/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // $Id$ #include "AliMUONTriggerQAChecker.h" /// \class AliMUONTriggerQAChecker /// /// Implementation of QAChecker for MTR /// /// For the moment we only implement the checking of raw data QA for the trigger /// by looking at the local structure and trigger response errors. /// /// \author Diego Stocco, Subatech #include "AliRecoParam.h" #include "AliMUONQAIndices.h" #include "AliQAv1.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TPaveText.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TList.h" /// \cond CLASSIMP ClassImp(AliMUONTriggerQAChecker) /// \endcond //__________________________________________________________________ AliMUONTriggerQAChecker::AliMUONTriggerQAChecker() : AliMUONVQAChecker() { /// ctor } //__________________________________________________________________ AliMUONTriggerQAChecker::~AliMUONTriggerQAChecker() { /// dtor } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONVQAChecker::ECheckCode AliMUONTriggerQAChecker::MarkHisto(TH1& histo, AliMUONVQAChecker::ECheckCode value) const { /// Mark histo as originator of some QA error/warning if ( value != AliMUONVQAChecker::kInfo ) { histo.SetBit(AliQAv1::GetQABit()); } return value; } //__________________________________________________________________ AliMUONVQAChecker::ECheckCode* AliMUONTriggerQAChecker::CheckRaws(TObjArray** list, const AliMUONRecoParam* ) { /// Check raw data AliMUONVQAChecker::ECheckCode * rv = new AliMUONVQAChecker::ECheckCode[AliRecoParam::kNSpecies]; Int_t histoRawsPercentIndex[] = { AliMUONQAIndices::kTriggerErrorSummaryNorm, AliMUONQAIndices::kTriggerCalibSummaryNorm, AliMUONQAIndices::kTriggerReadOutErrorsNorm }; const Int_t kNrawsHistos = sizeof(histoRawsPercentIndex)/sizeof(histoRawsPercentIndex[0]); // BEGIN OF LIMITS // Fixme: Move me to reference histos Float_t safeFactor = 5.; Float_t alarmPercentTrigAlgo[AliMUONQAIndices::kNtrigAlgoErrorBins] = {safeFactor*1., safeFactor*1., safeFactor*1., 100., 100., 100., 100., safeFactor*1., safeFactor*1., safeFactor*1.}; Float_t alarmPercentCalib[AliMUONQAIndices::kNtrigCalibSummaryBins] = {safeFactor*0.4, safeFactor*1., 6.2, 0.0001, safeFactor*0.4}; Float_t alarmPercentReadout[AliMUONQAIndices::kNtrigStructErrorBins] = {safeFactor*1., safeFactor*1., safeFactor*1., safeFactor*1.}; Float_t* alarmPercent[kNrawsHistos] = {alarmPercentTrigAlgo, alarmPercentCalib, alarmPercentReadout}; // END OF LIMTS TObjArray messages; messages.SetOwner(kTRUE); TH1* currHisto = 0x0; for (Int_t specie = 0 ; specie < AliRecoParam::kNSpecies ; specie++) { rv[specie] = AliMUONVQAChecker::kInfo; TH1* hAnalyzedEvents = AliQAv1::GetData(list,AliMUONQAIndices::kTriggerRawNAnalyzedEvents,AliRecoParam::ConvertIndex(specie)); Int_t nAnalyzedEvents = 0; if ( hAnalyzedEvents ) nAnalyzedEvents = TMath::Nint(hAnalyzedEvents->GetBinContent(1)); // if ( nAnalyzedEvents == 0 ) // rv[specie] = AliMUONVQAChecker::kFatal; for(Int_t ihisto = 0; ihistoGetXaxis()->GetNbins(); for (Int_t ibin = 1; ibin<=nbins; ibin++){ Double_t binContent = currHisto->GetBinContent(ibin); if ( binContent > alarmPercent[ihisto][ibin-1] ) currRv = AliMUONVQAChecker::kWarning; else if ( ibin == 4 && binContent > 50. ) { messages.Add(new TObjString("Do not panic:")); messages.Add(new TObjString("copy errors do not affect data")); } } // loop on bins if ( currRv != AliMUONVQAChecker::kInfo ) { switch ( histoRawsPercentIndex[ihisto] ) { case AliMUONQAIndices::kTriggerErrorSummaryNorm: case AliMUONQAIndices::kTriggerCalibSummaryNorm: messages.Add(new TObjString("Trigger algo errors")); break; case AliMUONQAIndices::kTriggerReadOutErrorsNorm: messages.Add(new TObjString("Readout errors")); break; } if ( currRv == AliMUONVQAChecker::kWarning ) messages.Add(new TObjString("are a little bit high")); else if ( currRv == AliMUONVQAChecker::kError || currRv == AliMUONVQAChecker::kFatal ) messages.Add(new TObjString("are too high")); } else { switch ( histoRawsPercentIndex[ihisto] ) { case AliMUONQAIndices::kTriggerErrorSummaryNorm: case AliMUONQAIndices::kTriggerCalibSummaryNorm: case AliMUONQAIndices::kTriggerReadOutErrorsNorm: messages.Add(new TObjString("Values within limits")); break; } } if ( MarkHisto(*currHisto, currRv) < rv[specie] ) rv[specie] = currRv; currHisto->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0., 110.); SetupHisto(nAnalyzedEvents, messages, *currHisto, currRv); } // loop on histos } // loop on species return rv; } //__________________________________________________________________ AliMUONVQAChecker::ECheckCode* AliMUONTriggerQAChecker::CheckRecPoints(TObjArray** , const AliMUONRecoParam* ) { /// Check rec points return 0x0; } //__________________________________________________________________ AliMUONVQAChecker::ECheckCode* AliMUONTriggerQAChecker::CheckESD(TObjArray** , const AliMUONRecoParam* ) { /// Check esd return 0x0; } //___________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONTriggerQAChecker::SetupHisto(Int_t nevents, const TObjArray& messages, TH1& histo, AliMUONVQAChecker::ECheckCode code) { // /// Add text to histos // Double_t y1 = 0.97 - (messages.GetLast()+2)*0.075; TPaveText* text = new TPaveText(0.5,y1,0.99,0.99,"NDC"); text->AddText(Form("MTR - Total events %i", nevents)); TIter next(&messages); TObjString* str; while ( ( str = static_cast(next()) ) ){ text->AddText(str->String()); } if ( nevents == 0 ) { text->AddText("No event analyzed."); } TString defaultText = ""; Int_t color = 0; switch ( code ) { case AliMUONVQAChecker::kInfo: color = AliMUONVQAChecker::kInfoColor; defaultText = "All is fine!"; break; case AliMUONVQAChecker::kWarning: color = AliMUONVQAChecker::kWarningColor; defaultText = "Please keep an eye on it!"; break; case AliMUONVQAChecker::kFatal: color = AliMUONVQAChecker::kFatalColor; defaultText = "This is bad: PLEASE CALL EXPERT!!!"; break; default: color = AliMUONVQAChecker::kErrorColor; defaultText = "PLEASE NOTIFY EXPERT! (NOT at night)"; break; } text->AddText(defaultText.Data()); text->SetFillColor(color); histo.SetFillStyle(1001); histo.SetFillColor(color); histo.SetStats(kFALSE); histo.GetListOfFunctions()->Clear(); histo.GetListOfFunctions()->Add(text); }