// ****** // Task for topological study of three jet events by sona // ***** // ***** // ***** /************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliAnalysisTaskThreeJets.h" #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "AliAODVertex.h" #include "AliAODHandler.h" #include "AliAODTrack.h" #include "AliAODJet.h" #include "AliGenPythiaEventHeader.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliStack.h" #include "AliAnalysisHelperJetTasks.h" ClassImp(AliAnalysisTaskThreeJets) AliAnalysisTaskThreeJets::AliAnalysisTaskThreeJets() : AliAnalysisTaskSE(), fAOD(0x0), fBranchRec(""), fBranchGen(""), fUseAODInput(kFALSE), fR(0x0), fList(0x0), fGlobVar(1), fXsection(1), fhX3X4Rec(0x0), fhX3X4Gen(0x0), fhMu35Rec(0x0), fhMu34Rec(0x0), fhMu45Rec(0x0), fhMu35Gen(0x0), fhMu34Gen(0x0), fhMu45Gen(0x0), fhInOut(0x0), fhThrustRec2(0x0), fhThrustRec3(0x0), fhThrustGen2(0x0), fhThrustGen3(0x0), fhCGen2(0x0), fhCGen3(0x0), fhSGen2(0x0), fhSGen3(0x0), fhAGen2(0x0), fhAGen3(0x0), fhCRec2(0x0), fhCRec3(0x0), fhSRec2(0x0), fhSRec3(0x0), fhARec2(0x0), fhARec3(0x0), fhX3(0x0), fhX4(0x0), fhX5(0x0), fhXSec(0x0), fhX3X4Rec60(0x0), fhX3X4Rec60100(0x0), fhX3X4Rec100(0x0), fhX3X4Gen60(0x0), fhX3X4Gen60100(0x0), fhX3X4Gen100(0x0), fhdPhiThrustGen(0x0), fhdPhiThrustGenALL(0x0), fhdPhiThrustRec(0x0), fhdPhiThrustRecALL(0x0) { } AliAnalysisTaskThreeJets::AliAnalysisTaskThreeJets(const char * name): AliAnalysisTaskSE(name), fAOD(0x0), fBranchRec(""), fBranchGen(""), fUseAODInput(kFALSE), fR(0x0), fList(0x0), fGlobVar(1), fXsection(1), fhX3X4Rec(0x0), fhX3X4Gen(0x0), fhMu35Rec(0x0), fhMu34Rec(0x0), fhMu45Rec(0x0), fhMu35Gen(0x0), fhMu34Gen(0x0), fhMu45Gen(0x0), fhInOut(0x0), fhThrustRec2(0x0), fhThrustRec3(0x0), fhThrustGen2(0x0), fhThrustGen3(0x0), fhCGen2(0x0), fhCGen3(0x0), fhSGen2(0x0), fhSGen3(0x0), fhAGen2(0x0), fhAGen3(0x0), fhCRec2(0x0), fhCRec3(0x0), fhSRec2(0x0), fhSRec3(0x0), fhARec2(0x0), fhARec3(0x0), fhX3(0x0), fhX4(0x0), fhX5(0x0), fhXSec(0x0), fhX3X4Rec60(0x0), fhX3X4Rec60100(0x0), fhX3X4Rec100(0x0), fhX3X4Gen60(0x0), fhX3X4Gen60100(0x0), fhX3X4Gen100(0x0), fhdPhiThrustGen(0x0), fhdPhiThrustGenALL(0x0), fhdPhiThrustRec(0x0), fhdPhiThrustRecALL(0x0) { DefineOutput(1, TList::Class()); } Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskThreeJets::Notify() { // // Implemented Notify() to read the cross sections // and number of trials from pyxsec.root // TTree *tree = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetTree(); UInt_t ntrials = 0; if(tree){ TFile *curfile = tree->GetCurrentFile(); if (!curfile) { Error("Notify","No current file"); return kFALSE; } TString fileName(curfile->GetName()); if(fileName.Contains("AliESDs.root")){ fileName.ReplaceAll("AliESDs.root", "pyxsec.root"); } else if(fileName.Contains("AliAOD.root")){ fileName.ReplaceAll("AliAOD.root", "pyxsec.root"); } else if(fileName.Contains("galice.root")){ // for running with galice and kinematics alone... fileName.ReplaceAll("galice.root", "pyxsec.root"); } TFile *fxsec = TFile::Open(fileName.Data()); if(!fxsec){ Printf("%s:%d %s not found in the Input",(char*)__FILE__,__LINE__,fileName.Data()); // no a severe condition return kTRUE; } TTree *xtree = (TTree*)fxsec->Get("Xsection"); if(!xtree){ Printf("%s:%d tree not found in the pyxsec.root",(char*)__FILE__,__LINE__); } xtree->SetBranchAddress("xsection",&fXsection); xtree->SetBranchAddress("ntrials",&ntrials); xtree->GetEntry(0); } return kTRUE; } //___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskThreeJets::UserCreateOutputObjects() { // // Create the output container // // Printf("Analysing event %s :: # %5d\n", gSystem->pwd(), (Int_t) fEntry); if(fUseAODInput){ fAOD = dynamic_cast(InputEvent()); if(!fAOD){ Printf("%s:%d AODEvent not found in Input Manager %d",(char*)__FILE__,__LINE__,fUseAODInput); return; } } else{ // assume that the AOD is in the general output... fAOD = AODEvent(); if(!fAOD){ Printf("%s:%d AODEvent not found in the Output",(char*)__FILE__,__LINE__); return; } } printf("AnalysisTaskJetSpectrum::UserCreateOutputObjects() \n"); fList = new TList(); fhX3X4Gen = new TH2F("X3vsX4Gen", "", 22, 0.6, 1.02, 33, 0.4, 1.02); fhX3X4Gen->SetXTitle("X_{3}"); fhX3X4Gen->SetYTitle("X_{4}"); fhX3X4Gen->Sumw2(); fList->Add(fhX3X4Gen); fhX3X4Rec = new TH2F("X3vsX4Rec", "", 22, 0.6, 1.02, 33, 0.4, 1.02); fhX3X4Rec->SetXTitle("X_{3}"); fhX3X4Rec->SetYTitle("X_{4}"); fhX3X4Rec->Sumw2(); fList->Add(fhX3X4Rec); fhMu35Rec = new TH1F("Mu35Rec", "", 20,0.1,0.8); fhMu35Rec->Sumw2(); fhMu35Rec->SetXTitle("#mu_{35}"); fhMu35Rec->SetYTitle("#frac{dN}{d#mu_{35Rec}}"); fList->Add(fhMu35Rec); fhMu34Rec = new TH1F("Mu34Rec", "", 20,0.5,1); fhMu34Rec->Sumw2(); fhMu34Rec->SetXTitle("#mu_{34}"); fhMu34Rec->SetYTitle("#frac{dN}{d#mu_{34}}"); fList->Add(fhMu34Rec); fhMu45Rec = new TH1F("Mu45Rec", "", 20,0,0.65); fhMu45Rec->Sumw2(); fhMu45Rec->SetXTitle("#mu_{45}"); fhMu45Rec->SetYTitle("#frac{dN}{d#mu_{45}}"); fList->Add(fhMu45Rec); fhMu35Gen = new TH1F("Mu35Gen", "", 20,0.1,0.8); fhMu35Gen->Sumw2(); fhMu35Gen->SetXTitle("#mu_{35Gen}"); fhMu35Gen->SetYTitle("#frac{dN}{d#mu_{35Gen}}"); fList->Add(fhMu35Gen); fhMu34Gen = new TH1F("Mu34Gen", "", 20,0.5,1); fhMu34Gen->Sumw2(); fhMu34Gen->SetXTitle("#mu_{34Gen}"); fhMu34Gen->SetYTitle("#frac{dN}{d#mu_{34Gen}}"); fList->Add(fhMu34Gen); fhMu45Gen = new TH1F("Mu45Gen", "", 20,0,0.65); fhMu45Gen->Sumw2(); fhMu45Gen->SetXTitle("#mu_{45Gen}"); fhMu45Gen->SetYTitle("#frac{dN}{d#mu_{45}}"); fList->Add(fhMu45Gen); fhInOut = new TH1I("InOut", "", 6, 0, 6); fhInOut->SetXTitle("#RecJets_{GenJets=3}"); fhInOut->SetYTitle("#Entries"); fList->Add(fhInOut); fhThrustGen2 = new TH1F("ThrustGen2", "", 50, 0.5, 1); fhThrustGen2->Sumw2(); fList->Add(fhThrustGen2); fhThrustGen3 = new TH1F("ThrustGen3", "", 50, 0.5, 1); fhThrustGen3->Sumw2(); fList->Add(fhThrustGen3); fhThrustRec2 = new TH1F("ThrustRec2", "", 50, 0.5, 1); fhThrustRec2->Sumw2(); fList->Add(fhThrustRec2); fhThrustRec3 = new TH1F("ThrustRec3", "", 50, 0.5, 1); fhThrustRec3->Sumw2(); fList->Add(fhThrustRec3); fhCGen2 = new TH1F("CGen2", "", 100, 0, 1); fhCGen2->Sumw2(); fList->Add(fhCGen2); fhCGen3 = new TH1F("CGen3", "", 100, 0, 1); fhCGen3->Sumw2(); fList->Add(fhCGen3); fhCRec2 = new TH1F("CRec2", "", 100, 0, 1); fhCRec2->Sumw2(); fList->Add(fhCRec2); fhCRec3 = new TH1F("CRec3", "", 100, 0, 1); fhCRec3->Sumw2(); fList->Add(fhCRec3); fhSGen2 = new TH1F("SGen2", "", 100, 0, 1); fList->Add(fhSGen2); fhSGen3 = new TH1F("SGen3", "", 100, 0, 1); fList->Add(fhSGen3); fhSRec2 = new TH1F("SRec2", "", 100, 0, 1); fList->Add(fhSRec2); fhSRec3 = new TH1F("SRec3", "", 100, 0, 1); fList->Add(fhSRec3); fhAGen2 = new TH1F("AGen2", "", 50, 0, 0.5); fList->Add(fhAGen2); fhAGen3 = new TH1F("AGen3", "", 50, 0, 0.5); fList->Add(fhAGen3); fhARec2 = new TH1F("ARec2", "", 50, 0, 0.5); fList->Add(fhARec2); fhARec3 = new TH1F("ARec3", "", 50, 0, 0.5); fList->Add(fhARec3); fhX3 = new TH2F("X3", "", 22, 0.6, 1.02, 100, 0, 1); fhX3->SetYTitle("|X_{3}^{MC} - X_{3}^{AOD}|/X_{3}^{MC}"); fhX3->SetXTitle("X_{3}"); fhX3->Sumw2(); fList->Add(fhX3); fhX4 = new TH2F("X4", "",33, 0.4, 1.02, 100, 0, 1); fhX4->SetYTitle("|X_{4}^{MC} - X_{4}^{AOD}|/X_{4}^{MC}"); fhX4->SetXTitle("X_{4}"); fhX4->Sumw2(); fList->Add(fhX4); fhX5 = new TH2F("X5", "",100, 0., 1., 100, 0, 1); fhX5->SetYTitle("|X_{5}^{MC} - X_{5}^{AOD}|/X_{5}^{MC}"); fhX5->SetXTitle("X_{5}"); fhX5->Sumw2(); fList->Add(fhX5); fhXSec = new TProfile("XSec", "", 200, 0, 200, 0, 1); fList->Add(fhXSec); fhX3X4Rec60 = new TH2F("X3vsX4Rec60", "", 22, 0.6, 1.02, 33, 0.4, 1.02); fhX3X4Rec60->SetXTitle("X_{3}"); fhX3X4Rec60->SetYTitle("X_{4}"); fhX3X4Rec60->Sumw2(); fList->Add(fhX3X4Rec60); fhX3X4Rec60100 = new TH2F("X3vsX4Rec60100", "", 22, 0.6, 1.02, 33, 0.4, 1.02); fhX3X4Rec60100->SetXTitle("X_{3}"); fhX3X4Rec60100->SetYTitle("X_{4}"); fhX3X4Rec60100->Sumw2(); fList->Add(fhX3X4Rec60100); fhX3X4Rec100 = new TH2F("X3vsX4Rec100", "", 22, 0.6, 1.02, 33, 0.4, 1.02); fhX3X4Rec100->SetXTitle("X_{3}"); fhX3X4Rec100->SetYTitle("X_{4}"); fhX3X4Rec100->Sumw2(); fList->Add(fhX3X4Rec100); fhX3X4Gen60 = new TH2F("X3vsX4Gen60", "", 22, 0.6, 1.02, 33, 0.4, 1.02); fhX3X4Gen60->SetXTitle("X_{3}"); fhX3X4Gen60->SetYTitle("X_{4}"); fhX3X4Gen60->Sumw2(); fList->Add(fhX3X4Gen60); fhX3X4Gen60100 = new TH2F("X3vsX4Gen60100", "", 22, 0.6, 1.02, 33, 0.4, 1.02); fhX3X4Gen60100->SetXTitle("X_{3}"); fhX3X4Gen60100->SetYTitle("X_{4}"); fhX3X4Gen60100->Sumw2(); fList->Add(fhX3X4Gen60100); fhX3X4Gen100 = new TH2F("X3vsX4Gen100", "", 22, 0.6, 1.02, 33, 0.4, 1.02); fhX3X4Gen100->SetXTitle("X_{3}"); fhX3X4Gen100->SetYTitle("X_{4}"); fhX3X4Gen100->Sumw2(); fList->Add(fhX3X4Gen100); fhdPhiThrustGen = new TH2F("dPhiThrustGen", "", 32, -1*TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi(), 25, 0, 150); fhdPhiThrustGen->Sumw2(); fList->Add(fhdPhiThrustGen); fhdPhiThrustGenALL = new TH2F("dPhiThrustGenALL", "", 32, -1*TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi(), 25, 0, 150); fhdPhiThrustGenALL->Sumw2(); fList->Add(fhdPhiThrustGenALL); fhdPhiThrustRec = new TH2F("dPhiThrustRec", "", 32, -1*TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi(), 25, 0, 150); fhdPhiThrustRec->Sumw2(); fList->Add(fhdPhiThrustRec); fhdPhiThrustRecALL = new TH2F("dPhiThrustRecALL", "", 32, -1*TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi(), 25, 0, 150); fhdPhiThrustRecALL->Sumw2(); fList->Add(fhdPhiThrustRecALL); Printf("UserCreateOutputObjects finished\n"); } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskThreeJets::Init() { printf("AliAnalysisJetCut::Init() \n"); } //____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskThreeJets::UserExec(Option_t * ) { // if (fDebug > 1) printf("Analysing event # %5d\n", (Int_t) fEntry); //create an AOD handler AliAODHandler *aodH = dynamic_cast(AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetOutputEventHandler()); if(!aodH) { Printf("%s:%d no output aodHandler found Jet",(char*)__FILE__,__LINE__); return; } AliMCEvent* mcEvent =MCEvent(); if(!mcEvent){ Printf("%s:%d no mcEvent",(char*)__FILE__,__LINE__); return; } if (fDebug > 10)Printf("%s:%d",(char*)__FILE__,__LINE__); //primary vertex AliAODVertex * pvtx = dynamic_cast(fAOD->GetPrimaryVertex()); if(!pvtx) return; AliAODJet genJetsPythia[kMaxJets]; Int_t nPythiaGenJets = 0; AliAODJet genJets[kMaxJets]; Int_t nGenJets = 0; AliAODJet recJets[kMaxJets]; Int_t nRecJets = 0; //array of reconstructed jets from the AOD input TClonesArray *aodRecJets = dynamic_cast(fAOD->FindListObject(fBranchRec.Data())); if(!aodRecJets){ Printf("%s:%d no reconstructed Jet array with name %s in AOD",(char*)__FILE__,__LINE__,fBranchRec.Data()); return; } // reconstructed jets nRecJets = aodRecJets->GetEntries(); nRecJets = TMath::Min(nRecJets, kMaxJets); for(int ir = 0;ir < nRecJets;++ir) { AliAODJet *tmp = dynamic_cast(aodRecJets->At(ir)); if(!tmp)continue; recJets[ir] = *tmp; } // If we set a second branch for the input jets fetch this TClonesArray * aodGenJets = dynamic_cast(fAOD->FindListObject(fBranchGen.Data())); if(!aodGenJets) { printf("NO MC jets Found\n"); return; } // //Generated jets nGenJets = aodGenJets->GetEntries(); nGenJets = TMath::Min(nGenJets, kMaxJets); for(Int_t ig =0 ; ig < nGenJets; ++ig) { AliAODJet * tmp = dynamic_cast(aodGenJets->At(ig)); if(!tmp)continue; genJets[ig] = * tmp; } AliGenPythiaEventHeader* pythiaGenHeader = AliAnalysisHelperJetTasks::GetPythiaEventHeader(mcEvent); if(!pythiaGenHeader){ Printf("!!!NO GEN HEADER AVALABLE!!!"); return; } // Int_t ProcessType = pythiaGenHeader->ProcessType(); // if(ProcessType != 28) return; fhXSec->Fill(pythiaGenHeader->GetPtHard(), fXsection); nPythiaGenJets = pythiaGenHeader->NTriggerJets(); nPythiaGenJets = TMath::Min(nPythiaGenJets, kMaxJets); Double_t eRec[kMaxJets]; Double_t eGen[kMaxJets]; Double_t eJetRec[kMaxJets]; // Double_t EJetGen[kMaxJets]; AliAODJet jetRec[kMaxJets]; AliAODJet jetGen[kMaxJets]; Int_t idxRec[kMaxJets]; Int_t idxGen[kMaxJets]; Double_t xRec[kMaxJets]; Double_t xGen[kMaxJets]; Double_t eSumRec = 0; Double_t eSumGen = 0; TLorentzVector vRec[kMaxJets]; TLorentzVector vRestRec[kMaxJets]; TLorentzVector vGen[kMaxJets]; TLorentzVector vRestGen[kMaxJets]; TLorentzVector vsumRec; TLorentzVector vsumGen; TVector3 pRec[kMaxJets]; TVector3 pGen[kMaxJets]; TVector3 pTrack[kTracks]; TVector3 pRestRec[kMaxJets]; TVector3 pRestGen[kMaxJets]; Double_t psumRestRec = 0; // Double_t psumRestGen = 0; //Pythia_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ for(int ip = 0;ip < nPythiaGenJets;++ip) { if(ip>=kMaxJets)continue; Float_t p[4]; pythiaGenHeader->TriggerJet(ip,p); genJetsPythia[ip].SetPxPyPzE(p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3]); } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //________histos for MC___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t nGenSel = 0; Int_t counter = 0; Int_t tag = 0; AliAODJet selJets[kMaxJets]; for(Int_t i = 0; i < nGenJets; i++) { if(nGenJets == 1) { selJets[nGenSel] = genJets[i]; nGenSel++; } else { counter = 0; tag = 0; for(Int_t j = 0; j < nGenJets; j++) { if(i!=j) { Double_t dRij = genJets[i].DeltaR(&genJets[j]); counter++; if(dRij > 2*fR) tag++; } } if(counter!=0) { if(tag/counter == 1) { selJets[nGenSel] = genJets[i]; nGenSel++; } } } } if(nGenSel == 0) return; for (Int_t gj = 0; gj < nGenSel; gj++) { eGen[gj] = selJets[gj].E(); } TMath::Sort(nGenSel, eGen, idxGen); for (Int_t ig = 0; ig < nGenSel; ig++) { jetGen[ig] = selJets[idxGen[ig]]; } AliStack * stack = mcEvent->Stack(); Int_t nMCtracks = stack->GetNprimary(); Double_t * eTracksMC = new Double_t[kTracks]; Double_t pTracksMC[kTracks]; Int_t * idxTracksMC = new Int_t[kTracks]; TLorentzVector jetTracksMC[kTracks]; TLorentzVector jetTracksSortMC[kTracks]; TVector3 pTrackMC[kTracks]; TLorentzVector vTrackMCAll[kTracks]; Double_t pTrackMCAll[kTracks]; TLorentzVector vTrackMC[kTracks]; TVector3 pTrackMCBoost[kTracks]; Double_t eventShapes[4]; Int_t nAccTr = 0; Int_t nInJet[kMaxJets]; TLorentzVector inJetPartV[kMaxJets][kTracks]; Int_t nAllTracksMC = 0; for(Int_t iTrack = 0; iTrack < nMCtracks; iTrack++) { TParticle * part = (TParticle*)stack->Particle(iTrack); if (!part) continue; Double_t fEta = part->Eta(); if(TMath::Abs(fEta) > .9) continue; if(!IsPrimChar(part, nMCtracks, 0)) continue; vTrackMCAll[nAllTracksMC].SetPxPyPzE(part->Px(), part->Py(), part->Pz(), part->Energy()); pTrackMCAll[nAllTracksMC] = part->Pt(); nAllTracksMC++; } if(nAllTracksMC == 0) return; for(Int_t iJet = 0; iJet < nGenSel; iJet++) { Int_t nJetTracks = 0; for(Int_t i = 0; i < nAllTracksMC; i++) { Double_t dPhi = (jetGen[iJet].Phi()-vTrackMCAll[i].Phi()); if(dPhi > TMath::Pi()) dPhi = dPhi - 2.*TMath::Pi(); if(dPhi < (-1.*TMath::Pi())) dPhi = dPhi + 2.*TMath::Pi(); Double_t dEta = (jetGen[iJet].Eta()-vTrackMCAll[i].Eta()); Double_t deltaR = TMath::Sqrt(dPhi*dPhi+dEta*dEta); if(deltaR < fR && vTrackMCAll[i].Pt() > 1.5) { jetTracksMC[nAccTr] = vTrackMCAll[i]; eTracksMC[nAccTr] = vTrackMCAll[i].E(); pTracksMC[nAccTr] = vTrackMCAll[i].Pt(); inJetPartV[iJet][nJetTracks].SetPxPyPzE(vTrackMCAll[i].Px(), vTrackMCAll[i].Py(), vTrackMCAll[i].Pz(),vTrackMCAll[i].E()); nAccTr++; nJetTracks++; } } nInJet[iJet] = nJetTracks; } if(nAccTr == 0) return; Printf("*********** Number of Jets : %d ***************\n", nGenSel); Double_t pTav[kMaxJets]; for(Int_t i = 0; i < nGenSel; i++) { Double_t pTsum = 0; Printf("*********** Number of particles in Jet %d = %d *******************\n", i+3, nInJet[i]); for(Int_t iT = 0; iT < nInJet[i]; iT++) { Double_t pt = inJetPartV[i][iT].Pt(); pTsum += pt; } pTav[i] = pTsum/nInJet[i]; } TMath::Sort(nAccTr, pTracksMC, idxTracksMC); for(Int_t i = 0; i < nAccTr; i++) { jetTracksSortMC[i] = jetTracksMC[idxTracksMC[i]]; pTrackMC[i].SetXYZ(jetTracksSortMC[i].Px(), jetTracksSortMC[i].Py(), jetTracksSortMC[i].Pz()); vTrackMC[i].SetPxPyPzE(jetTracksSortMC[i].Px(), jetTracksSortMC[i].Py(), jetTracksSortMC[i].Pz(), jetTracksSortMC[i].E()); } TVector3 n01MC = pTrackMC[0].Unit(); //Thrust calculation, iterative method if(nGenSel > 1) { // if(fGlobVar == 1) // { AliAnalysisHelperJetTasks::GetEventShapes(n01MC, pTrackMC, nAccTr, eventShapes); // } Double_t s = eventShapes[1]; Double_t a = eventShapes[2]; Double_t c = eventShapes[3]; switch(nGenSel) { case 2: { fhAGen2->Fill(a); fhSGen2->Fill(s); fhCGen2->Fill(c); } break; case 3: { fhAGen3->Fill(a); fhSGen3->Fill(s); fhCGen3->Fill(c); } break; } Double_t thrust01MC = eventShapes[0]; switch(nGenSel) { case 2: fhThrustGen2->Fill(thrust01MC, fXsection); break; case 3: fhThrustGen3->Fill(thrust01MC, fXsection); break; } } //rest frame MC jets for (Int_t i = 0; i < nGenSel; ++i) { vGen[i].SetPxPyPzE(jetGen[i].Px(), jetGen[i].Py(), jetGen[i].Pz(), jetGen[i].E()); pGen[i].SetXYZ(vGen[i].Px(), vGen[i].Py(), vGen[i].Pz()); vsumGen += vGen[i]; } if(eventShapes[0] >0.8 ) { for(Int_t i = 0; i < nGenSel; i++) fhdPhiThrustGen->Fill(n01MC.DeltaPhi(pGen[i]), jetGen[i].E()); } if(eventShapes[0] <= 0.8) { for(Int_t i = 0; i < nGenSel; i++) fhdPhiThrustGenALL->Fill(n01MC.DeltaPhi(pGen[i]), jetGen[i].E()); } Double_t fPxGen = vsumGen.Px(); Double_t fPyGen = vsumGen.Py(); Double_t fPzGen = vsumGen.Pz(); Double_t fEGen = vsumGen.E(); Double_t eRestGen[kMaxJets]; for (Int_t j = 0; j < nGenSel; j++) { vGen[j].Boost(-fPxGen/fEGen, -fPyGen/fEGen, -fPzGen/fEGen); eRestGen[j] = vGen[j].E(); } for (Int_t j = 0; j < nAccTr; j++) { vTrackMC[j].Boost(-fPxGen/fEGen, -fPyGen/fEGen, -fPzGen/fEGen); pTrackMCBoost[j].SetXYZ(vTrackMC[j].Px(),vTrackMC[j].Py(),vTrackMC[j].Pz()); } Int_t idxRestGen[kMaxJets]; TMath::Sort(nGenSel, eRestGen, idxRestGen); for(Int_t j = 0; j < nGenSel; j++) { vRestGen[j] = vGen[idxRestGen[j]]; eSumGen += vRestGen[j].E(); } if (nGenSel == 3) { // if(nInJet[0] < 3 || nInJet[1] < 3 || nInJet[2] < 3) return; // if(pRestGen[1].DeltaPhi(pRestGen[2]) > 0.95 && pRestGen[1].DeltaPhi(pRestGen[2]) < 1.15) // { for(Int_t i = 0; i < nGenSel; i++) { xGen[i] = 2*vRestGen[i].E()/eSumGen; } Printf("***************** Values of Dalitz variables are : %f, %f, %f ****************\n", xGen[0], xGen[1], xGen[2]); Printf("***************** fXSection = %f ******************\n", fXsection); if(eSumGen <= 60) fhX3X4Gen60->Fill(xGen[0], xGen[1], fXsection); if(eSumGen > 60 && eSumGen <= 100) fhX3X4Gen60100->Fill(xGen[0], xGen[1], fXsection); if(eSumGen > 100) fhX3X4Gen100->Fill(xGen[0], xGen[1], fXsection); FillTopology(fhX3X4Gen, fhMu34Gen, fhMu45Gen, fhMu35Gen, xGen, pRestGen, fXsection); } //_______________________________________________histos for MC_____________________________________________________ //_______________________________________________histos AOD________________________________________________________ // Printf("Event Number : %d, Number of gen jets : %d ", fEntry, nGenJets); Int_t nRecSel = 0; Int_t counter1 = 0; Int_t tag1 = 0; AliAODJet recSelJets[kMaxJets]; for(Int_t i = 0; i < nRecJets; i++) { if(nRecJets == 1) { recSelJets[nRecSel] = recJets[i]; nRecSel++; } else { counter1 = 0; tag1 = 0; for(Int_t j = 0; j < nRecJets; j++) { if(i!=j) { Double_t dRij = recJets[i].DeltaR(&recJets[j]); counter1++; if(dRij > 2*fR) tag1++; } } if(counter1!=0) { if(tag1/counter1 == 1) { recSelJets[nRecSel] = recJets[i]; nRecSel++; } } } } if(nRecSel == 0) return; //sort rec/gen jets by energy in C.M.S for (Int_t rj = 0; rj < nRecSel; rj++) { eRec[rj] = recSelJets[rj].E(); } // Int_t nAODtracks = fAOD->GetNumberOfTracks(); Int_t nTracks = 0; //tracks accepted in the whole event // Int_t nTracksALL = 0; TLorentzVector jetTracks[kTracks]; TLorentzVector jetTracksSort[kTracks]; Double_t * eTracks = new Double_t[kTracks]; Double_t pTracks[kTracks]; Int_t * idxTracks = new Int_t[kTracks]; Double_t eventShapesRec[4]; Int_t jetMult[kMaxJets]; // TLorentzVector vTracksAll[kTracks]; // Double_t pTracksAll[kTracks]; Int_t nAccJets = 0; AliAODJet jetRecAcc[kMaxJets]; Int_t nJetTracks = 0; AliAODTrack jetTrack[kTracks]; Double_t * cv = new Double_t[21]; TMath::Sort(nRecSel, eRec, idxRec); for (Int_t rj = 0; rj < nRecSel; rj++) { nJetTracks = 0; eJetRec[rj] = eRec[idxRec[rj]]; jetRec[rj] = recSelJets[idxRec[rj]]; TRefArray * jetTracksAOD = dynamic_cast(jetRec[rj].GetRefTracks()); if(!jetTracksAOD) continue; if(jetTracksAOD->GetEntries() < 3) continue; for(Int_t i = 0; i < jetTracksAOD->GetEntries(); i++) { AliAODTrack * track = (AliAODTrack*)jetTracksAOD->At(i); track->GetCovarianceXYZPxPyPz(cv); if(cv[14] > 1000.) continue; jetTrack[nTracks] = *track; jetTracks[nTracks].SetPxPyPzE(jetTrack[nTracks].Px(), jetTrack[nTracks].Py(), jetTrack[nTracks].Pz(), jetTrack[nTracks].E()); eTracks[nTracks] = jetTracks[nTracks].E(); pTracks[nTracks] = jetTracks[nTracks].Pt(); nTracks++; nJetTracks++; } if(nJetTracks < 3) continue; jetRecAcc[nAccJets] = jetRec[rj]; jetMult[nAccJets] = jetTracksAOD->GetEntries(); nAccJets++; } if (nAccJets == 0) return; TLorentzVector vTrack[kTracks]; TMath::Sort(nTracks, pTracks, idxTracks); for(Int_t i = 0; i < nTracks; i++) { jetTracksSort[i] = jetTracks[idxTracks[i]]; pTrack[i].SetXYZ(jetTracksSort[i].Px(), jetTracksSort[i].Py(), jetTracksSort[i].Pz()); vTrack[i].SetPxPyPzE(jetTracksSort[i].Px(), jetTracksSort[i].Py(), jetTracksSort[i].Pz(), jetTracksSort[i].E()); } for (Int_t i = 0; i < nAccJets; ++i) { vRec[i].SetPxPyPzE(jetRecAcc[i].Px(), jetRecAcc[i].Py(), jetRecAcc[i].Pz(), jetRecAcc[i].E()); pRec[i].SetXYZ(vRec[i].Px(), vRec[i].Py(), vRec[i].Pz()); vsumRec += vRec[i]; } //Thrust, iterative method, AODs TVector3 n01 = pTrack[0].Unit(); if(nAccJets > 1) { // if(fGlobVar == 1) // { AliAnalysisHelperJetTasks::GetEventShapes(n01, pTrack, nTracks, eventShapesRec); // } // fGlobVar = 0; // Double_t Max3 = TMath::Max(eventShapesRec0[0],eventShapesRec1[0]); // Double_t Max4 = TMath::Max(eventShapesRec3[0],eventShapesRec2[0]); Double_t thrust = eventShapesRec[0]; if(eventShapesRec[0] > 0.8) { for(Int_t i = 0; i < nAccJets; i++) fhdPhiThrustRec->Fill(n01.DeltaPhi(pRec[i]), jetRecAcc[i].E()); } if(eventShapesRec[0] <= 0.8) { for(Int_t i = 0; i < nAccJets; i++) fhdPhiThrustRecALL->Fill(n01.DeltaPhi(pRec[i]), jetRecAcc[i].E()); } switch(nAccJets) { case 2: fhThrustRec2->Fill(thrust, fXsection); break; case 3: fhThrustRec3->Fill(thrust, fXsection); break; } switch(nAccJets) { case 2: { fhARec2->Fill(eventShapesRec[2], fXsection); fhSRec2->Fill(eventShapesRec[1], fXsection); fhCRec2->Fill(eventShapesRec[3], fXsection); } break; case 3: { fhARec3->Fill(eventShapesRec[2], fXsection); fhSRec3->Fill(eventShapesRec[1], fXsection); fhCRec3->Fill(eventShapesRec[3], fXsection); } break; } } //rest frame for reconstructed jets Double_t fPx = vsumRec.Px(); Double_t fPy = vsumRec.Py(); Double_t fPz = vsumRec.Pz(); Double_t fE = vsumRec.E(); TVector3 pTrackRest[kTracks]; for(Int_t j = 0; j < nTracks; j++) { vTrack[j].Boost(-fPx/fE, -fPy/fE, -fPz/fE); pTrackRest[j].SetXYZ(vTrack[j].Px(), vTrack[j].Py(),vTrack[j].Pz()); } Double_t eRestRec[kMaxJets]; Int_t idxRestRec[kMaxJets]; for (Int_t j = 0; j < nAccJets; j++) { vRec[j].Boost(-fPx/fE, -fPy/fE, -fPz/fE); eRestRec[j] = vRec[j].E(); eSumRec += vRec[j].E(); } TMath::Sort(nAccJets, eRestRec, idxRestRec); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nAccJets; i++) { vRestRec[i] = vRec[idxRestRec[i]]; pRestRec[i].SetXYZ(vRestRec[i].Px(), vRestRec[i].Py(), vRestRec[i].Pz()); psumRestRec += pRestRec[i].Perp(); } if(nAccJets == 3) { // if(pRest[1].DeltaPhi(pRest[2]) > 0.95 && pRest[1].DeltaPhi(pRest[2]) < 1.15) // { fhInOut->Fill(nGenSel); // for(Int_t j = 0; j < nTracksALL; j++) // { // vTracksAll[j].Boost(-fPx/fE, -fPy/fE, -fPz/fE); // pTracksAll[j].SetXYZ(vTracksAll[j].Px(), vTracksAll[j].Py(),vTracksAll[j].Pz()); // fhdPhiRec->Fill(pRest[0].DeltaPhi(pTracksAll[j]), pTracksAll[j].Perp(), fXsection); // } //and the Dalitz variables and Energy distributions in the rest frame for (Int_t i = 0; i < nAccJets; i++) xRec[i] = 2*vRestRec[i].E()/eSumRec; if(eSumRec <= 60) fhX3X4Rec60->Fill(xRec[0], xRec[1], fXsection); if(eSumRec > 60 && eSumRec <= 100) fhX3X4Rec60100->Fill(xRec[0], xRec[1], fXsection); if(eSumRec > 100) fhX3X4Rec100->Fill(xRec[0], xRec[1], fXsection); if(nAccJets == 3 && nAccJets == nGenJets) { fhX3->Fill(xGen[0], TMath::Abs(xGen[0]-xRec[0])/xGen[0], fXsection); fhX4->Fill(xGen[1], TMath::Abs(xGen[1]-xRec[1])/xGen[1], fXsection); fhX5->Fill(xGen[2], TMath::Abs(xGen[2]-xRec[2])/xGen[2], fXsection); } FillTopology(fhX3X4Rec, fhMu34Rec, fhMu45Rec, fhMu35Rec, xRec, pRestRec, fXsection); } Printf("%s:%d",(char*)__FILE__,__LINE__); PostData(1, fList); Printf("%s:%d Data Posted",(char*)__FILE__,__LINE__); } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskThreeJets::Terminate(Option_t *) { printf("AnalysisJetCorrelation::Terminate()"); } //_______________________________________User defined functions_____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskThreeJets::FillTopology(TH2F * Dalitz, TH1F * fhMu34, TH1F * fhMu45, TH1F * fhMu35, Double_t * x, TVector3 * pRest, Double_t xsection) { // // fill the topology histos // Dalitz->Fill(x[0], x[1], xsection); fhMu35->Fill(TMath::Sqrt(x[0]*x[2]*(1-(pRest[0].Unit()).Dot(pRest[2].Unit()))/2), xsection); fhMu34->Fill(TMath::Sqrt(x[0]*x[1]*(1-(pRest[0].Unit()).Dot(pRest[1].Unit()))/2), xsection); fhMu45->Fill(TMath::Sqrt(x[1]*x[2]*(1-(pRest[1].Unit()).Dot(pRest[2].Unit()))/2), xsection); } //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskThreeJets::IsPrimChar(TParticle* aParticle, Int_t aTotalPrimaries, Bool_t adebug) { // // this function checks if a particle from the event generator (i.e. among the nPrim particles in the stack) // shall be counted as a primary particle // // This function or a equivalent should be available in some common place of AliRoot // // WARNING: Call this function only for particles that are among the particles from the event generator! // --> stack->Particle(id) with id < stack->GetNprimary() // if the particle has a daughter primary, we do not want to count it if (aParticle->GetFirstDaughter() != -1 && aParticle->GetFirstDaughter() < aTotalPrimaries) { if (adebug) printf("Dropping particle because it has a daughter among the primaries.\n"); return kFALSE; } Int_t pdgCode = TMath::Abs(aParticle->GetPdgCode()); // skip quarks and gluon if (pdgCode <= 10 || pdgCode == 21) { if (adebug) printf("Dropping particle because it is a quark or gluon.\n"); return kFALSE; } Int_t status = aParticle->GetStatusCode(); // skip non final state particles.. if(status!=1){ if (adebug) printf("Dropping particle because it is not a final state particle.\n"); return kFALSE; } if (strcmp(aParticle->GetName(),"XXX") == 0) { Printf("WARNING: There is a particle named XXX (pdg code %d).", pdgCode); return kFALSE; } TParticlePDG* pdgPart = aParticle->GetPDG(); if (strcmp(pdgPart->ParticleClass(),"Unknown") == 0) { Printf("WARNING: There is a particle with an unknown particle class (pdg code %d).", pdgCode); return kFALSE; } if (pdgPart->Charge() == 0) { if (adebug) printf("Dropping particle because it is not charged.\n"); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________________ //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliAnalysisTaskThreeJets::Exponent(Double_t x,const Double_t * const par) const { return par[0]*TMath::Power(1/TMath::E(), TMath::Power(par[1]/x, par[2])+0.5*TMath::Power((x-par[3])/par[0], 2))+par[4]*x; } Double_t AliAnalysisTaskThreeJets::Exponent2(Double_t x,const Double_t * const par) const { return par[0]*TMath::Power(1/TMath::E(), TMath::Power(par[1]/x, par[2]))+par[3]*x; } Double_t AliAnalysisTaskThreeJets::Gauss(Double_t x,const Double_t * const par) const { return 1/(par[1])*TMath::Power(1/TMath::E(), 0.5*(x-par[0])*(x-par[0])/(par[1]*par[1])); } Double_t AliAnalysisTaskThreeJets::Total(Double_t x,const Double_t * const par) const { return Exponent(x, par)+Gauss(x, &par[4]); }