// // This macro reads the Hits Tree // void AliPMDHitsRead(Int_t nevt = 1) { TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); // FILE *fpw = fopen("alipmdhits.dat","w"); AliRunLoader *fRunLoader = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root"); if (!fRunLoader) { printf("Can not open session for file "); } if (!fRunLoader->GetAliRun()) fRunLoader->LoadgAlice(); if (!fRunLoader->TreeE()) fRunLoader->LoadHeader(); if (!fRunLoader->TreeK()) fRunLoader->LoadKinematics(); gAlice = fRunLoader->GetAliRun(); if (gAlice) { printf("Alirun object found\n"); } else { printf("Could not found Alirun object\n"); } fPMD = (AliPMD*)gAlice->GetDetector("PMD"); fPMDLoader = fRunLoader->GetLoader("PMDLoader"); if (fPMDLoader == 0x0) { printf("Can not find PMDLoader\n"); } fPMDLoader->LoadHits("READ"); // This reads the PMD Hits tree and assigns the right track number // to a cell and stores in the summable digits tree // const Int_t kPi0 = 111; const Int_t kGamma = 22; Int_t npmd; Int_t trackno; Int_t smnumber; Int_t trackpid; Int_t mtrackno; Int_t mtrackpid; Float_t xPos, yPos, zPos; Int_t xpad = -1, ypad = -1; Float_t edep; Float_t vx = -999.0, vy = -999.0, vz = -999.0; for (Int_t ievt = 0; ievt < nevt; ievt++) { printf("Event Number = %d\n",ievt); Int_t nparticles = fRunLoader->GetHeader()->GetNtrack(); printf("Number of Particles = %d\n",nparticles); fRunLoader->GetEvent(ievt); // ------------------------------------------------------- // // Pointer to specific detector hits. // Get pointers to Alice detectors and Hits containers TTree* treeH = fPMDLoader->TreeH(); Int_t ntracks = (Int_t) treeH->GetEntries(); printf("Number of Tracks in the TreeH = %d\n", ntracks); TClonesArray* hits = 0; if (fPMD) hits = fPMD->Hits(); // Start loop on tracks in the hits containers for (Int_t track=0; trackResetHits(); treeH->GetEvent(track); if (fPMD) { npmd = hits->GetEntriesFast(); for (int ipmd = 0; ipmd < npmd; ipmd++) { fPMDHit = (AliPMDhit*) hits->UncheckedAt(ipmd); trackno = fPMDHit->GetTrack(); //fprintf(fpw,"trackno = %d\n",trackno); // get kinematics of the particles TParticle* mparticle = gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(trackno); trackpid = mparticle->GetPdgCode(); Int_t igatr = -999; Int_t ichtr = -999; Int_t igapid = -999; Int_t imo; Int_t igen = 0; Int_t idmo = -999; Int_t tracknoOld=0, trackpidOld=0, statusOld = 0; if (mparticle->GetFirstMother() == -1) { tracknoOld = trackno; trackpidOld = trackpid; statusOld = -1; vx = mparticle->Vx(); vy = mparticle->Vy(); vz = mparticle->Vz(); //fprintf(fpw,"==> Mother ID %5d %5d %5d Vertex: %13.3f %13.3f %13.3f\n", igen, -1, trackpid, vx, vy, vz); } Int_t igstatus = 0; while((imo = mparticle->GetFirstMother()) >= 0) { igen++; mparticle = gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(imo); idmo = mparticle->GetPdgCode(); vx = mparticle->Vx(); vy = mparticle->Vy(); vz = mparticle->Vz(); //printf("==> Mother ID %5d %5d %5d Vertex: %13.3f %13.3f %13.3f\n", igen, imo, idmo, vx, vy, vz); //fprintf(fpw,"==> Mother ID %5d %5d %5d Vertex: %13.3f %13.3f %13.3f\n", igen, imo, idmo, vx, vy, vz); if ((idmo == kGamma || idmo == -11 || idmo == 11) && vx == 0. && vy == 0. && vz == 0.) { igatr = imo; igapid = idmo; igstatus = 1; } if(igstatus == 0) { if (idmo == kPi0 && vx == 0. && vy == 0. && vz == 0.) { igatr = imo; igapid = idmo; } } ichtr = imo; } // end of while loop if (idmo == kPi0 && vx == 0. && vy == 0. && vz == 0.) { mtrackno = igatr; mtrackpid = igapid; } else { mtrackno = ichtr; mtrackpid = idmo; } if (statusOld == -1) { mtrackno = tracknoOld; mtrackpid = trackpidOld; } xPos = fPMDHit->X(); yPos = fPMDHit->Y(); zPos = fPMDHit->Z(); edep = fPMDHit->GetEnergy(); Int_t vol1 = fPMDHit->GetVolume(1); // Column Int_t vol2 = fPMDHit->GetVolume(2); // Row Int_t vol3 = fPMDHit->GetVolume(3); // UnitModule Int_t vol6 = fPMDHit->GetVolume(6); // SuperModule // -----------------------------------------// // For Super Module 1 & 2 // // nrow = 96, ncol = 48 // // For Super Module 3 & 4 // // nrow = 48, ncol = 96 // // -----------------------------------------// smnumber = (vol6-1)*6 + vol3; if (vol6 == 1 || vol6 == 2) { xpad = vol2; ypad = vol1; } else if (vol6 == 3 || vol6 == 4) { xpad = vol1; ypad = vol2; } //printf("Zposition = %f Edeposition = %f",zPos,edep); Float_t zposition = TMath::Abs(zPos); } } } // Track Loop ended } fRunLoader->UnloadgAlice(); fRunLoader->UnloadHeader(); fRunLoader->UnloadKinematics(); fPMDLoader->UnloadHits(); timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); }