtHit(const AliMUONTrackParam *trackParam, AliMUONHitForRec *hitForRec); void RemoveTrackParamAtHit(AliMUONTrackParam *trackParam); void UpdateTrackParamAtHit(); void UpdateCovTrackParamAtHit(); /// return array of hitForRec at hit TClonesArray* GetHitForRecAtHit() const {return fHitForRecAtHit;} /// reset array of hitForRec at hit void ResetHitForRecAtHit() { fHitForRecAtHit->Delete(); } void AddHitForRecAtHit(const AliMUONHitForRec *hitForRec); /// return the number of hits attached to the track Int_t GetNTrackHits() const {return fNTrackHits;} /// set the number of hits attached to the track void SetNTrackHits(Int_t nTrackHits) {fNTrackHits = nTrackHits;} /// return kTrue if the vertex must be used to constrain the fit, kFalse if not Bool_t GetFitWithVertex() const {return fFitWithVertex;} /// set the flag telling whether the vertex must be used to constrain the fit or not void SetFitWithVertex(Bool_t fitWithVertex) { fFitWithVertex = fitWithVertex; } /// return the vertex used during the tracking procedure AliMUONHitForRec* GetVertex() const {return fVertex;} void SetVertex(const AliMUONHitForRec* vertex); /// return kTrue if the multiple scattering must be accounted for in the fit, kFalse if not Bool_t GetFitWithMCS() const {return fFitWithMCS;} /// set the flag telling whether the multiple scattering must be accounted for in the fit or not void SetFitWithMCS(Bool_t fitWithMCS) {fFitWithMCS = fitWithMCS;} Bool_t ComputeHitWeights(TMatrixD* mcsCovariances = 0); Bool_t ComputeLocalChi2(Bool_t accountForMCS); Double_t ComputeGlobalChi2(Bool_t accountForMCS); /// return the minimum value of the function minimized by the fit Double_t GetFitFMin() const {return fGlobalChi2;} /// set the minimum value of the function minimized by the fit void SetFitFMin(Double_t chi2) { fGlobalChi2 = chi2;} /// return kTRUE if the track has been improved Bool_t IsImproved() const {return fImproved;} /// set the flag telling whether the track has been improved or not void SetImproved(Bool_t improved) { fImproved = improved;} /// return 1,2,3 if track matches with trigger track, 0 if not Int_t GetMatchTrigger(void) const {return fMatchTrigger;} /// returns the local trigger number corresponding to the trigger track Int_t GetLoTrgNum(void) const {return floTrgNum;} /// set the flag telling whether track matches with trigger track or not void SetMatchTrigger(Int_t matchTrigger) {fMatchTrigger = matchTrigger;} /// set the local trigger number corresponding to the trigger track void SetLoTrgNum(Int_t loTrgNum) {floTrgNum = loTrgNum;} /// return the chi2 of trigger/track matching Double_t GetChi2MatchTrigger(void) const {return fChi2MatchTrigger;} /// set the chi2 of trigger/track matching void SetChi2MatchTrigger(Double_t chi2MatchTrigger) {fChi2MatchTrigger = chi2MatchTrigger;} Int_t HitsInCommon(AliMUONTrack* track) const; Double_t GetNormalizedChi2() const; Bool_t* CompatibleTrack(AliMUONTrack* track, Double_t sigma2Cut) const; // return array of compatible chamber /// return track number in TrackRefs Int_t GetTrackID() const {return fTrackID;} /// set track number in TrackRefs void SetTrackID(Int_t trackID) {fTrackID = trackID;} /// set word telling which trigger chambers where hit by track UShort_t GetHitsPatternInTrigCh() const {return fHitsPatternInTrigCh;} /// set word telling which trigger chambers where hit by track void SetHitsPatternInTrigCh(UShort_t hitsPatternInTrigCh) {fHitsPatternInTrigCh = hitsPatternInTrigCh;} /// set local trigger information for the matched trigger track void SetLocalTrigger(Int_t loCirc, Int_t loStripX, Int_t loStripY, Int_t loDev, Int_t loLpt, Int_t loHpt); /// return local trigger information for the matched trigger track Int_t GetLocalTrigger(void) const { return fLocalTrigger; } /// number of triggering circuit Int_t LoCircuit(void) const { Int_t circ = fLocalTrigger & 0xFF; return (circ == 234) ? -1 : circ; } /// x-strip local trigger Int_t LoStripX(void) const { return fLocalTrigger >> 8 & 0x1F; } /// y-strip local trigger Int_t LoStripY(void) const { return fLocalTrigger >> 13 & 0x0F; } /// deviation local trigger Int_t LoDev(void) const { return fLocalTrigger >> 17 & 0x1F; } /// low pt decision local trigger Int_t LoLpt(void) const { return fLocalTrigger >> 22 & 0x03; } /// high pt decision local trigger Int_t LoHpt(void) const { return fLocalTrigger >> 24 & 0x03; } void RecursiveDump(void) const; // Recursive dump (with track hits) virtual void Print(Option_t* opt="") const; virtual void Clear(Option_t* opt=""); private: AliMUONTrackParam fTrackParamAtVertex; //!< Track parameters at vertex TClonesArray *fTrackParamAtHit; ///< Track parameters at hit TClonesArray *fHitForRecAtHit; ///< Cluster parameters at hit Int_t fNTrackHits; ///< Number of hits attached to the track Bool_t fFitWithVertex; //!< kTRUE if using the vertex to constrain the fit, kFALSE if not AliMUONHitForRec *fVertex; //!< Vertex used during the tracking procedure if required Bool_t fFitWithMCS; //!< kTRUE if accounting for multiple scattering in the fit, kFALSE if not TMatrixD* fHitWeightsNonBending; //!< weights matrix, in non bending direction, of hits attached to the track //!< (accounting for multiple scattering and hits resolution) TMatrixD* fHitWeightsBending; //!< weights matrix, in bending direction, of hits attached to the track //!< (accounting for multiple scattering and hits resolution) Double_t fGlobalChi2; ///< Global chi2 of the track Bool_t fImproved; //!< kTRUE if the track has been improved Int_t fMatchTrigger; ///< 0 track does not match trigger ///< 1 track match but does not pass pt cut ///< 2 track match Low pt cut ///< 3 track match High pt cut Int_t floTrgNum; ///< the number of the corresponding loTrg, -1 if no matching Double_t fChi2MatchTrigger; ///< chi2 of trigger/track matching Int_t fTrackID; ///< track ID = track number in TrackRefs UShort_t fHitsPatternInTrigCh; ///< Word containing info on the hits left in trigger chambers Int_t fLocalTrigger; ///< packed local trigger information // methods Bool_t ComputeHitWeights(TMatrixD& hitWeightsNB, TMatrixD& hitWeightsB, TMatrixD* mcsCovariances = 0, AliMUONHitForRec* discardedHit = 0) const; void ComputeMCSCovariances(TMatrixD& mcsCovariances) const; ClassDef(AliMUONTrack, 7) // Reconstructed track in ALICE dimuon spectrometer }; #endif