#!/usr/bin/python import sys import os import re import string import getopt """ Given a directory, will look into lib*.pkg files to produce a dependency graph of libraries (and DA if there are some) """ __author__ = "L. Aphecetche aphecetc_at_in2p3_dot_fr" __version__ = "$Id$" notassociatedfiles = {} #_______________________________________________________________________________ def usage(): """Describe usage of script """ print "Usage: %s [-h | --help] [-d | --debug] [--da] directory_to_scan" % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) #_______________________________________________________________________________ def append(list,a): """ append a to list, if a not there yet """ if not a in list: list.append(a) #_______________________________________________________________________________ def getSourceFiles(lib,rootsys,alice_root): """Extract the list of files from a libXXX.pkg file Return a pair of list (sourceFiles,einclude), where einclude is the list of directories needed to be included compile the files. """ # list of possible .pkg variables pkgkeys = [ "SRCS","EINCLUDE","HDRS","FSRCS","DHDR","CSRCS","CHDRS","ELIBS","EDEFINE","PACKFFLAGS","PACKCXXFLAGS","PACKCFLAGS","PACKSOFLAGS","EXPORT","EHDRS" ] keySRCS = pkgkeys[0] keyEINCLUDE = pkgkeys[1] sourcefiles = [] pkg = getLibPackage(lib) einclude = [ "%s/include" % rootsys, "%s/STEER" % alice_root, "%s/%s" % (alice_root,pkg) ] dir = os.path.dirname(lib) try: f = open(lib) except: print "getSourceFiles : could not open package file %s" % lib return sourcefiles, einclude src = False for line in f: l = line.strip() key = False for k in pkgkeys: if re.search(k,l): key = True if key: if re.search("^%s" % keySRCS,l): src = True else: src = False if re.search("^%s" % keyEINCLUDE,l): l = re.sub(keyEINCLUDE,' ',l) l = re.sub(':',' ',l) l = re.sub('=',' ',l) l = re.sub('\+',' ',l) a = l.split() for i in a: append(einclude,os.path.join(alice_root,i)) if src: if re.search('Ali',l) and ( re.search('.cxx',l) or re.search('.h',l) ): l = re.sub(keySRCS,' ',l) l = re.sub(':',' ',l) l = re.sub('=',' ',l) l = re.sub('\+',' ',l) l = re.sub("\\\\",' ',l) for i in l.split(): append(sourcefiles,os.path.join(dir,i)) f.close() return sourcefiles,einclude #_______________________________________________________________________________ def getIncludeFiles2(srcfile,alice_root,alice_target,rootsys): """Extract the list of included classes from a class, using the dep files generated in $ALICE_ROOT/package/tgt_ALICE_TARGET/*.d files It is much faster than getIncludeFile, as it reuses the output of previously preprocessing part. Drawback is that it will only work on a compiled version of aliroot... """ includes = [] package = getFilePackage(srcfile,alice_root) file = re.sub("%s/%s" % (alice_root,package)," ",srcfile).strip() if file[0] == '/': file = file[1:] depfile = "%s/%s/tgt_%s/%s" % (alice_root,package,alice_target,file) depfile = re.sub("\.cxx",".d",depfile) try: f = open(depfile) except: print "Could not open file %s" % depfile print "From",srcfile return includes for line in f: line = line.strip() i = line.find(":") if i > 0: line = line[i+1:] parts = line.strip().split() for p in parts: if re.search(rootsys,p): p = rootsys else: if p[0] != '/': p = "%s/%s" % (alice_root,p) p = re.sub("%s/include" % alice_root,"%s/STEER" % alice_root,p) append(includes,p) f.close() return includes #_______________________________________________________________________________ def getIncludeFiles(srcfile,eincludes,rootsys): """Extract the list of included classes from a class, using : gcc -MM srcfile -MG and then parses the output... This version is quite slow as we're (re-)doing the preprocessing of all the files, but the advantage is that it'll work for a fresh checkout of aliroot, i.e. even before compilation """ includes = [] # try: # f = open(srcfile) # except: # print "Could not open file %s" % srcfile # return includes # # f.close() incdir = "" for i in eincludes: incdir = "%s -I%s" % (incdir,i) cmd = "gcc %s -MM %s -MG" % (incdir,srcfile) pre = os.popen(cmd) for line in pre: line = line.strip() line = re.sub("\\\\"," ",line) i = line.find(":") if i > 0: line = line[i+1:] line = line.strip() if len(line) > 0 and line != srcfile: if line.find('/') < 0: print "Got no path for file",srcfile," line=",line print "cmd was",cmd if re.search(rootsys,line): line = rootsys append(includes,line) pre.close() return includes #_______________________________________________________________________________ def unique(list): """Extract a unique list from list """ d = {} for l in list: d[l] = 1 return d.keys() #_______________________________________________________________________________ def libshorten(libname): """From libYYYxxx.pkg to YYYxxx """ s = os.path.basename(libname) if re.search("^lib",s): s = re.sub("^lib","",s) s = re.sub("\.pkg","",s) return s #_______________________________________________________________________________ def fileshorten(file,path): """From path/toto/file to toto/file """ s = re.sub(path," ",file).strip() if s[0] == '/': s = s[1:] return s #_______________________________________________________________________________ def getFilePackage(file,alice_root): """ Get the package in which this file is defined """ f = re.sub(alice_root,"/",file) while f[0] == '/': f = f[1:] p = f.split('/') return p[0] #_______________________________________________________________________________ def getLibPackage(libname): """ Get the package in which this library is defined """ p = libname.split('/') return p[len(p)-2] #_______________________________________________________________________________ def tryRecover(f,inc2src,src2lib,alice_root): """ This method should try to recover the "father" of file f (most probably f is an include file The idea would be to find a cxx file that *directly* includes f, and take the lib of that cxx file as the source of f... Would that work ? Is it needed really ? """ """ print "tryRecover:",f if not f.find('\.h'): return "" p = getFilePackage(f,alice_root) cxxfiles = inc2src.get(f,[]) for file in cxxfiles: libs = src2lib.get(file,[]) for l in libs: pl = getLibPackage(l) print f,file,p,pl """ return "" #_______________________________________________________________________________ #_______________________________________________________________________________ #_______________________________________________________________________________ def main(): # we cannot work w/o those environement variables, so check them... requiredVariables = [ "ROOTSYS", "ALICE_ROOT", "ALICE_TARGET" ] for r in requiredVariables: if not r in os.environ: print "%s is not defined. Cannot work." % r sys.exit(1) alice_root = os.environ.get("ALICE_ROOT") rootsys = os.environ.get("ROOTSYS") alice_target = os.environ.get("ALICE_TARGET") debug = 0 noda = True try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"hd",["help", "debug","da"]) except getopt.GetoptError: print "Error in options" usage() for o, a in opts: if o in ( "-d","--debug" ): debug = debug + 1 elif o in ( "-h","--help" ): usage() sys.exit() elif o == "--da": noda = False else: assert False, "unhandled option" dir = os.path.abspath(args[0]) dirs = [] for sd in os.listdir(dir): ld = os.path.join(dir,sd) if os.path.isdir(ld) and not os.path.islink(ld): dirs.append(ld) dirs.append(dir) requestedPackages = [ "MUON", "STEER", "RAW", "ITS", "TRD", "VZERO", "TPC", "PHOS", "TOF", "ZDC", "EMCAL", "HMPID", "SHUTTLE", "ACORDE" ]; # find the libraries defined in this directory (looking for libXXXX.pkg files) libraries = [] for d in dirs: for f in os.listdir(d): fulllib = os.path.join(d,f) p = getLibPackage(fulllib) if not p in requestedPackages: continue if re.search('^lib',f) and re.search('.pkg$',f): libraries.append(fulllib) if not noda and re.search('da.cxx',f) and not re.search('.svn',f): # append fake libraries for DAs tmp = re.sub("cxx","pkg",f) tmp = "lib%s" % tmp libraries.append(os.path.join(d,tmp)) # from list of library files (libXXXyyy.pkg), try to find back the list of # "packages" = XXX packages = {} for l in libraries: p = getLibPackage(l) packages[p] = [] for l in libraries: p = getLibPackage(l) packages[p].append(l) # src2inc[file.cxx] -> { all included files of that file } src2inc = {} # inc2src[file.h] -> { all files that include that one } inc2src = {} # lib2src[libXXX.pkg] -> { list of files of that library } lib2src = {} # src2lib[file.cxx] -> { list of libraries including that file } src2lib = {} # eincludes[libXXX.pkg] -> list of directories to be included to be able to compile the files eincludes = {} # lib2inc[libXXX.pkg] -> { list of all included files of that library } lib2inc = {} # inc2lib[file.h] -> { list of libraries that include that file } inc2lib = {} for p in packages: print "Scanning ",p for lib in packages[p]: lib2inc[lib] = [] print " ",libshorten(lib),"..." if not re.search("da.pkg",lib): # handle the special case of DAs which are not part of libs, really lib2src[lib], eincludes[lib] = getSourceFiles(lib,rootsys,alice_root) else: l = lib l = re.sub("lib","",l) l = re.sub("\.pkg","",l) lib2src[lib] = [ "%s.cxx" % l ] eincludes[lib] = [] files = [] for src in lib2src[lib]: # inc = getIncludeFiles(src,eincludes[lib],rootsys) inc = getIncludeFiles2(src,alice_root,alice_target,rootsys) src2inc[src] = inc if not src in src2lib: src2lib[src] = [] append(src2lib[src],lib) for i in inc: if not i in inc2src.keys(): inc2src[i] = [] append(inc2src[i],src) append(lib2inc[lib],i) if not i in inc2lib.keys(): inc2lib[i] = [] append(inc2lib[i],lib) # some debug at this point... if debug>=1: for lib in libraries: print lib," is made of " for f in lib2src[lib]: print " ",fileshorten(f,alice_root) print " and includes " for h in lib2inc[lib]: print " ",fileshorten(h,alice_root) if len(eincludes[lib]) > 0: print " and needs the following directories to be compiled " for f in eincludes[lib]: print " ",f if debug>=2: print "src2lib relationship" for src,lib in src2lib.items(): print fileshorten(src,alice_root),"(", for l in lib: print libshorten(l)," ", print ")" # now fills the ultimate array, lib2lib # lib2lib[libXXX.pkg] -> { libYYY.pkg }, list of libraries that lib depends on lib2lib = {} for lib in libraries: lib2lib[lib] = [] for hfile in lib2inc[lib]: l = "external" # start simple : is f contains ROOTSYS, it's ROOT. if re.search(rootsys,hfile): l = "ROOT" else: # not that simple, let's try to find out... cxx = re.sub("\.h",".cxx",hfile) dl = src2lib.get(cxx,[]) if len(dl)==1: l = dl[0] elif len(dl)>1: print "Got several libs(",len(dl),"for ",hfile,":" print dl if l =="external": notassociatedfiles[hfile] = 1 else: append(lib2lib[lib],l) ###################### Debug parts... if debug>=1: for lib in libraries: print libshorten(lib),"depends on" for f in lib2lib[lib]: print " ",libshorten(f) if debug>=2: print print "From source files to include files : " for cxxfile, hfile in src2inc.items(): print fileshorten(cxxfile,alice_root) for h in hfile: print " ",fileshorten(h,alice_root) if debug>=3: print print "From include files to source files : " for i,sources in inc2src.items(): print fileshorten(i,alice_root), len(sources) for s in sources: print " ",fileshorten(s,alice_root),"(", for l in src2lib[s]: print libshorten(l), print ")" ###################### if len(notassociatedfiles) > 0: print "The following files could not be associated with any library..." for f in notassociatedfiles.keys(): print f, t=tryRecover(f,inc2src,src2lib,alice_root) print t # output the dot file that will have to be processed by the dot program ofile = "%s.dot" % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))[0] f = open(ofile,"w") f.write("digraph G {\n") f.write("rankdir=BT;\n") defaultcolor = "lightblue" colors = {} colors["MUON"] = "lightyellow" colors["STEER"] = "lightgray" for l,d in lib2lib.items(): for dl in d: f.write("%s->%s;\n" %(libshorten(l),libshorten(dl))) for p in packages: f.write("subgraph cluster_%s {\n" % p.lower()) color = colors.get(p,defaultcolor) f.write("style=filled;\n") f.write("color=%s;\n" % color) f.write('label="%s";\n' % p) for lib in packages[p]: f.write("%s\n" % libshorten(lib)) f.write("}\n") f.write("}\n") print "You should now do :" print "tred %s > %s.bis" % ( ofile, ofile ) print "dot -Tpng %s.bis -o %s.png" % (ofile,ofile) if __name__ == "__main__": main()