/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //_________________________________________________________________________ // Rec Point in the PHOS EM calorimeter //*-- Author : Dmitri Peressounko RRC KI ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // --- ROOT system --- #include "TPad.h" #include "TH2.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TCanvas.h" // --- Standard library --- #include // --- AliRoot header files --- #include "AliPHOSGeometry.h" #include "AliPHOSEmcRecPoint.h" #include "AliRun.h" ClassImp(AliPHOSEmcRecPoint) //____________________________________________________________________________ AliPHOSEmcRecPoint::AliPHOSEmcRecPoint(Float_t W0, Float_t LocMaxCut) : AliPHOSRecPoint() { // ctor fMulDigit = 0 ; fAmp = 0. ; fEnergyList = new Float_t[fMaxDigit]; AliPHOSGeometry * PHOSGeom = (AliPHOSGeometry *) fGeom ; fDelta = PHOSGeom->GetCrystalSize(0) ; fW0 = W0 ; fLocMaxCut = LocMaxCut ; fLocPos.SetX(1000000.) ; //Local position should be evaluated } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliPHOSEmcRecPoint::~AliPHOSEmcRecPoint() { // dtor } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSEmcRecPoint::AddDigit(AliDigitNew & digit, Float_t Energy) { // adds a digit to the digits list // and accumulates the total amplitude and the multiplicity if ( fMulDigit >= fMaxDigit ) { // increase the size of the lists fMaxDigit*=2 ; int * tempo = new ( int[fMaxDigit] ) ; Float_t * tempoE = new ( Float_t[fMaxDigit] ) ; Int_t index ; for ( index = 0 ; index < fMulDigit ; index++ ){ tempo[index] = fDigitsList[index] ; tempoE[index] = fEnergyList[index] ; } delete [] fDigitsList ; fDigitsList = new ( int[fMaxDigit] ) ; delete [] fEnergyList ; fEnergyList = new ( Float_t[fMaxDigit] ) ; for ( index = 0 ; index < fMulDigit ; index++ ){ fDigitsList[index] = tempo[index] ; fEnergyList[index] = tempoE[index] ; } delete [] tempo ; delete [] tempoE ; } // if fDigitsList[fMulDigit] = (int) &digit ; fEnergyList[fMulDigit++] = Energy ; fAmp += Energy ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliPHOSEmcRecPoint::AreNeighbours(AliPHOSDigit * digit1, AliPHOSDigit * digit2 ) { Bool_t aren = kFALSE ; AliPHOSGeometry * PHOSGeom = (AliPHOSGeometry *) fGeom ; Int_t relid1[4] ; PHOSGeom->AbsToRelNumbering(digit1->GetId(), relid1) ; Int_t relid2[4] ; PHOSGeom->AbsToRelNumbering(digit2->GetId(), relid2) ; Int_t RowDiff = TMath::Abs( relid1[2] - relid2[2] ) ; Int_t ColDiff = TMath::Abs( relid1[3] - relid2[3] ) ; if (( ColDiff<=1 ) && ( RowDiff <= 1 ) && (ColDiff+RowDiff > 0)) aren = kTRUE ; return aren ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliPHOSEmcRecPoint::Compare(TObject * obj) { Int_t rv ; AliPHOSEmcRecPoint * clu = (AliPHOSEmcRecPoint *)obj ; Int_t PHOSMod1 = this->GetPHOSMod() ; Int_t PHOSMod2 = clu->GetPHOSMod() ; TVector3 LocPos1; this->GetLocalPosition(LocPos1) ; TVector3 LocPos2; clu->GetLocalPosition(LocPos2) ; if(PHOSMod1 == PHOSMod2 ) { Int_t rowdif = (Int_t)TMath::Ceil(LocPos1.X()/fDelta)-(Int_t)TMath::Ceil(LocPos2.X()/fDelta) ; if (rowdif> 0) rv = -1 ; else if(rowdif < 0) rv = 1 ; else if(LocPos1.Z()>LocPos2.Z()) rv = -1 ; else rv = 1 ; } else { if(PHOSMod1 < PHOSMod2 ) rv = -1 ; else rv = 1 ; } return rv ; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSEmcRecPoint::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py) { //Execute action corresponding to one event // This member function is called when a AliPHOSRecPoint is clicked with the locator // // If Left button is clicked on AliPHOSRecPoint, the digits are switched on // and switched off when the mouse button is released. // // static Int_t pxold, pyold; static TGraph * DigitGraph = 0 ; if (!gPad->IsEditable()) return; TH2F * Histo = 0 ; TCanvas * HistoCanvas ; switch (event) { case kButton1Down: { AliPHOSDigit * digit ; AliPHOSGeometry * PHOSGeom = (AliPHOSGeometry *) fGeom ; Int_t iDigit; Int_t relid[4] ; Float_t xi[fMulDigit] ; Float_t zi[fMulDigit] ; // create the histogram for the single cluster // 1. gets histogram boundaries Float_t ximax = -999. ; Float_t zimax = -999. ; Float_t ximin = 999. ; Float_t zimin = 999. ; for(iDigit=0; iDigitAbsToRelNumbering(digit->GetId(), relid) ; PHOSGeom->RelPosInModule(relid, xi[iDigit], zi[iDigit]); if ( xi[iDigit] > ximax ) ximax = xi[iDigit] ; if ( xi[iDigit] < ximin ) ximin = xi[iDigit] ; if ( zi[iDigit] > zimax ) zimax = zi[iDigit] ; if ( zi[iDigit] < zimin ) zimin = zi[iDigit] ; } ximax += PHOSGeom->GetCrystalSize(0) / 2. ; zimax += PHOSGeom->GetCrystalSize(2) / 2. ; ximin -= PHOSGeom->GetCrystalSize(0) / 2. ; zimin -= PHOSGeom->GetCrystalSize(2) / 2. ; Int_t xdim = (int)( (ximax - ximin ) / PHOSGeom->GetCrystalSize(0) + 0.5 ) ; Int_t zdim = (int)( (zimax - zimin ) / PHOSGeom->GetCrystalSize(2) + 0.5 ) ; // 2. gets the histogram title Text_t title[100] ; sprintf(title,"Energy=%1.2f GeV ; Digits ; %d ", GetEnergy(), GetDigitsMultiplicity()) ; if (!Histo) { delete Histo ; Histo = 0 ; } Histo = new TH2F("cluster3D", title, xdim, ximin, ximax, zdim, zimin, zimax) ; Float_t x, z ; for(iDigit=0; iDigitAbsToRelNumbering(digit->GetId(), relid) ; PHOSGeom->RelPosInModule(relid, x, z); Histo->Fill(x, z, fEnergyList[iDigit] ) ; } if (!DigitGraph) { DigitGraph = new TGraph(fMulDigit,xi,zi); DigitGraph-> SetMarkerStyle(5) ; DigitGraph-> SetMarkerSize(1.) ; DigitGraph-> SetMarkerColor(1) ; DigitGraph-> Paint("P") ; } Print() ; HistoCanvas = new TCanvas("cluser", "a single cluster", 600, 500) ; HistoCanvas->Draw() ; Histo->Draw("lego1") ; break; } case kButton1Up: if (DigitGraph) { delete DigitGraph ; DigitGraph = 0 ; } break; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliPHOSEmcRecPoint::GetDispersion() { Float_t D = 0 ; Float_t wtot = 0 ; TVector3 LocPos; GetLocalPosition(LocPos); Float_t x = LocPos.X() ; Float_t z = LocPos.Z() ; // Int_t i = GetPHOSMod() ; AliPHOSDigit * digit ; AliPHOSGeometry * PHOSGeom = (AliPHOSGeometry *) fGeom ; Int_t iDigit; for(iDigit=0; iDigitAbsToRelNumbering(digit->GetId(), relid) ; PHOSGeom->RelPosInModule(relid, xi, zi); Float_t w = TMath::Max(0.,fW0+TMath::Log(fEnergyList[iDigit]/fAmp ) ) ; D += w*((xi-x)*(xi-x) + (zi-z)*(zi-z) ) ; wtot+=w ; } D /= wtot ; return TMath::Sqrt(D) ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSEmcRecPoint::GetElipsAxis(Float_t * lambda) { Float_t wtot = 0. ; Float_t x = 0.; Float_t z = 0.; Float_t Dxx = 0.; Float_t Dzz = 0.; Float_t Dxz = 0.; AliPHOSDigit * digit ; AliPHOSGeometry * PHOSGeom = (AliPHOSGeometry *) fGeom ; Int_t iDigit; for(iDigit=0; iDigitAbsToRelNumbering(digit->GetId(), relid) ; PHOSGeom->RelPosInModule(relid, xi, zi); Float_t w = TMath::Max(0.,fW0+TMath::Log(fEnergyList[iDigit]/fAmp ) ) ; Dxx += w * xi * xi ; x += w * xi ; Dzz += w * zi * zi ; z += w * zi ; Dxz += w * xi * zi ; wtot += w ; } Dxx /= wtot ; x /= wtot ; Dxx -= x * x ; Dzz /= wtot ; z /= wtot ; Dzz -= z * z ; Dxz /= wtot ; Dxz -= x * z ; lambda[0] = TMath::Sqrt( 0.5 * (Dxx + Dzz) + TMath::Sqrt( 0.25 * (Dxx - Dzz) * (Dxx - Dzz) + Dxz * Dxz ) ) ; lambda[1] = TMath::Sqrt( 0.5 * (Dxx + Dzz) - TMath::Sqrt( 0.25 * (Dxx - Dzz) * (Dxx - Dzz) + Dxz * Dxz ) ) ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliPHOSEmcRecPoint::GetMaximalEnergy(void) { Float_t menergy = 0. ; Int_t iDigit; for(iDigit=0; iDigit menergy) menergy = fEnergyList[iDigit] ; } return menergy ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliPHOSEmcRecPoint::GetMultiplicityAtLevel(Float_t H) { Int_t multipl = 0 ; Int_t iDigit ; for(iDigit=0; iDigit H * fAmp) multipl++ ; } return multipl ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliPHOSEmcRecPoint::GetNumberOfLocalMax(Int_t * maxAt, Float_t * maxAtEnergy) { AliPHOSDigit * digit ; AliPHOSDigit * digitN ; Int_t iDigitN ; Int_t iDigit ; for(iDigit = 0; iDigit < fMulDigit; iDigit++){ maxAt[iDigit] = fDigitsList[iDigit] ; } for(iDigit = 0 ; iDigit < fMulDigit; iDigit++) { if(maxAt[iDigit] != -1) { digit = (AliPHOSDigit *) maxAt[iDigit] ; for(iDigitN = 0; iDigitN < fMulDigit; iDigitN++) { digitN = (AliPHOSDigit *) fDigitsList[iDigitN] ; if ( AreNeighbours(digit, digitN) ) { if (fEnergyList[iDigit] > fEnergyList[iDigitN] ) { maxAt[iDigitN] = -1 ; // but may be digit too is not local max ? if(fEnergyList[iDigit] < fEnergyList[iDigitN] + fLocMaxCut) maxAt[iDigit] = -1 ; } else { maxAt[iDigit] = -1 ; // but may be digitN too is not local max ? if(fEnergyList[iDigit] > fEnergyList[iDigitN] - fLocMaxCut) maxAt[iDigitN] = -1 ; } } // if Areneighbours } // while digitN } // slot not empty } // while digit iDigitN = 0 ; for(iDigit = 0; iDigit < fMulDigit; iDigit++) { if(maxAt[iDigit] != -1){ maxAt[iDigitN] = maxAt[iDigit] ; maxAtEnergy[iDigitN] = fEnergyList[iDigit] ; iDigitN++ ; } } return iDigitN ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSEmcRecPoint::GetLocalPosition(TVector3 &LPos) { if( fLocPos.X() < 1000000.) { // already evaluated LPos = fLocPos ; return ; } Float_t wtot = 0. ; Int_t relid[4] ; Float_t x = 0. ; Float_t z = 0. ; AliPHOSDigit * digit ; AliPHOSGeometry * PHOSGeom = (AliPHOSGeometry *) fGeom ; Int_t iDigit; for(iDigit=0; iDigitAbsToRelNumbering(digit->GetId(), relid) ; PHOSGeom->RelPosInModule(relid, xi, zi); Float_t w = TMath::Max( 0., fW0 + TMath::Log( fEnergyList[iDigit] / fAmp ) ) ; x += xi * w ; z += zi * w ; wtot += w ; } x /= wtot ; z /= wtot ; fLocPos.SetX(x) ; fLocPos.SetY(0.) ; fLocPos.SetZ(z) ; LPos = fLocPos ; } // //____________________________________________________________________________ // AliPHOSEmcRecPoint& AliPHOSEmcRecPoint::operator = (AliPHOSEmcRecPoint Clu) // { // int * DL = Clu.GetDigitsList() ; // if(fDigitsList) // delete fDigitsList ; // AliPHOSDigit * digit ; // Int_t iDigit; // for(iDigit=0; iDigitAbsToRelNumbering(digit->GetId(), relid) ; PHOSGeom->RelPosInModule(relid, xi, zi); cout << " Id = " << digit->GetId() ; cout << " module = " << relid[0] ; cout << " x = " << xi ; cout << " z = " << zi ; cout << " Energy = " << fEnergyList[iDigit] << endl ; } cout << " Multiplicity = " << fMulDigit << endl ; cout << " Cluster Energy = " << fAmp << endl ; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSEmcRecPoint::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class AliPHOSEmcRecPoint. if (R__b.IsReading()) { Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(); if (R__v) { } AliPHOSRecPoint::Streamer(R__b); R__b >> fDelta; R__b >> fLocMaxCut; R__b.ReadArray(fEnergyList); R__b >> fW0; } else { R__b.WriteVersion(AliPHOSEmcRecPoint::IsA()); AliPHOSRecPoint::Streamer(R__b); R__b << fDelta; R__b << fLocMaxCut; R__b.WriteArray(fEnergyList, GetMaximumDigitMultiplicity() ); R__b << fW0; } }