#ifndef ALIANAPARTICLEHADRONCORRELATION_H #define ALIANAPARTICLEHADRONCORRELATION_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // Class that contains the algorithm for the analysis of // particle - hadron correlations // Particle (for example direct gamma) must be found in a previous analysis // //-- Author: Gustavo Conesa (LNF-INFN) (LPSC-IN2P3-CNRS) // Yaxian Mao (LPSC-IN2P3-CNRS) and (CNWU) first usable implementation. // Xiangrong Zhu (CNWU), implementtion of own mixing. // // --- Analysis system --- #include "AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass.h" class AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation ; class AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation : public AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass { public: AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation() ; // default ctor virtual ~AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation() ; // virtual dtor // General methods TObjString * GetAnalysisCuts(); TList * GetCreateOutputObjects(); void Init(); void InitParameters(); void FillEventMixPool() ; void MakeAnalysisFillHistograms() ; void Print(const Option_t * opt) const; // Main analysis methods Bool_t FindLeadingOppositeHadronInWindow(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation * particle); Bool_t GetDecayPhotonMomentum (AliAODPWG4Particle* trigger, TLorentzVector & mom1, TLorentzVector & mom2); void MakeChargedCorrelation (AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation * particle) ; void MakeNeutralCorrelation (AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation * particle) ; void MakeMCChargedCorrelation (Int_t triggerMCLable, Int_t histoIndex) ; void MakeChargedMixCorrelation(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation * particle) ; // Filling histogram methods void FillChargedAngularCorrelationHistograms (Float_t ptAssoc, Float_t ptTrig, Int_t assocBin, Float_t phiAssoc, Float_t phiTrig, Float_t deltaPhi, Float_t etaAssoc, Float_t etaTrig, Int_t decayTag, Float_t hmpidSignal, Int_t outTOF, Int_t cenbin, Int_t mcTag); void FillChargedEventMixPool(); Bool_t FillChargedMCCorrelationHistograms (Float_t mcAssocPt, Float_t mcAssocPhi, Float_t mcAssocEta, Float_t mcTrigPt, Float_t mcTrigPhi, Float_t mcTrigEta, Int_t histoIndex); void FillChargedMomentumImbalanceHistograms (Float_t ptTrig, Float_t ptAssoc, Float_t deltaPhi, Int_t cenbin, Int_t charge, Int_t assocBin, Int_t decayTag, Int_t outTOF, Int_t mcTag ); void FillChargedUnderlyingEventHistograms (Float_t ptTrig, Float_t ptAssoc, Float_t deltaPhi, Int_t cenbin, Int_t outTOF); void FillChargedUnderlyingEventSidesHistograms(Float_t ptTrig, Float_t ptAssoc, Float_t deltaPhi); void FillDecayPhotonCorrelationHistograms (Float_t ptAssoc, Float_t phiAssoc, TLorentzVector mom1, TLorentzVector mom2, Bool_t bChargedOrNeutral); void FillNeutralEventMixPool(); void FillNeutralUnderlyingEventSidesHistograms(Float_t ptTrig, Float_t ptAssoc, Float_t zT, Float_t hbpZT, Float_t deltaPhi); Int_t GetMCTagHistogramIndex(Int_t tag); Bool_t IsTriggerTheEventLeadingParticle(); // Parameter setter and getter Float_t GetMinimumTriggerPt() const { return GetMinPt() ; } Float_t GetMaximumTriggerPt() const { return GetMaxPt() ; } void SetTriggerPtRange(Float_t min, Float_t max) { SetMinPt(min), SetMaxPt(max) ; } Float_t GetMaximumAssociatedPt() const { return fMaxAssocPt ; } Float_t GetMinimumAssociatedPt() const { return fMinAssocPt ; } void SetAssociatedPtRange(Float_t min, Float_t max) { fMaxAssocPt = max ; fMinAssocPt = min ; } Double_t GetDeltaPhiMaxCut() const { return fDeltaPhiMaxCut ; } Double_t GetDeltaPhiMinCut() const { return fDeltaPhiMinCut ; } void SetDeltaPhiCutRange(Double_t phimin, Double_t phimax) { fDeltaPhiMaxCut = phimax ; fDeltaPhiMinCut = phimin ; } // Leading Hadron Double_t GetLeadHadronPhiMaxCut() const { return fMaxLeadHadPhi ; } Double_t GetLeadHadronPhiMinCut() const { return fMinLeadHadPhi ; } void SetLeadHadronPhiCut(Float_t min, Float_t max) { fMaxLeadHadPhi = max ; fMinLeadHadPhi = min ; } Double_t GetLeadHadronPtMinCut() const { return fMinLeadHadPt ; } Double_t GetLeadHadronPtMaxCut() const { return fMaxLeadHadPt ; } void SetLeadHadronPtCut(Float_t min, Float_t max) { fMaxLeadHadPt = max ; fMinLeadHadPt = min ; } Bool_t IsLeadHadronCutOn() const { return fSelectLeadingHadronAngle ; } void SwitchOnLeadHadronSelection() { fSelectLeadingHadronAngle = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffLeadHadronSelection() { fSelectLeadingHadronAngle = kFALSE ; } void SwitchOnFillLeadHadronHistograms() { fFillLeadHadOppositeHisto = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffFillLeadHadronHistograms(){ fFillLeadHadOppositeHisto = kFALSE ; } // UE Double_t GetUeDeltaPhiMaxCut() const { return fUeDeltaPhiMaxCut ; } Double_t GetUeDeltaPhiMinCut() const { return fUeDeltaPhiMinCut ; } void SetUeDeltaPhiCutRange(Double_t uephimin, Double_t uephimax) { fUeDeltaPhiMaxCut = uephimax ; fUeDeltaPhiMinCut = uephimin ; } Bool_t IsSeveralUEOn() const { return fMakeSeveralUE ; } void SwitchOnSeveralUECalculation() { fMakeSeveralUE = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffSeveralUECalculation() { fMakeSeveralUE = kFALSE ; } // Do trigger-neutral correlation Bool_t DoNeutralCorr() const { return fNeutralCorr ; } void SwitchOnNeutralCorr() { fNeutralCorr = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffNeutralCorr() { fNeutralCorr = kFALSE ; } // Taking the absolute leading as the trigger or not Bool_t DoAbsoluteLeading() const { return fMakeAbsoluteLeading ; } void SwitchOnAbsoluteLeading() { fMakeAbsoluteLeading = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffAbsoluteLeading() { fMakeAbsoluteLeading = kFALSE ; } // Taking the near side leading as the trigger or not Bool_t DoNearSideLeading() const { return fMakeNearSideLeading ; } void SwitchOnNearSideLeading() { fMakeNearSideLeading = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffNearSideLeading() { fMakeNearSideLeading = kFALSE ; } // Do decay-hadron correlation if it is pi0 trigger Bool_t IsPi0Trigger() const { return fPi0Trigger ; } void SwitchOnPi0TriggerDecayCorr() { fPi0Trigger = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffPi0TriggerDecayCorr() { fPi0Trigger = kFALSE ; } Bool_t IsDecayTrigger() const { return fDecayTrigger ; } void SwitchOnDecayTriggerDecayCorr() { fDecayTrigger = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffDecayTriggerDecayCorr() { fDecayTrigger = kFALSE ; } void SetNDecayBits(Int_t n) { fNDecayBits = n ; } void SetDecayBits(Int_t i, UInt_t bit) { if(i < 4) fDecayBits[i] = bit ; } Bool_t IsHMPIDCorrelation() const { return fHMPIDCorrelation ; } void SwitchOnHMPIDCorrelation() { fHMPIDCorrelation = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffHMPIDCorrelation() { fHMPIDCorrelation = kFALSE ; } void SwitchOnFillBradHistograms() { fFillBradHisto = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffFillBradHistograms() { fFillBradHisto = kFALSE ; } Bool_t OnlyIsolated() const { return fSelectIsolated ; } void SelectIsolated(Bool_t s) { fSelectIsolated = s ; } void SetPi0AODBranchName(TString n) { fPi0AODBranchName = n ; } void SetNAssocPtBins(Int_t n) ; void SetAssocPtBinLimit(Int_t ibin, Float_t pt) ; Bool_t IsMixStoredInReaderOn() const { return fUseMixStoredInReader ; } void SwitchOnUseMixStoredInReader() { fUseMixStoredInReader = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffUseMixStoredInReader() { fUseMixStoredInReader = kFALSE; } void SwitchOnFillNeutralInMixedEvent() { fFillNeutralEventMixPool = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffFillNeutralInMixedEvent(){ fFillNeutralEventMixPool = kFALSE ; } void SetM02Cut(Float_t min=0, Float_t max=10) { fM02MinCut = min ; fM02MaxCut = max ; } void SwitchOnCorrelationVzBin() { fCorrelVzBin = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffCorrelationVzBin() { fCorrelVzBin = kFALSE ; } void SwitchOnFillPileUpHistograms() { fFillPileUpHistograms = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffFillPileUpHistograms() { fFillPileUpHistograms = kFALSE ; } void SwitchOnFillHighMultiplicityHistograms() { fFillHighMultHistograms = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffFillHighMultiplicityHistograms(){ fFillHighMultHistograms = kFALSE ; } void SwitchOnFillTriggerAODWithReferences() { fFillAODWithReferences = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffFillTriggerAODWithReferences() { fFillAODWithReferences = kFALSE ; } void SwitchOnCheckNeutralClustersForLeading() { fCheckLeadingWithNeutralClusters = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffCheckNeutralClustersForLeading(){ fCheckLeadingWithNeutralClusters = kFALSE ; } void SwitchOnFillEtaGapHistograms() { fFillEtaGapsHisto = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffFillEtaGapHistograms() { fFillEtaGapsHisto = kFALSE ; } void SwitchOnFillPtImbalancePerPtABinHistograms() { fFillMomImbalancePtAssocBinsHisto = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffFillPtImbalancePerPtABinHistograms() { fFillMomImbalancePtAssocBinsHisto = kFALSE ; } void SetMCGenType(Int_t min = 0, Int_t max = 6) { if(min >= 0 && min < 7) fMCGenTypeMin = min ; if(max >= 0 && max < 7) fMCGenTypeMax = max ; } private: Bool_t fFillAODWithReferences; // Add to the trigger particle AOD the reference to the tracks or neutrals in correlation. Bool_t fCheckLeadingWithNeutralClusters;// Compare the trigger candidate to Leading pT with the clusters pT, by default only charged Float_t fMaxAssocPt ; // Maximum associated hadron pt Float_t fMinAssocPt ; // Minimum associated hadron pt Double_t fDeltaPhiMaxCut ; // Minimum Delta Phi Gamma-Hadron Double_t fDeltaPhiMinCut ; // Maximum Delta Phi Gamma-Hadron Bool_t fSelectIsolated ; // Select only trigger particles isolated Bool_t fMakeSeveralUE ; // Do analysis for several underlying events contribution Double_t fUeDeltaPhiMaxCut ; // Minimum Delta Phi Gamma-Underlying Hadron Double_t fUeDeltaPhiMinCut ; // Maximum Delta Phi Gamma-Underlying Hadron TString fPi0AODBranchName; // Name of AOD branch with pi0, not trigger Bool_t fNeutralCorr ; // switch the analysis with neutral particles Bool_t fPi0Trigger ; // switch the analysis with decay photon from pi0 trigger Bool_t fDecayTrigger ; // switch the analysis with decay photon from photon trigger Int_t fNDecayBits ; // in case of study of decay triggers, select the decay bit UInt_t fDecayBits[4] ; // in case of study of decay triggers, select the decay bit Bool_t fMakeAbsoluteLeading ; // requesting absolute leading triggers Bool_t fMakeNearSideLeading ; // requesting near side leading (+-90ยบ from trigger particle) triggers Int_t fLeadingTriggerIndex ; // Store here per event the trigger index, to avoid too many loops Bool_t fHMPIDCorrelation ; // Correlate with particles on HMPID or its acceptance Bool_t fFillBradHisto ; // DPhi histograms calculated differently Int_t fNAssocPtBins ; // Number of associated pT bins under study Float_t fAssocPtBinLimit[20] ; // Associated pT under study Bool_t fCorrelVzBin ; // Fill one histogram per vz bin TList ** fListMixTrackEvents ; //![GetNCentrBin()*GetNZvertBin()*GetNRPBin()] Containers for tracks in stored events for mixing TList ** fListMixCaloEvents ; //![GetNCentrBin()*GetNZvertBin()*GetNRPBin()] Containers for calo clusters in stored events for mixing Bool_t fUseMixStoredInReader; // Signal if in the current event the pool was filled Bool_t fFillNeutralEventMixPool; // Add clusters to pool if requested Float_t fM02MaxCut ; // Study photon clusters with l0 smaller than cut Float_t fM02MinCut ; // Study photon clusters with l0 larger than cut Bool_t fFillPileUpHistograms; // Fill pile-up related histograms Bool_t fFillHighMultHistograms; // Histograms with centrality and event plane for triggers pT Bool_t fSelectLeadingHadronAngle; // Select events with leading particle within a range Bool_t fFillLeadHadOppositeHisto; // Fill histograms for leading hadrons in opposite side of trigger Float_t fMinLeadHadPhi; // Minimum angle between the trigger and leading hadron Float_t fMaxLeadHadPhi; // Maximum ange between the trigger and leading hadron Float_t fMinLeadHadPt; // Minimum pT of leading hadron Float_t fMaxLeadHadPt; // Maximum pT of leading hadron Bool_t fFillEtaGapsHisto; // Fill azimuthal correlation histograms in 2 eta gaps, |eta|>0.8 and |eta|<0.01 Bool_t fFillMomImbalancePtAssocBinsHisto; // momentum imbalance histograms in bins of pT associated Int_t fMCGenTypeMin; // Of the 7 possible types, select those between fMCGenTypeMin and fMCGenTypeMax Int_t fMCGenTypeMax; // Of the 7 possible types, select those between fMCGenTypeMin and fMCGenTypeMax //Histograms //trigger particles TH1F * fhPtTriggerInput; //! pT distribution of trigger particles before selection TH1F * fhPtTriggerSSCut; //! pT distribution of trigger particles after shower shape selection TH1F * fhPtTriggerIsoCut; //! pT distribution of trigger particles after isolation cut selection TH1F * fhPtTriggerFidCut; //! pT distribution of trigger particles after fiducial selection TH1F * fhPtTrigger; //! pT distribution of trigger particles TH1F * fhPtTriggerVtxBC0; //! pT distribution of trigger particles TH1F * fhPtTriggerPileUp[7]; //! pT distribution of trigger particles TH2F * fhPtTriggerVzBin; //! pT distribution of trigger particles vs vz bin TH2F * fhPtTriggerBin; //! pT distribution of trigger particles, vs mixing bin TH2F * fhPhiTrigger; //! phi distribution vs pT of trigger particles TH2F * fhEtaTrigger; //! eta distribution vs pT of trigger particles TH1F * fhPtTriggerMC[7]; //! pT distribution of trigger particles, check the origin of the cluster : "Photon","Pi0","Pi0Decay","EtaDecay","OtherDecay","Electron","Hadron" TH1F * fhPtDecayTrigger[4]; //! pT distribution of trigger particles, tagged as decay TH1F * fhPtDecayTriggerMC[4][7]; //! pT distribution of trigger particles, tagged as decay, check the origin of the cluster TH2F * fhPtTriggerCentrality; //! pT distribution of trigger particles vs centrality TH2F * fhPtTriggerEventPlane; //! pT distribution of trigger particles vs centrality TH2F * fhTriggerEventPlaneCentrality; //! event plane vs centrality for trigger particles TH1F * fhPtTriggerMixed; //! pT distribution of trigger particles, used in mixing TH2F * fhPtTriggerMixedVzBin; //! pT distribution of trigger particles, used in mixing, vs vz bin TH2F * fhPtTriggerMixedBin; //! pT distribution of trigger particles vs mixing bin TH2F * fhPhiTriggerMixed; //! phi distribution vs pT of trigger particles, used in mixing TH2F * fhEtaTriggerMixed; //! eta distribution vs pT of trigger particles, used in mixing // Leading hadron in the opposite side of the trigger TH2F * fhPtLeadingOppositeHadron; //! pT trigger : pT distribution of leading hadron oposite to trigger TH2F * fhPtDiffPhiLeadingOppositeHadron; //! pT trigger : difference phi distribution of leading hadron oposite and trigger TH2F * fhPtDiffEtaLeadingOppositeHadron; //! pT trigger: difference eta distribution of leading hadron oposite and trigger TH1F * fhPtNoLeadingOppositeHadron; //! pT trigger for events without opposite hadrons TH2F * fhEtaPhiNoLeadingOppositeHadron; //! location of trigger when no hadron is found on the opposite side //trigger-charged histograms TH2F * fhDeltaPhiDeltaEtaCharged ; //! differences of eta and phi between trigger and charged hadrons TH2F * fhPhiCharged ; //! Phi distribution of charged particles TH2F * fhEtaCharged ; //! Eta distribution of charged particles TH2F * fhDeltaPhiCharged ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT TH2F * fhDeltaEtaCharged ; //! Difference of charged particle eta and trigger particle eta as function of trigger particle pT TH2F * fhDeltaPhiChargedPt ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of charged particle pT TH2F * fhDeltaPhiUeChargedPt ; //! Difference of charged particle from underlying events phi and trigger particle phi as function of charged particle pT TH1F * fhUePart; //! UE particles distribution vs pt trig TH2F * fhXECharged ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhXECharged_Cone2 ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram in cone2 (5pi/6-7pi/6) TH2F * fhXEUeCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhXEPosCharged ; //! Trigger particle -positive charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhXENegCharged ; //! Trigger particle -negative charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhPtHbpXECharged ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum HBP histogram TH2F * fhPtHbpXECharged_Cone2 ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum HBP histogram in cone2 (5pi/6-7pi/6) TH2F * fhPtHbpXEUeCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum HBP histogram TH2F * fhZTCharged ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhZTUeCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhZTPosCharged ; //! Trigger particle -positive charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhZTNegCharged ; //! Trigger particle -negative charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhPtHbpZTCharged ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum HBP histogram TH2F * fhPtHbpZTUeCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum HBP histogram TH2F * fhXEChargedMC[7] ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram, check the origin of the cluster : decay photon (pi0, eta, other), merged photon (pi0), hadron, rest of photons (prompt, FSR, ISR) TH2F * fhDeltaPhiChargedMC[7] ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron delta phi histogram, check the origin of the cluster : decay photon (pi0, eta, other), merged photon (pi0), hadron, rest of photons (prompt, FSR, ISR) TH2F * fhDeltaPhiDeltaEtaChargedPtA3GeV;//! differences of eta and phi between trigger and charged hadrons, pTa > 3 GeV TH2F * fhDeltaPhiChargedPtA3GeV ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT, pTa > 3 GeV TH2F * fhDeltaEtaChargedPtA3GeV ; //! Difference of charged particle eta and trigger particle eta as function of trigger particle pT, pTa > 3 GeV // Events tagged as pileup by SDD,EMCal, or combination TH2F * fhDeltaPhiChargedPileUp[7] ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT TH2F * fhDeltaEtaChargedPileUp[7] ; //! Difference of charged particle eta and trigger particle eta as function of trigger particle pT TH2F * fhDeltaPhiChargedPtA3GeVPileUp[7] ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT, pTa > 3 GeV TH2F * fhDeltaEtaChargedPtA3GeVPileUp[7] ; //! Difference of charged particle eta and trigger particle eta as function of trigger particle pT, pTa > 3 GeV TH2F * fhXEChargedPileUp[7] ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhXEUeChargedPileUp[7] ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhZTChargedPileUp[7] ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhZTUeChargedPileUp[7] ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhPtTrigChargedPileUp[7] ; //! trigger and correlated particl pt, to be used for mean value for kt TH2F * fhDeltaPhiChargedOtherBC ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT TH2F * fhDeltaPhiChargedPtA3GeVOtherBC ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT, pTa > 3 GeV TH2F * fhXEChargedOtherBC ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhXEUeChargedOtherBC ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhZTChargedOtherBC ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhZTUeChargedOtherBC ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhPtTrigChargedOtherBC ; //! trigger and correlated particl pt, to be used for mean value for kt TH2F * fhDeltaPhiChargedBC0 ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT TH2F * fhDeltaPhiChargedPtA3GeVBC0 ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT, pTa > 3 GeV TH2F * fhXEChargedBC0 ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhXEUeChargedBC0 ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhZTChargedBC0 ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhZTUeChargedBC0 ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhPtTrigChargedBC0 ; //! trigger and correlated particl pt, to be used for mean value for kt TH2F * fhDeltaPhiChargedVtxBC0 ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT TH2F * fhDeltaPhiChargedPtA3GeVVtxBC0 ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT, pTa > 3 GeV TH2F * fhXEChargedVtxBC0 ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhXEUeChargedVtxBC0 ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhZTChargedVtxBC0 ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhZTUeChargedVtxBC0 ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhPtTrigChargedVtxBC0 ; //! trigger and correlated particl pt, to be used for mean value for kt //if several UE calculation is on, most useful for jet-jet events contribution TH2F * fhDeltaPhiUeLeftCharged ; //! Difference of charged particle from underlying events phi and trigger particle phi as function of charged particle pT TH2F * fhDeltaPhiUeLeftUpCharged; //! Difference of charged particle from underlying events phi and trigger particle phi TH2F * fhDeltaPhiUeRightUpCharged; //! Difference of charged particle from underlying events phi and trigger particle phi TH2F * fhDeltaPhiUeLeftDownCharged; //! Difference of charged particle from underlying events phi and trigger particle phi TH2F * fhDeltaPhiUeRightDownCharged; //! Difference of charged particle from underlying events phi and trigger particle phi TH2F * fhXEUeLeftCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhXEUeLeftUpCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhXEUeRightUpCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhXEUeLeftDownCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhXEUeRightDownCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhPtHbpXEUeLeftCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum HBP histogram TH2F * fhZTUeLeftCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhPtHbpZTUeLeftCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum HBP histogram //for pout and kt extraction TH2F * fhPtTrigPout ; //! Pout =associated pt*sin(delta phi) distribution vs trigger pt TH2F * fhPtTrigCharged ; //! trigger and correlated particl pt, to be used for mean value for kt //if different multiplicity analysis asked TH2F ** fhDeltaPhiChargedMult ; //![GetNCentrBin()] differences of phi between trigger and charged hadrons: multiplicity bin TH2F ** fhDeltaEtaChargedMult ; //![GetNCentrBin()] differences of eta between trigger and charged hadrons: multiplicity bin TH2F ** fhXEMult ; //![GetNCentrBin()] Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram: multiplicity bin TH2F ** fhXEUeMult ; //![GetNCentrBin()] Trigger particle -UE charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram: multiplicity bin TH2F ** fhZTMult ; //![GetNCentrBin()] Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram: multiplicity bin TH2F ** fhZTUeMult ; //![GetNCentrBin()] Trigger particle -UE charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram: multiplicity bin TH2F * fhAssocPtBkg; //! Trigger pT vs associated pT for background TH2F ** fhDeltaPhiDeltaEtaAssocPtBin; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function eta difference, for different associated bins TH2F ** fhDeltaPhiAssocPtBin; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Trigger pT vs dPhi for different associated pt and vz bins TH2F ** fhDeltaPhiAssocPtBinDEta08; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Trigger pT vs dPhi for different associated pt and vz bins for Delta eta > 0.8 TH2F ** fhDeltaPhiAssocPtBinDEta0 ; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Trigger pT vs dPhi for different associated pt and vz bins for Delta eta = 0 TH2F ** fhDeltaPhiAssocPtBinHMPID; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Trigger pT vs dPhi for different associated pt and vz bins, track with HMPID TH2F ** fhDeltaPhiAssocPtBinHMPIDAcc; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Trigger pT vs dPhi for different associated pt and vz bins, track with HMPIDAcc TH2F ** fhDeltaPhiBradAssocPtBin; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Trigger pT vs dPhi Brad (?) for different associated pt bins TH2F * fhDeltaPhiBrad; //! Trigger pT vs dPhi Brad (?) for different associated pt bins TH2F ** fhXEAssocPtBin ; //![fNAssocPtBins] Trigger pT vs xE for different associated pt bins TH2F ** fhZTAssocPtBin ; //![fNAssocPtBins] Trigger pT vs zT for different associated pt bins TH2F ** fhXEVZ ; //![GetNZvertBin()] Trigger pT vs xE for different vz bins TH2F ** fhZTVZ ; //![GetNZvertBin()] Trigger pT vs zT for different vz bins //trigger-neutral histograms TH2F * fhDeltaPhiDeltaEtaNeutral ; //! differences of eta and phi between trigger and neutral hadrons (pi0) TH2F * fhPhiNeutral ; //! Phi distribution of neutral particles TH2F * fhEtaNeutral ; //! Eta distribution of neutral particles TH2F * fhDeltaPhiNeutral ; //! Difference of neutral particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT TH2F * fhDeltaEtaNeutral ; //! Difference of neutral particle eta and trigger particle eta as function of trigger particle pT TH2F * fhDeltaPhiNeutralPt ; //! Difference of neutral particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of neutral particle particle pT TH2F * fhDeltaPhiUeNeutralPt ; //! Difference of neutral particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of neutral particle particle pT TH2F * fhXENeutral ; //! Trigger particle - neutral hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhXEUeNeutral ; //! Trigger particle - neutral hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhPtHbpXENeutral ; //! Trigger particle - neutral particle momentum HBP histogram TH2F * fhPtHbpXEUeNeutral ; //! Trigger particle - underlying neutral hadron momentum HBP histogram TH2F * fhZTNeutral ; //! Trigger particle - neutral hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhZTUeNeutral ; //! Trigger particle - neutral hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhPtHbpZTNeutral ; //! Trigger particle - neutral particle momentum HBP histogram TH2F * fhPtHbpZTUeNeutral ; //! Trigger particle - underlying neutral hadron momentum HBP histogram // If several UE calculation is on, TH2F * fhDeltaPhiUeLeftNeutral ; //! Difference of charged particle from underlying events phi and trigger particle phi as function of neutral particle pT TH2F * fhXEUeLeftNeutral ; //! Trigger particle -underlying neutral hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhPtHbpXEUeLeftNeutral ; //! Trigger particle -underlying neutral hadron momentum HBP histogram TH2F * fhZTUeLeftNeutral ; //! Trigger particle -underlying neutral hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhPtHbpZTUeLeftNeutral ; //! Trigger particle -underlying neutral hadron momentum HBP histogram // Pi0/Eta trigger correlation, recover input photons TH2F * fhPtPi0DecayRatio ; //! for pi0 trigger pt and ratio of decay photon pt TH2F * fhDeltaPhiPi0DecayCharged ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and decay photon from pi0/eta trigger TH2F * fhXEPi0DecayCharged ; //! Trigger particle (decay from pi0/eta trigger)-charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhZTPi0DecayCharged ; //! Trigger particle (decay from pi0/eta trigger)-charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhDeltaPhiPi0DecayNeutral ; //! Difference of neutral particle phi and decay photon from pi0/eta trigger TH2F * fhXEPi0DecayNeutral ; //! Trigger particle (decay from pi0/eta trigger)-neutral hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhZTPi0DecayNeutral ; //! Trigger particle (decay from pi0/eta trigger)-neutral hadron momentum imbalance histogram // Decay photon trigger correlation TH2F * fhDeltaPhiDecayCharged[4] ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and photon decay trigger TH2F * fhXEDecayCharged[4] ; //! Trigger particle (decay from pi0)-charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F * fhZTDecayCharged[4] ; //! Trigger particle (decay from pi0)-charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram TH2F ** fhDeltaPhiDecayChargedAssocPtBin;//![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Tagged as decay (fDecayBits[0]) Trigger pT vs dPhi for different associated pt bins // If the data is MC, correlation with generated particles // check the origin of the cluster : decay photon (pi0, eta, other), merged photon (pi0), // hadron, rest of photons (prompt, FSR, ISR) TH1F * fhMCPtTrigger[7]; //! MC pure pT distribution of trigger particles TH2F * fhMCPhiTrigger[7]; //! MC pure Phi distribution of trigger particles TH2F * fhMCEtaTrigger[7]; //! MC pure Eta distribution of trigger particles TH1F * fhMCPtTriggerNotLeading[7]; //! MC pure pT distribution of trigger not leading particles TH2F * fhMCPhiTriggerNotLeading[7]; //! MC pure Phi distribution of trigger not leading particles TH2F * fhMCEtaTriggerNotLeading[7]; //! MC pure Eta distribution of trigger not leading particles TH2F * fhMCEtaCharged[7]; //! MC pure particles charged primary pt vs eta (both associated) TH2F * fhMCPhiCharged[7]; //! MC pure particles charged primary pt vs phi (both associated) TH2F * fhMCDeltaEtaCharged[7]; //! MC pure particles charged trigger primary pt vs delta eta (associated-trigger) TH2F * fhMCDeltaPhiCharged[7]; //! MC pure particles charged trigger primary pt vs delta phi (associated-trigger) TH2F * fhMCDeltaPhiDeltaEtaCharged[7]; //! MC pure particles charged associated primary pt vs delta phi (associated-trigger), in away side TH2F * fhMCDeltaPhiChargedPt[7]; //! MC pure particles charged delta phi vs delta eta (associated-trigger) TH2F * fhMCPtXECharged[7]; //! MC pure particles charged trigger primary pt vs xE TH2F * fhMCPtXEUeCharged[7]; //! MC pure particles charged trigger primary pt vs xE (underlying event) TH2F * fhMCPtXEUeLeftCharged[7]; //! MC pure particles charged trigger primary pt vs xE (underlying event,left cone) TH2F * fhMCPtHbpXECharged[7]; //! MC pure particles charged trigger primary pt vs ln(1/xE) TH2F * fhMCPtHbpXEUeCharged[7]; //! MC pure particles charged trigger primary pt vs ln(1/xE) (underlying event) TH2F * fhMCPtHbpXEUeLeftCharged[7]; //! MC pure particles charged trigger primary pt vs ln(1/xE) (underlying event, left cone) TH1F * fhMCUePart[7]; //! MC pure UE particles distribution vs pt trig TH2F * fhMCPtZTCharged[7]; //! MC pure particles charged trigger primary pt vs zT TH2F * fhMCPtZTUeCharged[7]; //! MC pure particles charged trigger primary pt vs zT (underlying event) TH2F * fhMCPtZTUeLeftCharged[7]; //! MC pure particles charged trigger primary pt vs zT (underlying event, left cone) TH2F * fhMCPtHbpZTCharged[7]; //! MC pure particles charged trigger primary pt vs ln(1/zT) TH2F * fhMCPtHbpZTUeCharged[7]; //! MC pure particles charged trigger primary pt vs ln(1/zT) (underlying event) TH2F * fhMCPtHbpZTUeLeftCharged[7]; //! MC pure particles charged trigger primary pt vs ln(1/zT) (underlying event, left cone) TH2F * fhMCPtTrigPout[7]; //! MC pure particles charged trigger primary pt vs pOut TH2F * fhMCPtAssocDeltaPhi[7]; //! MC pure particles charged associated primary pt vs delta phi (associated-trigger) // Mixing TH1I * fhNEventsTrigger; //! number of analyzed triggered events TH2F * fhNtracksMB; //! total number of tracks in MB events TH2F * fhNclustersMB; //! total number of clusters in MB events TH2F * fhMixDeltaPhiCharged ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT TH2F * fhMixDeltaPhiDeltaEtaCharged ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function eta difference TH2F * fhMixXECharged; //! xE for mixed event TH2F * fhMixXEUeCharged; //! xE for mixed event in Ue region TH2F * fhMixHbpXECharged; //! ln(1/xE) for mixed event TH2F ** fhMixDeltaPhiChargedAssocPtBin; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT, for different associated bins TH2F ** fhMixDeltaPhiChargedAssocPtBinDEta08; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT, for different associated bins, delta eta > 0.8 TH2F ** fhMixDeltaPhiChargedAssocPtBinDEta0; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT, for different associated bins, delta eta = 0 TH2F ** fhMixDeltaPhiDeltaEtaChargedAssocPtBin; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function eta difference, for different associated bins TH1I * fhEventBin; //! Number of triggers in a particular event bin (cen,vz,rp) TH1I * fhEventMixBin; //! Number of triggers mixed in a particular bin (cen,vz,rp) TH1I * fhEventMBBin; //! Number of MB events in a particular bin (cen,vz,rp) AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation( const AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation & ph) ; // cpy ctor AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation & operator = (const AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation & ph) ; // cpy assignment ClassDef(AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation,35) } ; #endif //ALIANAPARTICLEHADRONCORRELATION_H