// ---- ROOT system --- #include "TDirectory.h" #include "TBranch.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TFolder.h" // --- AliRoot header files --- #include "AliPHOSEvalRecPoint.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliPHOSGetter.h" #include "AliPHOSRecCpvManager.h" #include "AliPHOSRecEmcManager.h" #include "AliPHOSDigitizer.h" // --- Standard library --- ClassImp(AliPHOSEvalRecPoint) AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::AliPHOSEvalRecPoint(): AliPHOSCpvRecPoint() { fParent=-333; fChi2Dof=-111; fIsCpv = kTRUE; fIsEmc = kFALSE; } AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::AliPHOSEvalRecPoint(Bool_t cpv, AliPHOSEvalRecPoint* parent) : AliPHOSCpvRecPoint() { fParent=-333; fChi2Dof=-111; // fParent=parent; TObjArray* wPool = (TObjArray*)GetWorkingPool(); if(!wPool) { Error("AliPHOSEvalRecPoint", "Couldn't find working pool. Exit.") ; exit(1); } fParent = wPool->IndexOf((TObject*)parent); fChi2Dof = parent->Chi2Dof(); if(cpv) { fIsEmc = kFALSE; fIsCpv = kTRUE; } else { fIsEmc = kTRUE; fIsCpv = kFALSE; } // Add itself to working pool AddToWorkingPool((TObject*)this); } AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::AliPHOSEvalRecPoint(Int_t i, Bool_t cpv) : AliPHOSCpvRecPoint() { fChi2Dof=-111; fParent=-333; AliPHOSEmcRecPoint* rp=0; AliPHOSGetter* fGetter = AliPHOSGetter::GetInstance(); if(cpv) { rp = (AliPHOSCpvRecPoint*)fGetter->CpvRecPoints()->At(i); fIsEmc = kFALSE; fIsCpv = kTRUE; } else { rp = (AliPHOSEmcRecPoint*)fGetter->EmcRecPoints()->At(i); fIsEmc = kTRUE; fIsCpv = kFALSE; } Int_t* Digits = rp->GetDigitsList(); Float_t* Energies = rp->GetEnergiesList(); Int_t nDigits = rp->GetMultiplicity(); for(Int_t iDigit=0; iDigitDigits()->At( Digits[iDigit] ); Float_t eDigit = Energies[iDigit]; this->AddDigit(*digit,eDigit); } TVector3 locpos; rp->GetLocalPosition(locpos); fLocPos = locpos; // Add itself to working pool AddToWorkingPool((TObject*)this); } AliPHOSClusterizer* AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::GetClusterizer() { TFolder* aliceF = (TFolder*)gROOT->FindObjectAny("YSAlice"); TFolder* wPoolF = (TFolder*)aliceF->FindObject("WhiteBoard/RecPoints/PHOS/SmP"); AliPHOSClusterizer* clu = (AliPHOSClusterizer*)wPoolF->FindObject("PHOS:clu-v1"); if(!clu) { Error("GetClusterizer", "Couldn't find Clusterizer. Exit.") ; exit(1); } return clu; } Bool_t AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::TooClose(AliPHOSRecPoint* pt) const { TVector3 her_pos; TVector3 my_pos; pt->GetLocalPosition(her_pos); this->GetLocalPosition(my_pos); Float_t dx = her_pos.X() - my_pos.X(); Float_t dz = her_pos.Z() - my_pos.Z(); Float_t dr = TMath::Sqrt(dx*dx + dz*dz); if(drMergeGammasMinDistanceCut()) return kTRUE; else return kFALSE; } Bool_t AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::NeedToSplit() const { return kFALSE; } void AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::DeleteParent() { fParent=-333; } void AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::UpdateWorkingPool() { Int_t i; //loop variable for(i=0; iInWorkingPool(); i++) { AliPHOSEvalRecPoint* parent = (AliPHOSEvalRecPoint*)GetFromWorkingPool(i); TObjArray children; Int_t nChild = parent->HasChild(children); for(Int_t iChild=0; iChildDeleteParent(); } if(nChild) { RemoveFromWorkingPool(parent); delete parent; } } for(i=0; iInWorkingPool(); i++) { AliPHOSEvalRecPoint* weak = (AliPHOSEvalRecPoint*)GetFromWorkingPool(i); if (weak->KillWeakPoint()) delete weak; } for(i=0; iInWorkingPool(); i++) { AliPHOSEvalRecPoint* close = (AliPHOSEvalRecPoint*)GetFromWorkingPool(i); close->MergeClosePoint(); } for(i=0; iInWorkingPool(); i++) ((AliPHOSEvalRecPoint*)AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::GetFromWorkingPool(i))->SetIndexInList(i); } Int_t AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::HasChild(TObjArray& children) { for(Int_t iChild=0; iChildParent(); TObject* me = (TObject*)this; if(parent==me) children.Add(child); } return children.GetEntries(); } void AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::Init() { AliPHOSClusterizer* clusterizer = GetClusterizer(); if(!clusterizer) { Error("Init", "Cannot get clusterizer. Exit.") ; exit(1); } TClonesArray* digits = AliPHOSGetter::GetInstance()->Digits(); Float_t LogWeight=0; if(this->IsEmc()) { LogWeight = clusterizer->GetEmcLogWeight(); } else { LogWeight = clusterizer->GetCpvLogWeight(); } EvalLocalPosition(LogWeight,digits); // evaluate initial position } void AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::MakeJob() { // Reconstruction algoritm implementation. AliPHOSRecManager* recMng = GetReconstructionManager(); Init(); UnfoldLocalMaxima(); TObjArray children; Int_t nChild = HasChild(children); if(!nChild) { EvaluatePosition(); if(Chi2Dof()>recMng->OneGamChisqCut()) SplitMergedShowers(); } for(Int_t iChild=0; iChildEvaluatePosition(); if(child->Chi2Dof()>recMng->OneGamChisqCut()) child->SplitMergedShowers(); } } void AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::InitTwoGam(Float_t* gamma1, Float_t* gamma2) { //Compute start values for two gamma fit algorithm. // gamma1[0], gamma1[1], gamma1[2] are Energy,x,z of the reconstructed "gammas". TVector3 lpos; // start point choosing. GetLocalPosition(lpos); Float_t xx = lpos.Z(); Float_t yy = lpos.X(); Float_t E = GetEnergy(); Info("InitTwoGam", "(x,z,E)[old] = (%f, %f, %f)", yy, xx, E) ; // xx = XY(xx/E); // yy = XY(yy/E); Float_t eDigit ; AliPHOSDigit * digit ; Int_t nDigits = GetMultiplicity(); Int_t * Digits = GetDigitsList(); Float_t * Energies = GetEnergiesList(); Float_t ix ; Float_t iy ; Int_t relid[4] ; Float_t exx = 0; Float_t eyy = 0; Float_t exy = 0; Float_t sqr; Float_t cos2fi = 1.; AliPHOSGetter* fGetter = AliPHOSGetter::GetInstance(); const AliPHOSGeometry* fGeom = fGetter->PHOSGeometry(); Int_t iDigit; //loop variable for(iDigit = 0 ; iDigit < nDigits ; iDigit ++) { digit = (AliPHOSDigit*)fGetter->Digits()->At( Digits[iDigit] ); eDigit = Energies[iDigit]; fGeom->AbsToRelNumbering(digit->GetId(), relid) ; fGeom->RelPosInModule(relid, iy, ix); Float_t dx = ix - xx; Float_t dy = iy - yy; exx += eDigit*dx*dx; eyy += eDigit*dy*dy; exy += eDigit*dx*dy; } sqr = TMath::Sqrt(4.*exy*exy + (exx-eyy)*(exx-eyy)); Float_t euu = (exx+eyy+sqr)/2.; if(sqr>1.e-10) cos2fi = (exx - eyy)/sqr; Float_t cosfi = TMath::Sqrt((1.+cos2fi)/2.); Float_t sinfi = TMath::Sqrt((1.-cos2fi)/2.); if(exy<0) sinfi = -sinfi; Float_t eu3 = 0; for(iDigit = 0 ; iDigit < nDigits ; iDigit ++) { digit = (AliPHOSDigit*)fGetter->Digits()->At( Digits[iDigit] ); eDigit = Energies[iDigit]; fGeom->AbsToRelNumbering(digit->GetId(), relid) ; fGeom->RelPosInModule(relid, iy, ix); Float_t dx = ix - xx; Float_t dy = iy - yy; Float_t du = dx*cosfi + dy*sinfi; eu3 += eDigit*du*du*du; } Float_t c = E*eu3*eu3/(euu*euu*euu)/2.; Float_t sign = 1.; if(eu3<0) sign = -1.; Float_t r = 1.+ c + sign*TMath::Sqrt(2.*c + c*c); Float_t u = 0; if(TMath::Abs(r-1.)>0.1) u = eu3/euu*(r+1.)/(r-1.); if(TMath::Abs(r-1.)<0.1) u = TMath::Sqrt(sqr/E/r)*(1.+r); Float_t e2c = E/(1.+r); Float_t e1c = E-e2c; Float_t u1 = -u/(1.+r); Float_t u2 = u+u1; Float_t x1c = xx+u1*cosfi; Float_t y1c = yy+u1*sinfi; Float_t x2c = xx+u2*cosfi; Float_t y2c = yy+u2*sinfi; // printf("e1c -> %f\n",e1c); // printf("x1c -> %f\n",x1c); // printf("y1c -> %f\n",y1c); // printf("e2c -> %f\n",e2c); // printf("x2c -> %f\n",x2c); // printf("y2c -> %f\n",y2c); gamma1[0] = e1c; gamma1[1] = y1c; gamma1[2] = x1c; gamma2[0] = e2c; gamma2[1] = y2c; gamma2[2] = x2c; } void AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::TwoGam(Float_t* gamma1, Float_t* gamma2) { //Fitting algorithm for the two very closed gammas //that merged into the cluster with one maximum. // Starting points gamma1 and gamma2 must be provided before ( see InitTwoGam) //Set chisquare of the fit. Float_t st0 = GetReconstructionManager()->TwoGamInitialStep(); Float_t chmin = GetReconstructionManager()->TwoGamChisqMin(); Float_t emin = GetReconstructionManager()->TwoGamEmin(); Float_t stpmin = GetReconstructionManager()->TwoGamStepMin(); Int_t Niter = GetReconstructionManager()->TwoGamNumOfIterations(); // Number of iterations. Float_t chisq = 100.; //Initial chisquare. Int_t nadc = GetMultiplicity(); if(nadc<3) fChi2Dof= -111.; Int_t dof = nadc - 5; if(dof<1) dof=1; Float_t chstop = chmin*dof; Float_t ch = 1.e+20; Float_t st = st0; Float_t grx1 = 0.; Float_t gry1 = 0.; Float_t grx2 = 0.; Float_t gry2 = 0.; Float_t gre = 0.; Float_t gr = 1.; Float_t ee1=0,xx1=0,yy1=0,ee2=0,xx2=0,yy2=0,cosi; Float_t e1c = gamma1[0]; Float_t y1c = gamma1[1]; Float_t x1c = gamma1[2]; Float_t e2c = gamma2[0]; Float_t y2c = gamma2[1]; Float_t x2c = gamma2[2]; Float_t E = GetEnergy(); Float_t eDigit ; AliPHOSDigit * digit ; Int_t nDigits = GetMultiplicity(); Int_t * Digits = GetDigitsList(); Float_t * Energies = GetEnergiesList(); Float_t ix ; Float_t iy ; Int_t relid[4] ; AliPHOSGetter* fGetter = AliPHOSGetter::GetInstance(); const AliPHOSGeometry* fGeom = fGetter->PHOSGeometry(); for(Int_t Iter=0; IterDigits()->At( Digits[iDigit] ); eDigit = Energies[iDigit]; fGeom->AbsToRelNumbering(digit->GetId(), relid) ; fGeom->RelPosInModule(relid, iy, ix); Float_t a1,gx1,gy1; Float_t a2,gx2,gy2; Float_t dx1 = x1c - ix; Float_t dy1 = y1c - iy; // Info("TwoGam", "Mult %d dx1 %f dy1 %f", nDigits, dx1, dy1) ; // AG(e1c,dx1,dy1,a1,gx1,gy1); GetReconstructionManager()->AG(e1c,dx1,dy1,a1,gx1,gy1); Float_t dx2 = x2c - ix; Float_t dy2 = y2c - iy; // Info("TwoGam", " dx2 %f dy2 %f", dx2, dy2) ; // AG(e2c,dx2,dy2,a2,gx2,gy2); GetReconstructionManager()->AG(e2c,dx2,dy2,a2,gx2,gy2); Float_t A = a1+a2; // Float_t D = Const*A*(1. - A/E); // if(D<0) D=0; // // D = 9.; // ???? // Float_t da = A - eDigit; // chisqc += da*da/D; // Float_t dd = da/D; // dd = dd*(2.-dd*Const*(1.-2.*A/E)); Float_t dd; chisqc += GetReconstructionManager()->TwoGamChi2(A,eDigit,E,dd); grx1c += gx1*dd; gry1c += gy1*dd; grx2c += gx2*dd; gry2c += gy2*dd; grec += (a1/e1c - a2/e2c)*E*dd; } Float_t grc = TMath::Sqrt(grx1c*grx1c + gry1c*gry1c + grx2c*grx2c + gry2c*gry2c); if(grc<1.e-10) grc=1.e-10; Float_t sc = 1. + chisqc/ch; st = st/sc; if(chisqc>ch) goto loop20; cosi = (grx1*grx1c + gry1*gry1c + grx2*grx2c + gry2*gry2c + gre*grec)/gr/grc; st = st*sc/(1.4 - cosi); ee1 = e1c; xx1 = x1c; yy1 = y1c; ee2 = e2c; xx2 = x2c; yy2 = y2c; ch = chisqc; if(chemin) && (e2c>emin) ) goto loop25; st = st/2.; goto loop20; loop25: ; x1c = xx1 - st*grx1; y1c = yy1 - st*gry1; x2c = xx2 - st*grx2; y2c = yy2 - st*gry2; } loop101: // if(ch>chisq*(nadc-2)-delch) // return ch/dof; chisq = ch/dof; gamma1[0] = ee1; gamma1[1] = yy1; gamma1[2] = xx1; gamma2[0] = ee2; gamma2[1] = yy2; gamma2[2] = xx2; Float_t x1_new = yy1; Float_t z1_new = xx1; Float_t e1_new = ee1; Float_t x2_new = yy2; Float_t z2_new = xx2; Float_t e2_new = ee2; TString message ; message = " (x,z,E)[1 fit] = (%f, %f, %f)\n" ; message = " (x,z,E)[2 fit] = (%f, %f, %f)\n" ; Info("TwoGam", message.Data(), x1_new, z1_new, e1_new, x2_new, z2_new, e2_new) ; fChi2Dof = chisq; } void AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::UnfoldTwoMergedPoints(Float_t* gamma1, Float_t* gamma2) { //Unfold TWO merged rec. points in the case when cluster has only one maximum, //but it's fitting to the one gamma shower is too bad. // Use TwoGam() to estimate the positions and energies of merged points. Int_t Nmax = 2; Float_t* gamma; Int_t* Digits = GetDigitsList(); Int_t nDigits = GetMultiplicity(); Float_t* Energies = GetEnergiesList(); Float_t* eFit = new Float_t[nDigits]; AliPHOSGetter* fGetter = AliPHOSGetter::GetInstance(); const AliPHOSGeometry* fGeom = fGetter->PHOSGeometry(); for(Int_t iDigit=0; iDigitDigits()->At( Digits[iDigit] ); Int_t relid[4] ; fGeom->AbsToRelNumbering(digit->GetId(), relid) ; Float_t x,z; fGeom->RelPosInModule(relid, x, z); Float_t gain = 0.; for(Int_t iMax=0; iMaxAG(eMax,dz,dx,Amp,gx,gy); gain += Amp; } eFit[iDigit] = gain; } for( Int_t iMax=0; iMaxSetLocalPosition(newpos); for( Int_t iDigit = 0 ; iDigit < nDigits ; iDigit ++) { AliPHOSDigit* digit = (AliPHOSDigit*)fGetter->Digits()->At( Digits[iDigit] ); Float_t eDigit = Energies[iDigit]; Int_t relid[4] ; fGeom->AbsToRelNumbering(digit->GetId(), relid) ; Float_t ix,iz; fGeom->RelPosInModule(relid, ix, iz); Float_t dx = xMax - ix; Float_t dz = zMax - iz; Float_t single_shower_gain,gxMax,gyMax; GetReconstructionManager()->AG(eMax,dz,dx,single_shower_gain,gxMax,gyMax); Float_t total_gain = eFit[iDigit]; Float_t ratio = single_shower_gain/total_gain; eDigit = eDigit*ratio; newRP->AddDigit(*digit,eDigit); } Info("UnfoldTwoMergedPoints", "======= Split: daughter rec point %d =================", iMax) ; newRP->Print(""); } delete[] eFit; } void AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::EvaluatePosition() { // One gamma fit algorithm. // Set chisq/dof of the fit. // gamma1[0], gamma1[1], gamma1[2] are Energy,x,z of the reconstructed gamma, respectively. Int_t nDigits = GetMultiplicity(); if(nDigits<2) return; Int_t Niter = GetReconstructionManager()->OneGamNumOfIterations(); // number of iterations Float_t St0 = GetReconstructionManager()->OneGamInitialStep(); // initial step // const Float_t Stpmin = 0.005; Float_t Stpmin = GetReconstructionManager()->OneGamStepMin(); Float_t chmin = GetReconstructionManager()->OneGamChisqMin(); TVector3 locpos; AliPHOSDigit* digit; Float_t eDigit; Int_t relid[4] ; Float_t ix, iy; GetLocalPosition(locpos); Float_t E = GetEnergy(); Float_t xc = locpos.Z(); Float_t yc = locpos.X(); Float_t dx,dy,gx,gy,grxc,gryc; Float_t st = St0; Float_t chisq = 1.e+20; Float_t gr = 1.; Float_t grx = 0.; Float_t gry = 0.; Int_t dof = GetMultiplicity() - 2; if(dof<1) dof = 1; Float_t chstop = chmin*dof; Float_t cosi,x1=0,y1=0; Float_t chisqc; AliPHOSGetter* fGetter = AliPHOSGetter::GetInstance(); const AliPHOSGeometry* fGeom = fGetter->PHOSGeometry(); for(Int_t Iter=0; IterDigits()->At( Digits[iDigit] ); eDigit = Energies[iDigit]; fGeom->AbsToRelNumbering(digit->GetId(), relid) ; fGeom->RelPosInModule(relid, iy, ix); dx = xc - ix; dy = yc - iy; if(!dx) dx=dy; if(!dy) dy=dx; Float_t A; GetReconstructionManager()->AG(E,dx,dy,A,gx,gy); Float_t dd; Info("EvaluatePosition", " (ix iy xc yc dx dy) %f %f %f %f %f %f", ix, iy, xc, yc, dx, dy) ; Float_t chi2dg = GetReconstructionManager()->OneGamChi2(A,eDigit,E,dd); // Exclude digit with too large chisquare. if(chi2dg > 10) { continue; } chisqc += chi2dg; grxc += gx*dd; gryc += gy*dd; } Float_t grc = TMath::Sqrt(grxc*grxc + gryc*gryc); if(grc<1.e-10) grc=1.e-10; Float_t sc = 1. + chisqc/chisq; Info("EvaluatePosition", " chisq: %f", chisq) ; st = st/sc; if(chisqc>chisq) goto loop20; cosi = (grx*grxc + gry*gryc)/gr/grc; st = st*sc/(1.4 - cosi); x1 = xc; y1 = yc; grx = grxc; gry = gryc; gr = grc; chisq = chisqc; if(chisq1.) st = 1./gr; xc = x1 - st*grx; yc = y1 - st*gry; } loop101: chisq = chisq/dof; // if(chisq>Chsqcut) // { // // TwoGam(); // } Float_t gamma1[3]; gamma1[0] = E; gamma1[1] = y1; gamma1[2] = x1; TVector3 newpos(gamma1[1],0,gamma1[2]); //SetLocalPosition(newpos); fLocPos=newpos; fAmp=E; // TVector3 pos; // RP->GetLocalPosition(pos); fChi2Dof = chisq; } Bool_t AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::KillWeakPoint() { // Remove this point from further procession // if it's energy is too small. Float_t Thr0 = GetReconstructionManager()->KillGamMinEnergy(); if(GetEnergy()Digitizer(); // Float_t fPedestal = digitizer->GetPedestal(); // YVK 30.09.2001 // Float_t fSlope = digitizer->GetSlope(); for (Int_t i=0;iIsEqual(obj)) { AliPHOSRecPoint* rp = (AliPHOSRecPoint*)obj; if(GetPHOSMod() == rp->GetPHOSMod()) { if(TooClose(rp)) { Info("MergeClosePoint", "+++++++ Merging point 1: ++++++") ; this->Print(""); Info("MergeClosePoint", "+++++++ and point 2: ++++++++++") ; ((AliPHOSEvalRecPoint*)rp)->Print(""); //merge two rec. points TVector3 lpos1; TVector3 lpos2; this->GetLocalPosition(lpos1); rp->GetLocalPosition(lpos2); Int_t* Digits = rp->GetDigitsList(); Float_t dE = rp->GetEnergy()/(rp->GetEnergy()+this->GetEnergy()); Float_t new_x = lpos1.X()*dE + lpos2.X()*(1.-dE); Float_t new_z = lpos1.Z()*dE + lpos2.Z()*(1.-dE); Float_t new_E = rp->GetEnergy()+this->GetEnergy(); Float_t* Energies = ((AliPHOSEmcRecPoint*)rp)->GetEnergiesList(); for(Int_t iDigit=0; iDigitGetDigitsMultiplicity(); iDigit++) { AliPHOSDigit* digit = (AliPHOSDigit*)fGetter->Digits()->At(Digits[iDigit]); Float_t eDigit = Energies[iDigit]; this->AddDigit(*digit,eDigit); } TVector3 newpos(new_x,0,new_z); fLocPos = newpos; fAmp = new_E; RemoveFromWorkingPool(rp); delete rp; Info("MergeClosePoint", "++++++ Resulting point: ++++++++") ; this->Print(""); break; } } } } } Int_t AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::UnfoldLocalMaxima() { // Make unfolding in the reconstruction point with several local maxima. // Return the number of local maxima. // if multiplicity less then 2 - nothing to unfold if(GetMultiplicity()<2) return 1; AliPHOSDigit * maxAt[1000]; Float_t maxAtEnergy[1000]; Float_t LocMaxCut, LogWeight; Int_t relid[4] ; Float_t xMax; Float_t zMax; // AliPHOSClusterizer* clusterizer = fGetter->Clusterizer("PHOSclu-v1"); AliPHOSClusterizer* clusterizer = GetClusterizer(); if(!clusterizer) { Error("UnfoldLocalMaxima", "Cannot get clusterizer. Exit.") ; exit(1); } if(this->IsEmc()) { LocMaxCut = clusterizer->GetEmcLocalMaxCut(); LogWeight = clusterizer->GetEmcLogWeight(); } else { LocMaxCut = clusterizer->GetCpvLocalMaxCut(); LogWeight = clusterizer->GetCpvLogWeight(); } AliPHOSGetter* fGetter = AliPHOSGetter::GetInstance(); const AliPHOSGeometry* fGeom = fGetter->PHOSGeometry(); TClonesArray* digits = fGetter->Digits(); // if number of local maxima less then 2 - nothing to unfold Int_t Nmax = GetNumberOfLocalMax(maxAt,maxAtEnergy,LocMaxCut,digits); if(Nmax<2) return Nmax; Int_t* Digits = GetDigitsList(); Int_t nDigits = GetMultiplicity(); Float_t* Energies = GetEnergiesList(); Float_t* eFit = new Float_t[nDigits]; Int_t iDigit; //loop variable for(iDigit=0; iDigitDigits()->At( Digits[iDigit] ); fGeom->AbsToRelNumbering(digit->GetId(), relid) ; Float_t x,z; fGeom->RelPosInModule(relid, x, z); for(Int_t iMax=0; iMaxAbsToRelNumbering(digitMax->GetId(), relid) ; fGeom->RelPosInModule(relid, xMax, zMax); Float_t dx = xMax - x; Float_t dz = zMax - z; Float_t Amp,gx,gy; GetReconstructionManager()->AG(eMax,dz,dx,Amp,gx,gy); // Amp = Amp + 0.5; eFit[iDigit] += Amp; } } for(Int_t iMax=0; iMaxAbsToRelNumbering(digitMax->GetId(), relid) ; fGeom->RelPosInModule(relid, xMax, zMax); Float_t eMax = maxAtEnergy[iMax]; AliPHOSEvalRecPoint* newRP = new AliPHOSEvalRecPoint(IsCPV(),this); newRP->AddDigit(*digitMax,maxAtEnergy[iMax]); //Neighbous ( matrix 3x3 around the local maximum) for(Int_t iDigit=0; iDigitDigits()->At( Digits[iDigit] ); Float_t eDigit = Energies[iDigit]; fGeom->AbsToRelNumbering(digit->GetId(), relid) ; Float_t ix,iz; fGeom->RelPosInModule(relid, ix, iz); if(AreNeighbours(digitMax,digit)) { Float_t dx = xMax - ix; Float_t dz = zMax - iz; Float_t single_shower_gain,gxMax,gyMax; GetReconstructionManager()->AG(eMax,dz,dx,single_shower_gain,gxMax,gyMax); Float_t total_gain = eFit[iDigit]; Float_t ratio = single_shower_gain/total_gain; Info("UnfoldLocalMaxima", " ratio -> %f", ratio) ; eDigit = eDigit*ratio; newRP->AddDigit(*digit,eDigit); } } newRP->EvalLocalPosition(LogWeight,digits); Info("UnfoldLocalMaxima", "======= Unfold: daughter rec point %d =================", iMax) ; newRP->Print(""); } // RemoveFromWorkingPool(this); delete[] eFit; return Nmax; } void AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::PrintPoint(Option_t* opt) { AliPHOSCpvRecPoint::Print(opt); TVector3 lpos; GetLocalPosition(lpos); TString message ; message = " Chi2/dof = %f" ; message += " Local (x,z) = (%f, %f) in module %d" ; Info("Print", message.Data(), Chi2Dof(), lpos.X(), lpos.Z(), GetPHOSMod()) ; } AliPHOSRecManager* AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::GetReconstructionManager() const { TFolder* aliceF = (TFolder*)gROOT->FindObjectAny("YSAlice"); TFolder* wPoolF = (TFolder*)aliceF->FindObject("WhiteBoard/RecPoints/PHOS/SmP"); AliPHOSRecManager* recMng = (AliPHOSRecManager*)wPoolF->FindObject("AliPHOSRecManager"); if(!recMng) { Error("GetReconstructionManager", "Couldn't find Reconstruction Manager. Exit.") ; exit(1); } return recMng; } AliPHOSRecPoint* AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::Parent() { if(fParent<0) return NULL; else return (AliPHOSRecPoint*)GetFromWorkingPool(fParent); // return fParent; } Float_t AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::Chi2Dof() const { return fChi2Dof; } const TObject* AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::GetWorkingPool() { TFolder* aliceF = (TFolder*)gROOT->FindObjectAny("YSAlice"); TFolder* wPoolF = (TFolder*)aliceF->FindObject("WhiteBoard/RecPoints/PHOS/SmP"); TObject* wPool = wPoolF->FindObject("SmartPoints"); if(!wPool) { Error("GetWorkingPool", "Couldn't find Working Pool. Exit.") ; exit(1); } return wPool; } void AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::AddToWorkingPool(TObject* obj) { ((TObjArray*)GetWorkingPool())->Add(obj); } TObject* AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::GetFromWorkingPool(Int_t i) { // return fWorkingPool->At(i); return ((TObjArray*)GetWorkingPool())->At(i); } Int_t AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::InWorkingPool() { return ((TObjArray*)GetWorkingPool())->GetEntries(); } void AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::RemoveFromWorkingPool(TObject* obj) { ((TObjArray*)GetWorkingPool())->Remove(obj); ((TObjArray*)GetWorkingPool())->Compress(); } void AliPHOSEvalRecPoint::PrintWorkingPool() { ((TObjArray*)GetWorkingPool())->Print(""); }