Color_t Color(UShort_t d, Char_t r ) const { return ((d == 1 ? kRed : (d == 2 ? kGreen : kBlue)) + ((r == 'I' || r == 'i') ? 2 : -2)); } /** * * @param sys Collision system * @param cms Center of mass energy per nucleon in GeV * @param field Magnetic field * * @ingroup pwg2_forward_analysis_scripts */ void RunCopyMergeEff(UShort_t sys, UShort_t cms, Short_t field) { gROOT->Macro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/FORWARD/analysis2/scripts/LoadLibs.C"); gSystem->Load(""); AliFMDAnaParameters* p = AliFMDAnaParameters::Instance(); p->SetEnergy(Float_t(cms)); p->SetMagField(Float_t(field)); p->SetCollisionSystem(sys == 1 ? "pp" : "PbPb"); p->Init(true, AliFMDAnaParameters::kBackgroundCorrection| AliFMDAnaParameters::kSharingEfficiency); Int_t nVtx = p->GetNvtxBins(); Double_t minVtx = -p->GetVtxCutZ(); Double_t maxVtx = -p->GetVtxCutZ(); Int_t nEta = p->GetNetaBins(); Double_t minEta = p->GetEtaMin(); Double_t maxEta = p->GetEtaMax(); TAxis vtxAxis(nVtx, minVtx, maxVtx); AliFMDCorrMergingEfficiency* m = new AliFMDCorrMergingEfficiency; m->SetVertexAxis(nVtx, minVtx, maxVtx); for (UShort_t d = 1; d <= 3; d++) { UShort_t nQ = (d == 1 ? 1 : 2); for (UShort_t q = 0; q < nQ; q++) { Char_t r = (q == 0 ? 'I' : 'O'); for (UShort_t b = 1; b <= nVtx; b++) { TH1F* oldmap = p->GetSharingEfficiency(d, r, b-1); if (!oldmap) { Warning("RunCopyMergeEff", "Didn't find secondary map correction " "for FMD%d%c, vertex bin %3d", d, r, b); continue; } TH1D* newmap = new TH1D(Form("FMD%d%c_vtxbin%03d", d, r, b), Form("Merging efficiency for FMD%d%c " "in vertex bin %d [%+8.4f,%+8.4f]", d, r, b, vtxAxis.GetBinLowEdge(b), vtxAxis.GetBinUpEdge(b)), nEta, minEta, maxEta); newmap->SetXTitle("#eta"); newmap->SetYTitle("dN_{ch,i,incl}/d#eta / #sum_{i} N_{ch,i,FMD}"); newmap->SetDirectory(0); newmap->SetStats(0); newmap->Sumw2(); newmap->Add(oldmap); Info("RunCopyMergeEff", "Copying %s to %s", oldmap->GetName(), newmap->GetName()); m->SetCorrection(d, r, b, newmap); } } } AliForwardCorrectionManager& mgr = AliForwardCorrectionManager::Instance(); TString fname(mgr.GetFileName(AliForwardCorrectionManager::kMergingEfficiency, sys, cms, field, false)); TFile* output = TFile::Open(fname.Data(), "RECREATE"); if (!output) { Warning("Run", "Failed to open output file %s", fname.Data()); return kFALSE; } m->Write(mgr.GetObjectName(AliForwardCorrectionManager::kMergingEfficiency)); output->Write(); output->Close(); Info("Run", "File %s created. It should be copied to %s and stored in SVN", fname.Data(), mgr.GetFileDir(AliForwardCorrectionManager::kMergingEfficiency)); } // // EOF //