/* * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * See cxx source for full Copyright notice * $Id$ */ /********************************** * flow analysis with Q-cumulants * * * * author: Ante Bilandzic * * (anteb@nikhef.nl) * *********************************/ #ifndef ALIFLOWANALYSISWITHQCUMULANTS_H #define ALIFLOWANALYSISWITHQCUMULANTS_H #include "AliFlowCommonConstants.h" // needed as include #include "TMatrixD.h" #include "TH2D.h" #include "TBits.h" class TObjArray; class TList; class TFile; class TGraph; class TH1; class TProfile; class TProfile2D; class AliFlowEventSimple; class AliFlowVector; class AliFlowCommonHist; class AliFlowCommonHistResults; //================================================================================================================ class AliFlowAnalysisWithQCumulants{ public: AliFlowAnalysisWithQCumulants(); virtual ~AliFlowAnalysisWithQCumulants(); // 0.) methods called in the constructor: virtual void InitializeArraysForIntFlow(); virtual void InitializeArraysForDiffFlow(); virtual void InitializeArraysForDistributions(); // 1.) method Init() and methods called within Init(): virtual void Init(); virtual void AccessConstants(); virtual void BookAndNestAllLists(); virtual void BookCommonHistograms(); virtual void BookAndFillWeightsHistograms(); virtual void BookEverythingForIntegratedFlow(); virtual void BookEverythingForDifferentialFlow(); virtual void BookEverythingForDistributions(); virtual void BookEverythingForNestedLoops(); // 2.) method Make() and methods called within Make(): virtual void Make(AliFlowEventSimple *anEvent); // 2a.) integrated flow: virtual void FillAverageMultiplicities(Int_t nRP); virtual void CalculateCorrelationsForIntegratedFlow(); virtual void CalculateCorrectionsForNonUniformAcceptanceForIntFlowCosTerms(); virtual void CalculateCorrectionsForNonUniformAcceptanceForIntFlowSinTerms(); virtual void CalculateQProductsForIntFlow(); virtual void CalculateSumAndProductOfEventWeights(); virtual void CalculateWeightedCorrelationsForIntegratedFlow(); virtual void CalculateWeightedQProductsForIntFlow(); virtual void EvaluateNestedLoopsForIntegratedFlow(AliFlowEventSimple* anEvent); // 2b.) differential flow: virtual void CalculateReducedCorrelations1D(TString type, TString ptOrEta); // type = RP ot POI virtual void CalculateCorrelationsForDifferentialFlow2D(TString type); // type = RP ot POI virtual void CalculateCorrectionsForNonUniformAcceptanceForDifferentialFlowCosTerms(TString type); // type = RP ot POI virtual void CalculateCorrectionsForNonUniformAcceptanceForDifferentialFlowSinTerms(TString type); // type = RP ot POI virtual void CalculateWeightedCorrelationsForDifferentialFlow2D(TString type); virtual void EvaluateNestedLoopsForDifferentialFlow(AliFlowEventSimple* anEvent); // 3.) method Finish() and methods called within Finish(): virtual void Finish(); // 3a.) integrated flow: virtual void FinalizeCorrelationsForIntFlow(Bool_t useParticleWeights, TString eventWeights); virtual void CalculateFinalCorrectionsForNonUniformAcceptanceForCumulantsForIntFlow(Bool_t useParticleWeights, TString eventWeights); virtual void CalculateCovariancesForIntFlow(Bool_t useParticleWeights, TString eventWeights); virtual void CalculateCumulantsForIntFlow(Bool_t useParticleWeights, TString eventWeights); virtual void ApplyCorrectionForNonUniformAcceptanceToCumulantsForIntFlow(Bool_t useParticleWeights, TString eventWeights); virtual void CalculateIntFlow(Bool_t useParticleWeights, TString eventWeights, Bool_t correctedForNUA); virtual void FillCommonHistResultsIntFlow(Bool_t useParticleWeights, TString eventWeights, Bool_t correctedForNUA); virtual void PrintQuantifyingCorrectionsForNonUniformAcceptance(Bool_t useParticleWeights, TString eventWeights); virtual void PrintFinalResultsForIntegratedFlow(TString type); virtual void CompareResultsFromNestedLoopsAndFromQVectorsForIntFlow(Bool_t useParticleWeights); // 3b.) differential flow: virtual void FinalizeReducedCorrelations(TString type, TString ptOrEta); virtual void FinalizeCorrelationsForDiffFlow(TString type, Bool_t useParticleWeights, TString eventWeights); virtual void CalculateFinalCorrectionsForNonUniformAcceptanceForDifferentialFlow(Bool_t useParticleWeights, TString type); virtual void CalculateCumulantsForDiffFlow(TString type, Bool_t useParticleWeights, TString eventWeights); virtual void CalculateDiffFlow(TString type, Bool_t useParticleWeights, TString eventWeights); virtual void FillCommonHistResultsDiffFlow(TString type, Bool_t useParticleWeights, TString eventWeights, Bool_t correctedForNUA); virtual void CalculateFinalResultsForRPandPOIIntegratedFlow(TString type, Bool_t useParticleWeights, TString eventWeights); virtual void CompareResultsFromNestedLoopsAndFromQVectorsForDiffFlow(Bool_t useParticleWeights); // 4.) other methods: TProfile* MakePtProjection(TProfile2D *profilePtEta) const; TProfile* MakeEtaProjection(TProfile2D *profilePtEta) const; virtual void GetOutputHistograms(TList *outputListHistos); virtual void WriteHistograms(TString outputFileName); // **** SETTERS and GETTERS **** // 0.) base: TList* GetHistList() const {return this->fHistList;} // 1.) common: void SetCommonHists(AliFlowCommonHist* const ch) {this->fCommonHists = ch;}; AliFlowCommonHist* GetCommonHists() const {return this->fCommonHists;}; void SetCommonHists2nd(AliFlowCommonHist* const ch2nd) {this->fCommonHists2nd = ch2nd;}; AliFlowCommonHist* GetCommonHists2nd() const {return this->fCommonHists2nd;}; void SetCommonHists4th(AliFlowCommonHist* const ch4th) {this->fCommonHists4th = ch4th;}; AliFlowCommonHist* GetCommonHists4th() const {return this->fCommonHists4th;}; void SetCommonHists6th(AliFlowCommonHist* const ch6th) {this->fCommonHists6th = ch6th;}; AliFlowCommonHist* GetCommonHists6th() const {return this->fCommonHists6th;}; void SetCommonHists8th(AliFlowCommonHist* const ch8th) {this->fCommonHists8th = ch8th;}; AliFlowCommonHist* GetCommonHists8th() const {return this->fCommonHists8th;}; void SetCommonHistsResults2nd(AliFlowCommonHistResults* const chr2nd) {this->fCommonHistsResults2nd = chr2nd;}; AliFlowCommonHistResults* GetCommonHistsResults2nd() const {return this->fCommonHistsResults2nd;}; void SetCommonHistsResults4th(AliFlowCommonHistResults* const chr4th) {this->fCommonHistsResults4th = chr4th;}; AliFlowCommonHistResults* GetCommonHistsResults4th() const {return this->fCommonHistsResults4th;}; void SetCommonHistsResults6th(AliFlowCommonHistResults* const chr6th) {this->fCommonHistsResults6th = chr6th;}; AliFlowCommonHistResults* GetCommonHistsResults6th() const {return this->fCommonHistsResults6th;}; void SetCommonHistsResults8th(AliFlowCommonHistResults* const chr8th) {this->fCommonHistsResults8th = chr8th;}; AliFlowCommonHistResults* GetCommonHistsResults8th() const {return this->fCommonHistsResults8th;}; void SetHarmonic(Int_t const harmonic) {this->fHarmonic = harmonic;}; Int_t GetHarmonic() const {return this->fHarmonic;}; void SetAnalysisLabel(const char *aLabel) {this->fAnalysisLabel->Append(*aLabel);}; TString *GetAnalysisLabel() const {return this->fAnalysisLabel;}; // 2.) weights: void SetWeightsList(TList* wlist) {this->fWeightsList = (TList*)wlist->Clone();} TList* GetWeightsList() const {return this->fWeightsList;} void SetUsePhiWeights(Bool_t const uPhiW) {this->fUsePhiWeights = uPhiW;}; Bool_t GetUsePhiWeights() const {return this->fUsePhiWeights;}; void SetUsePtWeights(Bool_t const uPtW) {this->fUsePtWeights = uPtW;}; Bool_t GetUsePtWeights() const {return this->fUsePtWeights;}; void SetUseEtaWeights(Bool_t const uEtaW) {this->fUseEtaWeights = uEtaW;}; Bool_t GetUseEtaWeights() const {return this->fUseEtaWeights;}; void SetUseParticleWeights(TProfile* const uPW) {this->fUseParticleWeights = uPW;}; TProfile* GetUseParticleWeights() const {return this->fUseParticleWeights;}; void SetPhiWeights(TH1F* const histPhiWeights) {this->fPhiWeights = histPhiWeights;}; TH1F* GetPhiWeights() const {return this->fPhiWeights;}; void SetPtWeights(TH1D* const histPtWeights) {this->fPtWeights = histPtWeights;}; TH1D* GetPtWeights() const {return this->fPtWeights;}; void SetEtaWeights(TH1D* const histEtaWeights) {this->fEtaWeights = histEtaWeights;}; TH1D* GetEtaWeights() const {return this->fEtaWeights;}; // 3.) integrated flow: // integrated flow profiles: void SetAvMultiplicity(TProfile* const avMultiplicity) {this->fAvMultiplicity = avMultiplicity;}; TProfile* GetAvMultiplicity() const {return this->fAvMultiplicity;}; void SetQCorrelations(TProfile* const qCorrel, Int_t pW, Int_t eW) {this->fQCorrelations[pW][eW] = qCorrel;}; TProfile* GetQCorrelations(Int_t pW, Int_t eW) const {return this->fQCorrelations[pW][eW];}; void SetQProducts(TProfile* const qProduct, Int_t pW, Int_t eW) {this->fQProducts[pW][eW] = qProduct;}; TProfile* GetQProducts(Int_t pW, Int_t eW) const {return this->fQProducts[pW][eW];}; void SetQCorrections(TProfile* const qCorrections, Int_t pW, Int_t eW, Int_t sc) {this->fQCorrections[pW][eW][sc] = qCorrections;}; TProfile* GetQCorrections(Int_t pW, Int_t eW, Int_t sc) const {return this->fQCorrections[pW][eW][sc];}; // integrated flow results: void SetCorrelations(TH1D* const correl, Int_t pW, Int_t eW) {this->fCorrelations[pW][eW] = correl;}; TH1D* GetCorrelations(Int_t pW, Int_t eW) const {return this->fCorrelations[pW][eW];}; void SetCorrections(TH1D* const correct, Int_t pW, Int_t eW) {this->fCorrections[pW][eW] = correct;}; TH1D* GetCorrections(Int_t pW, Int_t eW) const {return this->fCorrections[pW][eW];}; void SetCovariances(TH1D* const cov, Int_t pW, Int_t eW) {this->fCovariances[pW][eW] = cov;}; TH1D* GetCovariances(Int_t pW, Int_t eW) const {return this->fCovariances[pW][eW];}; void SetSumOfEventWeights(TH1D* const soew, Int_t pW, Int_t eW, Int_t power) {this->fSumOfEventWeights[pW][eW][power] = soew;}; TH1D* GetSumOfEventWeights(Int_t pW, Int_t eW, Int_t power) const {return this->fSumOfEventWeights[pW][eW][power];}; void SetProductOfEventWeights(TH1D* const poew, Int_t pW, Int_t eW) {this->fProductOfEventWeights[pW][eW] = poew;}; TH1D* GetProductOfEventWeights(Int_t pW, Int_t eW) const {return this->fProductOfEventWeights[pW][eW];}; void SetCumulants(TH1D* const cumulants, Int_t pW, Int_t eW, Int_t nua) {this->fCumulants[pW][eW][nua] = cumulants;}; TH1D* GetCumulants(Int_t pW, Int_t eW, Int_t nua) const {return this->fCumulants[pW][eW][nua];}; void SetIntFlow(TH1D* const intFlow, Int_t pW, Int_t eW, Int_t nua) {this->fIntFlow[pW][eW][nua] = intFlow;}; TH1D* GetIntFlow(Int_t pW, Int_t eW, Int_t nua) const {return this->fIntFlow[pW][eW][nua];}; // 4.) differential flow: // flags: void SetFlagsForDiffFlow(TProfile* const ffdf) {this->fFlagsForDiffFlow = ffdf;}; TProfile* GetFlagsForDiffFlow() const {return this->fFlagsForDiffFlow;}; void SetCalculate2DFlow(Bool_t const calculate2DFlow) {this->fCalculate2DFlow = calculate2DFlow;}; Bool_t GetCalculate2DFlow() const {return this->fCalculate2DFlow;}; // profiles: // 1D: void SetReducedCorrelations(TProfile* const reducedCorrel, Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k) {this->fReducedCorrelations[i][j][k] = reducedCorrel;}; TProfile* GetReducedCorrelations(Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k) const {return this->fReducedCorrelations[i][j][k];}; // 2D: void SetCorrelationsPro(TProfile2D* const correlPro, Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l) {this->fCorrelationsPro[i][j][k][l] = correlPro;}; TProfile2D* GetCorrelationsPro(Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l) const {return this->fCorrelationsPro[i][j][k][l];}; void SetProductsOfCorrelationsPro(TProfile2D* const proOfcorrelPro, Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l) {this->fProductsOfCorrelationsPro[i][j][k][l] = proOfcorrelPro;}; TProfile2D* GetProductsOfCorrelationsPro(Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l) const {return this->fProductsOfCorrelationsPro[i][j][k][l];}; void SetCorrectionTermsPro(TProfile2D* const correctTermsPro, Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l, Int_t m) {this->fCorrectionTermsPro[i][j][k][l][m] = correctTermsPro;}; TProfile2D* GetCorrectionTermsPro(Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l, Int_t m) const {return this->fCorrectionTermsPro[i][j][k][l][m];}; // results: void SetFinalCorrelations2D(TH2D* const fCorrelations2D, Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l) {this->fFinalCorrelations2D[i][j][k][l] = fCorrelations2D;}; TH2D* GetFinalCorrelations2D(Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l) const {return this->fFinalCorrelations2D[i][j][k][l];}; void SetFinalCorrelations1D(TH1D* const fCorrelations1D, Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l, Int_t m) {this->fFinalCorrelations1D[i][j][k][l][m] = fCorrelations1D;}; TH1D* GetFinalCorrelations1D(Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l, Int_t m) const {return this->fFinalCorrelations1D[i][j][k][l][m];}; void SetFinalCorrections2D(TH2D* const fCorrections2D, Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l) {this->fFinalCorrections2D[i][j][k][l] = fCorrections2D;}; TH2D* GetFinalCorrections2D(Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l) const {return this->fFinalCorrections2D[i][j][k][l];}; void SetFinalCorrections1D(TH1D* const fCorrections1D, Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l, Int_t m) {this->fFinalCorrections1D[i][j][k][l][m] = fCorrections1D;}; TH1D* GetFinalCorrections1D(Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l, Int_t m) const {return this->fFinalCorrections1D[i][j][k][l][m];}; void SetFinalCovariances2D(TH2D* const fCovariances2D, Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l) {this->fFinalCovariances2D[i][j][k][l] = fCovariances2D;}; TH2D* GetFinalCovariances2D(Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l) const {return this->fFinalCovariances2D[i][j][k][l];}; void SetFinalCovariances1D(TH1D* const fCovariances1D, Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l, Int_t m) {this->fFinalCovariances1D[i][j][k][l][m] = fCovariances1D;}; TH1D* GetFinalCovariances1D(Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l, Int_t m) const {return this->fFinalCovariances1D[i][j][k][l][m];}; void SetFinalCumulants2D(TH2D* const fCumulants2D, Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l, Int_t m) {this->fFinalCumulants2D[i][j][k][l][m] = fCumulants2D;}; TH2D* GetFinalCumulants2D(Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l, Int_t m) const {return this->fFinalCumulants2D[i][j][k][l][m];}; void SetFinalCumulantsPt(TH1D* const fCumulantsPt, Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l, Int_t m) {this->fFinalCumulantsPt[i][j][k][l][m] = fCumulantsPt;}; TH1D* GetFinalCumulantsPt(Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l, Int_t m) const {return this->fFinalCumulantsPt[i][j][k][l][m];}; void SetFinalCumulantsEta(TH1D* const fCumulantsEta, Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l, Int_t m) {this->fFinalCumulantsEta[i][j][k][l][m] = fCumulantsEta;}; TH1D* GetFinalCumulantsEta(Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l, Int_t m) const {return this->fFinalCumulantsEta[i][j][k][l][m];}; void SetFinalFlow2D(TH2D* const fFlow2D, Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l, Int_t m) {this->fFinalFlow2D[i][j][k][l][m] = fFlow2D;}; TH2D* GetFinalFlow2D(Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l, Int_t m) const {return this->fFinalFlow2D[i][j][k][l][m];}; void SetFinalFlowPt(TH1D* const fFlowPt, Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l, Int_t m) {this->fFinalFlowPt[i][j][k][l][m] = fFlowPt;}; TH1D* GetFinalFlowPt(Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l, Int_t m) const {return this->fFinalFlowPt[i][j][k][l][m];}; void SetFinalFlowEta(TH1D* const fFlowEta, Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l, Int_t m) {this->fFinalFlowEta[i][j][k][l][m] = fFlowEta;}; TH1D* GetFinalFlowEta(Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k, Int_t l, Int_t m) const {return this->fFinalFlowEta[i][j][k][l][m];}; void SetNonEmptyBins2D(TH2D* const fneb2D, Int_t i) {this->fNonEmptyBins2D[i] = fneb2D;}; TH2D* GetNonEmptyBins2D(Int_t i) const {return this->fNonEmptyBins2D[i];}; void SetNonEmptyBins1D(TH1D* const fneb1D, Int_t i, Int_t j) {this->fNonEmptyBins1D[i][j] = fneb1D;}; TH1D* GetNonEmptyBins1D(Int_t i, Int_t j) const {return this->fNonEmptyBins1D[i][j];}; // x.) debugging and cross-checking: void SetNestedLoopsList(TList* nllist) {this->fNestedLoopsList = nllist;}; TList* GetNestedLoopsList() const {return this->fNestedLoopsList;}; void SetEvaluateNestedLoopsForIntFlow(Bool_t const enlfif) {this->fEvaluateNestedLoopsForIntFlow = enlfif;}; Bool_t GetEvaluateNestedLoopsForIntFlow() const {return this->fEvaluateNestedLoopsForIntFlow;}; void SetEvaluateNestedLoopsForDiffFlow(Bool_t const enlfdf) {this->fEvaluateNestedLoopsForDiffFlow = enlfdf;}; Bool_t GetEvaluateNestedLoopsForDiffFlow() const {return this->fEvaluateNestedLoopsForDiffFlow;}; void SetEvaluateNestedLoops(TProfile* const enl) {this->fEvaluateNestedLoops = enl;}; TProfile* GetEvaluateNestedLoops() const {return this->fEvaluateNestedLoops;}; void SetDirectCorrelations(TProfile* const dc) {this->fDirectCorrelations = dc;}; TProfile* GetDirectCorrelations() const {return this->fDirectCorrelations;}; void SetDirectCorrectionsCos(TProfile* const dcc) {this->fDirectCorrectionsCos = dcc;}; TProfile* GetDirectCorrectionsCos() const {return this->fDirectCorrectionsCos;}; void SetDirectCorrectionsSin(TProfile* const dcs) {this->fDirectCorrectionsSin = dcs;}; TProfile* GetDirectCorrectionsSin() const {return this->fDirectCorrectionsSin;}; void SetDirectCorrelationsDiffFlow(TProfile* const dcdf) {this->fDirectCorrelationsDiffFlow = dcdf;}; TProfile* GetDirectCorrelationsDiffFlow() const {return this->fDirectCorrelationsDiffFlow;}; void SetDirectCorrectionsDiffFlowCos(TProfile* const dcdfc) {this->fDirectCorrectionsDiffFlowCos = dcdfc;}; TProfile* GetDirectCorrectionsDiffFlowCos() const {return this->fDirectCorrectionsDiffFlowCos;}; void SetDirectCorrectionsDiffFlowSin(TProfile* const dcdfs) {this->fDirectCorrectionsDiffFlowSin = dcdfs;}; TProfile* GetDirectCorrectionsDiffFlowSin() const {return this->fDirectCorrectionsDiffFlowSin;}; void SetDirectCorrelationsW(TProfile* const dcw) {this->fDirectCorrelationsW = dcw;}; TProfile* GetDirectCorrelationsW() const {return this->fDirectCorrelationsW;}; void SetDirectCorrectionsCosW(TProfile* const dccw) {this->fDirectCorrectionsCosW = dccw;}; TProfile* GetDirectCorrectionsCosW() const {return this->fDirectCorrectionsCosW;}; void SetDirectCorrectionsSinW(TProfile* const dcsw) {this->fDirectCorrectionsSinW = dcsw;}; TProfile* GetDirectCorrectionsSinW() const {return this->fDirectCorrectionsSinW;}; void SetDirectCorrelationsDiffFlowW(TProfile* const dcdfw) {this->fDirectCorrelationsDiffFlowW = dcdfw;}; TProfile* GetDirectCorrelationsDiffFlowW() const {return this->fDirectCorrelationsDiffFlowW;}; void SetDirectCorrectionsDiffFlowCosW(TProfile* const dcdfcw) {this->fDirectCorrectionsDiffFlowCosW = dcdfcw;}; TProfile* GetDirectCorrectionsDiffFlowCosW() const {return this->fDirectCorrectionsDiffFlowCosW;}; void SetDirectCorrectionsDiffFlowSinW(TProfile* const dcdfsw) {this->fDirectCorrectionsDiffFlowSinW = dcdfsw;}; TProfile* GetDirectCorrectionsDiffFlowSinW() const {return this->fDirectCorrectionsDiffFlowSinW;}; private: AliFlowAnalysisWithQCumulants(const AliFlowAnalysisWithQCumulants& afawQc); AliFlowAnalysisWithQCumulants& operator=(const AliFlowAnalysisWithQCumulants& afawQc); // 0.) base: TList* fHistList; // base list to hold all output object // 1.) common: AliFlowCommonHist *fCommonHists; // common control histograms (taking into account ALL events) AliFlowCommonHist *fCommonHists2nd; // common control histograms (taking into account only the events with 2 and more particles) AliFlowCommonHist *fCommonHists4th; // common control histograms (taking into account only the events with 4 and more particles) AliFlowCommonHist *fCommonHists6th; // common control histograms (taking into account only the events with 6 and more particles) AliFlowCommonHist *fCommonHists8th; // common control histograms (taking into account only the events with 8 and more particles) AliFlowCommonHistResults *fCommonHistsResults2nd; // final results for 2nd order int. and diff. flow for events with 2 and more particles AliFlowCommonHistResults *fCommonHistsResults4th; // final results for 4th order int. and diff. flow for events with 4 and more particles AliFlowCommonHistResults *fCommonHistsResults6th; // final results for 6th order int. and diff. flow for events with 6 and more particles AliFlowCommonHistResults *fCommonHistsResults8th; // final results for 8th order int. and diff. flow for events with 8 and more particles Int_t fnBinsPhi; // number of phi bins Double_t fPhiMin; // minimum phi Double_t fPhiMax; // maximum phi Double_t fPhiBinWidth; // bin width for phi histograms Int_t fnBinsPt; // number of pt bins Double_t fPtMin; // minimum pt Double_t fPtMax; // maximum pt Double_t fPtBinWidth; // bin width for pt histograms Int_t fnBinsEta; // number of eta bins Double_t fEtaMin; // minimum eta Double_t fEtaMax; // maximum eta Double_t fEtaBinWidth; // bin width for eta histograms Int_t fHarmonic; // harmonic TString *fAnalysisLabel; // analysis label (all histograms and output file will have this label) // 2.) weights TList *fWeightsList; // list to hold all histograms with particle weights: fUseParticleWeights, fPhiWeights, fPtWeights and fEtaWeights Bool_t fUsePhiWeights; // use phi weights Bool_t fUsePtWeights; // use pt weights Bool_t fUseEtaWeights; // use eta weights TProfile *fUseParticleWeights; // profile with three bins to hold values of fUsePhiWeights, fUsePtWeights and fUseEtaWeights TH1F *fPhiWeights; // histogram holding phi weights TH1D *fPtWeights; // histogram holding phi weights TH1D *fEtaWeights; // histogram holding phi weights // 3.) integrated flow TList *fIntFlowList; // list to hold all histograms relevant for integrated flow TList *fIntFlowProfiles; // list to hold all profiles relevant for integrated flow TList *fIntFlowResults; // list to hold all histograms with final results relevant for integrated flow // 3a.) event-by-event quantities: TMatrixD *fReQ; // fReQ[m][k] = sum_{i=1}^{M} w_{i}^{k} cos(m*phi_{i}) TMatrixD *fImQ; // fImQ[m][k] = sum_{i=1}^{M} w_{i}^{k} sin(m*phi_{i}) TMatrixD *fSMpk; // fSM[p][k] = (sum_{i=1}^{M} w_{i}^{k})^{p} TH1D *fQCorrelationsEBE[2]; // [0=weights not used,1=weights used] TH1D *fQCorrectionsEBE[2][2]; // [0=weights not used,1=weights used][0=sin terms, 1=cos terms] // 3b.) profiles: TProfile *fAvMultiplicity; // profile to hold average multiplicities and number of events for events with nRP>=0, nRP>=1, ... , and nRP>=8 TProfile *fQCorrelations[2][2]; // [0=pWeights not used,1=pWeights used][0=exact eWeights,1=non-exact eWeights] TProfile *fQProducts[2][2]; // [0=pWeights not used,1=pWeights used][0=exact eWeights,1=non-exact eWeights] TProfile *fQCorrections[2][2][2]; // [0=pWeights not used,1=pWeights used][0=exact eWeights,1=non-exact eWeights][0=sin terms, 1=cos terms] // 3c.) results: TH1D *fCorrelations[2][2]; // final results for average correlations: [0=pW not used,1=pW used][0=exact eW,1=non-exact eW] TH1D *fCorrections[2][2]; // corrections for non-uniform acceptance to integrated Q-cumulants: [0=pW not used,1=pW used][0=exact eW,1=non-exact eW] TH1D *fCovariances[2][2]; // covariances of multi-particle correlations: [0=pW not used,1=pW used][0=exact eW,1=non-exact eW] TH1D *fSumOfEventWeights[2][2][2]; // [0=pW not used,1=pW used][0=exact eW,1=non-exact eW][0=power 1,1=power 2][0=eW for <2>, 1=eW for <4>, ...] TH1D *fProductOfEventWeights[2][2]; // [0=pW not used,1=pW used][0=exact eW,1=non-exact eW][0=eWs for <2><4>, 1=eWs for <2><6>, ...] TH1D *fCumulants[2][2][2]; // integrated Q-cumulants: [0=pW not used,1=pW used][0=exact eW,1=non-exact eW][0=not corrected, 1=corrected] TH1D *fIntFlow[2][2][2]; // int. flow estimates from Q-cumulants: [0=pW not used,1=pW used][0=exact eW,1=non-exact eW][0=not corrected, 1=corrected] // 4.) differential flow TList *fDiffFlowList; // flags: TProfile *fFlagsForDiffFlow; // profile to hold all flags for differential flow Bool_t fCalculate2DFlow; // calculate differential flow in (pt,eta) (Remark: this is very expensive in terms of CPU time) // nested lists to hold profiles: TList *fDiffFlowProfiles; // list to hold all lists with profiles with correlations, correction terms for NUA and products of correlations TList *fDFPType[2]; // [0=RP,1=POI] TList *fDFPParticleWeights[2][2]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pWeights not used,1=pWeights used] TList *fDFPEventWeights[2][2][2]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pWeights not used,1=pWeights used][0=exact eWeights,1=non-exact eWeights] TList *fDiffFlowCorrelations[2][2][2]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pWeights not used,1=pWeights used][0=exact eWeights,1=non-exact eWeights] TList *fDiffFlowProductsOfCorrelations[2][2][2]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pWeights not used,1=pWeights used][0=exact eWeights,1=non-exact eWeights] TList *fDiffFlowCorrectionTerms[2][2][2][2]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pW not used,1=pW used][0=exact eWeights,1=non-exact eWeights][0=sin terms,1=cos terms] // 4a.) event-by-event quantities: // 1D: TProfile *fReEBE1D[2][3][4][9]; // real part [0=pt,1=eta][0=r,1=p,2=q][m][k] TProfile *fImEBE1D[2][3][4][9]; // imaginary part [0=pt,1=eta][0=r,1=p,2=q][m][k] TProfile *fs1D[2][3][9]; // [0=pt,1=eta][0=r,1=p,2=q][k] // to be improved // 2D: TProfile2D *fReEBE2D[3][4][9]; // real part of r_{m*n,k}(pt,eta), p_{m*n,k}(pt,eta) and q_{m*n,k}(pt,eta) TProfile2D *fImEBE2D[3][4][9]; // imaginary part of r_{m*n,k}(pt,eta), p_{m*n,k}(pt,eta) and q_{m*n,k}(pt,eta) TProfile2D *fs2D[3][9]; // [t][k] // to be improved // 4b.) profiles: // 1D: TProfile *fReducedCorrelations[2][2][4]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pt,1=eta][correlation index] // 2D: TProfile2D *fCorrelationsPro[2][2][2][4]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pWeights not used,1=pWeights used][0=exact eWeights,1=non-exact eWeights][corr.'s index] TProfile2D *fProductsOfCorrelationsPro[2][2][2][5]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pW not used,1=pW used][0=exact eWeights,1=non-exact eWeights][products' index] TProfile2D *fCorrectionTermsPro[2][2][2][2][2]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pW not used,1=pW used][0=e eW,1=ne eW][0=sin terms,1=cos terms][corr. terms' index] // nested lists to hold histograms with results: TList *fDiffFlowResults; // list to hold all lists with histos with results for diff. flow, cumulants, correlations, covariances and corrections TList *fDFRType[2]; // [0=RP,1=POI] TList *fDFRParticleWeights[2][2]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pWeights not used,1=pWeights used] TList *fDFREventWeights[2][2][2]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pWeights not used,1=pWeights used][0=exact eWeights,1=non-exact eWeights] TList *fDFRCorrections[2][2][2][2]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pWeights not used,1=pWeights used][0=exact eWeights,1=non-exact eWeights][0=not corr,1=corr] TList *fDiffFlowFinalCorrelations[2][2][2]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pWeights not used,1=pWeights used][0=exact eWeights,1=non-exact eWeights] TList *fDiffFlowFinalCorrections[2][2][2]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pWeights not used,1=pWeights used][0=exact eWeights,1=non-exact eWeights] TList *fDiffFlowFinalCovariances[2][2][2]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pWeights not used,1=pWeights used][0=exact eWeights,1=non-exact eWeights] TList *fDiffFlowFinalCumulants[2][2][2][2]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pWeights not used,1=pWeights used][0=exact eW,1=non-exact eW][0=not corr,1=corr] TList *fDiffFlowFinalFlow[2][2][2][2]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pWeights not used,1=pWeights used][0=exact eW,1=non-exact eW][0=not corr,1=corr] TH2D *fFinalCorrelations2D[2][2][2][4]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pW not used,1=pW used][0=exact eW,1=non-exact eW][index of correlations] TH1D *fFinalCorrelations1D[2][2][2][2][4]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pW not used,1=pW used][0=exact eW,1=non-exact eW][0=pt,1=eta][index of correlations] TH2D *fFinalCorrections2D[2][2][2][4]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pW not used,1=pW used][0=exact eW,1=non-exact eW][corr.to cumulant of order] TH1D *fFinalCorrections1D[2][2][2][2][4]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pW not used,1=pW used][0=exact eW,1=non-exact eW][0=pt,1=eta][corr. to cumulant of order] TH2D *fFinalCovariances2D[2][2][2][4]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pW not used,1=pW used][0=exact eW,1=non-exact eW][index of covariances] TH1D *fFinalCovariances1D[2][2][2][2][4]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pW not used,1=pW used][0=exact eW,1=non-exact eW][0=pt,1=eta][index of covariances] TH2D *fFinalCumulants2D[2][2][2][2][4]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pW not used,1=pW used][0=e eW,1=ne eW][0=not corr,1=corr][cumulant's order] TH1D *fFinalCumulantsPt[2][2][2][2][4]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pW nu,1=pW u][0=e eW,1=ne eW][0=nc,1=corr][cumulant's order] TH1D *fFinalCumulantsEta[2][2][2][2][4]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pW nu,1=pW u][0=e eW,1=ne eW][0=nc,1=corr][cumulant's order] TH2D *fFinalFlow2D[2][2][2][2][4]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pW not used,1=pW used][0=e eW,1=ne eW][0=not corr,1=corr][order of flow estimate] TH1D *fFinalFlowPt[2][2][2][2][4]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pW not used,1=pW used][0=e eW,1=ne eW][0=not corr,1=corr][order of flow estimate] TH1D *fFinalFlowEta[2][2][2][2][4]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pW not used,1=pW used][0=e eW,1=ne eW][0=not corr,1=corr][order of flow estimate] TH2D *fNonEmptyBins2D[2]; // [0=RP,1=POI] TH1D *fNonEmptyBins1D[2][2]; // [0=RP,1=POI][0=pt,1=eta] // 5.) distributions: TList *fDistributionsList; // list to hold all distributions TH1D *fDistributions[2][2][4]; // [0=pWeights not used,1=pWeights used][0=exact eWeights,1=non-exact eWeights][0=<2>,1=<4>,2=<6>,3=<8>] // x.) debugging and cross-checking: // Remark: for weighted correlations cross-checking is performed only with phi weights (this is sufficient) TList *fNestedLoopsList; // list to hold all profiles filled with nested loops Bool_t fEvaluateNestedLoopsForIntFlow; // evaluate nested loops relevant for integrated flow Bool_t fEvaluateNestedLoopsForDiffFlow; // evaluate nested loops relevant for differential flow TProfile *fEvaluateNestedLoops; // profile with two bins to hold values of fEvaluateNestedLoopsForIntFlow and fEvaluateNestedLoopsForDiffFlow TProfile *fDirectCorrelations; // reduced multi-particle correlations calculated with nested loop relevant for int. flow TProfile *fDirectCorrectionsCos; // corrections for non-uniform acceptance (cos terms) calculated with nested loops (int. flow) TProfile *fDirectCorrectionsSin; // corrections for non-uniform acceptance (sin terms) calculated with nested loops (int. flow) TProfile *fDirectCorrelationsDiffFlow; // multi-particle correlations calculated with nested loop relevant for diff. flow TProfile *fDirectCorrectionsDiffFlowCos; // corrections for non-uniform acceptance (cos terms) calculated with nested loops (diff. flow) TProfile *fDirectCorrectionsDiffFlowSin; // corrections for non-uniform acceptance (sin terms) calculated with nested loops (diff. flow) TProfile *fDirectCorrelationsW; // weighted multi-particle correlations calculated with nested loop relevant for int. flow TProfile *fDirectCorrectionsCosW; // weighted corrections for non-uniform acceptance (cos terms) calculated with nested loops (int. flow) TProfile *fDirectCorrectionsSinW; // weighted corrections for non-uniform acceptance (sin terms) calculated with nested loops (int. flow) TProfile *fDirectCorrelationsDiffFlowW; // weighted reduced multi-particle correlations calculated with nested loop relevant for diff. flow TProfile *fDirectCorrectionsDiffFlowCosW; // weighted corrections for non-uniform acceptance (cos terms) calculated with nested loops (diff. flow) TProfile *fDirectCorrectionsDiffFlowSinW; // weighted corrections for non-uniform acceptance (sin terms) calculated with nested loops (diff. flow) ClassDef(AliFlowAnalysisWithQCumulants, 0); }; //================================================================================================================ #endif