/* $Id$ */ /* $Log$ */ //------------------------------------ // Configuration macro example: // // Do prompt photon analysis with kinematics // // Author : Gustavo Conesa Balbastre (INFN-LNF) //------------------------------------ AliAnaGamma* ConfigGammaAnalysis() { // // Configuration goes here // printf("ConfigGammaAnalysis() \n"); //----------------------------------------------------------- // Reader //----------------------------------------------------------- AliGammaMCReader *reader = new AliGammaMCReader(); // Switch "on" or "off" detectors used in study reader->SwitchOnEMCAL(kTRUE); reader->SwitchOnPHOS(kFALSE) ; reader->SwitchOnCTS(kTRUE) ; //Set detectors acceptance (in real and montecarlo data) reader->SetCTSEtaCut(1); reader->SetEMCALEtaCut(0.7); //reader->SetPHOSEtaCut(0.2); reader->SetPhiEMCALCut(40*TMath::DegToRad(), 200*TMath::DegToRad()); // reader->SetPhiPHOSCut(200*TMath::DegToRad(), 350*TMath::DegToRad()); //Set minimum pt for particles in analysis (in real and montecarlo data) reader->SetNeutralPtCut(0.5); reader->SetChargedPtCut(0.3); reader->SetDecayPi0Flag(AliGammaMCReader::kGeantDecay) ; //Options //kNoDecay :Do not decay pi0, keep them in the list as they are //kGeantDecay: Look for gamma decayed by GEANT //kDecay: Decay pi0 by hand (geant was not used) //kDecayGamma: Pi0 is decayed by PYTHIA, pi0 is not final check if photons overlapp //parameters to study if decay is overlapped: reader->SetEMCALIPDistance(450.); reader->SetPHOSIPDistance(460.); reader->SetEMCALMinAngle(2.5 * TMath::DegToRad() ); reader->SetPHOSMinAngle(0.45 * TMath::DegToRad() ); //Minimum overlapp distance reader->SetCheckOverlapping(kTRUE); //============================ //Prompt photon algoritm //============================== AliAnaGammaDirect *gd = new AliAnaGammaDirect(); gd->SetMinGammaPt(5.); gd->SetConeSize(0.5); gd->SetPtThreshold(1); gd->SetPtSumThreshold(.); gd->SetICMethod(AliAnaGammaDirect::kPtIC) ;//Options: //kNoIC: Accept all photons, no isolation used //kPtIC: IC with cut on pT //kSumPtIC: IC with cut on pT sum in cone //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Finally: Set analysis algorithm and reader //--------------------------------------------------------------------- ana = new AliAnaGamma(); ana->SetReader(reader);//pointer to reader ana->SetAnalysisType(AliAnaGamma::kPrompt); //set kPrompt, kCorrelation ana->SetGammaDirect(gd);//pointer to direct photon algorithm ana->SetCalorimeter("EMCAL"); //Prompt photon calorimeter // return ana ; }