#ifndef PMDClusterFinder_H #define PMDClusterFinder_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ //-----------------------------------------------------// // // // Date : August 05 2003 // // This reads the file PMD.digits.root(TreeD), // // calls the Clustering algorithm and stores the // // clustering output in PMD.RecPoints.root(TreeR) // // // //-----------------------------------------------------// #include #include #include #include #include #include class TClonesArray; class TFile; class TObjArray; class TTree; class TNtuple; class AliLoader; class AliRunLoader; class AliRun; class AliDetector; class AliHeader; class AliPMDdigit; class AliPMDClustering; class AliPMDcluster; class AliPMDrecpoint1; class AliPMDClusterFinder { protected: AliRunLoader *fRunLoader; AliRun *gAlice; AliDetector *PMD; /* Get pointers to Alice detectors and Hits containers */ AliLoader *pmdloader; TTree *treeD; TTree *treeR; TClonesArray *fDigits; TClonesArray *fRecpoints; Int_t fNpoint; Int_t fDetNo; Int_t fDebug; Float_t fEcut; static const Int_t fRow = 48; static const Int_t fCol = 96; Double_t fCellADC[fRow][fCol]; public: AliPMDClusterFinder(); virtual ~AliPMDClusterFinder(); void OpengAliceFile(char * /* galice.root */, Option_t * /* option */); void Digits2RecPoints(Int_t /* ievt */); void SetCellEdepCut(Float_t /* ecut */); void SetDebug(Int_t /* idebug */); void AddRecPoint(Float_t * /* clusdata */); void ResetCellADC(); void ResetRecpoint(); void UnLoad(Option_t * /* option */); ClassDef(AliPMDClusterFinder,2) }; #endif