#if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__) // ROOT includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // STEER includes #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliESDMuonTrack.h" #include "AliCDBManager.h" // MUON includes #include "AliMUONCDB.h" #include "AliMUONTrack.h" #include "AliMUONVTrackStore.h" #include "AliMUONTrackParam.h" #include "AliMUONESDInterface.h" #include "AliMUONRecoCheck.h" #include "AliMUONVCluster.h" #include "AliMUONRecoParam.h" #endif /// \ingroup macros /// \file MUONFakes.C /// /// \author Ph. Pillot, Subatech, March. 2009 /// /// Macro to study fake tracks by comparing reconstructed tracks with TrackRefs /// Results are saved in the root file Fakes.root /// Results are relevent provided that you use the same recoParams as for the reconstruction UInt_t requestedStationMask = 0; Bool_t request2ChInSameSt45 = kFALSE; Double_t sigmaCut = -1.; Int_t RemoveConnectedFakes(AliMUONVTrackStore &fakeTrackStore, AliMUONVTrackStore &trackRefStore, Bool_t useLabel, TH1F &hFractionOfConnectedClusters); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void MUONFakes(Bool_t useLabel = kFALSE, Int_t FirstEvent = 0, Int_t LastEvent = -1, const TString esdFileName = "AliESDs.root", const TString SimDir = "./generated/", const TString ocdbPath = "local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB") { // Disable printout of AliMCEvent AliLog::SetClassDebugLevel("AliMCEvent",-1); //Reset ROOT and connect tree file gROOT->Reset(); // File for histograms and histogram booking TFile *histoFile = new TFile("Fakes.root", "RECREATE"); TH1F *hNumberOfTracks = new TH1F("hNumberOfTracks","nb of tracks /evt",20,0.,20.); TH1F *hNumberOfAdditionalTracks = new TH1F("hNumberOfAdditionalTracks","nb of fake - nb of missing track",20,0.,20.); TH1F *hNumberOfClusters = new TH1F("hNumberOfClusters","nb of clusters /track",20,0.,20.); TH1F *hNumberOfClustersM = new TH1F("hNumberOfClustersM","nb of clusters /matched track",20,0.,20.); TH1F *hNumberOfClustersF = new TH1F("hNumberOfClustersF","nb of clusters /fake track",20,0.,20.); TH1F *hNumberOfClustersMC = new TH1F("hNumberOfClustersMC","nb of clusters /MC track",20,0.,20.); TH1F *hFractionOfMatchedClusters = new TH1F("hFractionOfMatchedClusters","nb of matched clusters / nb of clusters",110,0.,1.1); TH1F *hFractionOfConnectedClusters = new TH1F("hFractionOfConnectedClusters","nb of connected clusters / nb of clusters in fake tracks",110,0.,1.1); TH1F *hChi2PerDof = new TH1F("hChi2PerDof", "track chi2/d.o.f.", 100, 0., 20.); TH1F *hChi2PerDofM = new TH1F("hChi2PerDofM", "matched track chi2/d.o.f.", 100, 0., 20.); TH1F *hChi2PerDofF = new TH1F("hChi2PerDofF", "fake track chi2/d.o.f.", 100, 0., 20.); TH1F *hP = new TH1F("hP", "Muon P distribution (GeV/c)", 100, 0., 200.); TH1F *hPM = new TH1F("hPM", "matched track P distribution (GeV/c)", 100, 0., 200.); TH1F *hPF = new TH1F("hPF", "fake track P distribution (GeV/c)", 100, 0., 200.); TH1F *hPt = new TH1F("hPt", "Muon Pt distribution (GeV/c)", 100, 0., 20.); TH1F *hPtM = new TH1F("hPtM", "matched track Pt distribution (GeV/c)", 100, 0., 20.); TH1F *hPtF = new TH1F("hPtF", "fake track Pt distribution (GeV/c)", 100, 0., 20.); TH1F *hEta = new TH1F("hEta"," Muon pseudo-rapidity distribution",100,-10,0); TH1F *hEtaM = new TH1F("hEtaM"," matched track pseudo-rapidity distribution",100,-10,0); TH1F *hEtaF = new TH1F("hEtaF"," fake track pseudo-rapidity distribution",100,-10,0); TH1F *hPhi = new TH1F("hPhi"," Muon phi distribution",100,-1.,9.); TH1F *hPhiM = new TH1F("hPhiM"," matched track phi distribution",100,-1.,9.); TH1F *hPhiF = new TH1F("hPhiF"," fake track phi distribution",100,-1.,9.); TH1F *hNumberOfChamberHit = new TH1F("hNumberOfChamberHit","nb of chambers hit /track",20,0.,20.); TH1F *hNumberOfChamberHitM = new TH1F("hNumberOfChamberHitM","nb of chambers hit /matched track",20,0.,20.); TH1F *hNumberOfChamberHitF = new TH1F("hNumberOfChamberHitF","nb of chambers hit /fake track",20,0.,20.); // link to reconstructed and simulated tracks AliMUONRecoCheck rc(esdFileName, SimDir); // load necessary data from OCDB AliCDBManager::Instance()->SetDefaultStorage(ocdbPath); AliCDBManager::Instance()->SetRun(rc.GetRunNumber()); AliMUONRecoParam* recoParam = AliMUONCDB::LoadRecoParam(); if (!recoParam) return; // get sigma cut from recoParam to associate clusters with TrackRefs in case the labels are not used sigmaCut = (recoParam->ImproveTracks()) ? recoParam->GetSigmaCutForImprovement() : recoParam->GetSigmaCutForTracking(); // compute the mask of requested stations from recoParam for (Int_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) if (recoParam->RequestStation(i)) requestedStationMask |= ( 1 << i ); // get from recoParam whether a track need 2 chambers hit in the same station (4 or 5) or not to be reconstructible request2ChInSameSt45 = !recoParam->MakeMoreTrackCandidates(); // initialize global counters Int_t nReconstructibleTracks = 0; Int_t nReconstructedTracks = 0; Int_t nEventsWithTrackReconstructedYet = 0; Int_t nEventsWithFake = 0; Int_t nEventsWithAdditionalFake = 0; Int_t nTotMatchedTracks = 0; Int_t nTotTracksReconstructedYet = 0; Int_t nTotFakeTracks = 0; Int_t nTotConnectedTracks = 0; Int_t nTotAdditionalTracks = 0; Bool_t trackReconstructedYet; TArrayI eventsWithTrackReconstructedYet(10); TArrayI eventsWithFake(10); TArrayI eventsWithAdditionalFake(10); // Loop over ESD events FirstEvent = TMath::Max(0, FirstEvent); LastEvent = (LastEvent>=0) ? TMath::Min(rc.NumberOfEvents() - 1, LastEvent) : rc.NumberOfEvents() - 1; for (Int_t iEvent = FirstEvent; iEvent <= LastEvent; iEvent++) { // get reconstructed and simulated tracks AliMUONVTrackStore* muonTrackStore = rc.ReconstructedTracks(iEvent, kFALSE); AliMUONVTrackStore* trackRefStore = rc.TrackRefs(iEvent); if (!muonTrackStore || !trackRefStore) continue; // count the number of reconstructible tracks TIter next(trackRefStore->CreateIterator()); AliMUONTrack* trackRef; while ( ( trackRef = static_cast(next()) ) ) { if (trackRef->IsValid(requestedStationMask, request2ChInSameSt45)) nReconstructibleTracks++; } // loop over ESD tracks Int_t nTrackerTracks = 0; trackReconstructedYet = kFALSE; AliMUONVTrackStore *fakeTrackStore = AliMUONESDInterface::NewTrackStore(); const AliESDEvent* esd = rc.GetESDEvent(); Int_t nTracks = (Int_t)esd->GetNumberOfMuonTracks() ; for (Int_t iTrack = 0; iTrack < nTracks; iTrack++) { AliESDMuonTrack* esdTrack = esd->GetMuonTrack(iTrack); // skip ghosts if (!esdTrack->ContainTrackerData()) continue; nTrackerTracks++; // find the corresponding MUON track AliMUONTrack* muonTrack = (AliMUONTrack*) muonTrackStore->FindObject(esdTrack->GetUniqueID()); // get track info Int_t nClusters = esdTrack->GetNClusters(); Double_t normalizedChi2 = esdTrack->GetChi2() / (2. * esdTrack->GetNHit() - 5); Double_t p = esdTrack->P(); Double_t pT = esdTrack->Pt(); Double_t eta = esdTrack->Eta(); Double_t phi = esdTrack->Phi(); Int_t nChamberHit = 0; for (Int_t ich=0; ich<10; ich++) if (esdTrack->IsInMuonClusterMap(ich)) nChamberHit++; // fill global histograms hNumberOfClusters->Fill(nClusters); hChi2PerDof->Fill(normalizedChi2); hP->Fill(p); hPt->Fill(pT); hEta->Fill(eta); hPhi->Fill(phi); hNumberOfChamberHit->Fill(nChamberHit); // try to match the reconstructed track with a simulated one Int_t nMatchClusters = 0; AliMUONTrack* matchedTrackRef = rc.FindCompatibleTrack(*muonTrack, *trackRefStore, nMatchClusters, useLabel, sigmaCut); // take actions according to matching result if (matchedTrackRef) { // global counter nTotMatchedTracks++; if (!matchedTrackRef->IsValid(requestedStationMask, request2ChInSameSt45)) { trackReconstructedYet = kTRUE; nTotTracksReconstructedYet++; } // fill histograms hFractionOfMatchedClusters->Fill(((Float_t) nMatchClusters) / ((Float_t) nClusters)); hNumberOfClustersMC->Fill(matchedTrackRef->GetNClusters()); hNumberOfClustersM->Fill(nClusters); hChi2PerDofM->Fill(normalizedChi2); hPM->Fill(p); hPtM->Fill(pT); hEtaM->Fill(eta); hPhiM->Fill(phi); hNumberOfChamberHitM->Fill(nChamberHit); // remove already matched trackRefs trackRefStore->Remove(*matchedTrackRef); } else { // global counter nTotFakeTracks++; // fill histograms hNumberOfClustersF->Fill(nClusters); hChi2PerDofF->Fill(normalizedChi2); hPF->Fill(p); hPtF->Fill(pT); hEtaF->Fill(eta); hPhiF->Fill(phi); hNumberOfChamberHitF->Fill(nChamberHit); // store fake tracks fakeTrackStore->Add(*muonTrack); } } // end of loop over ESD tracks // fill histograms hNumberOfTracks->Fill(nTrackerTracks); nReconstructedTracks += nTrackerTracks; if (trackReconstructedYet) { if (nEventsWithTrackReconstructedYet >= eventsWithTrackReconstructedYet.GetSize()) eventsWithTrackReconstructedYet.Set(10*eventsWithTrackReconstructedYet.GetSize()); eventsWithTrackReconstructedYet[nEventsWithTrackReconstructedYet++] = iEvent; } // count the number the additional fake tracks if (fakeTrackStore->GetSize() > 0) { // remove the most connected fake tracks Int_t nFreeMissingTracks = RemoveConnectedFakes(*fakeTrackStore, *trackRefStore, useLabel, *hFractionOfConnectedClusters); // remove the remaining free reconstructible tracks Int_t nAdditionalTracks = fakeTrackStore->GetSize() - nFreeMissingTracks; // fill histograms if (nEventsWithFake >= eventsWithFake.GetSize()) eventsWithFake.Set(10*eventsWithFake.GetSize()); eventsWithFake[nEventsWithFake++] = iEvent; if (nAdditionalTracks > 0) { if (nEventsWithAdditionalFake >= eventsWithAdditionalFake.GetSize()) eventsWithAdditionalFake.Set(10*eventsWithAdditionalFake.GetSize()); eventsWithAdditionalFake[nEventsWithAdditionalFake++] = iEvent; nTotAdditionalTracks += nAdditionalTracks; hNumberOfAdditionalTracks->Fill(nAdditionalTracks); } } delete fakeTrackStore; } // end of loop over events // total number of connected tracks nTotConnectedTracks = hFractionOfConnectedClusters->GetEntries(); // plot results TCanvas cFakesSummary("cFakesSummary","cFakesSummary",900,600); cFakesSummary.Divide(3,2); cFakesSummary.cd(1); TVirtualPad* pad1 = cFakesSummary.GetPad(1); pad1->Divide(0,2); pad1->cd(1); pad1->GetPad(1)->SetLogy(); hNumberOfClusters->Draw(); hNumberOfClusters->SetMinimum(0.5); hNumberOfClustersM->Draw("same"); hNumberOfClustersM->SetLineColor(4); hNumberOfClustersF->Draw("same"); hNumberOfClustersF->SetLineColor(2); hNumberOfClustersF->SetFillColor(2); hNumberOfClustersF->SetFillStyle(3017); pad1->cd(2); pad1->GetPad(2)->SetLogy(); hNumberOfChamberHit->Draw(); hNumberOfChamberHit->SetMinimum(0.5); hNumberOfChamberHitM->Draw("same"); hNumberOfChamberHitM->SetLineColor(4); hNumberOfChamberHitF->Draw("same"); hNumberOfChamberHitF->SetLineColor(2); hNumberOfChamberHitF->SetFillColor(2); hNumberOfChamberHitF->SetFillStyle(3017); cFakesSummary.cd(2); cFakesSummary.GetPad(2)->SetLogy(); hChi2PerDof->Draw(); hChi2PerDof->SetMinimum(0.5); hChi2PerDofM->Draw("same"); hChi2PerDofM->SetLineColor(4); hChi2PerDofF->Draw("same"); hChi2PerDofF->SetLineColor(2); hChi2PerDofF->SetFillColor(2); hChi2PerDofF->SetFillStyle(3017); cFakesSummary.cd(3); cFakesSummary.GetPad(3)->SetLogy(); hP->Draw(); hP->SetMinimum(0.5); hPM->Draw("same"); hPM->SetLineColor(4); hPF->Draw("same"); hPF->SetLineColor(2); hPF->SetFillColor(2); hPF->SetFillStyle(3017); cFakesSummary.cd(4); cFakesSummary.GetPad(4)->SetLogy(); hPt->Draw(); hPt->SetMinimum(0.5); hPtM->Draw("same"); hPtM->SetLineColor(4); hPtF->Draw("same"); hPtF->SetLineColor(2); hPtF->SetFillColor(2); hPtF->SetFillStyle(3017); cFakesSummary.cd(5); cFakesSummary.GetPad(5)->SetLogy(); hEta->Draw(); hEta->SetMinimum(0.5); hEtaM->Draw("same"); hEtaM->SetLineColor(4); hEtaF->Draw("same"); hEtaF->SetLineColor(2); hEtaF->SetFillColor(2); hEtaF->SetFillStyle(3017); cFakesSummary.cd(6); cFakesSummary.GetPad(6)->SetLogy(); hPhi->Draw(); hPhi->SetMinimum(0.5); hPhiM->Draw("same"); hPhiM->SetLineColor(4); hPhiF->Draw("same"); hPhiF->SetLineColor(2); hPhiF->SetFillColor(2); hPhiF->SetFillStyle(3017); // save results histoFile->cd(); histoFile->Write(); cFakesSummary.Write(); histoFile->Close(); // print results cout << endl; cout << "- Number of reconstructible tracks: " << nReconstructibleTracks << endl; cout << "- Number of reconstructed tracks: " << nReconstructedTracks << endl; cout << "- Number of matched tracks: " << nTotMatchedTracks << endl; cout << " (including " << nTotTracksReconstructedYet << " track(s) matched with a TrackRef that is not reconstructible"; if (nTotTracksReconstructedYet > 0) { for(Int_t i=0; i 0) { for(Int_t i=0; i 0) { for(Int_t i=0; i(next()) ) ) { // skip not reconstructible trackRefs if (!trackRef->IsValid(requestedStationMask, request2ChInSameSt45)) continue; Int_t label = trackRef->GetUniqueID(); // look for the most connected fake track AliMUONTrack *connectedFake = 0x0; Double_t fractionOfConnectedClusters = 0.; TIter next2(fakeTrackStore.CreateIterator()); AliMUONTrack* fakeTrack; while ( ( fakeTrack = static_cast(next2()) ) ) { // get the number of connected clusters Int_t nConnectedClusters = 0; if (useLabel) { // by using the MC label for (Int_t iCl = 0; iCl < fakeTrack->GetNClusters(); iCl++) if (((AliMUONTrackParam*) fakeTrack->GetTrackParamAtCluster()->UncheckedAt(iCl))->GetClusterPtr()->GetMCLabel() == label) nConnectedClusters++; } else { // by comparing cluster/TrackRef positions Bool_t compTrack[10]; nConnectedClusters = fakeTrack->FindCompatibleClusters(*trackRef, sigmaCut, compTrack); } // skip non-connected fake tracks if (nConnectedClusters == 0) continue; // check if it is the most connected fake track Double_t f = ((Double_t)nConnectedClusters) / ((Double_t)fakeTrack->GetNClusters()); if (f > fractionOfConnectedClusters) { connectedFake = fakeTrack; fractionOfConnectedClusters = f; } } // remove the most connected fake track if (connectedFake) { hFractionOfConnectedClusters.Fill(fractionOfConnectedClusters); fakeTrackStore.Remove(*connectedFake); } else nFreeMissingTracks++; } return nFreeMissingTracks; }