=================================================== ESDMuonFilter task for filling the muon iformation in the AOD from the ESD Roberta ARNALDI, Torino --------------------------------------------------------------- 1) RunESDMuonFilter.C --> macro to run locally the AliAnalysisTaskESDMuonFilter 2) AliAnalysisTaskESDMuonFilter.h --> analysis task to produce the Muon AOD from ESD 3) AliAnalysisTaskESDMuonFilter.cxx --> analysis task to produce the Muon AOD from ESD 4) libPWG3muon.pkg 5) PWG3muonLinkDef.h =================================================== Calculation of the LUT Bogdan VULPESCU, Clermont --------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis task for the calculation of the Look-up-Tables used by the MUON trigger algorithm Purpose: extract from ESD files track information (ESD track parameters and matched local trigger decisions) and store in TNtuple; the ntuple is used for building 2D histograms (transverse momentum / local deviation) which afterwards enter calculation/optimization procedures for the selection of LUT cuts for individual local boards and several transverse momenta. This version is prepared for the use on the grid, see the JDL file. Files: AliAnalysisTaskLUT.cxx - source files of the analysis task AliAnalysisTaskLUT.h rootlutnt.sh - executable (script) runCreateLUTNT.C - macro for setting the libraries environment and execution of the main macro analysisTaskLUTNT.C - main macro for the analysis createLUTNT.jdl - JDL file =================================================== Analysis task for the calculation of the trigger chamber efficiency. Diego STOCCO, Torino ---------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: produce histograms for the trigger chamber efficiency determination from MUON track info. The task works either with input ESD or AOD (default is ESD). This version works either locally or on grid. Files: AliAnalysisTaskTrigChEff.cxx -source files of the analysis task AliAnalysisTaskTrigChEff.h AnalysisTrigChEff.C - main macro for analysis Test analysis: - Preliminary: copy the following packages in the current working directory - STEERBase.par - ESD.par - AOD.par - ANALYSIS.par - ANALYSISalice.par - PWG3muon.par If the packages are not present, create them: cd $ALICE_ROOT make STEERBase.par make ESD.par ... - Local test: root .x AnalysisTrigChEff.C(kMlocal) by default the macro searches for ESD in $ALICE_ROOT/MUON/test_out.100 The directory is generated by MUON/AlirootRun_MUONtest.sh (see README in MUON). - Grid test (interactive): root .x AnalysisTrigChEff.C(kMlocalGrid) by default the macro searches for a wn.xml in the current directory, with the list of grid files to analyse. - Display results: The macro creates the file MUON.TriggerEfficiencyMap.root aliroot AliMUONTriggerEfficiencyCells effCells("MUON.TriggerEfficiencyMap.root") effCells.DisplayEfficiency()