/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /* History of cvs commits: * * $Log$ * Revision 1.94 2007/10/18 08:40:02 kharlov * Misalignment-related bug fixed * * Revision 1.93 2007/10/06 22:24:40 kharlov * Bug in strip unit geometry is corrected * * Revision 1.92 2007/07/04 16:38:19 policheh * Tracking2LocalCS matrices corrected for CPV. * * Revision 1.91 2007/07/02 14:50:49 policheh * Tracking2LocalCS matrices corrected. * * Revision 1.90 2007/05/24 13:04:05 policheh * AddAlignableVolumes: local to tracking CS transformation matrices creates for each * PHOS supermodule * * Revision 1.89 2007/04/24 14:34:39 hristov * Additional protection: do not search for alignable object if the CPV is not in the geometry * * Revision 1.88 2007/04/19 15:28:30 kharlov * Modify strip unit geometry according to the final drawings (Timur) * * Revision 1.87 2007/04/01 07:37:10 kharlov * TGeo RS to Local RS transf matr added * * Revision 1.86 2007/03/06 06:55:46 kharlov * DP:Misalignment of CPV added * * Revision 1.85 2007/03/01 11:37:37 kharlov * Strip units changed from 8x1 to 8x2 (T.Pocheptsov) * * Revision 1.84 2006/12/20 16:56:43 kharlov * Optional geometry without CPV * * Revision 1.83 2006/11/14 17:11:15 hristov * Removing inheritances from TAttLine, TAttMarker and AliRndm in AliModule. The copy constructor and assignment operators are moved to the private part of the class and not implemented. The corresponding changes are propagated to the detectors * * Revision 1.82 2006/09/27 19:55:57 kharlov * Alignment object with symbolic volume names are introduced * * Revision 1.81 2006/03/04 20:25:56 kharlov * Set geom parameters from CDB * * Revision 1.80 2005/06/17 07:39:07 hristov * Removing GetDebug and SetDebug from AliRun and AliModule. Using AliLog for the messages * * Revision 1.79 2005/05/28 14:19:05 schutz * Compilation warnings fixed by T.P. * */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // Implementation version v0 of PHOS Manager class // An object of this class does not produce hits nor digits // It is the one to use if you do not want to produce outputs in TREEH or TREED // //*-- Author: Yves Schutz (SUBATECH) & Dmitri Peressounko (RRC KI & SUBATECH) // --- ROOT system --- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // --- Standard library --- #include #include // --- AliRoot header files --- #include "AliConst.h" #include "AliPHOSGeometry.h" #include "AliPHOSLoader.h" #include "AliPHOSv0.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliGeomManager.h" ClassImp(AliPHOSv0) //____________________________________________________________________________ AliPHOSv0::AliPHOSv0(const char *name, const char *title): AliPHOS(name,title) { // ctor : title is used to identify the layout GetGeometry() ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSv0::CreateGeometry() { // Create the PHOS geometry for Geant AliPHOSv0 *phostmp = dynamic_cast(gAlice->GetModule("PHOS")) ; if ( phostmp == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "PHOS detector not found!\n") ; return; } AliPHOSGeometry * geom = GetGeometry() ; // Get pointer to the array containing media indeces Int_t *idtmed = fIdtmed->GetArray() - 699 ; // Create a PHOS module. gMC->Gsvolu("PHOS", "TRD1", idtmed[798], geom->GetPHOSParams(), 4) ; this->CreateGeometryforEMC() ; if (strstr(fTitle.Data(),"noCPV") == 0) this->CreateGeometryforCPV() ; this->CreateGeometryforSupport() ; // --- Position PHOS mdules in ALICE setup --- Int_t idrotm[99] ; Int_t iXYZ,iAngle; char im[5] ; Bool_t anyModuleCreated=0 ; for (Int_t iModule = 0; iModule < 5 ; iModule++ ) { sprintf(im,"%d",iModule+1) ; if(strstr(GetTitle(),im)==0 && strcmp(GetTitle(),"IHEP")!=0 && strcmp(GetTitle(),"noCPV")!=0) continue ; anyModuleCreated=1 ; Float_t angle[3][2]; for (iXYZ=0; iXYZ<3; iXYZ++) for (iAngle=0; iAngle<2; iAngle++) angle[iXYZ][iAngle] = geom->GetModuleAngle(iModule,iXYZ, iAngle); AliMatrix(idrotm[iModule], angle[0][0],angle[0][1], angle[1][0],angle[1][1], angle[2][0],angle[2][1]) ; Float_t pos[3]; for (iXYZ=0; iXYZ<3; iXYZ++) pos[iXYZ] = geom->GetModuleCenter(iModule,iXYZ); gMC->Gspos("PHOS", iModule+1, "ALIC", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], idrotm[iModule], "ONLY") ; } if(!anyModuleCreated) AliError("No one PHOS module was created") ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSv0::CreateGeometryforEMC() { // Create the PHOS-EMC geometry for GEANT // Author: Dmitri Peressounko August 2001 // The used coordinate system: // 1. in Module: X along longer side, Y out of beam, Z along shorter side (along beam) // 2. In Strip the same: X along longer side, Y out of beam, Z along shorter side (along beam) //BEGIN_HTML /*

Geant3 geometry tree of PHOS-EMC in ALICE

EMC geant tree

*/ //END_HTML // Get pointer to the array containing media indexes Int_t *idtmed = fIdtmed->GetArray() - 699 ; AliPHOSGeometry * geom = GetGeometry() ; AliPHOSEMCAGeometry * emcg = geom->GetEMCAGeometry() ; Float_t par[4]; Int_t ipar; // ======= Define the strip =============== for (ipar=0; ipar<3; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetStripHalfSize() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PSTR", "BOX ", idtmed[716], par, 3) ; //Made of steel // --- define steel volume (cell of the strip unit) for (ipar=0; ipar<3; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetAirCellHalfSize() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PCEL", "BOX ", idtmed[798], par, 3); // --- define wrapped crystal and put it into steel cell for (ipar=0; ipar<3; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetWrappedHalfSize() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PWRA", "BOX ", idtmed[702], par, 3); const Float_t * pin = emcg->GetAPDHalfSize() ; const Float_t * preamp = emcg->GetPreampHalfSize() ; Float_t y = (emcg->GetAirGapLed()-2*pin[1]-2*preamp[1])/2; gMC->Gspos("PWRA", 1, "PCEL", 0.0, y, 0.0, 0, "ONLY") ; // --- Define crystal and put it into wrapped crystall --- for (ipar=0; ipar<3; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetCrystalHalfSize() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PXTL", "BOX ", idtmed[699], par, 3) ; gMC->Gspos("PXTL", 1, "PWRA", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, "ONLY") ; // --- define APD/PIN preamp and put it into AirCell for (ipar=0; ipar<3; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetAPDHalfSize() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PPIN", "BOX ", idtmed[705], par, 3) ; const Float_t * crystal = emcg->GetCrystalHalfSize() ; y = crystal[1] + emcg->GetAirGapLed() /2 - preamp[1]; gMC->Gspos("PPIN", 1, "PCEL", 0.0, y, 0.0, 0, "ONLY") ; for (ipar=0; ipar<3; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetPreampHalfSize() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PREA", "BOX ", idtmed[711], par, 3) ; // Here I assumed preamp as a printed Circuit y = crystal[1] + emcg->GetAirGapLed() /2 + pin[1] ; // May it should be changed gMC->Gspos("PREA", 1, "PCEL", 0.0, y, 0.0, 0, "ONLY") ; // to ceramics? // --- Fill strip with wrapped cristals in steel cells const Float_t* splate = emcg->GetSupportPlateHalfSize(); y = -splate[1] ; const Float_t* acel = emcg->GetAirCellHalfSize() ; for(Int_t lev = 2, icel = 1; icel <= emcg->GetNCellsXInStrip()*emcg->GetNCellsZInStrip(); icel += 2, lev += 2) { Float_t x = (2*(lev / 2) - 1 - emcg->GetNCellsXInStrip())* acel[0] ; Float_t z = acel[2]; gMC->Gspos("PCEL", icel, "PSTR", x, y, +z, 0, "ONLY") ; gMC->Gspos("PCEL", icel + 1, "PSTR", x, y, -z, 0, "ONLY") ; } // --- define the support plate, hole in it and position it in strip ---- for (ipar=0; ipar<3; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetSupportPlateHalfSize() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PSUP", "BOX ", idtmed[701], par, 3) ; for (ipar=0; ipar<3; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetSupportPlateInHalfSize() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PSHO", "BOX ", idtmed[798], par, 3) ; Float_t z = emcg->GetSupportPlateThickness()/2 ; gMC->Gspos("PSHO", 1, "PSUP", 0.0, 0.0, z, 0, "ONLY") ; y = acel[1] ; gMC->Gspos("PSUP", 1, "PSTR", 0.0, y, 0.0, 0, "ONLY") ; // ========== Fill module with strips and put them into inner thermoinsulation============= for (ipar=0; ipar<3; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetInnerThermoHalfSize() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PTII", "BOX ", idtmed[706], par, 3) ; const Float_t * inthermo = emcg->GetInnerThermoHalfSize() ; const Float_t * strip = emcg->GetStripHalfSize() ; y = inthermo[1] - strip[1] ; Int_t irow; Int_t nr = 1 ; Int_t icol ; for(irow = 0; irow < emcg->GetNStripX(); irow ++){ Float_t x = (2*irow + 1 - emcg->GetNStripX())* strip[0] ; for(icol = 0; icol < emcg->GetNStripZ(); icol ++){ z = (2*icol + 1 - emcg->GetNStripZ()) * strip[2] ; gMC->Gspos("PSTR", nr, "PTII", x, y, z, 0, "ONLY") ; nr++ ; } } // ------- define the air gap between thermoinsulation and cooler for (ipar=0; ipar<3; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetAirGapHalfSize() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PAGA", "BOX ", idtmed[798], par, 3) ; const Float_t * agap = emcg->GetAirGapHalfSize() ; y = agap[1] - inthermo[1] ; gMC->Gspos("PTII", 1, "PAGA", 0.0, y, 0.0, 0, "ONLY") ; // ------- define the Al passive cooler for (ipar=0; ipar<3; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetCoolerHalfSize() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PCOR", "BOX ", idtmed[701], par, 3) ; const Float_t * cooler = emcg->GetCoolerHalfSize() ; y = cooler[1] - agap[1] ; gMC->Gspos("PAGA", 1, "PCOR", 0.0, y, 0.0, 0, "ONLY") ; // ------- define the outer thermoinsulating cover for (ipar=0; ipar<4; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetOuterThermoParams() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PTIO", "TRD1", idtmed[706], par, 4) ; const Float_t * outparams = emcg->GetOuterThermoParams() ; Int_t idrotm[99] ; AliMatrix(idrotm[1], 90.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 90.0, 270.0) ; // Frame in outer thermoinsulation and so on: z out of beam, y along beam, x across beam z = outparams[3] - cooler[1] ; gMC->Gspos("PCOR", 1, "PTIO", 0., 0.0, z, idrotm[1], "ONLY") ; // -------- Define the outer Aluminium cover ----- for (ipar=0; ipar<4; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetAlCoverParams() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PCOL", "TRD1", idtmed[701], par, 4) ; const Float_t * covparams = emcg->GetAlCoverParams() ; z = covparams[3] - outparams[3] ; gMC->Gspos("PTIO", 1, "PCOL", 0., 0.0, z, 0, "ONLY") ; // --------- Define front fiberglass cover ----------- for (ipar=0; ipar<3; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetFiberGlassHalfSize() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PFGC", "BOX ", idtmed[717], par, 3) ; z = - outparams[3] ; gMC->Gspos("PFGC", 1, "PCOL", 0., 0.0, z, 0, "ONLY") ; //=============This is all with cold section============== //------ Warm Section -------------- for (ipar=0; ipar<3; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetWarmAlCoverHalfSize() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PWAR", "BOX ", idtmed[701], par, 3) ; const Float_t * warmcov = emcg->GetWarmAlCoverHalfSize() ; // --- Define the outer thermoinsulation --- for (ipar=0; ipar<3; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetWarmThermoHalfSize() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PWTI", "BOX ", idtmed[706], par, 3) ; const Float_t * warmthermo = emcg->GetWarmThermoHalfSize() ; z = -warmcov[2] + warmthermo[2] ; gMC->Gspos("PWTI", 1, "PWAR", 0., 0.0, z, 0, "ONLY") ; // --- Define cables area and put in it T-supports ---- for (ipar=0; ipar<3; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetTCables1HalfSize() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PCA1", "BOX ", idtmed[718], par, 3) ; const Float_t * cbox = emcg->GetTCables1HalfSize() ; for (ipar=0; ipar<3; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetTSupport1HalfSize() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PBE1", "BOX ", idtmed[701], par, 3) ; const Float_t * beams = emcg->GetTSupport1HalfSize() ; Int_t isup ; for(isup = 0; isup < emcg->GetNTSuppots(); isup++){ Float_t x = -cbox[0] + beams[0] + (2*beams[0]+emcg->GetTSupportDist())*isup ; gMC->Gspos("PBE1", isup, "PCA1", x, 0.0, 0.0, 0, "ONLY") ; } z = -warmthermo[2] + cbox[2]; gMC->Gspos("PCA1", 1, "PWTI", 0.0, 0.0, z, 0, "ONLY") ; for (ipar=0; ipar<3; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetTCables2HalfSize() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PCA2", "BOX ", idtmed[718], par, 3) ; const Float_t * cbox2 = emcg->GetTCables2HalfSize() ; for (ipar=0; ipar<3; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetTSupport2HalfSize() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PBE2", "BOX ", idtmed[701], par, 3) ; for(isup = 0; isup < emcg->GetNTSuppots(); isup++){ Float_t x = -cbox[0] + beams[0] + (2*beams[0]+emcg->GetTSupportDist())*isup ; gMC->Gspos("PBE2", isup, "PCA2", x, 0.0, 0.0, 0, "ONLY") ; } z = -warmthermo[2] + 2*cbox[2] + cbox2[2]; gMC->Gspos("PCA2", 1, "PWTI", 0.0, 0.0, z, 0, "ONLY") ; // --- Define frame --- for (ipar=0; ipar<3; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetFrameXHalfSize() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PFRX", "BOX ", idtmed[716], par, 3) ; const Float_t * posit1 = emcg->GetFrameXPosition() ; gMC->Gspos("PFRX", 1, "PWTI", posit1[0], posit1[1], posit1[2], 0, "ONLY") ; gMC->Gspos("PFRX", 2, "PWTI", posit1[0], -posit1[1], posit1[2], 0, "ONLY") ; for (ipar=0; ipar<3; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetFrameZHalfSize() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PFRZ", "BOX ", idtmed[716], par, 3) ; const Float_t * posit2 = emcg->GetFrameZPosition() ; gMC->Gspos("PFRZ", 1, "PWTI", posit2[0], posit2[1], posit2[2], 0, "ONLY") ; gMC->Gspos("PFRZ", 2, "PWTI", -posit2[0], posit2[1], posit2[2], 0, "ONLY") ; // --- Define Fiber Glass support --- for (ipar=0; ipar<3; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetFGupXHalfSize() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PFG1", "BOX ", idtmed[717], par, 3) ; const Float_t * posit3 = emcg->GetFGupXPosition() ; gMC->Gspos("PFG1", 1, "PWTI", posit3[0], posit3[1], posit3[2], 0, "ONLY") ; gMC->Gspos("PFG1", 2, "PWTI", posit3[0], -posit3[1], posit3[2], 0, "ONLY") ; for (ipar=0; ipar<3; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetFGupZHalfSize() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PFG2", "BOX ", idtmed[717], par, 3) ; const Float_t * posit4 = emcg->GetFGupZPosition(); gMC->Gspos("PFG2", 1, "PWTI", posit4[0], posit4[1], posit4[2], 0, "ONLY") ; gMC->Gspos("PFG2", 2, "PWTI", -posit4[0], posit4[1], posit4[2], 0, "ONLY") ; for (ipar=0; ipar<3; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetFGlowXHalfSize() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PFG3", "BOX ", idtmed[717], par, 3) ; const Float_t * posit5 = emcg->GetFGlowXPosition() ; gMC->Gspos("PFG3", 1, "PWTI", posit5[0], posit5[1], posit5[2], 0, "ONLY") ; gMC->Gspos("PFG3", 2, "PWTI", posit5[0], -posit5[1], posit5[2], 0, "ONLY") ; for (ipar=0; ipar<3; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetFGlowZHalfSize() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PFG4", "BOX ", idtmed[717], par, 3) ; const Float_t * posit6 = emcg->GetFGlowZPosition() ; gMC->Gspos("PFG4", 1, "PWTI", posit6[0], posit6[1], posit6[2], 0, "ONLY") ; gMC->Gspos("PFG4", 2, "PWTI", -posit6[0], posit6[1], posit6[2], 0, "ONLY") ; // --- Define Air Gap for FEE electronics ----- for (ipar=0; ipar<3; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetFEEAirHalfSize() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PAFE", "BOX ", idtmed[798], par, 3) ; const Float_t * posit7 = emcg->GetFEEAirPosition() ; gMC->Gspos("PAFE", 1, "PWTI", posit7[0], posit7[1], posit7[2], 0, "ONLY") ; // Define the EMC module volume and combine Cool and Warm sections for (ipar=0; ipar<4; ipar++) par[ipar] = *(emcg->GetEMCParams() + ipar); gMC->Gsvolu("PEMC", "TRD1", idtmed[798], par, 4) ; z = - warmcov[2] ; gMC->Gspos("PCOL", 1, "PEMC", 0., 0., z, 0, "ONLY") ; z = covparams[3] ; gMC->Gspos("PWAR", 1, "PEMC", 0., 0., z, 0, "ONLY") ; // Put created EMC geometry into PHOS volume z = geom->GetCPVBoxSize(1) / 2. ; gMC->Gspos("PEMC", 1, "PHOS", 0., 0., z, 0, "ONLY") ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSv0::CreateGeometryforCPV() { // Create the PHOS-CPV geometry for GEANT // Author: Yuri Kharlov 11 September 2000 //BEGIN_HTML /*

Geant3 geometry of PHOS-CPV in ALICE

CPV perspective view CPV front view
One CPV module, perspective view One CPV module, front view (extended in vertical direction)

Geant3 geometry tree of PHOS-CPV in ALICE

*/ //END_HTML Float_t par[3], x,y,z; // Get pointer to the array containing media indexes Int_t *idtmed = fIdtmed->GetArray() - 699 ; AliPHOSGeometry * geom = GetGeometry() ; // The box containing all CPV for one PHOS module filled with air par[0] = geom->GetCPVBoxSize(0) / 2.0 ; par[1] = geom->GetCPVBoxSize(1) / 2.0 ; par[2] = geom->GetCPVBoxSize(2) / 2.0 ; gMC->Gsvolu("PCPV", "BOX ", idtmed[798], par, 3) ; const Float_t * emcParams = geom->GetEMCAGeometry()->GetEMCParams() ; z = - emcParams[3] ; Int_t rotm ; AliMatrix(rotm, 90.,0., 0., 0., 90., 90.) ; gMC->Gspos("PCPV", 1, "PHOS", 0.0, 0.0, z, rotm, "ONLY") ; // Gassiplex board par[0] = geom->GetGassiplexChipSize(0)/2.; par[1] = geom->GetGassiplexChipSize(1)/2.; par[2] = geom->GetGassiplexChipSize(2)/2.; gMC->Gsvolu("PCPC","BOX ",idtmed[707],par,3); // Cu+Ni foil covers Gassiplex board par[1] = geom->GetCPVCuNiFoilThickness()/2; gMC->Gsvolu("PCPD","BOX ",idtmed[710],par,3); y = -(geom->GetGassiplexChipSize(1)/2 - par[1]); gMC->Gspos("PCPD",1,"PCPC",0,y,0,0,"ONLY"); // Position of the chip inside CPV Float_t xStep = geom->GetCPVActiveSize(0) / (geom->GetNumberOfCPVChipsPhi() + 1); Float_t zStep = geom->GetCPVActiveSize(1) / (geom->GetNumberOfCPVChipsZ() + 1); Int_t copy = 0; y = geom->GetCPVFrameSize(1)/2 - geom->GetFTPosition(0) + geom->GetCPVTextoliteThickness() / 2 + geom->GetGassiplexChipSize(1) / 2 + 0.1; for (Int_t ix=0; ixGetNumberOfCPVChipsPhi(); ix++) { x = xStep * (ix+1) - geom->GetCPVActiveSize(0)/2; for (Int_t iz=0; izGetNumberOfCPVChipsZ(); iz++) { copy++; z = zStep * (iz+1) - geom->GetCPVActiveSize(1)/2; gMC->Gspos("PCPC",copy,"PCPV",x,y,z,0,"ONLY"); } } // Foiled textolite (1 mm of textolite + 50 mkm of Cu + 6 mkm of Ni) par[0] = geom->GetCPVActiveSize(0) / 2; par[1] = geom->GetCPVTextoliteThickness() / 2; par[2] = geom->GetCPVActiveSize(1) / 2; gMC->Gsvolu("PCPF","BOX ",idtmed[707],par,3); // Argon gas volume par[1] = (geom->GetFTPosition(2) - geom->GetFTPosition(1) - geom->GetCPVTextoliteThickness()) / 2; gMC->Gsvolu("PCPG","BOX ",idtmed[715],par,3); for (Int_t i=0; i<4; i++) { y = geom->GetCPVFrameSize(1) / 2 - geom->GetFTPosition(i) + geom->GetCPVTextoliteThickness()/2; gMC->Gspos("PCPF",i+1,"PCPV",0,y,0,0,"ONLY"); if(i==1){ y-= (geom->GetFTPosition(2) - geom->GetFTPosition(1)) / 2; gMC->Gspos("PCPG",1,"PCPV ",0,y,0,0,"ONLY"); } } // Dummy sensitive plane in the middle of argone gas volume par[1]=0.001; gMC->Gsvolu("PCPQ","BOX ",idtmed[715],par,3); gMC->Gspos ("PCPQ",1,"PCPG",0,0,0,0,"ONLY"); // Cu+Ni foil covers textolite par[1] = geom->GetCPVCuNiFoilThickness() / 2; gMC->Gsvolu("PCP1","BOX ",idtmed[710],par,3); y = geom->GetCPVTextoliteThickness()/2 - par[1]; gMC->Gspos ("PCP1",1,"PCPF",0,y,0,0,"ONLY"); // Aluminum frame around CPV par[0] = geom->GetCPVFrameSize(0)/2; par[1] = geom->GetCPVFrameSize(1)/2; par[2] = geom->GetCPVBoxSize(2) /2; gMC->Gsvolu("PCF1","BOX ",idtmed[701],par,3); par[0] = geom->GetCPVBoxSize(0)/2 - geom->GetCPVFrameSize(0); par[1] = geom->GetCPVFrameSize(1)/2; par[2] = geom->GetCPVFrameSize(2)/2; gMC->Gsvolu("PCF2","BOX ",idtmed[701],par,3); for (Int_t j=0; j<=1; j++) { x = TMath::Sign(1,2*j-1) * (geom->GetCPVBoxSize(0) - geom->GetCPVFrameSize(0)) / 2; gMC->Gspos("PCF1",j+1,"PCPV", x,0,0,0,"ONLY"); z = TMath::Sign(1,2*j-1) * (geom->GetCPVBoxSize(2) - geom->GetCPVFrameSize(2)) / 2; gMC->Gspos("PCF2",j+1,"PCPV",0, 0,z,0,"ONLY"); } } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSv0::CreateGeometryforSupport() { // Create the PHOS' support geometry for GEANT //BEGIN_HTML /*

Geant3 geometry of the PHOS's support

EMC geant tree

*/ //END_HTML Float_t par[5], x0,y0,z0 ; Int_t i,j,copy; // Get pointer to the array containing media indexes Int_t *idtmed = fIdtmed->GetArray() - 699 ; AliPHOSGeometry * geom = GetGeometry() ; // --- Dummy box containing two rails on which PHOS support moves // --- Put these rails to the bottom of the L3 magnet par[0] = geom->GetRailRoadSize(0) / 2.0 ; par[1] = geom->GetRailRoadSize(1) / 2.0 ; par[2] = geom->GetRailRoadSize(2) / 2.0 ; gMC->Gsvolu("PRRD", "BOX ", idtmed[798], par, 3) ; y0 = -(geom->GetRailsDistanceFromIP() - geom->GetRailRoadSize(1) / 2.0) ; gMC->Gspos("PRRD", 1, "ALIC", 0.0, y0, 0.0, 0, "ONLY") ; // --- Dummy box containing one rail par[0] = geom->GetRailOuterSize(0) / 2.0 ; par[1] = geom->GetRailOuterSize(1) / 2.0 ; par[2] = geom->GetRailOuterSize(2) / 2.0 ; gMC->Gsvolu("PRAI", "BOX ", idtmed[798], par, 3) ; for (i=0; i<2; i++) { x0 = (2*i-1) * geom->GetDistanceBetwRails() / 2.0 ; gMC->Gspos("PRAI", i, "PRRD", x0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, "ONLY") ; } // --- Upper and bottom steel parts of the rail par[0] = geom->GetRailPart1(0) / 2.0 ; par[1] = geom->GetRailPart1(1) / 2.0 ; par[2] = geom->GetRailPart1(2) / 2.0 ; gMC->Gsvolu("PRP1", "BOX ", idtmed[716], par, 3) ; y0 = - (geom->GetRailOuterSize(1) - geom->GetRailPart1(1)) / 2.0 ; gMC->Gspos("PRP1", 1, "PRAI", 0.0, y0, 0.0, 0, "ONLY") ; y0 = (geom->GetRailOuterSize(1) - geom->GetRailPart1(1)) / 2.0 - geom->GetRailPart3(1); gMC->Gspos("PRP1", 2, "PRAI", 0.0, y0, 0.0, 0, "ONLY") ; // --- The middle vertical steel parts of the rail par[0] = geom->GetRailPart2(0) / 2.0 ; par[1] = geom->GetRailPart2(1) / 2.0 ; par[2] = geom->GetRailPart2(2) / 2.0 ; gMC->Gsvolu("PRP2", "BOX ", idtmed[716], par, 3) ; y0 = - geom->GetRailPart3(1) / 2.0 ; gMC->Gspos("PRP2", 1, "PRAI", 0.0, y0, 0.0, 0, "ONLY") ; // --- The most upper steel parts of the rail par[0] = geom->GetRailPart3(0) / 2.0 ; par[1] = geom->GetRailPart3(1) / 2.0 ; par[2] = geom->GetRailPart3(2) / 2.0 ; gMC->Gsvolu("PRP3", "BOX ", idtmed[716], par, 3) ; y0 = (geom->GetRailOuterSize(1) - geom->GetRailPart3(1)) / 2.0 ; gMC->Gspos("PRP3", 1, "PRAI", 0.0, y0, 0.0, 0, "ONLY") ; // --- The wall of the cradle // --- The wall is empty: steel thin walls and air inside par[1] = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power((geom->GetIPtoCPVDistance() + geom->GetOuterBoxSize(3)),2) + TMath::Power((geom->GetOuterBoxSize(1)/2),2))+10. ; par[0] = par[1] - geom->GetCradleWall(1) ; par[2] = geom->GetCradleWall(2) / 2.0 ; par[3] = geom->GetCradleWall(3) ; par[4] = geom->GetCradleWall(4) ; gMC->Gsvolu("PCRA", "TUBS", idtmed[716], par, 5) ; par[0] += geom->GetCradleWallThickness() ; par[1] -= geom->GetCradleWallThickness() ; par[2] -= geom->GetCradleWallThickness() ; gMC->Gsvolu("PCRE", "TUBS", idtmed[798], par, 5) ; gMC->Gspos ("PCRE", 1, "PCRA", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, "ONLY") ; for (i=0; i<2; i++) { z0 = (2*i-1) * (geom->GetOuterBoxSize(2) + geom->GetCradleWall(2) )/ 2.0 ; gMC->Gspos("PCRA", i, "ALIC", 0.0, 0.0, z0, 0, "ONLY") ; } // --- The "wheels" of the cradle par[0] = geom->GetCradleWheel(0) / 2; par[1] = geom->GetCradleWheel(1) / 2; par[2] = geom->GetCradleWheel(2) / 2; gMC->Gsvolu("PWHE", "BOX ", idtmed[716], par, 3) ; y0 = -(geom->GetRailsDistanceFromIP() - geom->GetRailRoadSize(1) - geom->GetCradleWheel(1)/2) ; for (i=0; i<2; i++) { z0 = (2*i-1) * ((geom->GetOuterBoxSize(2) + geom->GetCradleWheel(2))/ 2.0 + geom->GetCradleWall(2)); for (j=0; j<2; j++) { copy = 2*i + j; x0 = (2*j-1) * geom->GetDistanceBetwRails() / 2.0 ; gMC->Gspos("PWHE", copy, "ALIC", x0, y0, z0, 0, "ONLY") ; } } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSv0::AddAlignableVolumes() const { // // Create entries for alignable volumes associating the symbolic volume // name with the corresponding volume path. Needs to be syncronized with // eventual changes in the geometry // Alignable volumes are: // 1) PHOS modules as a whole // 2) Cradle // 3) Cradle wheels // 4) Strip units (group of 2x8 crystals) TString volpath, symname; // Alignable modules // Volume path /ALIC_1/PHOS_ => symbolic name /PHOS/Module, =1,2,3,4,5 AliGeomManager::ELayerID idPHOS1 = AliGeomManager::kPHOS1; AliGeomManager::ELayerID idPHOS2 = AliGeomManager::kPHOS2; Int_t modUID, modnum = 0; TString physModulePath="/ALIC_1/PHOS_"; TString symbModuleName="PHOS/Module"; Int_t nModules = GetGeometry()->GetNModules(); char im[5] ; for(Int_t iModule=1; iModule<=nModules; iModule++){ sprintf(im,"%d",iModule) ; modUID = AliGeomManager::LayerToVolUID(idPHOS1,modnum++); if(strstr(GetTitle(),im)==0 && strcmp(GetTitle(),"IHEP")!=0 && strcmp(GetTitle(),"noCPV")!=0) continue ; volpath = physModulePath; volpath += iModule; // volpath += "/PEMC_1/PCOL_1/PTIO_1/PCOR_1/PAGA_1/PTII_1"; // Check the volume path if not all 5 modules exist if (!gGeoManager->CheckPath(volpath.Data())) { AliError(Form("Volume path %s not valid!",volpath.Data())); continue; } symname = symbModuleName; symname += iModule; if(!gGeoManager->SetAlignableEntry(symname.Data(),volpath.Data(),modUID)) continue ; // AliFatal(Form("Alignable entry %s not created. Volume path %s not valid", symname.Data(),volpath.Data())); // Creates the Tracking to Local transformation matrix for PHOS modules TGeoPNEntry *alignableEntry = gGeoManager->GetAlignableEntryByUID(modUID) ; Float_t angle = GetGeometry()->GetPHOSAngle(iModule); TGeoHMatrix* globMatrix = alignableEntry->GetGlobalOrig(); TGeoHMatrix *matTtoL = new TGeoHMatrix; matTtoL->RotateZ(-90.+angle); matTtoL->MultiplyLeft(&(globMatrix->Inverse())); alignableEntry->SetMatrix(matTtoL); } //Aligning of CPV should be done for volume PCPV_1 symbModuleName="PHOS/Module"; modnum=0; for(Int_t iModule=1; iModule<=nModules; iModule++){ if(strstr(GetTitle(),"noCPV")) continue ; sprintf(im,"%d",iModule) ; modUID = AliGeomManager::LayerToVolUID(idPHOS2,modnum++); if(strstr(GetTitle(),im)==0 && strcmp(GetTitle(),"IHEP")!=0) continue ; volpath = physModulePath; volpath += iModule; volpath += "/PCPV_1"; // Check the volume path if (!gGeoManager->CheckPath(volpath.Data())) { AliError(Form("Volume path %s not valid!",volpath.Data())); continue; } symname = symbModuleName; symname += iModule; symname += "/CPV"; if(!gGeoManager->SetAlignableEntry(symname.Data(),volpath.Data(),modUID)) AliFatal(Form("Alignable entry %s not created. Volume path %s not valid", symname.Data(),volpath.Data())); // Creates the TGeo Local to Tracking transformation matrix ... TGeoPNEntry *alignableEntry = gGeoManager->GetAlignableEntryByUID(modUID) ; Float_t angle = GetGeometry()->GetPHOSAngle(iModule); TGeoHMatrix* globMatrix = alignableEntry->GetGlobalOrig(); TGeoHMatrix *matTtoL = new TGeoHMatrix; matTtoL->RotateZ(-90.+angle); matTtoL->MultiplyLeft(&(globMatrix->Inverse())); alignableEntry->SetMatrix(matTtoL); } // Alignable cradle walls // Volume path /ALIC_1/PCRA_ => symbolic name /PHOS/Cradle, =0,1 TString physCradlePath="/ALIC_1/PCRA_"; TString symbCradleName="PHOS/Cradle"; Int_t nCradles = 2; for(Int_t iCradle=0; iCradleSetAlignableEntry(symname.Data(),volpath.Data()); } // Alignable wheels // Volume path /ALIC_1/PWHE_ => symbolic name /PHOS/Wheel, i=0,1,2,3 TString physWheelPath="/ALIC_1/PWHE_"; TString symbWheelName="PHOS/Wheel"; Int_t nWheels = 4; for(Int_t iWheel=0; iWheelSetAlignableEntry(symname.Data(),volpath.Data()); } //Physical strip path is a combination of: physModulePath + module number + //physStripPath + strip number == ALIC_1/PHOS_N/..../PSTR_M const Int_t nStripsX = GetGeometry()->GetEMCAGeometry()->GetNStripX(); const Int_t nStripsZ = GetGeometry()->GetEMCAGeometry()->GetNStripZ(); TString partialPhysStripName(100); TString fullPhysStripName(100); TString partialSymbStripName(100); TString fullSymbStripName(100); for(Int_t module = 1; module <= nModules; ++module){ sprintf(im,"%d",module) ; if(strstr(GetTitle(),im)==0 && strcmp(GetTitle(),"IHEP")!=0 && strcmp(GetTitle(),"noCPV")!=0) continue ; volpath = physModulePath; volpath += module; // Check the volume path if not all 5 modules exist if (!gGeoManager->CheckPath(volpath.Data())) { AliError(Form("Volume path %s does not exist",volpath.Data())) ; continue; } partialPhysStripName = physModulePath; partialPhysStripName += module; partialPhysStripName += "/PEMC_1/PCOL_1/PTIO_1/PCOR_1/PAGA_1/PTII_1/PSTR_"; partialSymbStripName = symbModuleName; partialSymbStripName += module; partialSymbStripName += "/Strip_"; for(Int_t i = 0, ind1D = 1; i < nStripsX; ++i){//ind1D starts from 1 (PSTR_1...PSTR_224...) for(Int_t j = 0; j < nStripsZ; ++j, ++ind1D){ fullPhysStripName = partialPhysStripName; fullPhysStripName += ind1D; fullSymbStripName = partialSymbStripName; fullSymbStripName += i;//ind1D; fullSymbStripName += '_'; fullSymbStripName += j; gGeoManager->SetAlignableEntry(fullSymbStripName.Data(), fullPhysStripName.Data()); // Creates the TGeo Local to Tracking transformation matrix ... TGeoPNEntry *alignableEntry = gGeoManager->GetAlignableEntry(fullSymbStripName.Data()) ; const char *path = alignableEntry->GetTitle(); if (!gGeoManager->cd(path)) AliFatal(Form("Volume path %s not valid!",path)); TGeoHMatrix matLtoT = *gGeoManager->GetCurrentMatrix() ; Double_t refl[3]={-1.,-1.,-1.} ; matLtoT.SetScale(refl) ; TGeoHMatrix *matTtoL = new TGeoHMatrix(matLtoT.Inverse()); char phosPath[50] ; sprintf(phosPath,"/ALIC_1/PHOS_%d",module) ; if (!gGeoManager->cd(phosPath)){ AliFatal("Geo manager can not find path \n"); } TGeoHMatrix *mPHOS = gGeoManager->GetCurrentMatrix(); if (mPHOS) matTtoL->Multiply(mPHOS); else{ AliFatal("Geo matrixes are not loaded \n") ; } //Switch y<->z Double_t rot[9]={1.,0.,0., 0.,1.,0., 0.,0.,1.} ; matTtoL->SetRotation(rot) ; alignableEntry->SetMatrix(matTtoL); /* //Check poisition of corner cell of the strip AliPHOSGeometry * geom = AliPHOSGeometry::GetInstance() ; Int_t relid[4] ; relid[0] = module ; relid[1] = 0 ; Int_t iStrip=ind1D ; Int_t icell=1 ; Int_t raw = geom->GetEMCAGeometry()->GetNCellsXInStrip()*((iStrip-1)/geom->GetEMCAGeometry()->GetNStripZ()) + 1 + (icell-1)/geom->GetEMCAGeometry()->GetNCellsZInStrip() ; Int_t col = geom->GetEMCAGeometry()->GetNCellsZInStrip()*(1+(iStrip-1)%geom->GetEMCAGeometry()->GetNStripZ()) - (icell-1)%geom->GetEMCAGeometry()->GetNCellsZInStrip() ; if(col==0) col=geom->GetNZ() ; relid[2] = raw ; relid[3] = col ; Float_t xG,zG ; geom->RelPosInModule(relid, xG, zG) ; printf("============\n") ; printf("Geometry: x=%f, z=%f \n",xG,zG) ; Int_t absid ; geom->RelToAbsNumbering(relid,absid) ; Double_t pos[3]= {-2.2*3.5,0.0,1.1}; //Position incide the strip (Y coordinalte is not important) Double_t posC[3]={0.0,0.0,0.}; //Global position matTtoL->MasterToLocal(pos,posC); printf("Matrix: x=%f, z=%f, y=%f \n",posC[0],posC[2],posC[1]) ; */ } } } } //____________________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliPHOSv0::ZMin(void) const { // Overall dimension of the PHOS (min) AliPHOSGeometry * geom = GetGeometry() ; return -geom->GetOuterBoxSize(2)/2.; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliPHOSv0::ZMax(void) const { // Overall dimension of the PHOS (max) AliPHOSGeometry * geom = GetGeometry() ; return geom->GetOuterBoxSize(2)/2.; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSv0::Init(void) { // Just prints an information message Int_t i; if(AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel()>0) { TString st ; for(i=0;i<35;i++) st += "*"; Info("Init", "%s", st.Data()) ; // Here the PHOS initialisation code (if any!) AliPHOSGeometry * geom = GetGeometry() ; if (geom!=0) Info("Init", "AliPHOS%s: PHOS geometry intialized for %s", Version().Data(), geom->GetName()) ; else Info("Init", "AliPHOS%s: PHOS geometry initialization failed !", Version().Data()) ; Info("Init", "%s", st.Data()) ; } }