/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /* History of cvs commits: * * $Log$ * Revision 1.3 2007/10/29 13:48:42 gustavo * Corrected coding violations * * Revision 1.2 2007/08/17 12:40:04 schutz * New analysis classes by Gustavo Conesa * * Revision 2007/07/26 10:32:09 schutz * new analysis classes in the the new analysis framework * * */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // Class that contains methods to select candidate pairs to neutral meson // 2 main selections, invariant mass around pi0 (also any other mass), // apperture angle to distinguish from combinatorial. // There is a 3rd cut based on the gamma correlation on phi or pt. //-- Author: Gustavo Conesa (INFN-LNF) // --- ROOT system --- #include #include #include #include #include //---- AliRoot system ---- #include "AliNeutralMesonSelection.h" #include "AliLog.h" ClassImp(AliNeutralMesonSelection) //____________________________________________________________________________ AliNeutralMesonSelection::AliNeutralMesonSelection() : TObject(), fSelect(0), fM(0), fInvMassMaxCut(0.), fInvMassMinCut(0.), fAngleMaxParam(), fMinPt(0), fDeltaPhiMaxCut(0.), fDeltaPhiMinCut(0.), fRatioMaxCut(0), fRatioMinCut(0), fKeepNeutralMesonHistos(0), fhAnglePairNoCut(0), fhAnglePairCorrelationCut(0), fhAnglePairOpeningAngleCut(0), fhAnglePairAllCut(0), fhInvMassPairNoCut(0), fhInvMassPairCorrelationCut(0), fhInvMassPairOpeningAngleCut(0), fhInvMassPairAllCut(0) { //Default Ctor //Initialize parameters // kGammaHadron and kGammaJet fAngleMaxParam.Set(4) ; fAngleMaxParam.Reset(0.); //Initialize parameters InitParameters(); } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliNeutralMesonSelection::AliNeutralMesonSelection(const AliNeutralMesonSelection & g) : TObject(), fSelect(g.fSelect), fM(g.fM), fInvMassMaxCut(g.fInvMassMaxCut), fInvMassMinCut(g.fInvMassMinCut), fAngleMaxParam(g.fAngleMaxParam), fMinPt(g.fMinPt), fDeltaPhiMaxCut(g.fDeltaPhiMaxCut), fDeltaPhiMinCut(g.fDeltaPhiMinCut), fRatioMaxCut(g.fRatioMaxCut), fRatioMinCut(g.fRatioMinCut), fKeepNeutralMesonHistos(g.fKeepNeutralMesonHistos), fhAnglePairNoCut(g. fhAnglePairNoCut), fhAnglePairCorrelationCut(g. fhAnglePairCorrelationCut), fhAnglePairOpeningAngleCut(g. fhAnglePairOpeningAngleCut), fhAnglePairAllCut(g. fhAnglePairAllCut), fhInvMassPairNoCut(g.fhInvMassPairNoCut), fhInvMassPairCorrelationCut(g.fhInvMassPairCorrelationCut), fhInvMassPairOpeningAngleCut(g.fhInvMassPairOpeningAngleCut), fhInvMassPairAllCut(g.fhInvMassPairAllCut) { // cpy ctor } //_________________________________________________________________________ AliNeutralMesonSelection & AliNeutralMesonSelection::operator = (const AliNeutralMesonSelection & source) { // assignment operator if(this == &source)return *this; ((TObject *)this)->operator=(source); fSelect = source.fSelect ; fM = source.fM ; fInvMassMaxCut = source.fInvMassMaxCut ; fInvMassMinCut = source.fInvMassMinCut ; fAngleMaxParam = source.fAngleMaxParam ; fMinPt = source.fMinPt ; fDeltaPhiMaxCut = source.fDeltaPhiMaxCut ; fDeltaPhiMinCut = source.fDeltaPhiMinCut ; fRatioMaxCut = source.fRatioMaxCut ; fRatioMinCut = source.fRatioMinCut ; fKeepNeutralMesonHistos = source.fKeepNeutralMesonHistos; fhAnglePairNoCut = source. fhAnglePairNoCut ; fhAnglePairCorrelationCut = source. fhAnglePairCorrelationCut ; fhAnglePairOpeningAngleCut = source. fhAnglePairOpeningAngleCut ; fhAnglePairAllCut = source. fhAnglePairAllCut ; fhInvMassPairNoCut = source.fhInvMassPairNoCut ; fhInvMassPairCorrelationCut = source.fhInvMassPairCorrelationCut ; fhInvMassPairOpeningAngleCut = source.fhInvMassPairOpeningAngleCut ; fhInvMassPairAllCut = source.fhInvMassPairAllCut ; return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliNeutralMesonSelection::~AliNeutralMesonSelection() { // Remove all pointers except analysis output pointers. } //________________________________________________________________________ TList * AliNeutralMesonSelection::GetCreateOutputObjects() { // Create histograms to be saved in output file and // store them in outputContainer TList * outputContainer = new TList() ; outputContainer->SetName("MesonDecayHistos") ; fhAnglePairNoCut = new TH2F ("AnglePairNoCut", "Angle between all #gamma pair vs E_{#pi^{0}}",200,0,50,200,0,0.2); fhAnglePairNoCut->SetYTitle("Angle (rad)"); fhAnglePairNoCut->SetXTitle("E_{ #pi^{0}} (GeV)"); fhAnglePairOpeningAngleCut = new TH2F ("AnglePairOpeningAngleCut", "Angle between all #gamma pair (opening angle + azimuth cut) vs E_{#pi^{0}}" ,200,0,50,200,0,0.2); fhAnglePairOpeningAngleCut->SetYTitle("Angle (rad)"); fhAnglePairOpeningAngleCut->SetXTitle("E_{ #pi^{0}} (GeV)"); fhAnglePairAllCut = new TH2F ("AnglePairAllCut", "Angle between all #gamma pair (opening angle + inv mass cut+azimuth) vs E_{#pi^{0}}" ,200,0,50,200,0,0.2); fhAnglePairAllCut->SetYTitle("Angle (rad)"); fhAnglePairAllCut->SetXTitle("E_{ #pi^{0}} (GeV)"); // fhInvMassPairNoCut = new TH2F ("InvMassPairNoCut","Invariant Mass of all #gamma pair vs E_{#pi^{0}}", 120,0,120,360,0,0.5); fhInvMassPairNoCut->SetYTitle("Invariant Mass (GeV/c^{2})"); fhInvMassPairNoCut->SetXTitle("E_{ #pi^{0}} (GeV)"); fhInvMassPairOpeningAngleCut = new TH2F ("InvMassPairOpeningAngleCut", "Invariant Mass of #gamma pair (angle cut) vs E_{#pi^{0}}", 120,0,120,360,0,0.5); fhInvMassPairOpeningAngleCut->SetYTitle("Invariant Mass (GeV/c^{2})"); fhInvMassPairOpeningAngleCut->SetXTitle(" E_{#pi^{0}}(GeV)"); fhInvMassPairAllCut = new TH2F ("InvMassPairAllCut", "Invariant Mass of #gamma pair (opening angle+invmass cut) vs E_{#pi^{0}}", 120,0,120,360,0,0.5); fhInvMassPairAllCut->SetYTitle("Invariant Mass (GeV/c^{2})"); fhInvMassPairAllCut->SetXTitle("E_{#pi^{0}}(GeV)"); fhAnglePairCorrelationCut = new TH2F ("AnglePairCorrelationCut", "Angle between correlated #gamma pair vs E_{#pi^{0}}",200,0,50,200,0,0.2); fhAnglePairCorrelationCut->SetYTitle("Angle (rad)"); fhAnglePairCorrelationCut->SetXTitle("E_{ #pi^{0}} (GeV)"); fhInvMassPairCorrelationCut = new TH2F ("InvMassPairCorrelationCut","Invariant Mass of correlated #gamma pair vs E_{#pi^{0}}", 120,0,120,360,0,0.5); fhInvMassPairCorrelationCut->SetYTitle("Invariant Mass (GeV/c^{2})"); fhInvMassPairCorrelationCut->SetXTitle("E_{ #pi^{0}} (GeV)"); outputContainer->Add(fhAnglePairNoCut) ; outputContainer->Add(fhAnglePairOpeningAngleCut) ; outputContainer->Add(fhAnglePairAllCut) ; outputContainer->Add(fhInvMassPairNoCut) ; outputContainer->Add(fhInvMassPairOpeningAngleCut) ; outputContainer->Add(fhInvMassPairAllCut) ; outputContainer->Add(fhAnglePairCorrelationCut) ; outputContainer->Add(fhInvMassPairCorrelationCut) ; return outputContainer; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliNeutralMesonSelection::InitParameters() { //Initialize the parameters of the analysis. fKeepNeutralMesonHistos = kTRUE ; //-------------kHadron, kJetLeadCone----------------- fAngleMaxParam.Set(4) ; fAngleMaxParam.AddAt(0.4,0);//={0.4,-0.25,0.025,-2e-4}; fAngleMaxParam.AddAt(-0.25,1) ; fAngleMaxParam.AddAt(0.025,2) ; fAngleMaxParam.AddAt(-2e-4,3) ; fInvMassMaxCut = 0.16 ; fInvMassMinCut = 0.11 ; fM = 0.1349766;//neutralMeson mass fMinPt = 0. ; fDeltaPhiMaxCut = 4.5; fDeltaPhiMinCut = 1.5 ; fRatioMaxCut = 1.0 ; fRatioMinCut = 0.1 ; } //__________________________________________________________________________- Bool_t AliNeutralMesonSelection::IsAngleInWindow(const Float_t angle,const Float_t e) const { //Check if the opening angle of the candidate pairs is inside //our selection windowd Bool_t result = kFALSE; Double_t max = fAngleMaxParam.At(0)*TMath::Exp(fAngleMaxParam.At(1)*e) +fAngleMaxParam.At(2)+fAngleMaxParam.At(3)*e; Double_t arg = (e*e-2*fM*fM)/(e*e); Double_t min = 100. ; if(arg>0.) min = TMath::ACos(arg); if((angle=min)) result = kTRUE; return result; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliNeutralMesonSelection::CutPtPhi(Double_t ptg, Double_t phig, Double_t pt, Double_t phi) const { //Select pair if delta Bool_t cut = kFALSE ; if(fSelect == kNoSelectPhiPt) cut = kTRUE ; else if((phig-phi) > fDeltaPhiMinCut && ((phig-phi) < fDeltaPhiMaxCut)){ //Cut on pt if((fSelect == kSelectPhiPtRatio && ptg > 0. && pt/ptg > fRatioMinCut && pt/ptg < fRatioMaxCut) || (fSelect == kSelectPhiMinPt && pt > fMinPt) ) cut = kTRUE ; } else cut = kFALSE ; return cut ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliNeutralMesonSelection::SelectPair(TParticle * pGamma, TLorentzVector gammai, TLorentzVector gammaj) { //Search for the neutral pion within selection cuts Double_t ptg = pGamma->Pt(); Double_t phig = pGamma->Phi() ; Bool_t goodpair = kFALSE ; Double_t pt = (gammai+gammaj).Pt(); Double_t phi = (gammai+gammaj).Phi(); if(phi < 0) phi+=TMath::TwoPi(); Double_t invmass = (gammai+gammaj).M(); Double_t angle = gammaj.Angle(gammai.Vect()); Double_t e = (gammai+gammaj).E(); //Fill histograms with no cuts applied. fhAnglePairNoCut->Fill(e,angle); fhInvMassPairNoCut->Fill(e,invmass); //Cut on phig-phi meson if(CutPtPhi(ptg, phig, pt, phi)){ fhAnglePairCorrelationCut ->Fill(e,angle); fhInvMassPairCorrelationCut->Fill(e,invmass); //Cut on the aperture of the pair if(IsAngleInWindow(angle,e)){ fhAnglePairOpeningAngleCut ->Fill(e,angle); fhInvMassPairOpeningAngleCut->Fill(e,invmass); AliDebug(2,Form("Angle cut: pt %f, phi %f",pt,phi)); //Cut on the invariant mass of the pair if((invmass>fInvMassMinCut) && (invmassFill(e,invmass); fhAnglePairAllCut ->Fill(e,angle); goodpair = kTRUE; AliDebug(2,Form("IM cut: pt %f, phi %f",pt,phi)); }//(invmass>0.125) && (invmass<0.145) }//Opening angle cut } // cut on pt and phi return goodpair; } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliNeutralMesonSelection::Print(const Option_t * opt) const { //Print some relevant parameters set for the analysis if(! opt) return; Info("Print", "%s %s", GetName(), GetTitle() ) ; printf("mass : %f \n", fM ); printf("Invariant mass limits : %f < m < %f \n", fInvMassMinCut , fInvMassMinCut ); printf("Angle selection param: \n"); printf("p0 : %f", fAngleMaxParam.At(0)); printf("p1 : %f", fAngleMaxParam.At(1)); printf("p2 : %f", fAngleMaxParam.At(2)); printf("p3 : %f", fAngleMaxParam.At(3)); printf("pT meson > %f\n", fMinPt) ; printf("Phi gamma-meson < %f\n", fDeltaPhiMaxCut) ; printf("Phi gamma-meson > %f\n", fDeltaPhiMinCut) ; printf("pT meson / pT Gamma < %f\n", fRatioMaxCut) ; printf("pT meson / pT Gamma > %f\n", fRatioMinCut) ; printf("Keep Neutral Meson Histos = %d\n",fKeepNeutralMesonHistos); }