/*************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //-----------------------------------------------------// // // // Source File : PMDClustering.cxx, Version 00 // // // // Date : September 26 2002 // // // // clustering code for alice pmd // // // //-----------------------------------------------------// /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- Code developed by S. C. Phatak, Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar 751 005 ( phatak@iopb.res.in ) Given the energy deposited ( or ADC value ) in each cell of supermodule ( pmd or cpv ), the code builds up superclusters and breaks them into clusters. The input is in array d[ndimx][ndimy] and cluster information is in array clusters[5][5000]. integer clno gives total number of clusters in the supermodule. d, clno and clusters are the only global ( public ) variables. Others are local ( private ) to the code. At the moment, the data is read for whole detector ( all supermodules and pmd as well as cpv. This will have to be modify later ) LAST UPDATE : October 23, 2002 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include "AliPMDcluster.h" #include "AliPMDClustering.h" #include ClassImp(AliPMDClustering) const double AliPMDClustering::pi=3.141593; const double AliPMDClustering::sqrth=0.8660254; // sqrth = sqrt(3.)/2. AliPMDClustering::AliPMDClustering() { fDebug = 0; fCutoff = 0; for(int i = 0; i < ndimx; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < ndimy; j++) { coord[0][i][j] = i+j/2.; coord[1][i][j] = sqrth*j; } } } AliPMDClustering::~AliPMDClustering() { } void AliPMDClustering::DoClust(double celladc[48][96], TObjArray *pmdcont) { AliPMDcluster *pmdcl = 0; int i, i1, i2, j, nmx1, incr; double cutoff, ave; Float_t clusdata[5]; const float twobysqrt3 = 1.1547; // 2./sqrt(3.) for (i = 0; i < ndimx; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ndimy; j++) { d[i][j] = celladc[i][j]; } } order(); // order the data // cutoff=400.; // cutoff used to discard cells having ener. dep. cutoff = fCutoff; // cutoff used to discard cells having ener. dep. ave=0.; nmx1=-1; for(j=0;j 0.) {ave=ave+d[i1][i2];} if (d[i1][i2] >= cutoff ) nmx1 = nmx1 + 1; } // nmx1 --- number of cells having ener dep >= cutoff if (fDebug == 1) { cout << " nmx1 " << nmx1 << endl; } ave=ave/nmx1; if (fDebug == 1) { cout <<"nmx " << nmx << " nmx1 " << nmx1<< " ave "<Add(pmdcl); } delete pmdcl; } void AliPMDClustering::order() { // using simple sort double dd[nmx], adum;// matrix d converted into // one dimensional array dd. adum a place holder for double int i, j, i1, i2, iord1[nmx], itst, idum; // information of // ordering is stored in iord1, original array not ordered // // define arrays dd and iord1 for(i1=0; i1 < ndimx; i1++){ for(i2=0; i2 < ndimy; i2++){ i=i1+i2*ndimx; iord1[i]=i; dd[i]=d[i1][i2]; } } // sort and store sorting information in iord1 for(j=1; j < nmx; j++){ itst=0; adum=dd[j]; idum=iord1[j]; for(i1=0; i1 < j ; i1++){ if(adum > dd[i1] && itst == 0){ itst=1; for(i2=j-1; i2 >= i1 ; i2=i2--){ dd[i2+1]=dd[i2]; iord1[i2+1]=iord1[i2]; } dd[i1]=adum; iord1[i1]=idum; } } } // store the sorted information in iord for later use for(i=0; i= 0 && jd1 < 72) && (jd2 >= 0 && jd2 < 72) && if( (jd1 >= 0 && jd1 < ndimx) && (jd2 >= 0 && jd2 < ndimy) && infocl[0][jd1][jd2] == 0){ numcell=numcell+1; infocl[0][jd1][jd2]=2; infocl[1][jd1][jd2]=icl; clust[0][numcell]=jd1; clust[1][numcell]=jd2; cellcount=cellcount+1; infcl[0][cellcount]=icl; infcl[1][cellcount]=jd1; infcl[2][cellcount]=jd2; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // check adc count for neighbour's neighbours recursively and // if nonzero, add these to the cluster. // --------------------------------------------------------------- for(i=1;i < 5000;i++){ if(clust[0][i] != 0){ id1=clust[0][i]; id2=clust[1][i]; for(j=0; j<6 ; j++){ jd1=id1+neibx[j]; jd2=id2+neiby[j]; //if( (jd1 >= 0 && jd1 < 72) && (jd2 >= 0 && jd2 < 72) && if( (jd1 >= 0 && jd1 < ndimx) && (jd2 >= 0 && jd2 < ndimy) && infocl[0][jd1][jd2] == 0 ){ infocl[0][jd1][jd2]=2; infocl[1][jd1][jd2]=icl; numcell=numcell+1; clust[0][numcell]=jd1; clust[1][numcell]=jd2; cellcount=cellcount+1; infcl[0][cellcount]=icl; infcl[1][cellcount]=jd1; infcl[2][cellcount]=jd2; } } } } } } // for(icell=0; icell<=cellcount; icell++){ // ofl0 << infcl[0][icell] << " " << infcl[1][icell] << " " << // infcl[2][icell] << endl; // } return cellcount; } void AliPMDClustering::refclust(int incr) { int i, j, k, i1, i2, id, icl, ncl[4500], iord[4500], itest; int ihld; int ig, nsupcl, lev1[20], lev2[20]; double x[4500], y[4500], z[4500], x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, dist; double xc[4500], yc[4500], zc[4500], cells[4500], sum, rc[4500], rr; // clno counts the final clusters // nsupcl = # of superclusters; ncl[i]= # of cells in supercluster i // x, y and z store (x,y) coordinates of and energy deposited in a cell // xc, yc store (x,y) coordinates of the cluster center // zc stores the energy deposited in a cluster // rc is cluster radius // finally the cluster information is put in 2-dimensional array clusters // ofstream ofl1("checking.5",ios::app); clno=-1; nsupcl=-1; for(i=0; i<4500; i++){ncl[i]=-1;} for(i=0; i single cluster // cluster center at the centyer of the cell // cluster radius = half cell dimension clno=clno+1; i1=infcl[1][id]; i2=infcl[2][id]; clusters[0][clno]=coord[0][i1][i2]; clusters[1][clno]=coord[1][i1][i2]; clusters[2][clno]=d[i1][i2]; clusters[3][clno]=1.; clusters[4][clno]=0.5; //ofl1 << icl << " " << coord[0][i1][i2] << " " << coord[1][i1][i2] << //" " << d[i1][i2] << " " << clusters[3][clno] < single cluster // cluster center is at ener. dep.-weighted mean of two cells // cluster radius == half cell dimension id=id+1; icl=icl+1; clno=clno+1; i1=infcl[1][id]; i2=infcl[2][id]; x1=coord[0][i1][i2]; y1=coord[1][i1][i2]; z1=d[i1][i2]; id=id+1; i1=infcl[1][id]; i2=infcl[2][id]; x2=coord[0][i1][i2]; y2=coord[1][i1][i2]; z2=d[i1][i2]; clusters[0][clno]=(x1*z1+x2*z2)/(z1+z2); clusters[1][clno]=(y1*z1+y2*z2)/(z1+z2); clusters[2][clno]=z1+z2; clusters[3][clno]=2.; clusters[4][clno]=0.5; //ofl1 << icl << " " << clusters[0][clno] << " " << clusters[1][clno] // << " " << clusters[2][clno] << " " < 1 cell) // Begin from cell having largest energy deposited This is first // cluster center i1=infcl[1][id]; i2=infcl[2][id]; x[0]=coord[0][i1][i2]; y[0]=coord[1][i1][i2]; z[0]=d[i1][i2]; iord[0]=0; for(j=1;j<=ncl[i];j++){ id=id+1; i1=infcl[1][id]; i2=infcl[2][id]; iord[j]=j; x[j]=coord[0][i1][i2]; y[j]=coord[1][i1][i2]; z[j]=d[i1][i2]; } // arranging cells within supercluster in decreasing order for(j=1;j<=ncl[i];j++){ itest=0; ihld=iord[j]; for(i1=0;i1=i1;i2--){ iord[i2+1]=iord[i2]; } iord[i1]=ihld; } } } // compute the number of Gaussians and their centers ( first // guess ) // centers must be separated by cells having smaller ener. dep. // neighbouring centers should be either strong or well-separated ig=0; xc[ig]=x[iord[0]]; yc[ig]=y[iord[0]]; zc[ig]=z[iord[0]]; for(j=1;j<=ncl[i];j++){ itest=-1; x1=x[iord[j]]; y1=y[iord[j]]; for(k=0;k<=ig;k++){ x2=xc[k]; y2=yc[k]; rr=Dist(x1,y1,x2,y2); if( rr >= 1.1 && rr < 1.8 && z[iord[j]] > zc[k]/4.) itest=itest+1; if( rr >= 1.8 && rr < 2.1 && z[iord[j]] > zc[k]/10.) itest=itest+1; if( rr >= 2.1)itest=itest+1; } if(itest == ig){ ig=ig+1; xc[ig]=x1; yc[ig]=y1; zc[ig]=z[iord[j]]; } } // for(j=0; j<=ig; j++){ //ofl1 << icl+j+1 << " " << xc[j] << " " < 0){ for(j=0; j<=ncl[i]; j++){ lev1[0]=0; lev2[0]=0; for(k=0; k<=ig; k++){ dist=Dist(x[j], y[j], xc[k], yc[k]); if(dist < sqrt(3.) ){ lev1[0]++; i1=lev1[0]; lev1[i1]=k; }else{ if(dist < 2.1){ lev2[0]++; i1=lev2[0]; lev2[i1]=k; } } } if(lev1[0] != 0){ if(lev1[0] == 1){cells[lev1[1]]=cells[lev1[1]]+1.;} else{ sum=0.; for(k=1; k<=lev1[0]; k++){ sum=sum+zc[lev1[k]]; } for(k=1; k<=lev1[0]; k++){ cells[lev1[k]]=cells[lev1[k]]+zc[lev1[k]]/sum; } } }else{ if(lev2[0] == 0){cells[lev2[1]]=cells[lev2[1]]+1.;} else{ sum=0.; for(k=1; k<=lev2[0]; k++){ sum=sum+zc[lev2[k]]; } for(k=1; k<=lev2[0]; k++){ cells[lev2[k]]=cells[lev2[k]]+zc[lev2[k]]/sum; } } } } } for(j=0; j<=ig; j++){ clno=clno+1; clusters[0][clno]=xc[j]; clusters[1][clno]=yc[j]; clusters[2][clno]=zc[j]; clusters[4][clno]=rc[j]; if(ig == 0){ clusters[3][clno]=ncl[i]; }else{ clusters[3][clno]=cells[j]; } } } } cout << " COMING OUT of refclust" << endl; } void AliPMDClustering::gaussfit(int ncell, int nclust, double &x, double &y ,double &z, double &xc, double &yc, double &zc, double &rc) { int i, j, i1, i2, jmax, novar, idd, jj; double xx[4500], yy[4500], zz[4500], xxc[4500], yyc[4500]; double a[4500], b[4500], c[4500], d[4500], ha[4500], hb[4500]; double hc[4500], hd[4500], zzc[4500], rrc[4500]; int neib[4500][50]; double sum, dx, dy, str, str1, aint, sum1, rr, dum; double x1, x2, y1, y2; str=0.; str1=0.; rr=0.3; novar=0; j = 0; // Just put not to see the compiler warning, BKN for(i=0; i<=ncell; i++){ xx[i]=*(&x+i); yy[i]=*(&y+i); zz[i]=*(&z+i); str=str+zz[i]; } for(i=0; i<=nclust; i++){ xxc[i]=*(&xc+i); yyc[i]=*(&yc+i); zzc[i]=*(&zc+i); str1=str1+zzc[i]; rrc[i]=0.5; } for(i=0; i<=nclust; i++){ zzc[i]=str/str1*zzc[i]; ha[i]=xxc[i]; hb[i]=yyc[i]; hc[i]=zzc[i]; hd[i]=rrc[i]; x1=xxc[i]; y1=yyc[i]; } for(i=0; i<=ncell; i++){ idd=0; x1=xx[i]; y1=yy[i]; for(j=0; j<=nclust; j++){ x2=xxc[j]; y2=yyc[j]; if(Dist(x1,y1,x2,y2) <= 3.){ idd=idd+1; neib[i][idd]=j; } } neib[i][0]=idd; } sum=0.; for(i1=0; i1<=ncell; i1++){ aint=0.; idd=neib[i1][0]; for(i2=1; i2<=idd; i2++){ jj=neib[i1][i2]; dx=xx[i1]-xxc[jj]; dy=yy[i1]-yyc[jj]; dum=rrc[j]*rrc[jj]+rr*rr; aint=aint+exp(-(dx*dx+dy*dy)/dum)*zzc[idd]*rr*rr/dum; } sum=sum+(aint-zz[i1])*(aint-zz[i1])/str; } jmax=nclust*1000; if(nclust > 20)jmax=20000; for(j=0; j 31328 ) ii = ii - ( ii / 31328 ) * 31328; if(jj > 30081 ) jj = jj - ( jj / 30081 ) * 30081; itest=itest+1; if((( ii > 0 ) && ( ii <= 31328 )) && (( jj > 0 ) && ( jj <= 30081 ))){ i1=ii/177+2; i2=ii-(i1-2)*177+2; i3=jj/169+1; i4=jj-(i3-1)*169; i4 = jj - (i3-1)*169; count1=0; while ( count1 < 97 ){ s=0.; t=0.5; count2=0; while( count2 < 24 ){ idum=i1*i2/179; idum=( i1*i2 - (i1*i2/179)*179 ) * i3; i5=idum-(idum/179)*179; i1=i2; i2=i3; i3=i5; idum=53*i4+1; i4=idum-(idum/169)*169; if( i4*i5-((i4*i5)/64)*64 >= 32 ) s=s+t; t=0.5*t; count2=count2+1; } u[count1] = s; count1 = count1 +1; } c = 362436./16777216.; cd = 7654321./16777216.; cm = 16777213./16777216.; } else{ cout << " wrong initialization " << endl; } } else{ uni = u[i] - u[j]; if( uni < 0.) uni = uni + 1; u[i] = uni; i = i -1; if( i < 0 ) i = 96; j = j - 1; if ( j < 0 ) j = 96; c = c - cd; if( c < 0. ) c = c+cm; uni = uni-c ; if( uni < 0. )uni = uni+1.; // return uni; } return uni; } void AliPMDClustering::SetEdepCut(Float_t decut) { fCutoff = decut; } void AliPMDClustering::SetDebug(Int_t idebug) { fDebug = idebug; }