// Jet-Hadron Correlations PID // Event plane dependence task. // // Author: J Mazer // task head include #include "AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid.h" // general ROOT includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // AliROOT includes #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliAnalysisTask.h" #include "AliCentrality.h" #include "AliEmcalJet.h" #include "AliAODJet.h" #include "AliVCluster.h" #include "AliVTrack.h" #include #include #include "AliRhoParameter.h" #include "AliEmcalParticle.h" // Localized Rho includes #include "AliLocalRhoParameter.h" #include "AliAnalysisTaskLocalRho.h" // event handler (and pico's) includes #include #include #include "AliESDInputHandler.h" #include "AliPicoTrack.h" #include "AliEventPoolManager.h" #include "AliESDtrackCuts.h" // PID includes #include "AliPIDResponse.h" #include "AliTPCPIDResponse.h" #include "AliESDpid.h" // magnetic field includes #include "TGeoGlobalMagField.h" #include "AliMagF.h" // container includes #include "AliJetContainer.h" #include "AliParticleContainer.h" #include "AliClusterContainer.h" using std::cout; using std::endl; ClassImp(AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid) //________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid::AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid() : AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJet("correlations",kFALSE), fPhimin(-10), fPhimax(10), fEtamin(-0.9), fEtamax(0.9), fAreacut(0.0), fTrkBias(5), fClusBias(5), fTrkEta(0.9), fJetPtcut(15.0), fJetRad(0.4), fConstituentCut(0.15), fesdTrackCuts(0), fDoEventMixing(0), fMixingTracks(50000), fNMIXtracks(5000), fNMIXevents(5), fCentBinSize(1), fTriggerEventType(AliVEvent::kAny), fMixingEventType(AliVEvent::kAny), fDoEffCorr(0), fEffFunctionCorr(0), doPlotGlobalRho(0), doVariableBinning(0), dovarbinTHnSparse(0), makeQAhistos(0), makeBIAShistos(0), makeextraCORRhistos(0), makeoldJEThadhistos(0), allpidAXIS(0), fcutType("EMCAL"), doPID(0), doPIDtrackBIAS(0), doComments(0), doFlavourJetAnalysis(0), fJetFlavTag(-99), fBeam(kNA), fLocalRhoVal(0), fTracksName(""), fTracksNameME(""), fJetsName(""), event(0), isPItpc(0), isKtpc(0), isPtpc(0), // pid TPC isPIits(0), isKits(0), isPits(0), // pid ITS isPItof(0), isKtof(0), isPtof(0), // pid TOF fPoolMgr(0x0), fPIDResponse(0x0), fTPCResponse(), fESD(0), fAOD(0), fVevent(0), fHistEventQA(0), fHistEventSelectionQA(0), fHistCentZvertGA(0), fHistCentZvertJE(0), fHistCentZvertMB(0), fHistCentZvertAny(0), fHistTPCdEdX(0), fHistITSsignal(0), //fHistTOFsignal(0), fHistRhovsCent(0), fHistNjetvsCent(0), fHistCentrality(0), fHistZvtx(0), fHistMult(0), fHistJetPhi(0), fHistTrackPhi(0), fHistLocalRhoJetpt(0), fHistJetHaddPhiIN(0), fHistJetHaddPhiOUT(0), fHistJetHaddPhiMID(0), fHistJetHaddPhiBias(0), fHistJetHaddPhiINBias(0), fHistJetHaddPhiOUTBias(0), fHistJetHaddPhiMIDBias(0), fHistMEdPHI(0), fHistTrackPtallcent(0), fHistJetEtaPhi(0), fHistJetHEtaPhi(0), fHistSEphieta(0), fHistMEphieta(0), fHistJetHaddPHI(0), fHistPID(0), fhnPID(0x0), fhnMixedEvents(0x0), fhnJH(0x0), fhnCorr(0x0), fJetsCont(0), fTracksCont(0), fCaloClustersCont(0), fContainerAllJets(0), fContainerPIDJets(1) { // Default Constructor for(Int_t ilab=0; ilab<4; ilab++){ for(Int_t ipta=0; ipta<7; ipta++){ //fHistTrackEtaPhi[ilab][ipta]=0; // keep out for now } // end of pt-associated loop } // end of lab loop for(Int_t itrackpt=0; itrackpt<9; itrackpt++){ fHistJetHadbindPhi[itrackpt]=0; fHistJetHadbindPhiIN[itrackpt]=0; fHistJetHadbindPhiMID[itrackpt]=0; fHistJetHadbindPhiOUT[itrackpt]=0; } // end of trackpt bin loop for(Int_t icent = 0; icent<6; ++icent){ for(Int_t iptjet = 0; iptjet<5; ++iptjet){ for(Int_t ieta = 0; ieta<3; ++ieta){ fHistJetH[icent][iptjet][ieta]=0; fHistJetHBias[icent][iptjet][ieta]=0; fHistJetHTT[icent][iptjet][ieta]=0; } // end of eta loop } // end of pt-jet loop } // end of centrality loop // centrality dependent histo's for (Int_t i = 0;i<6;++i){ fHistJetPt[i] = 0; fHistJetPtBias[i] = 0; fHistJetPtTT[i] = 0; fHistAreavsRawPt[i] = 0; fHistJetPtvsTrackPt[i] = 0; fHistRawJetPtvsTrackPt[i] = 0; fHistTrackPt[i] = 0; fHistEP0[i] = 0; fHistEP0A[i] = 0; fHistEP0C[i] = 0; fHistEPAvsC[i] = 0; fHistJetPtcorrGlRho[i] = 0; fHistJetPtvsdEP[i] = 0; fHistJetPtvsdEPBias[i] = 0; fHistRhovsdEP[i] = 0; fHistJetEtaPhiPt[i] = 0; fHistJetEtaPhiPtBias[i] = 0; fHistJetPtArea[i] = 0; fHistJetPtAreaBias[i] = 0; fHistJetPtNcon[i] = 0; fHistJetPtNconBias[i] = 0; fHistJetPtNconCh[i] = 0; fHistJetPtNconBiasCh[i] = 0; fHistJetPtNconEm[i] = 0; fHistJetPtNconBiasEm[i] = 0; fHistJetHaddPhiINcent[i] = 0; fHistJetHaddPhiOUTcent[i] = 0; fHistJetHaddPhiMIDcent[i] = 0; } SetMakeGeneralHistograms(kTRUE); } //________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid::AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid(const char *name) : AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJet(name,kTRUE), fPhimin(-10), fPhimax(10), fEtamin(-0.9), fEtamax(0.9), fAreacut(0.0), fTrkBias(5), fClusBias(5), fTrkEta(0.9), fJetPtcut(15.0), fJetRad(0.4), fConstituentCut(0.15), fesdTrackCuts(0), fDoEventMixing(0), fMixingTracks(50000), fNMIXtracks(5000), fNMIXevents(5), fCentBinSize(1), fTriggerEventType(AliVEvent::kAny), fMixingEventType(AliVEvent::kAny), fDoEffCorr(0), fEffFunctionCorr(0), doPlotGlobalRho(0), doVariableBinning(0), dovarbinTHnSparse(0), makeQAhistos(0), makeBIAShistos(0), makeextraCORRhistos(0), makeoldJEThadhistos(0), allpidAXIS(0), fcutType("EMCAL"), doPID(0), doPIDtrackBIAS(0), doComments(0), doFlavourJetAnalysis(0), fJetFlavTag(-99), fBeam(kNA), fLocalRhoVal(0), fTracksName(""), fTracksNameME(""), fJetsName(""), event(0), isPItpc(0), isKtpc(0), isPtpc(0), // pid TPC isPIits(0), isKits(0), isPits(0), // pid ITS isPItof(0), isKtof(0), isPtof(0), // pid TOF fPoolMgr(0x0), fPIDResponse(0x0), fTPCResponse(), fESD(0), fAOD(0), fVevent(0), fHistEventQA(0), fHistEventSelectionQA(0), fHistCentZvertGA(0), fHistCentZvertJE(0), fHistCentZvertMB(0), fHistCentZvertAny(0), fHistTPCdEdX(0), fHistITSsignal(0), //fHistTOFsignal(0), fHistRhovsCent(0), fHistNjetvsCent(0), fHistCentrality(0), fHistZvtx(0), fHistMult(0), fHistJetPhi(0), fHistTrackPhi(0), fHistLocalRhoJetpt(0), fHistJetHaddPhiIN(0), fHistJetHaddPhiOUT(0), fHistJetHaddPhiMID(0), fHistJetHaddPhiBias(0), fHistJetHaddPhiINBias(0), fHistJetHaddPhiOUTBias(0), fHistJetHaddPhiMIDBias(0), fHistMEdPHI(0), fHistTrackPtallcent(0), fHistJetEtaPhi(0), fHistJetHEtaPhi(0), fHistSEphieta(0), fHistMEphieta(0), fHistJetHaddPHI(0), fHistPID(0), fhnPID(0x0), fhnMixedEvents(0x0), fhnJH(0x0), fhnCorr(0x0), fJetsCont(0), fTracksCont(0), fCaloClustersCont(0), fContainerAllJets(0), fContainerPIDJets(1) { // Default Constructor for(Int_t ilab=0; ilab<4; ilab++){ for(Int_t ipta=0; ipta<7; ipta++){ //fHistTrackEtaPhi[ilab][ipta]=0; //keep out for now } // end of pt-associated loop } // end of lab loop for(Int_t itrackpt=0; itrackpt<9; itrackpt++){ fHistJetHadbindPhi[itrackpt]=0; fHistJetHadbindPhiIN[itrackpt]=0; fHistJetHadbindPhiMID[itrackpt]=0; fHistJetHadbindPhiOUT[itrackpt]=0; } // end of trackpt bin loop for(Int_t icent = 0; icent<6; ++icent){ for(Int_t iptjet = 0; iptjet<5; ++iptjet){ for(Int_t ieta = 0; ieta<3; ++ieta){ fHistJetH[icent][iptjet][ieta]=0; fHistJetHBias[icent][iptjet][ieta]=0; fHistJetHTT[icent][iptjet][ieta]=0; } // end of eta loop } // end of pt-jet loop } // end of centrality loop // centrality dependent histo's for (Int_t i = 0;i<6;++i){ fHistJetPt[i] = 0; fHistJetPtBias[i] = 0; fHistJetPtTT[i] = 0; fHistAreavsRawPt[i] = 0; fHistJetPtvsTrackPt[i] = 0; fHistRawJetPtvsTrackPt[i] = 0; fHistTrackPt[i] = 0; fHistEP0[i] = 0; fHistEP0A[i] = 0; fHistEP0C[i] = 0; fHistEPAvsC[i] = 0; fHistJetPtcorrGlRho[i] = 0; fHistJetPtvsdEP[i] = 0; fHistJetPtvsdEPBias[i] = 0; fHistRhovsdEP[i] = 0; fHistJetEtaPhiPt[i] = 0; fHistJetEtaPhiPtBias[i] = 0; fHistJetPtArea[i] = 0; fHistJetPtAreaBias[i] = 0; fHistJetPtNcon[i] = 0; fHistJetPtNconBias[i] = 0; fHistJetPtNconCh[i] = 0; fHistJetPtNconBiasCh[i] = 0; fHistJetPtNconEm[i] = 0; fHistJetPtNconBiasEm[i] = 0; fHistJetHaddPhiINcent[i] = 0; fHistJetHaddPhiOUTcent[i] = 0; fHistJetHaddPhiMIDcent[i] = 0; } SetMakeGeneralHistograms(kTRUE); } //_______________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid::~AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid() { // destructor if (fOutput) { delete fOutput; fOutput = 0; } } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid::UserCreateOutputObjects() { // This is called ONCE! if (!fCreateHisto) return; AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJet::UserCreateOutputObjects(); OpenFile(1); // do I need the 1? // char array for naming histograms int nchar = 200; char name[nchar]; // strings for titles TString name1; TString title1; // create histograms that arn't array fHistNjetvsCent = new TH2F("NjetvsCent", "NjetvsCent", 100, 0.0, 100.0, 100, 0, 100); fHistJetHaddPHI = new TH1F("fHistJetHaddPHI", "Jet-Hadron #Delta#varphi", 128,-0.5*TMath::Pi(),1.5*TMath::Pi()); fHistJetHaddPhiIN = new TH1F("fHistJetHaddPhiIN","Jet-Hadron #Delta#varphi IN PLANE", 128,-0.5*TMath::Pi(), 1.5*TMath::Pi()); fHistJetHaddPhiOUT = new TH1F("fHistJetHaddPhiOUT","Jet-Hadron #Delta#varphi OUT PLANE",128,-0.5*TMath::Pi(), 1.5*TMath::Pi()); fHistJetHaddPhiMID = new TH1F("fHistJetHaddPhiMID","Jet-Hadron #Delta#varphi MIDDLE of PLANE",128,-0.5*TMath::Pi(), 1.5*TMath::Pi()); fHistLocalRhoJetpt = new TH1F("fHistLocalRhoJetpt","Local Rho corrected Jet p_{T}", 50, -50, 200); // Centrality and Zvertex distribution for various triggers - Event Mixing QA fHistCentZvertGA = new TH2F("fHistCentZvertGA", "Centrality - Z-vertex distribution for GA trigger", 20, 0, 100, 10, -10, 10); fOutput->Add(fHistCentZvertGA); fHistCentZvertJE = new TH2F("fHistCentZvertJE", "Centrality - Z-vertex distribution for JE trigger", 20, 0, 100, 10, -10, 10); fOutput->Add(fHistCentZvertJE); fHistCentZvertMB = new TH2F("fHistCentZvertMB", "Centrality - Z-vertex distribution for MB trigger", 20, 0, 100, 10, -10, 10); fOutput->Add(fHistCentZvertMB); fHistCentZvertAny = new TH2F("fHistCentZvertAny", "Centrality - Z-vertex distribution for kAny trigger", 20, 0, 100, 10, -10, 10); fOutput->Add(fHistCentZvertAny); // Event QA histo fHistEventQA = new TH1F("fHistEventQA", "Event Counter at checkpoints in code", 20, 0.5, 20.5); SetfHistQAcounterLabels(fHistEventQA); fOutput->Add(fHistEventQA); // Event Selection QA histo fHistEventSelectionQA = new TH1F("fHistEventSelectionQA", "Trigger Selection Counter", 20, 0.5, 20.5); SetfHistEvtSelQALabels(fHistEventSelectionQA); fOutput->Add(fHistEventSelectionQA); // add to output lists fOutput->Add(fHistNjetvsCent); fOutput->Add(fHistJetHaddPHI); fOutput->Add(fHistJetHaddPhiIN); fOutput->Add(fHistJetHaddPhiOUT); fOutput->Add(fHistJetHaddPhiMID); fOutput->Add(fHistLocalRhoJetpt); fHistTPCdEdX = new TH2F("TPCdEdX", "TPCdEdX", 400, 0.0, 20.0, 500, 0, 500); fOutput->Add(fHistTPCdEdX); // create histo's used for general QA if (makeQAhistos) { //fHistTPCdEdX = new TH2F("TPCdEdX", "TPCdEdX", 2000, 0.0, 100.0, 500, 0, 500); fHistITSsignal = new TH2F("ITSsignal", "ITSsignal", 2000, 0.0, 100.0, 500, 0, 500); // fHistTOFsignal = new TH2F("TOFsignal", "TOFsignal", 2000, 0.0, 100.0, 500, 0, 500); fHistCentrality = new TH1F("fHistCentrality","centrality",100,0,100); fHistZvtx = new TH1F("fHistZvertex","z vertex",60,-30,30); fHistJetPhi = new TH1F("fHistJetPhi", "Jet #phi Distribution", 128, -2.0*TMath::Pi(), 2.0*TMath::Pi()); fHistTrackPhi = new TH1F("fHistTrackPhi", "Track #phi Distribution", 128, -2.0*TMath::Pi(), 2.0*TMath::Pi()); fHistRhovsCent = new TH2F("RhovsCent", "RhovsCent", 100, 0.0, 100.0, 500, 0, 500); fHistTrackPtallcent = new TH1F("fHistTrackPtallcent", "p_{T} distribution", 1000, 0.0, 100.0); fHistJetEtaPhi = new TH2F("fHistJetEtaPhi","Jet #eta-#phi",512,-1.8,1.8,512,-3.2,3.2); fHistJetHEtaPhi = new TH2F("fHistJetHEtaPhi","Jet-Hadron #Delta#eta-#Delta#phi", 72, -1.8, 1.8, 72, -1.6, 4.8); fHistSEphieta = new TH2F("fHistSEphieta", "Single Event #phi-#eta distribution", 64,-0.5*TMath::Pi(), 1.5*TMath::Pi(), 64,-1.8,1.8); // was 64 bins fHistMEphieta = new TH2F("fHistMEphieta", "Mixed Event #phi-#eta distribution", 64, -0.5*TMath::Pi(), 1.5*TMath::Pi(), 64,-1.8,1.8); // was 64 bins // add to output list //fOutput->Add(fHistTPCdEdX); fOutput->Add(fHistITSsignal); //fOutput->Add(fHistTOFsignal); fOutput->Add(fHistCentrality); fOutput->Add(fHistZvtx); fOutput->Add(fHistJetPhi); fOutput->Add(fHistTrackPhi); //fOutput->Add(fHistTrackEtaPhi); fOutput->Add(fHistTrackPtallcent); fOutput->Add(fHistJetEtaPhi); fOutput->Add(fHistJetHEtaPhi); fOutput->Add(fHistSEphieta); fOutput->Add(fHistMEphieta); //for(Int_t ipta=0; ipta<7; ++ipta){ // for(Int_t ilab=0; ilab<4; ++ilab){ // snprintf(name, nchar, "fHistTrackEtaPhi_%i_%i", ilab,ipta); // fHistTrackEtaPhi[ilab][ipta] = new TH2F(name,name,400,-1,1,640,0.0,2.*TMath::Pi()); // fOutput->Add(fHistTrackEtaPhi[ilab][ipta]); // } // end of lab loop //} // end of pt-associated loop for (Int_t i = 0;i<6;++i){ name1 = TString(Form("EP0_%i",i)); title1 = TString(Form("EP VZero cent bin %i",i)); fHistEP0[i] = new TH1F(name1,title1,144,-TMath::Pi(),TMath::Pi()); fOutput->Add(fHistEP0[i]); name1 = TString(Form("EP0A_%i",i)); title1 = TString(Form("EP VZero cent bin %i",i)); fHistEP0A[i] = new TH1F(name1,title1,144,-TMath::Pi(),TMath::Pi()); fOutput->Add(fHistEP0A[i]); name1 = TString(Form("EP0C_%i",i)); title1 = TString(Form("EP VZero cent bin %i",i)); fHistEP0C[i] = new TH1F(name1,title1,144,-TMath::Pi(),TMath::Pi()); fOutput->Add(fHistEP0C[i]); name1 = TString(Form("EPAvsC_%i",i)); title1 = TString(Form("EP VZero cent bin %i",i)); fHistEPAvsC[i] = new TH2F(name1,title1,144,-TMath::Pi(),TMath::Pi(),144,-TMath::Pi(),TMath::Pi()); fOutput->Add(fHistEPAvsC[i]); name1 = TString(Form("JetPtvsTrackPt_%i",i)); title1 = TString(Form("Jet p_{T} vs Leading Track p_{T} cent bin %i",i)); fHistJetPtvsTrackPt[i] = new TH2F(name1,title1,250,-50,200,250,0,50); fOutput->Add(fHistJetPtvsTrackPt[i]); name1 = TString(Form("RawJetPtvsTrackPt_%i",i)); title1 = TString(Form("Raw Jet p_{T} vs Leading Track p_{T} cent bin %i",i)); fHistRawJetPtvsTrackPt[i] = new TH2F(name1,title1,250,-50,200,250,0,50); fOutput->Add(fHistRawJetPtvsTrackPt[i]); name1 = TString(Form("TrackPt_%i",i)); title1 = TString(Form("Track p_{T} cent bin %i",i)); fHistTrackPt[i] = new TH1F(name1,title1,1000,0,100); // up to 200? fOutput->Add(fHistTrackPt[i]); name1 = TString(Form("JetPtcorrGLrho_%i",i)); title1 = TString(Form("Jet p_{T} corrected with Global #rho cent bin %i",i)); fHistJetPtcorrGlRho[i] = new TH1F(name1,title1,300,-100,200); // up to 200? fOutput->Add(fHistJetPtcorrGlRho[i]); name1 = TString(Form("JetPtvsdEP_%i",i)); title1 = TString(Form("Jet p_{T} vs #DeltaEP cent bin %i",i)); fHistJetPtvsdEP[i] = new TH2F(name1,title1,250,-50,200,288,-2*TMath::Pi(),2*TMath::Pi()); fOutput->Add(fHistJetPtvsdEP[i]); name1 = TString(Form("RhovsdEP_%i",i)); title1 = TString(Form("#rho vs #DeltaEP cent bin %i",i)); fHistRhovsdEP[i] = new TH2F(name1,title1,500,0,500,288,-2*TMath::Pi(),2*TMath::Pi()); fOutput->Add(fHistRhovsdEP[i]); name1 = TString(Form("JetEtaPhiPt_%i",i)); title1 = TString(Form("Jet #eta-#phi p_{T} cent bin %i",i)); fHistJetEtaPhiPt[i] = new TH3F(name1,title1,250,-50,200,100,-1,1,64,-3.2,3.2); fOutput->Add(fHistJetEtaPhiPt[i]); name1 = TString(Form("JetPtArea_%i",i)); title1 = TString(Form("Jet p_{T} Area cent bin %i",i)); fHistJetPtArea[i] = new TH2F(name1,title1,250,-50,200,100,0,1); fOutput->Add(fHistJetPtArea[i]); snprintf(name, nchar, "fHistAreavsRawPt_%i",i); fHistAreavsRawPt[i] = new TH2F(name,name,100,0,1,200,0,200); fOutput->Add(fHistAreavsRawPt[i]); } // loop over centrality } // QA histo switch if (makeBIAShistos) { fHistJetHaddPhiBias = new TH1F("fHistJetHaddPhiBias","Jet-Hadron #Delta#varphi with bias",128,-0.5*TMath::Pi(), 1.5*TMath::Pi()); fHistJetHaddPhiINBias = new TH1F("fHistJetHaddPhiINBias","Jet-Hadron #Delta#varphi IN PLANE with bias", 128,-0.5*TMath::Pi(), 1.5*TMath::Pi()); fHistJetHaddPhiOUTBias = new TH1F("fHistJetHaddPhiOUTBias","Jet-Hadron #Delta#varphi OUT PLANE with bias",128,-0.5*TMath::Pi(), 1.5*TMath::Pi()); fHistJetHaddPhiMIDBias = new TH1F("fHistJetHaddPhiMIDBias","Jet-Hadron #Delta#varphi MIDDLE of PLANE with bias",128,-0.5*TMath::Pi(), 1.5*TMath::Pi()); // add to output list fOutput->Add(fHistJetHaddPhiBias); fOutput->Add(fHistJetHaddPhiINBias); fOutput->Add(fHistJetHaddPhiOUTBias); fOutput->Add(fHistJetHaddPhiMIDBias); for (Int_t i = 0;i<6;++i){ name1 = TString(Form("JetPtvsdEPBias_%i",i)); title1 = TString(Form("Bias Jet p_{T} vs #DeltaEP cent bin %i",i)); fHistJetPtvsdEPBias[i] = new TH2F(name1,title1,250,-50,200,288,-2*TMath::Pi(),2*TMath::Pi()); fOutput->Add(fHistJetPtvsdEPBias[i]); name1 = TString(Form("JetEtaPhiPtBias_%i",i)); title1 = TString(Form("Jet #eta-#phi p_{T} Bias cent bin %i",i)); fHistJetEtaPhiPtBias[i] = new TH3F(name1,title1,250,-50,200,100,-1,1,64,-3.2,3.2); fOutput->Add(fHistJetEtaPhiPtBias[i]); name1 = TString(Form("JetPtAreaBias_%i",i)); title1 = TString(Form("Jet p_{T} Area Bias cent bin %i",i)); fHistJetPtAreaBias[i] = new TH2F(name1,title1,250,-50,200,100,0,1); fOutput->Add(fHistJetPtAreaBias[i]); } // end of centrality loop } // bias histos if (makeoldJEThadhistos) { for(Int_t icent = 0; icent<6; ++icent){ snprintf(name, nchar, "fHistJetPtTT_%i",icent); fHistJetPtTT[icent] = new TH1F(name,name,200,0,200); fOutput->Add(fHistJetPtTT[icent]); snprintf(name, nchar, "fHistJetPt_%i",icent); fHistJetPt[icent] = new TH1F(name,name,200,0,200); fOutput->Add(fHistJetPt[icent]); snprintf(name, nchar, "fHistJetPtBias_%i",icent); fHistJetPtBias[icent] = new TH1F(name,name,200,0,200); fOutput->Add(fHistJetPtBias[icent]); for(Int_t iptjet = 0; iptjet<5; ++iptjet){ for(Int_t ieta = 0; ieta<3; ++ieta){ snprintf(name, nchar, "fHistJetH_%i_%i_%i",icent,iptjet,ieta); fHistJetH[icent][iptjet][ieta]=new TH2F(name,name,64,-0.5*TMath::Pi(),1.5*TMath::Pi(),300,0,30); fOutput->Add(fHistJetH[icent][iptjet][ieta]); snprintf(name, nchar, "fHistJetHBias_%i_%i_%i",icent,iptjet,ieta); fHistJetHBias[icent][iptjet][ieta]=new TH2F(name,name,64,-0.5*TMath::Pi(),1.5*TMath::Pi(),300,0,30); fOutput->Add(fHistJetHBias[icent][iptjet][ieta]); snprintf(name, nchar, "fHistJetHTT_%i_%i_%i",icent,iptjet,ieta); fHistJetHTT[icent][iptjet][ieta]=new TH2F(name,name,64,-0.5*TMath::Pi(),1.5*TMath::Pi(),300,0,30); fOutput->Add(fHistJetHTT[icent][iptjet][ieta]); } // end of eta loop } // end of pt-jet loop } // end of centrality loop } // make JetHadhisto old if (makeextraCORRhistos) { for(Int_t itrackpt=0; itrackpt<9; itrackpt++){ snprintf(name, nchar, "fHistJetHadbindPhi_%i",itrackpt); fHistJetHadbindPhi[itrackpt] = new TH1F(name,name,128,-0.5*TMath::Pi(), 1.5*TMath::Pi()); fOutput->Add(fHistJetHadbindPhi[itrackpt]); snprintf(name, nchar, "fHistJetHadbindPhiIN_%i",itrackpt); fHistJetHadbindPhiIN[itrackpt] = new TH1F(name,name,128,-0.5*TMath::Pi(), 1.5*TMath::Pi()); fOutput->Add(fHistJetHadbindPhiIN[itrackpt]); snprintf(name, nchar, "fHistJetHadbindPhiMID_%i",itrackpt); fHistJetHadbindPhiMID[itrackpt] = new TH1F(name,name,128,-0.5*TMath::Pi(), 1.5*TMath::Pi()); fOutput->Add(fHistJetHadbindPhiMID[itrackpt]); snprintf(name, nchar, "fHistJetHadbindPhiOUT_%i",itrackpt); fHistJetHadbindPhiOUT[itrackpt] = new TH1F(name,name,128,-0.5*TMath::Pi(), 1.5*TMath::Pi()); fOutput->Add(fHistJetHadbindPhiOUT[itrackpt]); } // end of trackpt bin loop for (Int_t i = 0;i<6;++i){ name1 = TString(Form("JetHaddPhiINcent_%i",i)); title1 = TString(Form("Jet Hadron #Delta#varphi Distribution IN PLANE cent bin %i",i)); fHistJetHaddPhiINcent[i] = new TH1F(name1,title1,128,-0.5*TMath::Pi(), 1.5*TMath::Pi()); fOutput->Add(fHistJetHaddPhiINcent[i]); name1 = TString(Form("JetHaddPhiOUTcent_%i",i)); title1 = TString(Form("Jet Hadron #Delta#varphi Distribution OUT PLANE cent bin %i",i)); fHistJetHaddPhiOUTcent[i] = new TH1F(name1,title1,128,-0.5*TMath::Pi(), 1.5*TMath::Pi()); fOutput->Add(fHistJetHaddPhiOUTcent[i]); name1 = TString(Form("JetHaddPhiMIDcent_%i",i)); title1 = TString(Form("Jet Hadron #Delta#varphi Distribution MIDDLE of PLANE cent bin %i",i)); fHistJetHaddPhiMIDcent[i] = new TH1F(name1,title1,128,-0.5*TMath::Pi(), 1.5*TMath::Pi()); fOutput->Add(fHistJetHaddPhiMIDcent[i]); name1 = TString(Form("JetPtNcon_%i",i)); title1 = TString(Form("Jet p_{T} Ncon cent bin %i",i)); fHistJetPtNcon[i] = new TH2F(name1,title1,250,-50,200,100,0,2000); fOutput->Add(fHistJetPtNcon[i]); name1 = TString(Form("JetPtNconBias_%i",i)); title1 = TString(Form("Jet p_{T} NconBias cent bin %i",i)); fHistJetPtNconBias[i] = new TH2F(name1,title1,250,-50,200,100,0,2000); fOutput->Add(fHistJetPtNconBias[i]); name1 = TString(Form("JetPtNconCh_%i",i)); title1 = TString(Form("Jet p_{T} NconCh cent bin %i",i)); fHistJetPtNconCh[i] = new TH2F(name1,title1,250,-50,200,100,0,2000); fOutput->Add(fHistJetPtNconCh[i]); name1 = TString(Form("JetPtNconBiasCh_%i",i)); title1 = TString(Form("Jet p_{T} NconBiasCh cent bin %i",i)); fHistJetPtNconBiasCh[i] = new TH2F(name1,title1,250,-50,200,100,0,2000); fOutput->Add(fHistJetPtNconBiasCh[i]); name1 = TString(Form("JetPtNconEm_%i",i)); title1 = TString(Form("Jet p_{T} NconEm cent bin %i",i)); fHistJetPtNconEm[i] = new TH2F(name1,title1,250,-50,200,100,0,2000); fOutput->Add(fHistJetPtNconEm[i]); name1 = TString(Form("JetPtNconBiasEm_%i",i)); title1 = TString(Form("Jet p_{T} NconBiasEm cent bin %i",i)); fHistJetPtNconBiasEm[i] = new TH2F(name1,title1,250,-50,200,100,0,2000); fOutput->Add(fHistJetPtNconBiasEm[i]); } // extra Correlations histos switch } // variable binned pt for THnSparse's Double_t xlowjetPT[] = {15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 100, 150, 200, 300}; Double_t xlowtrPT[] = {0.15,0.2,0.25,0.3,0.35,0.4,0.45,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0,1.2,1.4,1.6,1.8,2.0,2.2,2.4,2.6,2.8,3.0,3.2,3.4,3.6,3.8,4.0,4.2,4.4,4.6,4.8,5.0,5.5,6.0,6.5,7.0,7.5,8.0,9.0,10.0,12.0,14.0,16.0,18.0,20.0,25.0,30.0,40.0,50.0,75.0}; // tracks: 51, jets: 26 // number of bins you tell histogram should be (# in array - 1) because the last bin // is the right-most edge of the histogram // i.e. this is for PT and there are 57 numbers (bins) thus we have 56 bins in our histo Int_t nbinsjetPT = sizeof(xlowjetPT)/sizeof(Double_t) - 1; Int_t nbinstrPT = sizeof(xlowtrPT)/sizeof(Double_t) - 1; // set up jet-hadron sparse UInt_t bitcodeMESE = 0; // bit coded, see GetDimParams() below UInt_t bitcodePID = 0; // bit coded, see GetDimParamsPID() below UInt_t bitcodeCorr = 0; // bit coded, see GetDimparamsCorr() below bitcodeMESE = 1<<0 | 1<<1 | 1<<2 | 1<<3 | 1<<4 | 1<<5 | 1<<6; // | 1<<7 | 1<<8 | 1<<9; if(fDoEventMixing) { fhnJH = NewTHnSparseF("fhnJH", bitcodeMESE); if(dovarbinTHnSparse){ fhnJH->GetAxis(1)->Set(nbinsjetPT, xlowjetPT); fhnJH->GetAxis(2)->Set(nbinstrPT, xlowtrPT); } fOutput->Add(fhnJH); } bitcodeCorr = 1<<0 | 1<<1 | 1<<2 | 1<<3; // | 1<<4 | 1<<5; fhnCorr = NewTHnSparseFCorr("fhnCorr", bitcodeCorr); if(dovarbinTHnSparse) fhnCorr->GetAxis(1)->Set(nbinsjetPT, xlowjetPT); fOutput->Add(fhnCorr); /* Double_t centralityBins[nCentralityBins+1]; for(Int_t ic=0; icAdd(fHistMult); // Event Mixing Int_t trackDepth = fMixingTracks; Int_t poolsize = 1000; // Maximum number of events, ignored in the present implemented of AliEventPoolManager Int_t nZvtxBins = 5+1+5; Double_t vertexBins[] = { -10, -8, -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10}; Double_t* zvtxbin = vertexBins; if(fBeam == 0) fPoolMgr = new AliEventPoolManager(poolsize, trackDepth, nCentralityBinspp, centralityBinspp, nZvtxBins, zvtxbin); if(fBeam == 1) fPoolMgr = new AliEventPoolManager(poolsize, trackDepth, nCentralityBinsPbPb, centralityBinsPbPb, nZvtxBins, zvtxbin); // set up event mixing sparse if(fDoEventMixing){ bitcodeMESE = 1<<0 | 1<<1 | 1<<2 | 1<<3 | 1<<4 | 1<<5 | 1<<6; // | 1<<7 | 1<<8 | 1<<9; fhnMixedEvents = NewTHnSparseF("fhnMixedEvents", bitcodeMESE); // set up some variable binning of the sparse if(dovarbinTHnSparse){ fhnMixedEvents->GetAxis(1)->Set(nbinsjetPT, xlowjetPT); fhnMixedEvents->GetAxis(2)->Set(nbinstrPT, xlowtrPT); } fOutput->Add(fhnMixedEvents); } // end of do-eventmixing // set up PID sparse if(doPID){ // ****************************** PID ***************************************************** // set up PID handler AliAnalysisManager *man=AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); AliInputEventHandler* inputHandler = (AliInputEventHandler*) (man->GetInputEventHandler()); if(!inputHandler) { AliFatal("Input handler needed"); return; } // PID response object fPIDResponse = inputHandler->GetPIDResponse(); if (!fPIDResponse) { AliError("PIDResponse object was not created"); return; } // ***************************************************************************************** // PID counter fHistPID = new TH1F("fHistPID","PID Counter", 15, 0.5, 15.5); SetfHistPIDcounterLabels(fHistPID); fOutput->Add(fHistPID); if(allpidAXIS) { bitcodePID = 1<<0 | 1<<1 | 1<<2 | 1<<3 | 1<<4 | 1<<5 | 1<<6 | 1<<7 | 1<<8 | 1<<9 | 1<<10 | 1<<11 | 1<<12 | 1<<13 | 1<<14 | 1<<15 | 1<<16 | 1<<17 | 1<<18; // | 1<<19 | 1<<20; fhnPID = NewTHnSparseFPID("fhnPID", bitcodePID); } else { bitcodePID = 1<<0 | 1<<1 | 1<<2 | 1<<3 | 1<<4 | 1<<5 | 1<<6 | 1<<7 | 1<<8 | 1<<9 | 1<<10 | 1<<11; // | 1<<12 | 1<<13; fhnPID = NewTHnSparseFPID("fhnPID", bitcodePID); } // set some variable binning of sparse if(dovarbinTHnSparse){ fhnPID->GetAxis(1)->Set(nbinstrPT, xlowtrPT); fhnPID->GetAxis(8)->Set(nbinsjetPT, xlowjetPT); } fOutput->Add(fhnPID); } // end of do-PID // =========== Switch on Sumw2 for all histos =========== for (Int_t i=0; iGetEntries(); ++i) { TH1 *h1 = dynamic_cast(fOutput->At(i)); if (h1){ h1->Sumw2(); continue; } TH2 *h2 = dynamic_cast(fOutput->At(i)); if (h2){ h2->Sumw2(); continue; } TH3 *h3 = dynamic_cast(fOutput->At(i)); if (h3){ h3->Sumw2(); continue; } THnSparse *hn = dynamic_cast(fOutput->At(i)); if(hn)hn->Sumw2(); } PostData(1, fOutput); } //_________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid::ExecOnce() { AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJet::ExecOnce(); if (fJetsCont && fJetsCont->GetArray() == 0) fJetsCont = 0; if (fTracksCont && fTracksCont->GetArray() == 0) fTracksCont = 0; if (fCaloClustersCont && fCaloClustersCont->GetArray() == 0) fCaloClustersCont = 0; } //_________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid::Run() { // Main loop called for each event // TEST TEST TEST TEST for OBJECTS! fHistEventQA->Fill(1); // All Events that get entered // check and fill a Event Selection QA histogram for different trigger selections UInt_t trig = ((AliInputEventHandler*)(AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetInputEventHandler()))->IsEventSelected(); if(trig == 0) fHistEventSelectionQA->Fill(1); if(trig & AliVEvent::kAny) fHistEventSelectionQA->Fill(2); if(trig & AliVEvent::kAnyINT) fHistEventSelectionQA->Fill(3); if(trig & AliVEvent::kMB) fHistEventSelectionQA->Fill(4); if(trig & AliVEvent::kINT7) fHistEventSelectionQA->Fill(5); if(trig & AliVEvent::kEMC1) fHistEventSelectionQA->Fill(6); if(trig & AliVEvent::kEMC7) fHistEventSelectionQA->Fill(7); if(trig & AliVEvent::kEMC8) fHistEventSelectionQA->Fill(8); if(trig & AliVEvent::kEMCEJE) fHistEventSelectionQA->Fill(9); if(trig & AliVEvent::kEMCEGA) fHistEventSelectionQA->Fill(10); if(trig & AliVEvent::kCentral) fHistEventSelectionQA->Fill(11); if(trig & AliVEvent::kSemiCentral) fHistEventSelectionQA->Fill(12); if(trig & AliVEvent::kINT8) fHistEventSelectionQA->Fill(13); if(trig & (AliVEvent::kEMCEJE | AliVEvent::kMB)) fHistEventSelectionQA->Fill(14); if(trig & (AliVEvent::kEMCEGA | AliVEvent::kMB)) fHistEventSelectionQA->Fill(15); if(trig & (AliVEvent::kAnyINT | AliVEvent::kMB)) fHistEventSelectionQA->Fill(16); //if(trig & (AliVEvent::kEMCEJE && AliVEvent::kMB)) fHistEventSelectionQA->Fill(17); //if(trig & (AliVEvent::kEMCEGA && AliVEvent::kMB)) fHistEventSelectionQA->Fill(18); //if(trig & (AliVEvent::kAnyINT && AliVEvent::kMB)) fHistEventSelectionQA->Fill(19); // see if we are running on PbPb and try and get LocalRho object if(GetBeamType() == 1) { if(!fLocalRho){ AliError(Form("Couldn't get fLocalRho object, try to get it from Event based on name\n")); fLocalRho = GetLocalRhoFromEvent(fLocalRhoName); if(!fLocalRho) return kTRUE; } } // check for LocalRho object if PbPb data if(!fTracks){ AliError(Form("No fTracks object!!\n")); return kTRUE; } if(!fJets){ AliError(Form("No fJets object!!\n")); return kTRUE; } fHistEventQA->Fill(2); // events after object check // what kind of event do we have: AOD or ESD? Bool_t useAOD; if (dynamic_cast(InputEvent())) useAOD = kTRUE; else useAOD = kFALSE; // if we have ESD event, set up ESD object if(!useAOD){ fESD = dynamic_cast(InputEvent()); if (!fESD) { AliError(Form("ERROR: fESD not available\n")); return kTRUE; } } // if we have AOD event, set up AOD object if(useAOD){ fAOD = dynamic_cast(InputEvent()); if(!fAOD) { AliError(Form("ERROR: fAOD not available\n")); return kTRUE; } } fHistEventQA->Fill(3); // events after Aod/esd check // get centrality Int_t centbin = GetCentBin(fCent); if (makeQAhistos) fHistCentrality->Fill(fCent); // won't be filled in pp collision (Keep this in mind!) // if we are on PbPb data do cut on centrality > 90%, else by default DON'T if (GetBeamType() == 1) { // apply cut to event on Centrality > 90% if(fCent>90) return kTRUE; } // BEAM TYPE enumerator: kNA = -1, kpp = 0, kAA = 1, kpA = 2 // for pp analyses we will just use the first centrality bin if(GetBeamType() == 0) if (centbin == -1) centbin = 0; if(GetBeamType() == 1) if (centbin == -1) return kTRUE; fHistEventQA->Fill(4); // events after centrality check // get vertex information Double_t fvertex[3]={0,0,0}; InputEvent()->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetXYZ(fvertex); Double_t zVtx=fvertex[2]; if (makeQAhistos) fHistZvtx->Fill(zVtx); // get z-vertex bin //Int_t zVbin = GetzVertexBin(zVtx); // apply zVtx cut if(fabs(zVtx)>10.0) return kTRUE; fHistEventQA->Fill(5); // events after zvertex check // create pointer to list of input event TList *list = InputEvent()->GetList(); if(!list) { AliError(Form("ERROR: list not attached\n")); return kTRUE; } fHistEventQA->Fill(6); // events after list check // initialize TClonesArray pointers to jets and tracks TClonesArray *jets = 0; TClonesArray *tracks = 0; TClonesArray *tracksME = 0; // get Tracks object tracks = dynamic_cast(list->FindObject(fTracks)); if (!tracks) { AliError(Form("Pointer to tracks %s == 0", fTracks->GetName())); return kTRUE; } // verify existence of tracks // get ME Tracks object tracksME = dynamic_cast(list->FindObject(fTracksNameME)); if (!tracksME) { AliError(Form("Pointer to tracks %s == 0", fTracksNameME.Data())); return kTRUE; } // verify existence of tracks // get Jets object jets = dynamic_cast(list->FindObject(fJets)); if(!jets){ AliError(Form("Pointer to jets %s == 0", fJets->GetName())); return kTRUE; } // verify existence of jets fHistEventQA->Fill(7); // events after track/jet pointer check // get number of jets and tracks const Int_t Njets = jets->GetEntries(); const Int_t Ntracks = tracks->GetEntries(); if(Ntracks<1) return kTRUE; if(Njets<1) return kTRUE; fHistEventQA->Fill(8); // events after #track and jets < 1 check if (makeQAhistos) fHistMult->Fill(Ntracks); // fill multiplicity distribution // initialize track parameters Int_t iTT=-1; Double_t ptmax=-10; Int_t NtrackAcc = 0; fVevent = dynamic_cast(InputEvent()); if (!fVevent) { printf("ERROR: fVEvent not available\n"); return kTRUE; } // fill event mixing QA if(trig & AliVEvent::kEMCEGA) fHistCentZvertGA->Fill(fCent, zVtx); if(trig & AliVEvent::kEMCEJE) fHistCentZvertJE->Fill(fCent, zVtx); if(trig & AliVEvent::kMB) fHistCentZvertMB->Fill(fCent, zVtx); if(trig & AliVEvent::kAny) fHistCentZvertAny->Fill(fCent, zVtx); // loop over tracks - to get hardest track (highest pt) for (Int_t iTracks = 0; iTracks < Ntracks; iTracks++){ AliVTrack *track = dynamic_cast(tracks->At(iTracks)); if(!track){ AliError(Form("Couldn't get AliVtrack %d\n", iTracks)); continue; } // track cuts if(TMath::Abs(track->Eta())>0.9) continue; if(track->Pt()<0.15) continue; //iCount++; NtrackAcc++; if(track->Pt()>ptmax){ ptmax=track->Pt(); // max pT track iTT=iTracks; // trigger tracks } // check if Pt>maxpt if (makeQAhistos) fHistTrackPhi->Fill(track->Phi()); if (makeQAhistos) fHistTrackPt[centbin]->Fill(track->Pt()); if (makeQAhistos) fHistTrackPtallcent->Fill(track->Pt()); } // end of loop over tracks // get rho from event and fill relative histo's fRho = GetRhoFromEvent(fRhoName); fRhoVal = fRho->GetVal(); if (makeQAhistos) { fHistRhovsdEP[centbin]->Fill(fRhoVal,fEPV0); // Global Rho vs delta Event Plane angle fHistRhovsCent->Fill(fCent,fRhoVal); // Global Rho vs Centrality fHistEP0[centbin]->Fill(fEPV0); fHistEP0A[centbin]->Fill(fEPV0A); fHistEP0C[centbin]->Fill(fEPV0C); fHistEPAvsC[centbin]->Fill(fEPV0A,fEPV0C); } // initialize jet parameters Int_t ijethi=-1; Double_t highestjetpt=0.0; Int_t passedTTcut=0; Int_t NjetAcc = 0; Double_t leadhadronPT = 0; // loop over jets in an event - to find highest jet pT and apply some cuts for (Int_t ijet = 0; ijet < Njets; ijet++){ // get our jets AliEmcalJet *jet = static_cast(jets->At(ijet)); if (!jet) continue; // apply jet cuts if ((jet->Phi()Phi()>fPhimax)) continue; if ((jet->Eta()Eta()>fEtamax)) continue; if (makeQAhistos) fHistAreavsRawPt[centbin]->Fill(jet->Pt(),jet->Area()); if(!AcceptMyJet(jet)) continue; NjetAcc++; // # of accepted jets // if FlavourJetAnalysis, get desired FlavTag and check against Jet if(doFlavourJetAnalysis) { if(!AcceptFlavourJet(jet, fJetFlavTag)) continue;} // use this to get total # of jets passing cuts in events!!!!!!!! if (makeQAhistos) fHistJetPhi->Fill(jet->Phi()); // Jet Phi histogram (filled) // get highest Pt jet in event if(highestjetptPt()){ ijethi=ijet; highestjetpt=jet->Pt(); } } // end of looping over jets // accepted jets fHistNjetvsCent->Fill(fCent,NjetAcc); Int_t NJETAcc = 0; fHistEventQA->Fill(9); // events after track/jet loop to get highest pt // loop over jets in event and make appropriate cuts for (Int_t ijet = 0; ijet < Njets; ++ijet) { AliEmcalJet *jet = static_cast(fJets->At(ijet)); if (!jet) continue; // check our jet is in our selected trigger event if (!(trig & fTriggerEventType)) continue; // (should probably be higher..., but makes a cut on jet pT) if (jet->Pt()<0.1) continue; // do we accept jet? apply jet cuts if (!AcceptMyJet(jet)) continue; // if FlavourJetAnalysis, get desired FlavTag and check against Jet if(doFlavourJetAnalysis) { if(!AcceptFlavourJet(jet, fJetFlavTag)) continue;} fHistEventQA->Fill(10); // accepted jets // check on lead jet Double_t leadjet=0; if (ijet==ijethi) leadjet=1; // check on leading hadron pt if (ijet==ijethi) leadhadronPT = GetLeadingHadronPt(jet); // initialize and calculate various parameters: pt, eta, phi, rho, etc... Double_t jetphi = jet->Phi(); // phi of jet NJETAcc++; // # accepted jets Double_t jeteta = jet->Eta(); // ETA of jet Double_t jetPt = -500; Double_t jetPtGlobal = -500; Double_t jetPtLocal = -500; // initialize corr jet pt if(GetBeamType() == 1) { fLocalRhoVal = fLocalRho->GetLocalVal(jetphi, fJetRad); //GetJetRadius(0)); // get local rho value jetPtLocal = jet->Pt()-jet->Area()*fLocalRhoVal; // corrected pT of jet using Rho modulated for V2 and V3 } jetPt = jet->Pt(); jetPtGlobal = jet->Pt()-jet->Area()*fRhoVal; // corrected pT of jet from rho value Double_t dEP = -500; // initialize angle between jet and event plane dEP = RelativeEPJET(jetphi,fEPV0); // angle betweeen jet and event plane // make histo's if(makeQAhistos) fHistJetPtvsTrackPt[centbin]->Fill(jetPt,jet->MaxTrackPt()); if(makeQAhistos) fHistRawJetPtvsTrackPt[centbin]->Fill(jetPt,jet->MaxTrackPt()); if(makeQAhistos) fHistJetPtcorrGlRho[centbin]->Fill(jetPtGlobal); if(makeQAhistos) fHistJetPtvsdEP[centbin]->Fill(jetPt, dEP); if(makeQAhistos) fHistJetEtaPhiPt[centbin]->Fill(jetPt,jet->Eta(),jet->Phi()); if(makeQAhistos) fHistJetPtArea[centbin]->Fill(jetPt,jet->Area()); if(makeQAhistos) fHistJetEtaPhi->Fill(jet->Eta(),jet->Phi()); // fill jet eta-phi distribution histo if(makeextraCORRhistos) fHistJetPtNcon[centbin]->Fill(jetPt,jet->GetNumberOfConstituents()); if(makeextraCORRhistos) fHistJetPtNconCh[centbin]->Fill(jetPt,jet->GetNumberOfTracks()); if(makeextraCORRhistos) fHistJetPtNconEm[centbin]->Fill(jetPt,jet->GetNumberOfClusters()); if (makeoldJEThadhistos) fHistJetPt[centbin]->Fill(jet->Pt()); // fill #jets vs pT histo //fHistDeltaPtvsArea->Fill(jetPt,jet->Area()); // make histo's with BIAS applied if (jet->MaxTrackPt()>fTrkBias){ if(makeBIAShistos) fHistJetPtvsdEPBias[centbin]->Fill(jetPt, dEP); if(makeBIAShistos) fHistJetEtaPhiPtBias[centbin]->Fill(jetPt,jet->Eta(),jet->Phi()); if(makeextraCORRhistos) fHistJetPtAreaBias[centbin]->Fill(jetPt,jet->Area()); if(makeextraCORRhistos) fHistJetPtNconBias[centbin]->Fill(jetPt,jet->GetNumberOfConstituents()); if(makeextraCORRhistos) fHistJetPtNconBiasCh[centbin]->Fill(jetPt,jet->GetNumberOfTracks()); if(makeextraCORRhistos) fHistJetPtNconBiasEm[centbin]->Fill(jetPt,jet->GetNumberOfClusters()); } //if(leadjet && centbin==0){ // if(makeextraCORRhistos) fHistJetPt[centbin+1]->Fill(jet->Pt()); //} if ((jet->MaxTrackPt()>fTrkBias) || (jet->MaxClusterPt()>fClusBias)){ if (makeoldJEThadhistos){ fHistJetPtBias[centbin]->Fill(jet->Pt()); //if(leadjet && centbin==0) fHistJetPtBias[centbin+1]->Fill(jet->Pt()); } } // end of MaxTrackPt>ftrkBias or maxclusterPt>fclusBias // do we have trigger tracks if(iTT>0){ AliVTrack* TT = static_cast(tracks->At(iTT)); if(TMath::Abs(jet->Phi()-TT->Phi()-TMath::Pi())<0.6) passedTTcut=1; else passedTTcut=0; } // end of check on iTT > 0 if(passedTTcut) { if (makeoldJEThadhistos) fHistJetPtTT[centbin]->Fill(jet->Pt()); } // cut on HIGHEST jet pt in event (15 GeV default) //if (highestjetpt>fJetPtcut) { if (jet->Pt() > fJetPtcut) { fHistEventQA->Fill(11); // jets meeting pt threshold // does our max track or cluster pass the bias? if ((jet->MaxTrackPt()>fTrkBias) || (jet->MaxClusterPt()>fClusBias)){ // set up and fill Jet-Hadron Correction THnSparse Double_t CorrEntries[4] = {fCent, jet->Pt(), dEP, zVtx}; fhnCorr->Fill(CorrEntries); // fill Sparse Histo with Correction entries if(GetBeamType() == 1) fHistLocalRhoJetpt->Fill(jetPtLocal); } // loop over all track for an event containing a jet with a pT>fJetPtCut (15)GeV for (Int_t iTracks = 0; iTracks < Ntracks; ++iTracks) { AliVTrack *track = dynamic_cast(tracks->At(iTracks)); if (!track) { AliError(Form("Couldn't get AliVtrack %d\n", iTracks)); continue; } // apply track cuts if(TMath::Abs(track->Eta())>fTrkEta) continue; if (track->Pt()<0.15) continue; fHistEventQA->Fill(12); // accepted tracks in events from trigger jets // calculate and get some track parameters Double_t trCharge = -99; trCharge = track->Charge(); Double_t tracketa=track->Eta(); // eta of track Double_t deta=tracketa-jeteta; // dETA between track and jet //Double_t dR=sqrt(deta*deta+dphijh*dphijh); // difference of R between jet and hadron track // calculate single particle tracking efficiency for correlations //TF2 effCORR = fEffFunctionCorr; Double_t trefficiency = -999; trefficiency = EffCorrection(track->Eta(), track->Pt(), fDoEffCorr); Int_t ieta = -1; // initialize deta bin Int_t iptjet = -1; // initialize jet pT bin if (makeoldJEThadhistos) { ieta=GetEtaBin(deta); // bin of eta if(ieta<0) continue; // double check we don't have a negative array index iptjet=GetpTjetBin(jet->Pt()); // bin of jet pt if(iptjet<0) continue; // double check we don't have a negative array index } // dPHI between jet and hadron Double_t dphijh = RelativePhi(jet->Phi(), track->Phi()); // angle between jet and hadron // fill some jet-hadron histo's if (makeoldJEThadhistos) fHistJetH[centbin][iptjet][ieta]->Fill(dphijh,track->Pt()); // fill jet-hadron dPHI--track pT distribution if(makeQAhistos) fHistJetHEtaPhi->Fill(deta,dphijh); // fill jet-hadron eta--phi distribution fHistJetHaddPHI->Fill(dphijh); if(passedTTcut){ if (makeoldJEThadhistos) fHistJetHTT[centbin][iptjet][ieta]->Fill(dphijh,track->Pt()); } // does our max track or cluster pass the bias? if ((jet->MaxTrackPt()>fTrkBias) || (jet->MaxClusterPt()>fClusBias)){ // set up and fill Jet-Hadron THnSparse Double_t triggerEntries[9] = {fCent, jet->Pt(), track->Pt(), deta, dphijh, dEP, zVtx, trCharge, leadjet}; //cout<<"itracks#: "<Fill(triggerEntries, 1.0/trefficiency); // fill Sparse Histo with trigger entries // fill histo's if(makeQAhistos) fHistSEphieta->Fill(dphijh, deta); // single event distribution if(makeoldJEThadhistos) fHistJetHBias[centbin][iptjet][ieta]->Fill(dphijh,track->Pt()); if (makeBIAShistos) { fHistJetHaddPhiBias->Fill(dphijh); // in plane and out of plane histo's if( dEP>0 && dEP<=(TMath::Pi()/6) ){ // we are IN plane fHistJetHaddPhiINBias->Fill(dphijh); }else if( dEP>(TMath::Pi()/3) && dEP<=(TMath::Pi()/2) ){ // we are OUT of PLANE fHistJetHaddPhiOUTBias->Fill(dphijh); }else if( dEP>(TMath::Pi()/6) && dEP<=(TMath::Pi()/3) ){ // we are in middle of plane fHistJetHaddPhiMIDBias->Fill(dphijh); } } // BIAS histos switch if (!fPIDResponse) break; // just return fHistTPCdEdX->Fill(track->Pt(), track->GetTPCsignal()); } // end of check maxtrackpt>ftrackbias or maxclusterpt>fclustbias // ************************************************************************************************************** // *********************************** PID ********************************************************************** // ************************************************************************************************************** if(doPIDtrackBIAS){ //if(ptmax < fTrkBias) continue; // force PID to happen when max track pt > 5.0 GeV if(leadhadronPT < fTrkBias) continue; // force PID to happen when lead hadron pt > 5.0 GeV } // some variables for PID Double_t pt = -999, dEdx = -999, ITSsig = -999, TOFsig = -999, charge = -999; // nSigma of particles in TPC, TOF, and ITS Double_t nSigmaPion_TPC, nSigmaProton_TPC, nSigmaKaon_TPC; Double_t nSigmaPion_TOF, nSigmaProton_TOF, nSigmaKaon_TOF; Double_t nSigmaPion_ITS, nSigmaProton_ITS, nSigmaKaon_ITS; if(doPID && ((jet->MaxTrackPt()>fTrkBias) || (jet->MaxClusterPt()>fClusBias)) ){ // get parameters of track charge = track->Charge(); // charge of track pt = track->Pt(); // pT of track // extra attempt AliVEvent *vevent=InputEvent(); if (!vevent||!fPIDResponse) return kTRUE; // just return, maybe put at beginning fHistEventQA->Fill(13); // check for AliVEvent and fPIDresponse objects // get detector signals dEdx = track->GetTPCsignal(); ITSsig = track->GetITSsignal(); TOFsig = track->GetTOFsignal(); // TPC nSigma's nSigmaPion_TPC = fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTPC(track,AliPID::kPion); nSigmaKaon_TPC = fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTPC(track,AliPID::kKaon); nSigmaProton_TPC = fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTPC(track,AliPID::kProton); // TOF nSigma's nSigmaPion_TOF = fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTOF(track,AliPID::kPion); nSigmaKaon_TOF = fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTOF(track,AliPID::kKaon); nSigmaProton_TOF = fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTOF(track,AliPID::kProton); // ITS nSigma's nSigmaPion_ITS = fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasITS(track,AliPID::kPion); nSigmaKaon_ITS = fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasITS(track,AliPID::kKaon); nSigmaProton_ITS = fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasITS(track,AliPID::kProton); // fill detector signal histograms //if (makeQAhistos) fHistTPCdEdX->Fill(pt, dEdx); // temp out if (makeQAhistos) fHistITSsignal->Fill(pt, ITSsig); //if (makeQAhistos) fHistTOFsignal->Fill(pt, TOFsig); // Tests to PID pions, kaons, and protons, (default is undentified tracks) //Double_t nPIDtpc = 0, nPIDits = 0, nPIDtof = 0; Double_t nPID = -99; // check track has pT < 0.900 GeV - use TPC pid if (pt<0.900 && dEdx>0) { //nPIDtpc = 4; nPID = 1; // PION check - TPC if (TMath::Abs(nSigmaPion_TPC)<2 && TMath::Abs(nSigmaKaon_TPC)>2 && TMath::Abs(nSigmaProton_TPC)>2 ){ isPItpc = kTRUE; //nPIDtpc = 1; nPID=2; }else isPItpc = kFALSE; // KAON check - TPC if (TMath::Abs(nSigmaKaon_TPC)<2 && TMath::Abs(nSigmaPion_TPC)>3 && TMath::Abs(nSigmaProton_TPC)>2 ){ isKtpc = kTRUE; //nPIDtpc = 2; nPID=3; }else isKtpc = kFALSE; // PROTON check - TPC if (TMath::Abs(nSigmaProton_TPC)<2 && TMath::Abs(nSigmaPion_TPC)>3 && TMath::Abs(nSigmaKaon_TPC)>2 ){ isPtpc = kTRUE; //nPIDtpc = 3; nPID=4; }else isPtpc = kFALSE; } // cut on track pT for TPC // check track has pT < 0.500 GeV - use ITS pid if (pt<0.500 && ITSsig>0) { //nPIDits = 4; nPID = 5; // PION check - ITS if (TMath::Abs(nSigmaPion_ITS)<2 && TMath::Abs(nSigmaKaon_ITS)>2 && TMath::Abs(nSigmaProton_ITS)>2 ){ isPIits = kTRUE; //nPIDits = 1; nPID=6; }else isPIits = kFALSE; // KAON check - ITS if (TMath::Abs(nSigmaKaon_ITS)<2 && TMath::Abs(nSigmaPion_ITS)>3 && TMath::Abs(nSigmaProton_ITS)>2 ){ isKits = kTRUE; //nPIDits = 2; nPID=7; }else isKits = kFALSE; // PROTON check - ITS if (TMath::Abs(nSigmaProton_ITS)<2 && TMath::Abs(nSigmaPion_ITS)>3 && TMath::Abs(nSigmaKaon_ITS)>2 ){ isPits = kTRUE; //nPIDits = 3; nPID=8; }else isPits = kFALSE; } // cut on track pT for ITS // check track has 0.900 GeV < pT < 2.500 GeV - use TOF pid if (pt>0.900 && pt<2.500 && TOFsig>0) { //nPIDtof = 4; nPID = 9; // PION check - TOF if (TMath::Abs(nSigmaPion_TOF)<2 && TMath::Abs(nSigmaKaon_TOF)>2 && TMath::Abs(nSigmaProton_TOF)>2 ){ isPItof = kTRUE; //nPIDtof = 1; nPID=10; }else isPItof = kFALSE; // KAON check - TOF if (TMath::Abs(nSigmaKaon_TOF)<2 && TMath::Abs(nSigmaPion_TOF)>3 && TMath::Abs(nSigmaProton_TOF)>2 ){ isKtof = kTRUE; //nPIDtof = 2; nPID=11; }else isKtof = kFALSE; // PROTON check - TOF if (TMath::Abs(nSigmaProton_TOF)<2 && TMath::Abs(nSigmaPion_TOF)>3 && TMath::Abs(nSigmaKaon_TOF)>2 ){ isPtof = kTRUE; //nPIDtof = 3; nPID=12; }else isPtof = kFALSE; } // cut on track pT for TOF if (nPID == -99) nPID = 14; fHistPID->Fill(nPID); // PID sparse getting filled if (allpidAXIS) { // FILL ALL axis Double_t pid_EntriesALL[19] = {fCent,pt,charge,deta,dphijh,leadjet,zVtx,dEP,jetPt, nSigmaPion_TPC, nSigmaPion_TOF, // pion nSig values in TPC/TOF nPID, //nPIDtpc, nPIDits, nPIDtof, // PID label for each detector nSigmaProton_TPC, nSigmaKaon_TPC, // nSig in TPC nSigmaPion_ITS, nSigmaProton_ITS, nSigmaKaon_ITS, // nSig in ITS nSigmaProton_TOF, nSigmaKaon_TOF, // nSig in TOF }; //array for PID sparse fhnPID->Fill(pid_EntriesALL, 1.0/trefficiency); } else { // PID sparse getting filled Double_t pid_Entries[12] = {fCent,pt,charge,deta,dphijh,leadjet,zVtx,dEP,jetPt, nSigmaPion_TPC, nSigmaPion_TOF, // pion nSig values in TPC/TOF nPID //nPIDtpc, nPIDits, nPIDtof // PID label for each detector }; //array for PID sparse fhnPID->Fill(pid_Entries, 1.0/trefficiency); // fill Sparse histo of PID tracks } // minimal pid sparse filling } // end of doPID check // get track pt bin Int_t itrackpt = -500; // initialize track pT bin itrackpt = GetpTtrackBin(track->Pt()); // all tracks: jet hadron correlations in hadron pt bins if(makeextraCORRhistos) fHistJetHadbindPhi[itrackpt]->Fill(dphijh); // in plane and out of plane jet-hadron histo's if( dEP>0 && dEP<=(TMath::Pi()/6) ){ // we are IN plane if(makeextraCORRhistos) fHistJetHaddPhiINcent[centbin]->Fill(dphijh); fHistJetHaddPhiIN->Fill(dphijh); if(makeextraCORRhistos) fHistJetHadbindPhiIN[itrackpt]->Fill(dphijh); }else if( dEP>(TMath::Pi()/3) && dEP<=(TMath::Pi()/2) ){ // we are OUT of PLANE if(makeextraCORRhistos) fHistJetHaddPhiOUTcent[centbin]->Fill(dphijh); fHistJetHaddPhiOUT->Fill(dphijh); if(makeextraCORRhistos) fHistJetHadbindPhiOUT[itrackpt]->Fill(dphijh); }else if( dEP>(TMath::Pi()/6) && dEP<=(TMath::Pi()/3) ){ // we are in the middle of plane if(makeextraCORRhistos) fHistJetHaddPhiMIDcent[centbin]->Fill(dphijh); fHistJetHaddPhiMID->Fill(dphijh); if(makeextraCORRhistos) fHistJetHadbindPhiMID[itrackpt]->Fill(dphijh); } } // loop over tracks found in event with highest JET pT > 10.0 GeV (change) } // jet pt cut } // jet loop fHistEventQA->Fill(14); // events right before event mixing // *************************************************************************************************************** // ******************************** Event MIXING ***************************************************************** // *************************************************************************************************************** // initialize object array of cloned picotracks TObjArray* tracksClone = 0x0; // PbPb collisions - create cloned picotracks //if(GetBeamType() == 1) tracksClone = CloneAndReduceTrackList(tracks); // TEST //Prepare to do event mixing if(fDoEventMixing>0){ // event mixing // 1. First get an event pool corresponding in mult (cent) and // zvertex to the current event. Once initialized, the pool // should contain nMix (reduced) events. This routine does not // pre-scan the chain. The first several events of every chain // will be skipped until the needed pools are filled to the // specified depth. If the pool categories are not too rare, this // should not be a problem. If they are rare, you could lose // statistics. // 2. Collect the whole pool's content of tracks into one TObjArray // (bgTracks), which is effectively a single background super-event. // 3. The reduced and bgTracks arrays must both be passed into // FillCorrelations(). Also nMix should be passed in, so a weight // of 1./nMix can be applied. // mix jets from triggered events with tracks from MB events // get the trigger bit, need to change trigger bits between different runs UInt_t trigger = ((AliInputEventHandler*)(AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetInputEventHandler()))->IsEventSelected(); // if event was not selected (triggered) for any reseason (should never happen) then return if (trigger==0) return kTRUE; // initialize event pools AliEventPool* pool = 0x0; AliEventPool* poolpp = 0x0; Double_t Ntrks = -999; // pp collisions - get event pool if(GetBeamType() == 0) { Ntrks=(Double_t)Ntracks*1.0; //cout<<"Test.. Ntrks: "<GetEventPool(Ntrks); poolpp = fPoolMgr->GetEventPool(Ntrks, zVtx); // for pp } // PbPb collisions - get event pool if(GetBeamType() == 1) pool = fPoolMgr->GetEventPool(fCent, zVtx); // for PbPb? fcent // if we don't have a pool, return if (!pool && !poolpp){ if(GetBeamType() == 1) AliFatal(Form("No pool found for centrality = %f, zVtx = %f", fCent, zVtx)); if(GetBeamType() == 0) AliFatal(Form("No pool found for multiplicity = %f, zVtx = %f", Ntrks, zVtx)); return kTRUE; } fHistEventQA->Fill(15); // mixed events cases that have pool // initialize background tracks array TObjArray* bgTracks; // next line might not apply for PbPb collisions // use only jets from EMCal-triggered events (for lhc11a use AliVEvent::kEMC1) //check for a trigger jet // fmixingtrack/10 ?? if(GetBeamType() == 1) if(trigger & fTriggerEventType) { //kEMCEJE)) { if (pool->IsReady() || pool->NTracksInPool() > fNMIXtracks || pool->GetCurrentNEvents() >= fNMIXevents) { // loop over jets (passing cuts?) for (Int_t ijet = 0; ijet < Njets; ijet++) { Double_t leadjet=0; if (ijet==ijethi) leadjet=1; // get jet object AliEmcalJet *jet = static_cast(jets->At(ijet)); if (!jet) continue; // (should probably be higher..., but makes a cut on jet pT) if (jet->Pt()<0.1) continue; if (!AcceptMyJet(jet)) continue; fHistEventQA->Fill(16); // event mixing jets // set cut to do event mixing only if we have a jet meeting our pt threshold (bias applied below) if (jet->Pt()GetCurrentNEvents(); // how many particles in pool to mix // Fill for biased jet triggers only if ((jet->MaxTrackPt()>fTrkBias) || (jet->MaxClusterPt()>fClusBias)) { // && jet->Pt() > fJetPtcut) { // Fill mixed-event histos here for (Int_t jMix=0; jMixFill(17); // event mixing nMix // get jMix'th event bgTracks = pool->GetEvent(jMix); const Int_t Nbgtrks = bgTracks->GetEntries(); for(Int_t ibg=0; ibg(bgTracks->At(ibg)); if(!part) continue; if(TMath::Abs(part->Eta())>0.9) continue; if(part->Pt()<0.15) continue; Double_t DEta = part->Eta()-jet->Eta(); // difference in eta Double_t DPhi = RelativePhi(jet->Phi(),part->Phi()); // difference in phi Double_t dEP = RelativeEPJET(jet->Phi(),fEPV0); // difference between jet and EP Double_t mixcharge = part->Charge(); //Double_t DR=TMath::Sqrt(DPhi*DPhi+DEta*DEta); // difference in R // calculate single particle tracking efficiency of mixed events for correlations Double_t mixefficiency = -999; mixefficiency = EffCorrection(part->Eta(), part->Pt(), fDoEffCorr); // create / fill mixed event sparse Double_t triggerEntries[9] = {fCent,jet->Pt(),part->Pt(),DEta,DPhi,dEP,zVtx, mixcharge, leadjet}; //array for ME sparse fhnMixedEvents->Fill(triggerEntries,1./(nMix*mixefficiency)); // fill Sparse histo of mixed events fHistEventQA->Fill(18); // event mixing - nbgtracks if(makeextraCORRhistos) fHistMEphieta->Fill(DPhi,DEta, 1./(nMix*mixefficiency)); } // end of background track loop } // end of filling mixed-event histo's } // end of check for biased jet triggers } // end of jet loop } // end of check for pool being ready } // end EMC triggered loop //============================================================================================================= // use only jets from EMCal-triggered events (for lhc11a use AliVEvent::kEMC1) /// if (trigger & AliVEvent::kEMC1) { // pp collisions if(GetBeamType() == 0) if(trigger & fTriggerEventType) { //kEMC1)) { if (poolpp->IsReady() || poolpp->NTracksInPool() > fNMIXtracks || poolpp->GetCurrentNEvents() >= fNMIXevents) { // loop over jets (passing cuts?) for (Int_t ijet = 0; ijet < Njets; ijet++) { Double_t leadjet=0; if (ijet==ijethi) leadjet=1; // get jet object AliEmcalJet *jet = static_cast(jets->At(ijet)); if (!jet) continue; // (should probably be higher..., but makes a cut on jet pT) if (jet->Pt()<0.1) continue; if (!AcceptMyJet(jet)) continue; fHistEventQA->Fill(16); // event mixing jets // set cut to do event mixing only if we have a jet meeting our pt threshold (bias applied below) if (jet->Pt()GetCurrentNEvents(); // how many particles in pool to mix // Fill for biased jet triggers only if ((jet->MaxTrackPt()>fTrkBias) || (jet->MaxClusterPt()>fClusBias)) { // && jet->Pt() > fJetPtcut) { // Fill mixed-event histos here for (Int_t jMix=0; jMixFill(17); // event mixing nMix // get jMix'th event bgTracks = poolpp->GetEvent(jMix); const Int_t Nbgtrks = bgTracks->GetEntries(); for(Int_t ibg=0; ibg(bgTracks->At(ibg)); if(!part) continue; if(TMath::Abs(part->Eta())>0.9) continue; if(part->Pt()<0.15) continue; Double_t DEta = part->Eta()-jet->Eta(); // difference in eta Double_t DPhi = RelativePhi(jet->Phi(),part->Phi()); // difference in phi Double_t dEP = RelativeEPJET(jet->Phi(),fEPV0); // difference between jet and EP Double_t mixcharge = part->Charge(); //Double_t DR=TMath::Sqrt(DPhi*DPhi+DEta*DEta); // difference in R // create / fill mixed event sparse Double_t triggerEntries[9] = {fCent,jet->Pt(),part->Pt(),DEta,DPhi,dEP,zVtx, mixcharge, leadjet}; //array for ME sparse fhnMixedEvents->Fill(triggerEntries,1./nMix); // fill Sparse histo of mixed events fHistEventQA->Fill(18); // event mixing - nbgtracks if(makeextraCORRhistos) fHistMEphieta->Fill(DPhi,DEta, 1./nMix); } // end of background track loop } // end of filling mixed-event histo's } // end of check for biased jet triggers } // end of jet loop } // end of check for pool being ready } //end EMC triggered loop // pp collisions if(GetBeamType() == 0) { // use only tracks from MB events (for lhc11a use AliVEvent::kMB) //kAnyINT as test if(trigger & fMixingEventType) { //kMB) { // create a list of reduced objects. This speeds up processing and reduces memory consumption for the event pool tracksClone = CloneAndReduceTrackList(tracks); // update pool if jet in event or not poolpp->UpdatePool(tracksClone); } // check on track from MB events } // PbPb collisions if(GetBeamType() == 1) { // use only tracks from MB events if(trigger & fMixingEventType) { //kMB) { // create a list of reduced objects. This speeds up processing and reduces memory consumption for the event pool tracksClone = CloneAndReduceTrackList(tracks); // update pool if jet in event or not pool->UpdatePool(tracksClone); } // MB events } // PbPb collisions } // end of event mixing // print some stats on the event event++; fHistEventQA->Fill(19); // events making it to end if (doComments) { cout<<"Event #: "<=0 && cent<10) centbin = 0; else if (cent>=10 && cent<20) centbin = 1; else if (cent>=20 && cent<30) centbin = 2; else if (cent>=30 && cent<40) centbin = 3; else if (cent>=40 && cent<50) centbin = 4; else if (cent>=50 && cent<90) centbin = 5; return centbin; } //________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid::RelativePhi(Double_t mphi,Double_t vphi) const { // function to calculate relative PHI double dphi = mphi-vphi; // set dphi to operate on adjusted scale if(dphi<-0.5*TMath::Pi()) dphi+=2.*TMath::Pi(); if(dphi>3./2.*TMath::Pi()) dphi-=2.*TMath::Pi(); // test if( dphi < -1.*TMath::Pi()/2 || dphi > 3.*TMath::Pi()/2 ) AliWarning(Form("%s: dPHI not in range [-0.5*Pi, 1.5*Pi]!", GetName())); return dphi; // dphi in [-0.5Pi, 1.5Pi] } //_________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid::RelativeEPJET(Double_t jetAng, Double_t EPAng) const { // function to calculate angle between jet and EP in the 1st quadrant (0,Pi/2) Double_t dphi = (EPAng - jetAng); // ran into trouble with a few dEP<-Pi so trying this... if( dphi<-1*TMath::Pi() ){ dphi = dphi + 1*TMath::Pi(); } // this assumes we are doing full jets currently if( (dphi>0) && (dphi<1*TMath::Pi()/2) ){ // Do nothing! we are in quadrant 1 }else if( (dphi>1*TMath::Pi()/2) && (dphi<1*TMath::Pi()) ){ dphi = 1*TMath::Pi() - dphi; }else if( (dphi<0) && (dphi>-1*TMath::Pi()/2) ){ dphi = fabs(dphi); }else if( (dphi<-1*TMath::Pi()/2) && (dphi>-1*TMath::Pi()) ){ dphi = dphi + 1*TMath::Pi(); } // test if( dphi < 0 || dphi > TMath::Pi()/2 ) AliWarning(Form("%s: dPHI not in range [0, 0.5*Pi]!", GetName())); return dphi; // dphi in [0, Pi/2] } //Int_t ieta=GetEtaBin(deta); //________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid::GetEtaBin(Double_t eta) const { // Get eta bin for histos. Int_t etabin = -1; if (TMath::Abs(eta)<=0.4) etabin = 0; else if (TMath::Abs(eta)>0.4 && TMath::Abs(eta)<0.8) etabin = 1; else if (TMath::Abs(eta)>=0.8) etabin = 2; return etabin; } // end of get-eta-bin //________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid::GetpTjetBin(Double_t pt) const { // Get jet pt bin for histos. Int_t ptbin = -1; if (pt>=15 && pt<20) ptbin = 0; else if (pt>=20 && pt<25) ptbin = 1; else if (pt>=25 && pt<40) ptbin = 2; else if (pt>=40 && pt<60) ptbin = 3; else if (pt>=60) ptbin = 4; return ptbin; } // end of get-jet-pt-bin //________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid::GetpTtrackBin(Double_t pt) const { // May need to update bins for future runs... (testing locally) // Get track pt bin for histos. Int_t ptbin = -1; if (pt < 0.5) ptbin = 0; else if (pt>=0.5 && pt<1.0) ptbin = 1; else if (pt>=1.0 && pt<1.5) ptbin = 2; else if (pt>=1.5 && pt<2.0) ptbin = 3; else if (pt>=2.0 && pt<2.5) ptbin = 4; else if (pt>=2.5 && pt<3.0) ptbin = 5; else if (pt>=3.0 && pt<4.0) ptbin = 6; else if (pt>=4.0 && pt<5.0) ptbin = 7; else if (pt>=5.0) ptbin = 8; return ptbin; } // end of get-jet-pt-bin //___________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid::GetzVertexBin(Double_t zVtx) const { // get z-vertex bin for histo. int zVbin= -1; if (zVtx>=-10 && zVtx<-8) zVbin = 0; else if (zVtx>=-8 && zVtx<-6) zVbin = 1; else if (zVtx>=-6 && zVtx<-4) zVbin = 2; else if (zVtx>=-4 && zVtx<-2) zVbin = 3; else if (zVtx>=-2 && zVtx<0) zVbin = 4; else if (zVtx>=0 && zVtx<2) zVbin = 5; else if (zVtx>=2 && zVtx<4) zVbin = 6; else if (zVtx>=4 && zVtx<6) zVbin = 7; else if (zVtx>=6 && zVtx<8) zVbin = 8; else if (zVtx>=8 && zVtx<10) zVbin = 9; else zVbin = 10; return zVbin; } // end of get z-vertex bin //______________________________________________________________________ THnSparse* AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid::NewTHnSparseF(const char* name, UInt_t entries) { // generate new THnSparseF, axes are defined in GetDimParams() Int_t count = 0; UInt_t tmp = entries; while(tmp!=0){ count++; tmp = tmp &~ -tmp; // clear lowest bit } TString hnTitle(name); const Int_t dim = count; Int_t nbins[dim]; Double_t xmin[dim]; Double_t xmax[dim]; Int_t i=0; Int_t c=0; while(cSetOwner(kTRUE); // =============================== // cout << "RM Hybrid track : " << i << " " << particle->Pt() << endl; //cout << "nEntries " << tracks->GetEntriesFast() <GetEntriesFast(); i++) { // AOD/general case AliVParticle* particle = (AliVParticle*) tracksME->At(i); // AOD/general case if(TMath::Abs(particle->Eta())>fTrkEta) continue; if(particle->Pt()<0.15)continue; /* // DON'T USE Double_t trackpt=particle->Pt(); // track pT Int_t trklabel=-1; trklabel=particle->GetLabel(); //cout << "TRACK_LABEL: " << particle->GetLabel()<-1 && trklabel>-1 && trklabel <3) fHistTrackEtaPhi[trklabel][hadbin]->Fill(particle->Eta(),particle->Phi()); if(hadbin>-1) fHistTrackEtaPhi[3][hadbin]->Fill(particle->Eta(),particle->Phi()); if(hadbin>-1) fHistTrackEtaPhi[hadbin]->Fill(particle->Eta(),particle->Phi()); // TEST */ tracksClone->Add(new AliPicoTrack(particle->Pt(), particle->Eta(), particle->Phi(), particle->Charge(), 0, 0, 0, 0)); } // end of looping through tracks return tracksClone; } //____________________________________________________________________________________________ THnSparse* AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid::NewTHnSparseFPID(const char* name, UInt_t entries) { // generate new THnSparseF PID, axes are defined in GetDimParams() Int_t count = 0; UInt_t tmp = entries; while(tmp!=0){ count++; tmp = tmp &~ -tmp; // clear lowest bit } TString hnTitle(name); const Int_t dim = count; Int_t nbins[dim]; Double_t xmin[dim]; Double_t xmax[dim]; Int_t i=0; Int_t c=0; while(cPhi()Phi()>fPhimax)) return 0; if ((jet->Eta()Eta()>fEtamax)) return 0; if (jet->Area()Area()==0) return 0; //exclude jets with extremely high pt tracks which are likely misreconstructed if(jet->MaxTrackPt()>100) return 0; //passed all above cuts return 1; } //void AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid::FillAnalysisSummaryHistogram() const void AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid::SetfHistPIDcounterLabels(TH1* h) const { // fill the analysis summary histrogram, saves all relevant analysis settigns h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, "TPC: Unidentified"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "TPC: Pion"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3, "TPC: Kaon"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(4, "TPC: Proton"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(5, "ITS: Unidentified"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(6, "ITS: Pion"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(7, "ITS: Kaon"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(8, "ITS: Proton"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(9, "TOF: Unidentified"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(10, "TOF: Pion"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(11, "TOF: Kaon"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(12, "TOF: Proton"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(14, "Unidentified tracks"); // set x-axis labels vertically h->LabelsOption("v"); } //void AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid::FillAnalysisSummaryHistogram() const void AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid::SetfHistQAcounterLabels(TH1* h) const { // label bins of the analysis event summary h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, "All events started"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "object check"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3, "aod/esd check"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(4, "centrality check"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(5, "zvertex check"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(6, "list check"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(7, "track/jet pointer check"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(8, "tracks & jets < than 1 check"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(9, "after track/jet loop to get highest pt"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(10, "accepted jets"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(11, "jets meeting pt threshold"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(12, "accepted tracks in events w/ trigger jet"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(13, "after AliVEvent & fPIDResponse"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(14, "events before event mixing"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(15, "mixed events w/ pool"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(16, "event mixing: jets"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(17, "event mixing: nMix"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(18, "event mixing: nbackground tracks"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(19, "event mixing: THE END"); // set x-axis labels vertically h->LabelsOption("v"); } void AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid::SetfHistEvtSelQALabels(TH1* h) const { // label bins of the analysis trigger selection summary h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, "no trigger"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "kAny"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3, "kAnyINT"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(4, "kMB"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(5, "kINT7"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(6, "kEMC1"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(7, "kEMC7"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(8, "kEMC8"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(9, "kEMCEJE"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(10, "kEMCEGA"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(11, "kCentral"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(12, "kSemiCentral"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(13, "kINT8"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(14, "kEMCEJE or kMB"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(15, "kEMCEGA or kMB"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(16, "kAnyINT or kMB"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(17, "kEMCEJE & kMB"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(18, "kEMCEGA & kMB"); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(19, "kAnyINT & kMB"); // set x-axis labels vertically h->LabelsOption("v"); //h->LabelsDeflate("X"); } //______________________________________________________________________ THnSparse* AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid::NewTHnSparseFCorr(const char* name, UInt_t entries) { // generate new THnSparseD, axes are defined in GetDimParamsD() Int_t count = 0; UInt_t tmp = entries; while(tmp!=0){ count++; tmp = tmp &~ -tmp; // clear lowest bit } TString hnTitle(name); const Int_t dim = count; Int_t nbins[dim]; Double_t xmin[dim]; Double_t xmax[dim]; Int_t i=0; Int_t c=0; while(cGetFlavour(); // cases (for now..) // 3 = electron rich, 5 = hadron (bkgrd) rich // if flav < 1, its not tagged, so return kFALSE (0) if(flav < 1) return 0; // if flav is not equal to what we want then return kFALSE (0) //if(flav != flavNUM && flav != flavNUM2 && flav != flavNUM3) return 0; if(flav != flavNUM) return 0; // we have the flavour we want, so return kTRUE (1) //if(flav == flavNUM || flav == flavNUM2 || flav == flavNUM3) return 1; if(flav == flavNUM) return 1; // we by default have a flavour tagged jet return 1; } //________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetHadEPpid::EffCorrection(Double_t trackETA, Double_t trackPT, Int_t effSwitch) const { // default (current) parameters /* // set min/max range of x & y (track Eta & track pt) Double_t trETAmin = -0.9; Double_t trETAmax = 0.9; Double_t trPTmin = 0.0; Double_t trPTmax = 20.0; Int_t npar = 10; //TF2 TRefficiency = TRefficiency = new TF2("eff", EffFunctionCorr, trETAmin, trETAmax, trPTmin, trPTmax, npar); TRefficiency = new TF2("eff", "([0]*exp(-pow([1]/x,[2])) + [3]*x) * ( (y>-0.07)*([4] + [5]*y + [6]*y*y) + (y<=-0.07)*([7] + [8]*y + [9]*y*y) ) ", trETAmin, trETAmax, trPTmin, trPTmax, npar); */ Int_t runNUM = fCurrentRunNumber; if ((runNUM == 169975 || runNUM == 169981 || runNUM == 170038 || runNUM == 170040 || runNUM == 170083 || runNUM == 170084 || runNUM == 170085 || runNUM == 170088 || runNUM == 170089 || runNUM == 170091 || runNUM == 170155 || runNUM == 170159 || runNUM == 170163 || runNUM == 170193 || runNUM == 170195 || runNUM == 170203 || runNUM == 170204 || runNUM == 170228 || runNUM == 170230 || runNUM == 170268 || runNUM == 170269 || runNUM == 170270 || runNUM == 170306 || runNUM == 170308 || runNUM == 170309) && fCent < 30 && effSwitch!=1 && effSwitch!=6) effSwitch = 2; if ((runNUM == 169975 || runNUM == 169981 || runNUM == 170038 || runNUM == 170040 || runNUM == 170083 || runNUM == 170084 || runNUM == 170085 || runNUM == 170088 || runNUM == 170089 || runNUM == 170091 || runNUM == 170155 || runNUM == 170159 || runNUM == 170163 || runNUM == 170193 || runNUM == 170195 || runNUM == 170203 || runNUM == 170204 || runNUM == 170228 || runNUM == 170230 || runNUM == 170268 || runNUM == 170269 || runNUM == 170270 || runNUM == 170306 || runNUM == 170308 || runNUM == 170309) && fCent > 30 && effSwitch!=1 && effSwitch!=6) effSwitch = 3; if ((runNUM == 167903 || runNUM == 167915 || runNUM == 167987 || runNUM == 167988 || runNUM == 168066 || runNUM == 168068 || runNUM == 168069 || runNUM == 168076 || runNUM == 168104 || runNUM == 168107 || runNUM == 168108 || runNUM == 168115 || runNUM == 168212 || runNUM == 168310 || runNUM == 168311 || runNUM == 168322 || runNUM == 168325 || runNUM == 168341 || runNUM == 168342 || runNUM == 168361 || runNUM == 168362 || runNUM == 168458 || runNUM == 168460 || runNUM == 168461 || runNUM == 168464 || runNUM == 168467 || runNUM == 168511 || runNUM == 168512 || runNUM == 168777 || runNUM == 168826 || runNUM == 168984 || runNUM == 168988 || runNUM == 168992 || runNUM == 169035 || runNUM == 169091 || runNUM == 169094 || runNUM == 169138 || runNUM == 169143 || runNUM == 169144 || runNUM == 169145 || runNUM == 169148 || runNUM == 169156 || runNUM == 169160 || runNUM == 169167 || runNUM == 169238 || runNUM == 169411 || runNUM == 169415 || runNUM == 169417 || runNUM == 169835 || runNUM == 169837 || runNUM == 169838 || runNUM == 169846 || runNUM == 169855 || runNUM == 169858 || runNUM == 169859 || runNUM == 169923 || runNUM == 169956 || runNUM == 170027 || runNUM == 170036 || runNUM == 170081) && fCent < 30 && effSwitch!=1 && effSwitch!=6) effSwitch = 4; if ((runNUM == 167903 || runNUM == 167915 || runNUM == 167987 || runNUM == 167988 || runNUM == 168066 || runNUM == 168068 || runNUM == 168069 || runNUM == 168076 || runNUM == 168104 || runNUM == 168107 || runNUM == 168108 || runNUM == 168115 || runNUM == 168212 || runNUM == 168310 || runNUM == 168311 || runNUM == 168322 || runNUM == 168325 || runNUM == 168341 || runNUM == 168342 || runNUM == 168361 || runNUM == 168362 || runNUM == 168458 || runNUM == 168460 || runNUM == 168461 || runNUM == 168464 || runNUM == 168467 || runNUM == 168511 || runNUM == 168512 || runNUM == 168777 || runNUM == 168826 || runNUM == 168984 || runNUM == 168988 || runNUM == 168992 || runNUM == 169035 || runNUM == 169091 || runNUM == 169094 || runNUM == 169138 || runNUM == 169143 || runNUM == 169144 || runNUM == 169145 || runNUM == 169148 || runNUM == 169156 || runNUM == 169160 || runNUM == 169167 || runNUM == 169238 || runNUM == 169411 || runNUM == 169415 || runNUM == 169417 || runNUM == 169835 || runNUM == 169837 || runNUM == 169838 || runNUM == 169846 || runNUM == 169855 || runNUM == 169858 || runNUM == 169859 || runNUM == 169923 || runNUM == 169956 || runNUM == 170027 || runNUM == 170036 || runNUM == 170081) && fCent > 30 && effSwitch!=1 && effSwitch!=6) effSwitch = 5; // set parameter values Double_t p[10] = {9.30132e-01, 9.78828e-02, 1.50626e+00, -1.30398e-02, 9.04935e-01, 2.93456e-01, -3.84654e-01, 8.64688e-01, -2.59244e-01, -3.50544e-01}; Double_t m[10] = {9.64508e-01, 9.53247e-01, 3.34584e+01, -4.44705e-03, 8.42526e-01, 2.64031e-01, -3.37155e-01, 8.00933e-01, -2.52274e-01, -3.32314e-01}; Double_t r[10] = {9.32462e-01, 9.65724e-02, 1.46878e+00, -1.58579e-02, 9.46241e-01, 1.98548e-01, -2.93280e-01, 9.05743e-01, -1.55519e-01, -2.54959e-01}; Double_t n[9] = {1.01595e+00, 4.46603e-05, 1.53587e+00, -1.14282e-03, 7.87525e-01, 3.35267e-01, -5.68939e-01, 5.19236e-01, -5.20195e-01}; Double_t q[9] = {19.72915e-01, 6.38626e-01, 8.47813e+00, -1.03864e-02, 9.01610e-01, 9.71765e-02, -4.94174e-01, 1.11112e+00, -9.64431e-01}; // x-variable = track pt, y-variable = track eta Double_t x = trackPT; Double_t y = trackETA; Double_t TRefficiency = -999; // set up a switch for different parameter values... switch(effSwitch) { case 1 : // first switch value, initial set of parameters on low statistics data for Semi-Good (LHC11h) Run //Double_t p[] = {9.30132e-01, 9.78828e-02, 1.50626e+00, -1.30398e-02, 9.04935e-01, 2.93456e-01, -3.84654e-01, 8.64688e-01, -2.59244e-01, -3.50544e-01}; // calculate tracking efficiency as function of track pt and track eta TRefficiency = (p[0]*exp(-pow(p[1]/x,p[2])) + p[3]*x) * ( (y>-0.07)*(p[4] + p[5]*y + p[6]*y*y) + (y<=-0.07)*(p[7] + p[8]*y + p[9]*y*y) ); break; case 2 : // Parameter values for Semi-GOOD TPC (LHC11h) runs (0-30%): TRefficiency = (m[0]*exp(-pow(m[1]/x,m[2])) + m[3]*x) * ( (y>-0.07)*(m[4] + m[5]*y + m[6]*y*y) + (y<=-0.07)*(m[7] + m[8]*y + m[9]*y*y) ); break; case 3 : // Parameter values for Semi-GOOD TPC (LHC11h) runs (30-90%): TRefficiency = (r[0]*exp(-pow(r[1]/x,r[2])) + r[3]*x) * ( (y>-0.07)*(r[4] + r[5]*y + r[6]*y*y) + (y<=-0.07)*(r[7] + r[8]*y + r[9]*y*y) ); break; case 4 : // Parameter values for GOOD TPC (LHC11h) runs (0-30%): TRefficiency = (n[0]*exp(-pow(n[1]/x,n[2])) + n[3]*x) * (n[4] + n[5]*y + n[6]*y*y + n[7]*y*y*y + n[8]*y*y*y*y); break; case 5 : // Parameter values for GOOD TPC (LHC11h) runs (30-90%): TRefficiency = (q[0]*exp(-pow(q[1]/x,q[2])) + q[3]*x) * (q[4] + q[5]*y + q[6]*y*y + q[7]*y*y*y + q[8]*y*y*y*y); break; case 6 : // Parameter values for tweaking efficiency function.. TRefficiency = (q[0]*exp(-pow(q[1]/x,q[2])) + q[3]*x) * ( (y>-0.07)*(q[4] + q[5]*y + q[6]*y*y) + (y<=-0.07)*(q[7] + q[8]*y + q[9]*y*y) ); TRefficiency = 1.0; // for now break; default : // no Efficiency Switch option selected.. therefore don't correct, and set eff = 1 TRefficiency = 1.0; } return TRefficiency; }