// $Id$ /*! \page README_evaluation README evaluation \section evaluation_s1 How to run MUONRecoCheck macro To check the muon reconstruction by comparing the reconstructed tracks with the reference tracks made of "AliTrackReference" for the hits in chamber (0..9) and kinematic informations (TreeK) for the vertex. This macro can be used to check the track reconstruction e.g. efficiency, momentum resolution ... but also to make physics analysis whenever track identification is needed. To compile MUONRecoCheck.C
.includepath $ALICE_ROOT/STEER
.includepath $ALICE_ROOT/MUON
To run MUONRecoCheck
MUONRecoCheck(nEvent,"geometry.root", "galice.root"); // nEvent = nb of events
\section evaluation_s2 Macros for MC studies For MC studies the classes AliMUONTrackLight and AliMUONPairLight can be used in order to fill not only the single muon / dimuon's kinematics (charge, pT, rapidity, etc) at the generation AND reconstruction level, but also for "decoding" the Pythia output and for the storing of the single muon's history. This allows to tag if two muons of a given event come from a certain, well-defined process, such as J/psi, Upsilons, correlated open charm or open beauty or the low masses or if they are of uncorrelated origin. For open beauty/charm it also tags the creation process (pair creation, flavour excitation or gluon splitting). The classes also allow to tag feed-down or neutral B meson oscillation and has a method that checks whether the reconstructed track is a muon or not. The macros ReadRecoCocktail.C, DecodeRecoCocktail.C and MergeMuonLight.C are examples how to use these two classes. DecodeRecoCocktail.C opens the generated files, loops over the events and fills an AliMUONTrackLight object for every reconstructed track for which the reference to its generated particle could be established, using the AliMUONRecoCheck class. It then takes the AliMUONTrackLight objects and forms - event by event - AliMUONPairLight objects, on a combinatorial basis. For a given event these objects are stored in respective TClonesArrays which are then stored in a tree. By default, the produced output file is called "MuonLight.root". This root file can then be taken by the macro "ReadRecoCocktail.C" that shows, on the example of the reconstructed mass and pT of the AliMUONPairLight object, how to access the available information. For large statistics, in which many individual MuonLight.root files are produced, MergeMuonLight.C can be used to merge the files and produce one common output root file. To read a generation/reconstrution from PDC06 preproduction, and write a file with a tree of AliMUONTrackLight / AliMUONPairLight : go to the directory containing the generation/reconstruction. From there run aliroot
.L DecodeRecoCocktail.C+
To read the file previously generated:
.L ReadRecoCocktail.C+
\section evaluation_s3 Macro MUONCheckDI.C MUONCheckDI.C performs a consistency check on the methods of the AliMUONMCDataInterface and AliMUONDataInterface classes. There are several helper methods in these classes which make it easier to fetch data, which means there are at least two ways of fetching the data within the same class interface. The macro checks to see that the results given by these different methods are identical, as they should be. The macro also inherently exercises the AliMUONMCDataInterface and AliMUONDataInterface classes and should be run after any modifications to these classes to see if things still work. Putting it another way: MUONCheckDI.C is a testing facility for developers of these two classes. */