# ************************************************************************** # * Copyright(c) 1998-2014, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * # * * # * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * # * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * # * * # * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * # * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * # * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * # * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * # * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * # * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * # * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * # ************************************************************************** # Module set(MODULE MUONsim) # Module include folder include_directories(${AliRoot_SOURCE_DIR}/MUON/${MODULE}) # Additional include folders in alphabetical order except ROOT include_directories(${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${AliRoot_SOURCE_DIR}/MUON/MUONbase ${AliRoot_SOURCE_DIR}/MUON/MUONcalib ${AliRoot_SOURCE_DIR}/MUON/MUONcore ${AliRoot_SOURCE_DIR}/MUON/MUONgeometry ${AliRoot_SOURCE_DIR}/MUON/MUONmapping ${AliRoot_SOURCE_DIR}/MUON/MUONraw ${AliRoot_SOURCE_DIR}/MUON/MUONtrigger ${AliRoot_SOURCE_DIR}/RAW/RAWDatabase ${AliRoot_SOURCE_DIR}/STEER/CDB ${AliRoot_SOURCE_DIR}/STEER/ESD ${AliRoot_SOURCE_DIR}/STEER/STEER ${AliRoot_SOURCE_DIR}/STEER/STEERBase ) # Sources in alphabetical order set(SRCS AliMUONChamber.cxx AliMUONChamberTrigger.cxx AliMUONCommonGeometryBuilder.cxx AliMUON.cxx AliMUONDigitizerV3.cxx AliMUONGainEventGenerator.cxx AliMUONHit.cxx AliMUONHitStoreV1.cxx AliMUONMCDataInterface.cxx AliMUONPedestalEventGenerator.cxx AliMUONQADataMakerSim.cxx AliMUONResponse.cxx AliMUONResponseFactory.cxx AliMUONResponseTrigger.cxx AliMUONResponseTriggerV1.cxx AliMUONResponseV0.cxx AliMUONSDigitizerV2.cxx AliMUONSlatGeometryBuilder.cxx AliMUONSt1GeometryBuilder.cxx AliMUONSt1GeometryBuilderV2.cxx AliMUONSt1SpecialMotif.cxx AliMUONSt2GeometryBuilder.cxx AliMUONSt2GeometryBuilderV2.cxx AliMUONTrigger.cxx AliMUONTriggerGeometryBuilder.cxx AliMUONv1.cxx AliMUONVHitStore.cxx ) # Headers from sources string(REPLACE ".cxx" ".h" HDRS "${SRCS}") # Generate the dictionary # It will create G_ARG1.cxx and G_ARG1.h / ARG1 = function first argument get_directory_property(incdirs INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) generate_dictionary("${MODULE}" "${MODULE}LinkDef.h" "${HDRS}" "${incdirs}") # Dependencies set(ROOT_DEPENDENCIES Core EG Geom Hist MathCore Physics RIO Tree VMC) set(ALIROOT_DEPENDENCIES STEERBase STEER CDB ESD RAWDatabase MUONcore MUONbase MUONcalib MUONraw MUONgeometry MUONmapping MUONtrigger) # Generate the ROOT map # Dependecies set(LIBDEPS ${ALIROOT_DEPENDENCIES} ${ROOT_DEPENDENCIES}) generate_rootmap("${MODULE}" "${LIBDEPS}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${MODULE}LinkDef.h") # Create an object to be reused in case of static libraries # Otherwise the sources will be compiled twice add_library(${MODULE}-object OBJECT ${SRCS} G__${MODULE}.cxx) # Follow headers dependencies add_dependencies(${MODULE}-object ${ALIROOT_DEPENDENCIES}) # Add a library to the project using the object add_library(${MODULE} SHARED $) # linking target_link_libraries(${MODULE} ${ALIROOT_DEPENDENCIES} ${ROOT_DEPENDENCIES}) # Additional compilation flags set(TARGETFLAGS "-g") # Optimize if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) if(GCC_MAJOR STREQUAL "4") if(GCC_MINOR STREQUAL "3") set(TARGETFLAGS "${TARGETFLAGS} -O0") else() set(TARGETFLAGS "${TARGETFLAGS} -O") endif() endif() endif() set_target_properties(${MODULE}-object PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-fPIC ${TARGETFLAGS}") # System dependent: Modify the way the library is build if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM} MATCHES Darwin) set_target_properties(${MODULE} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "-undefined dynamic_lookup") endif(${CMAKE_SYSTEM} MATCHES Darwin) # Installation install(TARGETS ${MODULE} ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib LIBRARY DESTINATION lib) install(FILES ${HDRS} DESTINATION include) # Static version if DA enabled if(ALIROOT_STATIC) add_library(${MODULE}-static STATIC $) set_target_properties(${MODULE}-static PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${MODULE}) # list of shared dependencies / the name of the variable containing the list of static ones generate_static_dependencies("${ALIROOT_DEPENDENCIES}" "STATIC_ALIROOT_DEPENDENCIES") target_link_libraries(${MODULE}-static ${STATIC_ALIROOT_DEPENDENCIES} Root) set_target_properties(${MODULE}-static PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "-Wl,--whole-archive") # Installation install(TARGETS ${MODULE}-static ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib LIBRARY DESTINATION lib) endif(ALIROOT_STATIC)