/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id: $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliSurveyPoint.h" #include "AliPHOSModuleMisalignment.h" #include "AliPHOSGeometry.h" ClassImp(AliPHOSModuleMisalignment) namespace { /* Tiny vector/matrix utility stuff. Operates on doubles directly. Instead of points and vectors I use arrays of doubles with size 3. To make this explicit - I use references to arrays. */ //___________________________________________________________________ void Vector(const Double_t (&p1)[3], const Double_t (&p2)[3], Double_t (&v)[3]) { for(UInt_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) v[i] = p2[i] - p1[i]; } //___________________________________________________________________ void MultVector(Double_t (&v)[3], Double_t m) { v[0] *= m; v[1] *= m; v[2] *= m; } /* Using points name0, name1, name2 find two orthogonal vectors. */ //___________________________________________________________________ void FindVectors(const Double_t (&pts)[3][3], Double_t (&v)[3][3]) { Vector(pts[0], pts[2], v[0]); //v[1] will be cross-product (v[2] x v[0]). Vector(pts[0], pts[1], v[2]); } //___________________________________________________________________ Double_t Length(const Double_t (&v)[3]) { return TMath::Sqrt(v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2]); } //___________________________________________________________________ Double_t Distance(const Double_t (&p1)[3], const Double_t (&p2)[3]) { return TMath::Sqrt((p2[0] - p1[0]) * (p2[0] - p1[0]) + (p2[1] - p1[1]) * (p2[1] - p1[1]) + (p2[2] - p1[2]) * (p2[2] - p1[2])); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void CrossProduct(const Double_t (&v1)[3], const Double_t (&v2)[3], Double_t (&v3)[3]) { v3[0] = v1[1] * v2[2] - v2[1] * v1[2]; v3[1] = v1[2] * v2[0] - v2[2] * v1[0]; v3[2] = v1[0] * v2[1] - v2[0] * v1[1]; } //___________________________________________________________________ void Normalize(Double_t (&v)[3]) { const Double_t len = Length(v); if(len < 1E-10)//Threshold? throw std::runtime_error("Zero len vector"); v[0] /= len; v[1] /= len; v[2] /= len; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void Normalize(Double_t (&v)[3][3]) { for(UInt_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) Normalize(v[i]); } //___________________________________________________________________ void FindRotation(const Double_t (&u)[3][3], const Double_t (&v)[3][3], Double_t (&r)[9]) { //I have orthogonal vectors and very nice rotation matrix. //V = R * U, R = V * U ^ t r[0] = v[0][0] * u[0][0] + v[1][0] * u[1][0] + v[2][0] * u[2][0]; r[1] = v[0][0] * u[0][1] + v[1][0] * u[1][1] + v[2][0] * u[2][1]; r[2] = v[0][0] * u[0][2] + v[1][0] * u[1][2] + v[2][0] * u[2][2]; r[3] = v[0][1] * u[0][0] + v[1][1] * u[1][0] + v[2][1] * u[2][0]; r[4] = v[0][1] * u[0][1] + v[1][1] * u[1][1] + v[2][1] * u[2][1]; r[5] = v[0][1] * u[0][2] + v[1][1] * u[1][2] + v[2][1] * u[2][2]; r[6] = v[0][2] * u[0][0] + v[1][2] * u[1][0] + v[2][2] * u[2][0]; r[7] = v[0][2] * u[0][1] + v[1][2] * u[1][1] + v[2][2] * u[2][1]; r[8] = v[0][2] * u[0][2] + v[1][2] * u[1][2] + v[2][2] * u[2][2]; } //___________________________________________________________________ void Rotate(const Double_t (&r)[9], const Double_t (&u)[3], Double_t (&v)[3]) { v[0] = r[0] * u[0] + r[1] * u[1] + r[2] * u[2]; v[1] = r[3] * u[0] + r[4] * u[1] + r[5] * u[2]; v[2] = r[6] * u[0] + r[7] * u[1] + r[8] * u[2]; } //___________________________________________________________________ void Rotate(const Double_t (&r)[9], const Double_t (&u)[3][3], Double_t (&v)[3][3]) { for(UInt_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) Rotate(r, u[i], v[i]); } /* PrintVector, PrintMatrix, Translate are used in "debug" mode only. */ //___________________________________________________________________ void PrintVector(const Double_t (&v)[3]) { std::cout<(points->FindObject(name0)); const AliSurveyPoint * pt1 = static_cast(points->FindObject(name1)); const AliSurveyPoint * pt2 = static_cast(points->FindObject(name2)); if (!pt0 || !pt1 || !pt2) { Warning("AliPHOSModuleData::DeltaTransformation", "One of points not found in TObjArray"); return; } //Transform fModule using angle and translation for module number "module". //fU. FindIdealModule(module); //Extract coordinates from survey. //fV. FindRealModule(pt0, pt1, pt2); //Find delta, using ideal module (fU) and survey data (fV). FindDelta(delta); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSModuleMisalignment::FindIdealModule(UInt_t module) { //Ideal module described by fU. TGeoHMatrix matrix; //Rotation. const TGeoRotation r("", fAngles[module][0][0], fAngles[module][0][1], fAngles[module][1][0], fAngles[module][1][1], fAngles[module][2][0], fAngles[module][2][1]); matrix.SetRotation(r.GetRotationMatrix()); //Translation. matrix.SetDx(fCenters[module][0]); matrix.SetDy(fCenters[module][1]); matrix.SetDz(fCenters[module][2]); //Find ideal module's points. matrix.LocalToMaster(fModule[0], fU[0]); matrix.LocalToMaster(fModule[1], fU[1]); matrix.LocalToMaster(fModule[2], fU[2]); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSModuleMisalignment::FindRealModule(const AliSurveyPoint * pt0, const AliSurveyPoint * pt1, const AliSurveyPoint * pt2) { //Real module - fV. //Survey is in millimeters. //AliPHOSGeometry is in centimeters. const Double_t scale = 0.1; fV[0][0] = pt0->GetX() * scale; fV[0][1] = pt0->GetY() * scale; fV[0][2] = pt0->GetZ() * scale; fV[1][0] = pt1->GetX() * scale; fV[1][1] = pt1->GetY() * scale; fV[1][2] = pt1->GetZ() * scale; fV[2][0] = pt2->GetX() * scale; fV[2][1] = pt2->GetY() * scale; fV[2][2] = pt2->GetZ() * scale; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSModuleMisalignment::FindDelta(TGeoHMatrix * delta)const { //Find rotation and translation wich can //convert fU into fV (ideal module points into points from survey). Double_t u[3][3] = {}; FindVectors(fU, u); //Find cross product u2 x u0 and save it in u[2]. CrossProduct(u[2], u[0], u[1]); /* const Double_t lenXideal = Length(u[0]); const Double_t lenZideal = Length(u[2]); */ Double_t v[3][3] = {}; FindVectors(fV, v); //Find cross product (v2 x v0) and save it in v[2]. CrossProduct(v[2], v[0], v[1]); /* const Double_t lenXreal = Length(v[0]); const Double_t lenZreal = Length(v[2]); */ //Now, find rotation matrix. //1. Normalize vectors in u and v. try { Normalize(u); Normalize(v); } catch (const std::exception & e) { //One of lengths is zero (in principle, impossible, just to be neat). Error("AliPHOSModuleMisalignment::FindDelta", "\tone of vectors from ideal or real\n\tpoints have zero size\n" "\tzero misalignment will be created"); return; } //2. Rotation matrix. Double_t r[9] = {}; FindRotation(u, v, r); delta->SetRotation(r); #if 1 //3. Now, rotate fU and look, what translation I have to add. Double_t idealRotated[3] = {}; Rotate(r, fU[0], idealRotated); delta->SetDx(fV[0][0] - idealRotated[0]); delta->SetDy(fV[0][1] - idealRotated[1]); delta->SetDz(fV[0][2] - idealRotated[2]); if (fDebug) { const Double_t shifts[3] = {fV[0][0] - idealRotated[0], fV[0][1] - idealRotated[1], fV[0][2] - idealRotated[2]}; Double_t test1[3][3] = {}; Rotate(r, fU, test1); Double_t test2[3][3] = {}; Translate(shifts, test1, test2); std::cout<<"ideal:\n"; PrintMatrix(fU); std::cout<<"misaligned:\n"; PrintMatrix(test2); std::cout<<"real:\n"; PrintMatrix(fV); } #endif #if 0 //3. Now, rotate fU and look, what translation I have to add. Double_t idealRotated[3][3] = {}; Rotate(r, fU, idealRotated); //Because of measurement errors, distances //between points has errors. I can try to split //this difference (and make "final errors" smaller). Double_t zShift[3] = {}; Vector(fV[0], fV[1], zShift); Normalize(zShift); Double_t xShift[3] = {}; Vector(fV[0], fV[2], xShift); Normalize(xShift); MultVector(zShift, 0.5 * (lenZreal - lenZideal)); MultVector(xShift, 0.5 * (lenXreal - lenXideal)); Double_t pt1[3] = {}; Translate(zShift, fV[0], pt1); Double_t pt2[3] = {}; Translate(xShift, pt1, pt2); Double_t shifts[] = {pt2[0] - idealRotated[0][0], pt2[1] - idealRotated[0][1], pt2[2] - idealRotated[0][2]}; delta->SetDx(shifts[0]); delta->SetDy(shifts[1]); delta->SetDz(shifts[2]); if (fDebug) { Double_t idealTr[3][3] = {}; Translate(shifts, idealRotated, idealTr); std::cout<<"misaligned:\n"; PrintMatrix(idealTr); std::cout<<"ideal1 "<