// $Id: AliPhJPhotonList.h,v 1.4 2008/05/08 13:44:45 djkim Exp $ //////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! \file AliPhJPhotonList.h \brief \author J. Rak, D.J.Kim, R.Diaz (University of Jyvaskyla) \email: djkim@jyu.fi \version $Revision: 1.4 $ \date $Date: 2008/05/08 13:44:45 $ */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef ALIPHJPHOTONLIST_H #define ALIPHJPHOTONLIST_H #include "TClonesArray.h" #include #include #include "JConst.h" #include "AliPhJPhoton.h" #include "AliJPhoton.h" //class TClonesArray; //class AliJPhoton; //class AliPhJPhoton; class AliPhJPhotonList : public TObject { public: AliPhJPhotonList(); AliPhJPhotonList(expName exp); AliPhJPhotonList(const AliPhJPhotonList& a); virtual ~AliPhJPhotonList(); void Reset(); //getters unsigned short GetNPhotons() const { return fPhotons; } AliPhJPhoton* GetPhoton(const unsigned int iph); AliJPhoton* GetAliJPhoton(const unsigned int iph); // ALICE getter //setters void SetNPhotons(const unsigned short nph) { fPhotons = nph; } int SetTClonesArraySize(const unsigned int nph); // add Photon void AddAliJPhoton(const unsigned int iph); // ALICE add AliPhJPhotonList& operator=(const AliPhJPhotonList& list); protected: TClonesArray *GetList() const { return fPhotonList; } TClonesArray *fPhotonList; //photon list unsigned short fPhotons; //number of photons in the list private: ClassDef(AliPhJPhotonList,1); }; #endif