////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This class has been automatically generated on // Wed Aug 17 17:16:33 2005 by ROOT version 5.02/00 // from TTree esdTree/Tree with ESD objects // found on file: AliESDs.root // and modified by P.Hristov // // updated for using class ANALYSIS/AliAODv0 by B.Hippolyte ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef aodV0_h #define aodV0_h #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class AliESD; class aodV0 : public TSelector { public: aodV0(TTree *tree=0); virtual ~aodV0(); virtual Int_t Version() const {return 1;} virtual void Begin(TTree *tree); virtual void SlaveBegin(TTree *tree); virtual void Init(TTree *tree); virtual Bool_t Notify(); virtual Bool_t Process(Long64_t entry); virtual void SetOption(const char *option) { fOption = option; } virtual void SetObject(TObject *obj) { fObject = obj; } virtual void SetInputList(TList *input) {fInput = input;} virtual TList *GetOutputList() const { return fOutput; } virtual void SlaveTerminate(); virtual void Terminate(); private: TTree *fChain; //! pointer to the analyzed TTree or TChain // Declaration of leave types AliESD *fESD; //! // Histograms TH1F* fHistV0PerEvent; //! TH1F* fHistMassK0; //! TH1F* fHistMassLambda; //! TH1F* fHistMassAntiLambda; //! TH2F* fHistMassLambdaVsProb; //! TH1F* fHistMassLambdaCut; //! TH1F* fHistMassAntiLambdaCut; //! // AOD Histograms TH2F* fHistPtVsRapK0Short; //! TH2F* fHistPtVsRapLambda; //! TH2F* fHistArmenterosPodolanski; //! ClassDef(aodV0,0); }; #endif