// // Class AliRsnAnalysisSE // // Virtual Class derivated from AliRsnVAnalysisTaskSE which will be base class // for all RSN SE tasks // // authors: Martin Vala (martin.vala@cern.ch) // Alberto Pulvirenti (alberto.pulvirenti@ct.infn.it) // #include #include #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "AliRsnCutSet.h" #include "AliRsnVATProcessInfo.h" #include "AliRsnAnalysisSE.h" ClassImp(AliRsnAnalysisSE) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnAnalysisSE::AliRsnAnalysisSE(const char *name, Bool_t useKine) : AliRsnVAnalysisTaskSE(name, useKine), fRsnAnalysisManager(), fEventCuts("eventCuts", AliRsnCut::kEvent), fOutList(0x0), fZeroEventPercentWarning(100), fUseZeroEventWarning(kTRUE) { // // Default constructor. // Defines another output slot for histograms/ntuples // DefineOutput(2, TList::Class()); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnAnalysisSE::AliRsnAnalysisSE(const AliRsnAnalysisSE& copy) : AliRsnVAnalysisTaskSE(copy), fRsnAnalysisManager(copy.fRsnAnalysisManager), fEventCuts(copy.fEventCuts), fOutList(0x0), fZeroEventPercentWarning(copy.fZeroEventPercentWarning), fUseZeroEventWarning(copy.fUseZeroEventWarning) { // // Copy constructor. // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnAnalysisSE& AliRsnAnalysisSE::operator=(const AliRsnAnalysisSE& copy) { // // Assigment operator. // AliRsnVAnalysisTaskSE::operator=(copy); fRsnAnalysisManager = copy.fRsnAnalysisManager; fEventCuts = copy.fEventCuts; if (fOutList) fOutList->Clear(); fZeroEventPercentWarning = copy.fZeroEventPercentWarning; fUseZeroEventWarning = copy.fUseZeroEventWarning; return (*this); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnAnalysisSE::RsnUserCreateOutputObjects() { // // Creation of output objects. // These are created through the utility methods in the analysis manager, // which asks all the AliRsnPair objects to initialize their output which // is then linked to the TList data member of this, which will contain all the output. // if (!fOutList) fOutList = new TList; fOutList->Clear(); fRsnAnalysisManager.InitAllPairs(fOutList); PostData(2, fOutList); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnAnalysisSE::RsnUserExec(Option_t*) { // // Execution of the analysis task. // Recovers the input event and processes it with all included pair objects, // using 'reconstructed' or 'MonteCarlo' functions depending on MC-only flag. // if (fMCOnly) fRsnAnalysisManager.ProcessAllPairsMC(); else fRsnAnalysisManager.ProcessAllPairs(); PostData(2, fOutList); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnAnalysisSE::RsnTerminate(Option_t*) { // // Termination. // Could be added some monitor histograms here. // } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRsnAnalysisSE::EventProcess() { // // Customized event pre-processing. // First checks if the current event passes all cuts, // and if it does, updates the informations and then // call the operations which are already defined in the // omonyme function in mother class // // initially, an event is expected to be bad fTaskInfo.SetEventUsed(kFALSE); // check #1: number of tracks in event (reject empty events) Int_t ntracks = fRsnEvent.GetMultiplicity(); Double_t zeroEventPercent = 0.0; if (ntracks < 1) { // if using the checker for amount of empty events, update it if (fUseZeroEventWarning) { TH1I *hist = (TH1I*)fInfoList->FindObject(fTaskInfo.GetEventHistogramName()); if (hist) { if (hist->Integral() > 1) zeroEventPercent = (Double_t)hist->GetBinContent(1) / hist->Integral() * 100; if ((zeroEventPercent > fZeroEventPercentWarning) && (fEntry > 100)) AliWarning(Form("%3.2f%% Events are with zero tracks (CurrentEvent=%d)!!!", zeroEventPercent, fEntry)); } } // empty events are rejected by default fTaskInfo.SetEventUsed(kFALSE); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug, "Empty event. Skipping..."); return kFALSE; } // check the event cuts and update the info data accordingly // events not passing the cuts must be rejected if (!fEventCuts.IsSelected(&fRsnEvent)) { fTaskInfo.SetEventUsed(kFALSE); return kFALSE; } // if we reach this point, cuts were passed; // then additional operations can be done // find leading particle (without any PID/momentum restriction) fRsnEvent.SelectLeadingParticle(0); // final return value is positive // but call the mother class method which updates info object fTaskInfo.SetEventUsed(kTRUE); return AliRsnVAnalysisTaskSE::EventProcess(); }