// $Id$ /*! \page README_cosmics The Software testing on Cosmics Test Data Seeveral macros has been developed during the Offline shifts during the Feb-March 2008 cosmics runs. On this page we summarize how to use these macros. \section cosmics_s1 Software installation - For installing AliRoot see ALICE Offline Installation Web page at http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/Offline/AliRoot/Installation.html - and for installing alien see ALICE Offline Tutorial, slides 131 - 145 at http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/Offline/Analysis/Tutorial If we need a fast fix, it may be provided via a patch.txt file, which should be then applied in this way:
 $> cd $ALICE_ROOT
 $> patch -p0 --posix < patch.txt
 $> make
Eventually, we may get in situation when an important update of the MUON code is not yet included in the release, and we may then need to replace the MUON from the release with the MUON from the trunk:
 $> cd $ALICE_ROOT
 $> mv MUON MUON.release
 $> svn co http://alisoft.cern.ch/AliRoot/trunk/MUON MUON
 $> rm -fr $ALICE_ROOT/lib/tgt_$ALICE_TARGET/libMUON*
 $> make
\section cosmics_s2 Running reconstruction During the offline shifts, there has been added a a new macro runDataReconstruction.C. You have first to edit the macro and change the value of input with the path to raw data file which you want to reconstruct. Then you prepare an output directory and run reconstruction in this way:
 $> alien-token-int
 $> . /tmp/gclient_env_$UID
 $> mkdir runXYZ_c1_out
 $> cp rootlogon.C .rootrc runDataReconstruction.C runXYZ_c1_out
 $> cd runXYZ_c1_out
 $> root
 root[0] .x runDataReconstruction.C(1) >& runReco.out
This will run reconstruction with the first calibration option selected ("NOGAIN"); to run the same with the second calibration option ("GAINCONSTANTCAPA"):
 $> mkdir runXYZ_c2_out
 $> cp rootlogon.C .rootrc runDataReconstruction.C runXYZ_c2_out
 $> cd runXYZ_c2_out
 $> root
 root[0] .x runDataReconstruction.C(2) >& runReco.out
\section cosmics_s3 Inspecting data with mchview The new macro MUONOfflineShift.C will process the data and generate the Root output file which can be then open with the \em mchview program:
 $> alien-token-int
 $> . /tmp/gclient_env_$UID
 root[0] .L MUONOfflineShift.C+
 root[1] MUONOfflineShift("path_to_raw_file","basename of output file");
 $> mchview --use basename.root
\section cosmics_s4 Inspecting rec points There has been added a new macro TestRecPoints.C. The analysis of the trigger part needs only RecPoints: the digits are then re-created out of the local trigger information. The analysis of the tracker part needs the MUON.Digits, which can be created during reconstruction with the "SAVEDIGITS" option. (This option is switched on by default in the runDataReconstruction.C macro.) The macro, then, performs the clusterization on the fly and analyses data. This was necessary since, normally, the clusters are saved in the AliESDs.root but only for reconstructed tracks (which I guess will be very few in the cosmic run). Re-performing clusterization is surely more time expensive, but (I guess) is the only way to get information on all clusters even when no track is created. To use the macro:
 $> root
 root[0] .L TestRecPoints.C+
 root[1] TestRecPoints(runXYZ_c1);
It is also possible to check only tracker:
 root[1] TestRecPoints("pathToData","outputDirectory",kOnlyTracker);
or only the trigger
 root[0] TestRecPoints("pathToData","outputDirectory",kOnlyTrigger);
\section cosmics_s5 Event display See EVE/README_MUON. This chapter is defined in the READMEcosmics.txt file. */