/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //------------------------------ // Analysis task for quality-assurance // of forward detectors ESD // // 12/06/2009 cvetan.cheshkov@cern.ch //------------------------------ #include "TChain.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include "TH2F.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TVector3.h" #include "TParticle.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliESDv0.h" #include "AliESDcascade.h" #include "AliESDMuonTrack.h" #include "AliESDCaloCluster.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliStack.h" #include "AliGenEventHeader.h" #include "AliPID.h" #include "AliESDVZERO.h" #include "AliAnaFwdDetsQA.h" ClassImp(AliAnaFwdDetsQA) AliAnaFwdDetsQA::AliAnaFwdDetsQA(): AliAnalysisTaskSE("AliAnaFwdDetsQA"), fListOfHistos(0), fT0vtxRec(0), fT0vtxRecGen(0), fT0time(0), fT0time2(0), fT0mult(0), fT0vtxRes(0), fT0ampl(0), fV0a(0), fV0c(0), fV0multA(0), fV0multC(0), fV0multAcorr(0), fV0multCcorr(0), fV0Acorr(0), fV0Ccorr(0), fV0ampl(0) { // Default constructor // Define input and output slots here // Input slot #0 works with a TChain DefineInput(0, TChain::Class()); // Output slot #1 TList DefineOutput(1, TList::Class()); } AliAnaFwdDetsQA::AliAnaFwdDetsQA(const char* name): AliAnalysisTaskSE(name), fListOfHistos(0), fT0vtxRec(0), fT0vtxRecGen(0), fT0time(0), fT0time2(0), fT0mult(0), fT0vtxRes(0), fT0ampl(0), fV0a(0), fV0c(0), fV0multA(0), fV0multC(0), fV0multAcorr(0), fV0multCcorr(0), fV0Acorr(0), fV0Ccorr(0), fV0ampl(0) { // Constructor AliInfo("Constructor AliAnaFwdDetsQA"); // Define input and output slots here // Input slot #0 works with a TChain DefineInput(0, TChain::Class()); // Output slot #1 TList DefineOutput(1, TList::Class()); } TH1F * AliAnaFwdDetsQA::CreateHisto(const char* name, const char* title,Int_t nBins, Double_t xMin, Double_t xMax, const char* xLabel, const char* yLabel) { // create a histogram TH1F* result = new TH1F(name, title, nBins, xMin, xMax); result->SetOption("E"); if (xLabel) result->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xLabel); if (yLabel) result->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(yLabel); result->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle); return result; } TH1F *AliAnaFwdDetsQA::CreateEffHisto(const TH1F* hGen, const TH1F* hRec) { // create an efficiency histogram Int_t nBins = hGen->GetNbinsX(); TH1F* hEff = (TH1F*) hGen->Clone("hEff"); hEff->SetTitle(""); hEff->SetStats(kFALSE); hEff->SetMinimum(0.); hEff->SetMaximum(110.); hEff->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#epsilon [%]"); for (Int_t iBin = 0; iBin <= nBins; iBin++) { Double_t nGenEff = hGen->GetBinContent(iBin); Double_t nRecEff = hRec->GetBinContent(iBin); if (nGenEff > 0) { Double_t eff = nRecEff/nGenEff; hEff->SetBinContent(iBin, 100. * eff); Double_t error = sqrt(eff*(1.-eff) / nGenEff); if (error == 0) error = 0.0001; hEff->SetBinError(iBin, 100. * error); } else { hEff->SetBinContent(iBin, -100.); hEff->SetBinError(iBin, 0); } } return hEff; } Bool_t AliAnaFwdDetsQA::FitHisto(TH1* histo, Double_t& res, Double_t& resError) { // fit a gaussian to a histogram static TF1* fitFunc = new TF1("fitFunc", "gaus"); fitFunc->SetLineWidth(2); fitFunc->SetFillStyle(0); Double_t maxFitRange = 2; if (histo->Integral() > 50) { Float_t mean = histo->GetMean(); Float_t rms = histo->GetRMS(); fitFunc->SetRange(mean - maxFitRange*rms, mean + maxFitRange*rms); fitFunc->SetParameters(mean, rms); histo->Fit(fitFunc, "QRI0"); histo->GetFunction("fitFunc")->ResetBit(1<<9); res = TMath::Abs(fitFunc->GetParameter(2)); resError = TMath::Abs(fitFunc->GetParError(2)); return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } void AliAnaFwdDetsQA::UserCreateOutputObjects() { // Create histograms AliInfo("AliAnaFwdDetsQA::UserCreateOutputObjects"); // Create output container fListOfHistos = new TList(); fT0vtxRec = CreateHisto("hT0vtxRec", "Z vertex reconstructed with T0", 100, -25, 25, "Z_{vtx} [cm]", ""); fT0time = CreateHisto("hT0time", "Time0 reconstruction with T0", 5000, 10000, 20000, "t_{0} [ps]", ""); fT0time2 = CreateHisto("hT0time2", "Time0 reconstruction with T0 (mult > 10)", 5000, 10000, 20000, "t_{0} [ps]", ""); fT0mult = CreateHisto("hT0mult", "Total reconstructed multiplicity in T0", 100, -0.5, 99.5, "Multiplicity", ""); fT0vtxRes = CreateHisto("hT0vtxRes", "T0 Z vertex resolution", 100, -25, 25, "Delta(Z_{vtx}) [cm]", ""); fT0ampl = CreateHisto("hT0ampl","T0 multiplicity in single channel (all T0 channels)",400,-0.5,99.5); fT0vtxRecGen = new TH2F("hT0vtxRecGen", "T0 reconstructed vs generated Z vertex", 100, -25, 25, 100, -25, 25); fT0vtxRecGen->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Generated Z vertex"); fT0vtxRecGen->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Reconstructed Z vertex"); fT0vtxRecGen->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle); fT0vtxRecGen->SetMarkerSize(0.4); fV0a = CreateHisto("hV0a","Number of fired PMTs (V0A)",65,-0.5,64.5); fV0c = CreateHisto("hV0c","Number of fired PMTs (V0C)",65,-0.5,64.5); fV0multA = CreateHisto("hV0multA","Total reconstructed multiplicity (V0A)",100,0.,1000.); fV0multC = CreateHisto("hV0multC","Total reconstructed multiplicity (V0C)",100,0.,1000.); fV0ampl = CreateHisto("hV0ampl","V0 multiplicity in single channel (all V0 channels)",400,-0.5,99.5); fV0multAcorr = new TH2F("hV0multAcorr", "Reconstructed vs generated (primaries only) multiplicity (V0A)",100,0.,500.,100,0.,1000.); fV0multAcorr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("# of primaries in V0A acceptance"); fV0multAcorr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Reconstructed mutiplicity in V0A"); fV0multCcorr = new TH2F("hV0multCcorr", "Reconstructed vs generated (primaries only) multiplicity (V0C)",100,0.,500.,100,0.,1000.); fV0multCcorr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("# of primaries in V0C acceptance"); fV0multCcorr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Reconstructed mutiplicity in V0C"); fV0Acorr = new TH2F("hV0Acorr", "Number of fired PMTs vs generated (primaries only) multiplicity (V0A)",100,0.,500.,65,-0.5,64.5); fV0Acorr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("# of primaries in V0A acceptance"); fV0Acorr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of fired PMTs in V0A"); fV0Ccorr = new TH2F("hV0Ccorr", "Number of fired PMTs vs generated (primaries only) multiplicity (V0C)",100,0.,500.,65,-0.5,64.5); fV0Ccorr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("# of primaries in V0C acceptance"); fV0Ccorr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of fired PMTs in V0C"); fListOfHistos->Add(fT0vtxRec); fListOfHistos->Add(fT0time); fListOfHistos->Add(fT0mult); fListOfHistos->Add(fT0vtxRecGen); fListOfHistos->Add(fT0vtxRes); fListOfHistos->Add(fV0a); fListOfHistos->Add(fV0c); fListOfHistos->Add(fV0multA); fListOfHistos->Add(fV0multC); fListOfHistos->Add(fV0multAcorr); fListOfHistos->Add(fV0multCcorr); fListOfHistos->Add(fV0Acorr); fListOfHistos->Add(fV0Ccorr); fListOfHistos->Add(fT0ampl); fListOfHistos->Add(fV0ampl); fListOfHistos->Add(fT0time2); } void AliAnaFwdDetsQA::UserExec(Option_t */*option*/) { AliMCEvent* mcEvent = MCEvent(); if (!mcEvent) { Printf("ERROR: Could not retrieve MC event"); return; } //Primary vertex needed TArrayF mcvtx(3); mcEvent->GenEventHeader()->PrimaryVertex(mcvtx); AliStack *stack = mcEvent->Stack(); if (!stack) { Printf("ERROR: Could not retrieve MC stack"); return; } Int_t nV0A = 0; Int_t nV0C = 0; for (Int_t iTracks = 0; iTracks < mcEvent->GetNumberOfTracks(); iTracks++) {//Check this loop again if (!stack->IsPhysicalPrimary(iTracks)) continue; AliMCParticle* track = mcEvent->GetTrack(iTracks); TParticle* particle = track->Particle(); if (!particle) continue; if (track->Charge() == 0) continue; Double_t eta = particle->Eta(); if (eta > 2.8 && eta < 5.1) { nV0A++; } if (eta > -3.7 && eta < -1.7) { nV0C++; } } // ESD information AliVEvent* event = InputEvent(); if (!event) { Printf("ERROR: Could not retrieve event"); return; } AliESDEvent* esd = dynamic_cast(event); const AliESDTZERO* esdT0 = esd->GetESDTZERO(); Double_t t0zvtx = esdT0->GetT0zVertex(); Double_t t0time = esdT0->GetT0(); fT0vtxRec->Fill(t0zvtx); fT0time->Fill(t0time); fT0vtxRecGen->Fill(mcvtx[2],t0zvtx); t0zvtx *= -1.0; fT0vtxRes->Fill(t0zvtx - mcvtx[2]); Double_t t0mult = 0; for(Int_t i = 0; i < 24; i++) { t0mult += esdT0->GetT0amplitude()[i]; fT0ampl->Fill(esdT0->GetT0amplitude()[i]); } fT0mult->Fill(t0mult); if (t0mult > 10) fT0time2->Fill(t0time); AliESDVZERO* esdV0 = esd->GetVZEROData(); fV0a->Fill(esdV0->GetNbPMV0A()); fV0c->Fill(esdV0->GetNbPMV0C()); fV0multA->Fill(esdV0->GetMTotV0A()); fV0multC->Fill(esdV0->GetMTotV0C()); fV0multAcorr->Fill((Float_t)nV0A,esdV0->GetMTotV0A()); fV0multCcorr->Fill((Float_t)nV0C,esdV0->GetMTotV0C()); fV0Acorr->Fill((Float_t)nV0A,(Float_t)esdV0->GetNbPMV0A()); fV0Ccorr->Fill((Float_t)nV0C,(Float_t)esdV0->GetNbPMV0C()); for(Int_t i = 0; i < 64; i++) { fV0ampl->Fill(esdV0->GetMultiplicity(i)); } // Post output data. PostData(1, fListOfHistos); } void AliAnaFwdDetsQA::Terminate(Option_t *) { fListOfHistos = dynamic_cast(GetOutputData(1)); if (!fListOfHistos) { Printf("ERROR: fListOfHistos not available"); return; } fT0vtxRec = dynamic_cast(fListOfHistos->At(0)); fT0time = dynamic_cast(fListOfHistos->At(1)); fT0mult = dynamic_cast(fListOfHistos->At(2)); fT0vtxRecGen = dynamic_cast(fListOfHistos->At(3)); fT0vtxRes = dynamic_cast(fListOfHistos->At(4)); fV0a = dynamic_cast(fListOfHistos->At(5)); fV0c = dynamic_cast(fListOfHistos->At(6)); fV0multA = dynamic_cast(fListOfHistos->At(7)); fV0multC = dynamic_cast(fListOfHistos->At(8)); fV0multAcorr = dynamic_cast(fListOfHistos->At(9)); fV0multCcorr = dynamic_cast(fListOfHistos->At(10)); fV0Acorr = dynamic_cast(fListOfHistos->At(11)); fV0Ccorr = dynamic_cast(fListOfHistos->At(12)); fT0ampl = dynamic_cast(fListOfHistos->At(13)); fV0ampl = dynamic_cast(fListOfHistos->At(14)); fT0time2 = dynamic_cast(fListOfHistos->At(15)); // draw the histograms if not in batch mode if (!gROOT->IsBatch()) { new TCanvas; fT0vtxRec->DrawCopy("E"); new TCanvas; fT0time->DrawCopy("E"); new TCanvas; fT0mult->DrawCopy("E"); new TCanvas; fT0vtxRes->DrawCopy("E"); new TCanvas; fT0vtxRecGen->DrawCopy(); new TCanvas; fV0a->DrawCopy("E"); new TCanvas; fV0c->DrawCopy("E"); new TCanvas; fV0multA->DrawCopy("E"); new TCanvas; fV0multC->DrawCopy("E"); new TCanvas; fV0multAcorr->DrawCopy(); new TCanvas; fV0multCcorr->DrawCopy(); new TCanvas; fV0Acorr->DrawCopy(); new TCanvas; fV0Ccorr->DrawCopy(); new TCanvas; fT0ampl->DrawCopy("E"); new TCanvas; fV0ampl->DrawCopy("E"); new TCanvas; fT0time2->DrawCopy("E"); } // write the output histograms to a file TFile* outputFile = TFile::Open("FwdDetsQA.root", "recreate"); if (!outputFile || !outputFile->IsOpen()) { Error("AliAnaFwdDetsQA", "opening output file FwdDetsQA.root failed"); return; } fT0vtxRec->Write(); fT0time->Write(); fT0mult->Write(); fT0vtxRecGen->Write(); fT0vtxRes->Write(); fT0ampl->Write(); fT0time2->Write(); fV0a->Write(); fV0c->Write(); fV0multA->Write(); fV0multC->Write(); fV0multAcorr->Write(); fV0multCcorr->Write(); fV0Acorr->Write(); fV0Ccorr->Write(); fV0ampl->Write(); outputFile->Close(); delete outputFile; //delete esd; Info("AliAnaFwdDetsQA", "Successfully finished"); }