// Macro for muon reconstruction // // This macro is a simplified way to call the macro MUONrecoNtuple.C which produces // an Ntuple with reconstructed tracks in output file "MUONtrackReco.root". //// // Arguments: // FirstEvent (default 0) // LastEvent (default 0) // RecGeantHits (1 to reconstruct GEANT hits) (default 0) // FileName (for signal) (default "galice.root") // BkgGeantFileName (for background), // needed only if RecGeantHits = 1 and background to be added void MUONrecoNtupleRun (Int_t FirstEvent = 0, Int_t LastEvent = 0, Int_t RecGeantHits = 0, Text_t *FileName = "galice.root", Text_t *BkgGeantFileName = "") { TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); gSystem->SetIncludePath("-I$ALICE_ROOT/MUON -I$ALICE_ROOT/STEER -I$ROOTSYS/include") ; gROOT->ProcessLine(".x loadlibs.C"); // force macros compilation (++), load the resulting shared library and execute the macro MUONrecoNtuple.C gROOT->ProcessLine(".x MUONrecoNtuple.C++(FirstEvent,LastEvent,RecGeantHits,FileName,BkgGeantFileName) "); timer.Stop(); cout << "**** MUONrecoNtupleRun.C , timer" <