/* $Id$ */ #ifndef ALIPWG0HELPER_H #define ALIPWG0HELPER_H #include #include // static helper functions class AliESDEvent; class AliESDVertex; class TParticle; class TH1; class TH2; class TH3; class AliHeader; class AliGenEventHeader; class AliStack; class TTree; class AliOfflineTrigger; class AliMultiplicity; class AliPWG0Helper : public TObject { public: enum AnalysisMode { kInvalid = -1, kSPD = 0x1, kTPC = 0x2, kTPCITS = 0x4, kFieldOn = 0x8, kSPDOnlyL0 = 0x10 }; // in case we want to use bitmaps... enum MCProcessType { kInvalidProcess = -1, kND = 0x1, kDD = 0x2, kSD = 0x4, kOnePart = 0x8 }; enum DiffTreatment { kMCFlags = 0, kUA5Cuts = 1, kE710Cuts, kALICEHadronLevel }; static const AliESDVertex* GetVertex(const AliESDEvent* aEsd, AnalysisMode analysisMethod, Bool_t debug = kFALSE); static Bool_t TestVertex(const AliESDVertex* vertex, AnalysisMode analysisMode, Bool_t debug = kFALSE); static Bool_t IsPrimaryCharged(TParticle* aParticle, Int_t aTotalPrimaries, Bool_t adebug = kFALSE); static MCProcessType GetEventProcessType(AliESDEvent* esd, AliHeader* header, AliStack* stack, DiffTreatment diffTreatment); static MCProcessType GetEventProcessType(AliHeader* aHeader, Bool_t adebug = kFALSE); static MCProcessType GetPythiaEventProcessType(AliGenEventHeader* aHeader, Bool_t adebug = kFALSE); static MCProcessType GetDPMjetEventProcessType(AliGenEventHeader* aHeader, Bool_t adebug = kFALSE); static Int_t GetLastProcessType() { return fgLastProcessType; } static TParticle* FindPrimaryMother(AliStack* stack, Int_t label); static Int_t FindPrimaryMotherLabel(AliStack* stack, Int_t label); static void CreateProjections(TH3* hist, Bool_t save = kFALSE); static void CreateDividedProjections(TH3* hist, TH3* hist2, const char* axis = 0, Bool_t putErrors = kFALSE, Bool_t save = kFALSE); static const char* GetAxisTitle(TH3* hist, const char axis); static void NormalizeToBinWidth(TH1* hist); static void NormalizeToBinWidth(TH2* hist); static void PrintConf(AnalysisMode analysisMode, AliTriggerAnalysis::Trigger trigger, DiffTreatment diffTreatment); static Double_t Rapidity(Double_t pt, Double_t pz, Double_t m); static Bool_t IsHadronLevelSingleDiffractive(AliStack* stack, Float_t cms, Float_t xiMin, Float_t xiMax); protected: static Int_t fgLastProcessType; // stores the raw value of the last process type extracted ClassDef(AliPWG0Helper, 0) private: AliPWG0Helper(const AliPWG0Helper&); AliPWG0Helper& operator=(const AliPWG0Helper&); }; #endif