#ifndef ALIPHOSCLUSTERIZERV1_H #define ALIPHOSCLUSTERIZERV1_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id$ */ //////////////////////////////////////////////// // Clusterizer implementation version 1 // // algorithme class // // // // Author Yves Schutz SUBATECH // // // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////// // --- ROOT system --- // --- Standard library --- // --- AliRoot header files --- #include "AliPHOSClusterizer.h" #include "AliPHOSDigit.h" class AliPHOSClusterizerv1 : public AliPHOSClusterizer { public: AliPHOSClusterizerv1() ; // ctor virtual ~AliPHOSClusterizerv1(){} ; // dtor Int_t AreNeighbours(AliPHOSDigit * d1, AliPHOSDigit * d2) ; // Checks if digits are in neighbour cells Float_t Calibrate(Int_t Amp){ return (fA + fB * Amp) ;} // Tranforms Amp to energy void FillandSort(const DigitsList * dl, TObjArray * tl) ; // Sorts the list according to increasing id Float_t GetLogWeightCut(void){return fW0 ; } Float_t GetLocalMaxCut(void) {return fLocMaxCut ; } virtual void GetNumberOfClustersFound(Int_t * numb) ; virtual Bool_t IsInEmc(AliPHOSDigit * digit) ; // Tells if id digit is in EMC virtual void MakeClusters(const DigitsList * dl, RecPointsList * emcl, RecPointsList * ppsdl) ; // does the job virtual void PrintParameters() ; virtual void SetCalibrationParameters(Float_t A,Float_t B){ fA = A ; fB = B;} virtual void SetEmcClusteringThreshold(Float_t cluth) { fEmcClusteringThreshold = cluth ; } virtual void SetEmcEnergyThreshold(Float_t enth) { fEmcEnergyThreshold = enth ; } virtual void SetLocalMaxCut(Float_t cut) { fLocMaxCut = cut ; } virtual void SetLogWeightCut(Float_t w) { fW0 = w ; } virtual void SetPpsdClusteringThreshold(Float_t cluth) { fPpsdClusteringThreshold = cluth ; } virtual void SetPpsdEnergyThreshold(Float_t enth) { fPpsdEnergyThreshold = enth ; } private: Float_t fA ; Float_t fB ; Float_t fEmcClusteringThreshold ; Float_t fEmcEnergyThreshold ; Float_t fLocMaxCut ; Int_t fNumberOfEmcClusters ; Int_t fNumberOfPpsdClusters ; Float_t fPpsdClusteringThreshold ; Float_t fPpsdEnergyThreshold ; Float_t fW0 ; ClassDef(AliPHOSClusterizerv1,1) // Clusterizer implementation , version 1 }; #endif // AliPHOSCLUSTERIZERV1_H