#ifndef ALIANAEMCALTRIGGERCLUSTERS_H #define ALIANAEMCALTRIGGERCLUSTERS_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // // Class for study of EMCAL trigger behaviour // // -- Author: Gustavo Conesa (CNRS-LPSC-Grenoble) // // --- ROOT system --- class TH2F ; class TH1F; class TString ; class TObjString; class TList ; // --- ANALYSIS system --- #include "AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass.h" class AliAnaEMCALTriggerClusters : public AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass { public: AliAnaEMCALTriggerClusters() ; // default ctor virtual ~AliAnaEMCALTriggerClusters() { ; } // virtual dtor //--------------------------------------- // General analysis frame methods //--------------------------------------- TObjString * GetAnalysisCuts(); TList * GetCreateOutputObjects(); void Init(); void InitParameters(); void MakeAnalysisFillHistograms() ; void Print(const Option_t * opt)const; void FillBadTriggerEventHistogram(); void FillRawClusterTriggerBCHistograms(Int_t idcalo, Float_t ecluster, Float_t tofcluster, Float_t etacluster, Float_t phicluster); // Analysis parameters setters getters void SetNCellCut(Int_t n) { fNCellsCut = n ; } Double_t GetNCellCut() const { return fNCellsCut ; } void SetM02(Float_t min, Float_t max) { fMinM02 = min; fMaxM02 = max ; } Float_t GetM02Min() const { return fMinM02 ; } Float_t GetM02Max() const { return fMaxM02 ; } Bool_t IsTrackMatchRejectionOn() const { return fRejectTrackMatch ; } void SwitchOnTrackMatchRejection() { fRejectTrackMatch = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffTrackMatchRejection() { fRejectTrackMatch = kFALSE ; } private: Bool_t fRejectTrackMatch ; // Reject clusters which have an associated TPC track Int_t fNCellsCut ; // Accept for the analysis clusters with more than fNCellsCut cells Float_t fMinM02 ; // Remove clusters with large M02 Float_t fMaxM02 ; // Remove clusters with small M02 // Histograms TH1F * fhE ; //! Raw clusters E TH1F * fhESelected ; //! Selected custers E TH2F * fhEtaPhi ; //! Raw Pseudorapidity vs Phi of clusters for E > 0.5 TH2F * fhEtaPhiSelected ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of clusters for E > 0.5 TH2F * fhEtaPhiEMCALBC0 ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of clusters for E > 0.5 TH2F * fhEtaPhiEMCALBC1 ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of clusters for E > 0.5 TH2F * fhEtaPhiEMCALBCN ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of clusters for E > 0.5 TH2F * fhEtaPhiTriggerEMCALBC[11] ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of clusters for E > 2 TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBC [11] ; //! Time distribution of clusters, when trigger is in a given BC TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBCPileUpSPD[11]; //! Time distribution of clusters, when trigger is in a given BC, tagged as pile-up SPD TH2F * fhEtaPhiTriggerEMCALBCUM[11] ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of clusters for E > 2, not matched to trigger TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBCUM [11] ; //! Time distribution of clusters, when trigger is in a given BC, not matched to trigger TH2F * fhEtaPhiTriggerEMCALBCCluster [11] ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of trigger clusters TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBCCluster ; //! Time distribution of clusters, when trigger cluster is in a given BC TH2F * fhEtaPhiTriggerEMCALBCUMCluster[11] ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of highest E cluster in event, not matched to trigger TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBCUMCluster ; //! Time distribution of highest energy cluster in event, when trigger is in a given BC, not TH2F * fhEtaPhiTriggerEMCALBCClusterOverTh ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of trigger clusters, over nominal threshold TH2F * fhEtaPhiTriggerEMCALBCUMClusterOverTh ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of highest E cluster in event, not matched to trigger, over nominal threshold TH2F * fhEtaPhiTriggerEMCALBCClusterBelowTh1 ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of trigger clusters, 1 GeV below nominal threshold TH2F * fhEtaPhiTriggerEMCALBCUMClusterBelowTh1 ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of highest E cluster in event, not matched to trigger, 2 GeV below nominal threshold TH2F * fhEtaPhiTriggerEMCALBCClusterBelowTh2 ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of trigger clusters, 1 GeV below nominal threshold TH2F * fhEtaPhiTriggerEMCALBCUMClusterBelowTh2 ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of highest E cluster in event, not matched to trigger, 2 GeV below nominal threshold TH2F * fhEtaPhiTriggerEMCALBCExotic ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of trigger exotic clusters TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBCExotic ; //! Time distribution of clusters, when trigger exotic cluster TH2F * fhEtaPhiTriggerEMCALBCUMExotic ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of highest E exotic cluster in event, not matched to trigger TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBCUMExotic ; //! Time distribution of highest energy exotic cluster in event, not matched to trigger TH2F * fhEtaPhiTriggerEMCALBCBad ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of trigger exotic clusters TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBCBad ; //! Time distribution of clusters, when trigger exotic TH2F * fhEtaPhiTriggerEMCALBCUMBad ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of highest E exotic cluster in event, not matched to trigger TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBCUMBad ; //! Time distribution of highest energy exotic cluster in event, not matched to trigger TH2F * fhEtaPhiTriggerEMCALBCBadExotic ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of trigger exotic and bad clusters TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBCBadExotic ; //! Time distribution of clusters, when trigger exotic and bad cluster TH2F * fhEtaPhiTriggerEMCALBCUMBadExotic ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of highest E exotic cluster in event, not matched to trigger TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBCUMBadExotic ; //! Time distribution of highest energy exotic cluster in event, not matched to trigger TH2F * fhEtaPhiTriggerEMCALBCExoticCluster ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of trigger exotic clusters TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBCExoticCluster ; //! Time distribution of clusters, when trigger exotic cluster TH2F * fhEtaPhiTriggerEMCALBCUMExoticCluster ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of highest E exotic cluster in event, not matched to trigger TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBCUMExoticCluster ; //! Time distribution of highest energy exotic cluster in event, not matched to trigger TH2F * fhEtaPhiTriggerEMCALBCBadCluster ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of trigger bad clusters TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBCBadCluster ; //! Time distribution of clusters, when trigger bad cluster is in a given BC TH2F * fhEtaPhiTriggerEMCALBCUMBadCluster ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of highest E bad cluster in event, not matched to trigger TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBCUMBadCluster ; //! Time distribution of highest energy bad cluster in event, when trigger is in a given BC, not TH2F * fhEtaPhiTriggerEMCALBCBadExoticCluster ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of trigger exotic and bad clusters TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBCBadExoticCluster ; //! Time distribution of clusters, when trigger exotic and bad cluster TH2F * fhEtaPhiTriggerEMCALBCUMBadExoticCluster; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of highest E exotic and bad cluster in event, not matched to trigger TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBCUMBadExoticCluster ; //! Time distribution of highest energy exotic and bad cluster in event, not matched to trigger TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBCBadMaxCell ; //! Time distribution of trigger clusters, when trigger bad max cell TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBCUMBadMaxCell ; //! Time distribution of highest energy bad max cell cluster in event, when trigger is not found TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBCBadMaxCellExotic ; //! Time distribution of trigger clusters, when trigger exotic cluster with bad max cell TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBCUMBadMaxCellExotic ; //! Time distribution of highest energy exotic with bad max cell cluster in event, when trigger is not found TH2F * fhEtaPhiTriggerEMCALBCUMReMatchOpenTimeCluster ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of highest E bad cluster in event, not matched to trigger, rematched open time trigger TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBCUMReMatchOpenTimeCluster ; //! Time distribution of highest energy bad max cell cluster in event, when trigger is not found, rematched open time trigger TH2F * fhEtaPhiTriggerEMCALBCUMReMatchCheckNeighCluster; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of highest E bad cluster in event, not matched to trigger, rematched with neigbour patchs TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBCUMReMatchCheckNeighCluster ; //! Time distribution of highest energy bad max cell cluster in event, when trigger is not found, rematched with neigbour patchs TH2F * fhEtaPhiTriggerEMCALBCUMReMatchBothCluster; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of highest E bad cluster in event, not matched to trigger, rematched open both TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBCUMReMatchBothCluster ; //! Time distribution of highest energy bad max cell cluster in event, when trigger is not found, rematched open both TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBC0UMReMatchOpenTime ; //! Time distribution of clusters, not matched to trigger, rematched open time trigger TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBC0UMReMatchCheckNeigh ; //! Time distribution of clusters, not matched to trigger, rematched with neighbour patchs TH2F * fhTimeTriggerEMCALBC0UMReMatchBoth ; //! Time distribution of clusters, not matched to trigger, rematched open both TH2F * fhEtaPhiNoTrigger ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of highest E exotic cluster in event, no trigger at all TH2F * fhTimeNoTrigger ; //! Time distribution of highest energy exotic cluster in event, no trigger at all TH2F * fhEtaPhiSelectedEMCALBC0 ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of identified photon for E > 0.5 TH2F * fhEtaPhiSelectedEMCALBC1 ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of identified photon for E > 0.5 TH2F * fhEtaPhiSelectedEMCALBCN ; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of identified photon for E > 0.5 TH2F * fhEtaPhiSelectedTriggerEMCALBC[11]; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of photons for E > 0.5 TH2F * fhTimeSelectedTriggerEMCALBC [11]; //! Time distribution of photons, when trigger is in a given BC TH2F * fhTimeSelectedTriggerEMCALBCPileUpSPD[11] ; //! Time distribution of photons, when trigger is in a given BC, tagged as pile-up SPD TH2F * fhEtaPhiSelectedTriggerEMCALBCUM[11]; //! Pseudorapidity vs Phi of photons for E > 2, not matched to trigger TH2F * fhTimeSelectedTriggerEMCALBCUM [11]; //! Time distribution of photons, when trigger is in a given BC, not matched to trigger TH2F * fhTimeSelectedTriggerEMCALBC0UMReMatchOpenTime ; //! Time distribution of photons in event, when trigger is not found, rematched open time trigger TH2F * fhTimeSelectedTriggerEMCALBC0UMReMatchCheckNeigh ; //! Time distribution of photons in event, when trigger is not found, rematched with neigbour patchs TH2F * fhTimeSelectedTriggerEMCALBC0UMReMatchBoth ; //! Time distribution of photons in event, when trigger is not found, rematched open both AliAnaEMCALTriggerClusters( const AliAnaEMCALTriggerClusters & g) ; // cpy ctor AliAnaEMCALTriggerClusters & operator = (const AliAnaEMCALTriggerClusters & g) ; // cpy assignment ClassDef(AliAnaEMCALTriggerClusters,1) } ; #endif//ALIANAEMCALTRIGGERCLUSTERS_H