/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* Produces the data needed to calculate the quality assurance. All data must be mergeable objects. B.K. Nandi */ // --- ROOT system --- #include #include #include #include #include #include // --- Standard library --- // --- AliRoot header files --- #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliPMDQADataMakerRec.h" #include "AliQAChecker.h" #include "AliPMDdigit.h" #include "AliPMDrecpoint1.h" #include "AliPMDRawStream.h" #include "AliPMDddldata.h" #include "AliPMDUtility.h" #include "AliESDPmdTrack.h" //#include "AliPMDRecoParam.h" ClassImp(AliPMDQADataMakerRec) //____________________________________________________________________________ AliPMDQADataMakerRec::AliPMDQADataMakerRec() : AliQADataMakerRec(AliQAv1::GetDetName(AliQAv1::kPMD), "PMD Quality Assurance Data Maker") { // ctor } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliPMDQADataMakerRec::AliPMDQADataMakerRec(const AliPMDQADataMakerRec& qadm) : AliQADataMakerRec() { //copy ctor SetName((const char*)qadm.GetName()) ; SetTitle((const char*)qadm.GetTitle()); } //__________________________________________________________________ AliPMDQADataMakerRec& AliPMDQADataMakerRec::operator = (const AliPMDQADataMakerRec& qadm ) { // Equal operator. this->~AliPMDQADataMakerRec(); new(this) AliPMDQADataMakerRec(qadm); return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPMDQADataMakerRec::InitRaws() { // create Raws histograms in Raws subdir const Bool_t expert = kTRUE ; const Bool_t saveCorr = kTRUE ; const Bool_t image = kTRUE ; TH1F *h0 = new TH1F("hDdl2304","Cell Wise Frequency for PRE Plane DDL 2304;DDL2304;Frequency",50000 ,0,50000.0); TH1F *h1 = new TH1F("hDdl2305","Cell Wise Frequency for PRE Plane DDL 2305;DDL2305;Frequency",50000 ,0,50000.0); TH1F *h2 = new TH1F("hDdl2308","Cell Wise Frequency for CPV Plane DDL 2308;DDL2308;Frequency",50000 ,0,50000.0); TH1F *h3 = new TH1F("hDdl2309","Cell Wise Frequency for CPV Plane DDL 2309;DDL2309;Frequency",50000 ,0,50000.0); for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++ ) { h0->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i*1000+300,Form("%2d",i+1)); h1->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i*1000+300,Form("%2d",i+1)); h2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i*1000+300,Form("%2d",i+1)); h3->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i*1000+300,Form("%2d",i+1)); } Add2RawsList(h0, 0, expert, image, saveCorr); Add2RawsList(h1, 1, expert, image, saveCorr); Add2RawsList(h2, 2, expert, image, saveCorr); Add2RawsList(h3, 3, expert, image, saveCorr); TH2F *hPreXY = new TH2F("hPreXY","PRE plane;X [cm];Y [cm]",200,-100.,100.,200,-100.,100.); Add2RawsList(hPreXY, 4, expert, !image, saveCorr); TH2F *hCpvXY = new TH2F("hCpvXY","CPV plane;X [cm];Y [cm]",200,-100.,100.,200,-100.,100.); Add2RawsList(hCpvXY, 5, expert, !image, saveCorr); TH1F *hQuality1 = new TH1F("hPmdQualityWAdc","Quality Plot SumWAdc/SumWAdc;#eta Bins (PRE <---> CPV);Quality",25,0,25); TH1F *hQuality2 = new TH1F("hPmdQualityHit","Quality Plot Hit/Hit;#eta Bins (PRE <---> CPV);Quality",25,0,25); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { hQuality1->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+3,Form("%2d",i+1)); hQuality2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+3,Form("%2d",i+1)); hQuality1->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+15,Form("%2d",i+1)); hQuality2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+15,Form("%2d",i+1)); } Add2RawsList(hQuality1, 6, !expert, image, saveCorr); Add2RawsList(hQuality2, 7, !expert, image, saveCorr); TH1F *hMP = new TH1F("hPmdMultiplicityP"," Cell Hit Distribution with adc>40; Multiplicity; Entries",1000,0,7000); TH1F *hMC = new TH1F("hPmdMultiplicityC"," Cell Hit Distribution with adc>40; Multiplicity; Entries",1000,0,7000); Add2RawsList(hMP, 8, expert, !image, saveCorr); Add2RawsList(hMC, 9, expert, !image, saveCorr); ClonePerTrigClass(AliQAv1::kRAWS); // this should be the last line } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPMDQADataMakerRec::InitDigits() { // create Digits histograms in Digits subdir const Bool_t expert = kTRUE ; const Bool_t image = kTRUE ; TH1F *h0 = new TH1F("hPreDigitsEdep","Digits energy distribution in PRE(PMD);Amplitude [ADC counts];Counts", 100, 0., 2000.); h0->Sumw2(); Add2DigitsList(h0, 0, !expert, image); TH1F *h1 = new TH1F("hCpvDigitsEdep","Digits energy distribution in CPV(PMD);Amplitude [ADC counts];Counts", 100, 0., 2000.); h1->Sumw2(); Add2DigitsList(h1, 1, !expert, image); TH1I *h2 = new TH1I("hPreDigitsMult","Digits multiplicity distribution in PRE(PMD);# of Digits;Entries", 500, 0, 1000) ; h2->Sumw2(); Add2DigitsList(h2, 2, !expert, image); TH1I *h3 = new TH1I("hCpvDigitsMult","Digits multiplicity distribution in CPV(PMD);# of Digits;Entries", 500, 0, 1000); h3->Sumw2(); Add2DigitsList(h3, 3, !expert, image); // ClonePerTrigClass(AliQAv1::kDIGITS); // this should be the last line } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPMDQADataMakerRec::InitRecPoints() { // create Reconstructed Points histograms in RecPoints subdir /* TH2F * h0 = new TH2F("hPreXY","RecPoints Y vs X PRE(PMD)", 100,-100.,100.,100,-100.,100.); Add2RecPointsList(h0,0); TH2F * h1 = new TH2F("hCpvXY","RecPoints Y vs X CPV(PMD)", 100,-100.,100.,100,-100.,100.); Add2RecPointsList(h1,1); */ // Ncell distribution in a cluster // PRE plane const Bool_t expert = kTRUE ; const Bool_t image = kTRUE ; TH1F * h0 = new TH1F("hPreDdl0Ncell","PRE: Ddl0 Ncell in a cluster;# of cells;Counts",50,0.,50.); h0->Sumw2(); Add2RecPointsList(h0, 0, !expert, image); TH1F * h1 = new TH1F("hPreDdl1Ncell","PRE: Ddl1 Ncell in a cluste;# of cells;Countsr",50,0.,50.); h1->Sumw2(); Add2RecPointsList(h1, 1, !expert, image); TH1F * h2 = new TH1F("hPreDdl2Ncell","PRE: Ddl2 Ncell in a cluster;# of cells;Counts",50,0.,50.); h2->Sumw2(); Add2RecPointsList(h2, 2, !expert, image); TH1F * h3 = new TH1F("hPreDdl3Ncell","PRE: Ddl3 Ncell in a cluster;# of cells;Counts",50,0.,50.); h3->Sumw2(); Add2RecPointsList(h3, 3, !expert, image); // CPV plane TH1F * h4 = new TH1F("hCpvDdl4Ncell","CPV: Ddl4 Ncell in a cluster;# of cells;Counts",50,0.,50.); h4->Sumw2(); Add2RecPointsList(h4, 4, !expert, image); TH1F * h5 = new TH1F("hCpvDdl5Ncell","CPV: Ddl5 Ncell in a cluster;# of cells;Counts",50,0.,50.); h5->Sumw2(); Add2RecPointsList(h5, 5, !expert, image); // Correlation plot TH2I *h6 = new TH2I("hPre10","Cluster - DDL1 vs DDL0;DDL0;DDL1", 100,0,200,100,0,200); Add2RecPointsList(h6,6, !expert, image); TH2I *h7 = new TH2I("hPre32","Cluster - DDL3 vs DDL2;DDL2;DDL3", 100,0,200,100,0,200); Add2RecPointsList(h7,7, !expert, image); TH2I *h8 = new TH2I("hCpv54","Cluster - DDL5 vs DDL4;DDL4;DDL5", 100,0,200,100,0,200); Add2RecPointsList(h8,8, !expert, image); // ClonePerTrigClass(AliQAv1::kRECPOINTS); // this should be the last line } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPMDQADataMakerRec::InitESDs() { //Create histograms to controll ESD const Bool_t expert = kTRUE ; const Bool_t image = kTRUE ; TH1F *h0 = new TH1F("hPreClADC","Cluster ADC of PRE plane;# of clusters;Counts",500,0.,10000.); h0->Sumw2(); Add2ESDsList(h0, 0, !expert, image) ; TH1F *h1 = new TH1F("hCpvClADC","Cluster ADC of CPV plane;# of clusters;Counts",500,0.,10000.); h1->Sumw2(); Add2ESDsList(h1, 1, !expert, image) ; TH2I *h2 = new TH2I("hPmdClMult","Cluster Multiplicity: PRE vs. CPVplane;CPV multiplicity;PRE Multiplicity",100,0,1000,100,0,1000); h2->Sumw2(); Add2ESDsList(h2, 2, !expert, image) ; /* TH1I * h3 = new TH1I("hCpvClMult","Cluster Multiplicity of CPV plane",100,0.,1000.); h3->Sumw2(); Add2ESDsList(h3, 3, !expert, image) ; */ // ClonePerTrigClass(AliQAv1::kESDS); // this should be the last line } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPMDQADataMakerRec::MakeRaws(AliRawReader* rawReader) { //Fill prepared histograms with Raw digit properties TObjArray *pmdddlcont = 0x0; pmdddlcont = new TObjArray(); AliPMDRawStream stream(rawReader); AliPMDddldata *pmdddl = 0x0; Int_t iddl = 1; Int_t sddl = -1; Float_t xx = 0., yy = 0.; Double_t eta; Int_t etaindex = 0; Float_t nDdl1[10] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; Float_t nDdl2[10] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}; Float_t nDdl3[10] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; Float_t nDdl4[10] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}; Float_t nDdl1a[10] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}; Float_t nDdl2a[10] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}; Float_t nDdl3a[10] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}; Float_t nDdl4a[10] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}; Float_t nDdl11[10] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}; Float_t nDdl22[10] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}; Float_t nDdl33[10] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}; Float_t nDdl44[10] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}; Float_t nddlp = 0; Float_t nddlc = 0; AliPMDUtility cc; while ((iddl = stream.DdlData(pmdddlcont)) >=0) { Int_t ientries = pmdddlcont->GetEntries(); //printf(" ======= DDLNO = %d ientries = %d \n", iddl, ientries); if(iddl == 0 || iddl == 1) sddl = iddl; if(iddl == 4 ) sddl = 2; if(iddl == 5 ) sddl = 3; for (Int_t ient = 0; ient < ientries; ient++) { pmdddl = (AliPMDddldata*)pmdddlcont->UncheckedAt(ient); Int_t det = pmdddl->GetDetector(); Int_t smn = pmdddl->GetSMN(); Int_t mcm = pmdddl->GetMCM(); Int_t chno = pmdddl->GetChannel(); Int_t pbus = pmdddl->GetPatchBusId(); Int_t row = pmdddl->GetRow(); Int_t col = pmdddl->GetColumn(); Int_t sig = pmdddl->GetSignal(); if (mcm == 0) continue; if (det < 0 || det > 1) continue; if (smn < 0 || smn > 23) continue; if (row < 0 || row > 47) continue; if (col < 0 || col > 95) continue; Int_t rc = pbus*1000 + mcm*64 + chno; if(sddl == 0) FillRawsData(0,rc); else if(sddl == 1) FillRawsData(1,rc); else if(sddl == 2) FillRawsData(2,rc); else if(sddl == 3) FillRawsData(3,rc); cc.GetEtaIndexXY(smn,row,col,xx,yy,eta,etaindex); if(etaindex >= 0 && etaindex <10) { if(sddl == 0) { nDdl1a[etaindex] += 1; nDdl1[etaindex] += sig; if(sig >40) { nDdl11[etaindex] += 1; nddlp += 1; } } else if(sddl == 1) { nDdl2a[etaindex] += 1; nDdl2[etaindex] += sig; if(sig >40) { nDdl22[etaindex] += 1; nddlp += 1; } } else if(sddl == 2) { nDdl3a[etaindex] += 1; nDdl3[etaindex] += sig; if(sig >40) { nDdl33[etaindex] += 1; nddlc += 1; } } else if(sddl == 3) { nDdl4a[etaindex] += 1; nDdl4[etaindex] += sig; if(sig >40) { nDdl44[etaindex] += 1; nddlc += 1; } } } if (det == 0) FillRawsData(4,xx,yy); else if (det == 1) FillRawsData(5,xx,yy); } pmdddlcont->Delete(); } delete pmdddlcont; pmdddlcont = 0x0; if(nddlp != 0) FillRawsData(8,nddlp); if(nddlc != 0) FillRawsData(9,nddlc); ResetRawsData(6); ResetRawsData(7); for (Int_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Float_t prerC = nDdl11[i]/nDdl22[i]; Float_t cpvrC = nDdl33[i]/nDdl44[i]; Float_t prera =(nDdl1[i]/nDdl1a[i])/(nDdl2[i]/nDdl2a[i]); Float_t cpvra =(nDdl3[i]/nDdl3a[i])/(nDdl4[i]/nDdl4a[i]); FillRawsData(6,i+2,prera); FillRawsData(6,i+14,cpvra); FillRawsData(7,i+2,prerC); FillRawsData(7,i+14,cpvrC); } IncEvCountCycleRaws(); IncEvCountTotalRaws(); // } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPMDQADataMakerRec::MakeDigits() { // makes data from Digits Int_t cpvmul = 0, premul = 0; TIter next(fDigitsArray) ; AliPMDdigit * digit ; while ( (digit = dynamic_cast(next())) ) { if(digit->GetDetector() == 0) { FillDigitsData(0, digit->GetADC()) ; premul++; } if(digit->GetDetector() == 1) { FillDigitsData(1, digit->GetADC()); cpvmul++; } } if (premul > 0) FillDigitsData(2,premul); if (cpvmul > 0) FillDigitsData(3,cpvmul); } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPMDQADataMakerRec::MakeDigits(TTree * digitTree) { // makes data from Digit Tree if (fDigitsArray) fDigitsArray->Clear() ; else fDigitsArray = new TClonesArray("AliPMDdigit", 1000) ; TBranch * branch = digitTree->GetBranch("PMDDigit") ; if ( ! branch ) {AliWarning("PMD branch in Digit Tree not found"); return;} // branch->SetAddress(&fDigitsArray) ; for (Int_t ient = 0; ient < branch->GetEntries(); ient++) { branch->GetEntry(ient) ; MakeDigits() ; } // IncEvCountCycleDigits(); IncEvCountTotalDigits(); // } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPMDQADataMakerRec::MakeRecPoints(TTree * clustersTree) { // makes data from RecPoints Int_t multDdl0 = 0, multDdl1 = 0, multDdl2 = 0; Int_t multDdl3 = 0, multDdl4 = 0, multDdl5 = 0; AliPMDrecpoint1 * recpoint; if (fRecPointsArray) fRecPointsArray->Clear() ; else fRecPointsArray = new TClonesArray("AliPMDrecpoint1", 1000) ; TBranch * branch = clustersTree->GetBranch("PMDRecpoint") ; if ( ! branch ) { AliWarning("PMD branch in Recpoints Tree not found") ; } else { branch->SetAddress(&fRecPointsArray) ; for (Int_t imod = 0; imod < branch->GetEntries(); imod++) { branch->GetEntry(imod) ; TIter next(fRecPointsArray) ; while ( (recpoint = dynamic_cast(next())) ) { //Float_t xpos = recpoint->GetClusX(); //Float_t ypos = recpoint->GetClusY(); //Int_t smn = recpoint->GetSMNumber(); if(recpoint->GetDetector() == 0) { if(recpoint->GetSMNumber() >= 0 && recpoint->GetSMNumber() < 6) { FillRecPointsData(0,recpoint->GetClusCells()); multDdl0++; } if(recpoint->GetSMNumber() >= 6 && recpoint->GetSMNumber() < 12) { FillRecPointsData(1,recpoint->GetClusCells()); multDdl1++; } if(recpoint->GetSMNumber() >= 12 && recpoint->GetSMNumber() < 18) { FillRecPointsData(2,recpoint->GetClusCells()); multDdl2++; } if(recpoint->GetSMNumber() >= 18 && recpoint->GetSMNumber() < 24) { FillRecPointsData(3,recpoint->GetClusCells()); multDdl3++; } } if(recpoint->GetDetector() == 1) { if((recpoint->GetSMNumber() >= 0 && recpoint->GetSMNumber() < 6) || (recpoint->GetSMNumber() >= 18 && recpoint->GetSMNumber() < 24)) { FillRecPointsData(4,recpoint->GetClusCells()); multDdl4++; } if(recpoint->GetSMNumber() >= 6 && recpoint->GetSMNumber() < 18 ) { FillRecPointsData(5,recpoint->GetClusCells()); multDdl5++; } } } } } FillRecPointsData(6,multDdl0,multDdl1); FillRecPointsData(7,multDdl2,multDdl3); FillRecPointsData(8,multDdl4,multDdl5); // IncEvCountCycleRecPoints(); IncEvCountTotalRecPoints(); // } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPMDQADataMakerRec::MakeESDs(AliESDEvent * esd) { // make QA data from ESDs Int_t premul = 0, cpvmul = 0; for (Int_t icl = 0; icl < esd->GetNumberOfPmdTracks(); icl++) { AliESDPmdTrack *pmdtr = esd->GetPmdTrack(icl); //Int_t det = pmdtr->GetDetector(); //Float_t clsX = pmdtr->GetClusterX(); //Float_t clsY = pmdtr->GetClusterY(); //Float_t clsZ = pmdtr->GetClusterZ(); //Float_t ncell = pmdtr->GetClusterCells(); Float_t adc = pmdtr->GetClusterADC(); //Float_t pid = pmdtr->GetClusterPID(); if (pmdtr->GetDetector() == 0) { FillESDsData(0,adc); premul++; } if (pmdtr->GetDetector() == 1) { FillESDsData(1,adc) ; cpvmul++; } } FillESDsData(2,cpvmul,premul) ; //FillESDsData(3,cpvmul) ; // IncEvCountCycleESDs(); IncEvCountTotalESDs(); // } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPMDQADataMakerRec::StartOfDetectorCycle() { //Detector specific actions at start of cycle } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPMDQADataMakerRec::EndOfDetectorCycle(AliQAv1::TASKINDEX_t task, TObjArray ** list) { //Detector specific actions at end of cycle // do the QA checking AliQAChecker::Instance()->Run(AliQAv1::kPMD, task, list) ; }