#ifndef __CINT__ # include "SummaryDrawer.C" # include "AliFMDCorrAcceptance.h" # include "AliFMDCorrSecondaryMap.h" # include "AliFMDCorrELossFit.h" # include "AliForwardUtil.h" # include "AliForwardCorrectionManager.h" # include "AliLog.h" # include # include #else // class SummaryDrawer; // class TAxis; // class AliFMDCorrAcceptance; // class AliFMDCorrSecondaryMap; // class AliFMDCorrELossFit; #endif class CorrDrawer : public SummaryDrawer { public: TString fELossExtra; UShort_t fMinQuality; /** * Constructor * * @param out Output file name */ CorrDrawer() { fELossExtra = "forward_eloss.root"; fMinQuality = 8; } /** * Destructor. Closes the PDF */ ~CorrDrawer() { CloseCanvas(); } /** * Create output file name * * @param out Output file name on return * @param prefix Prefix of the file name * @param runNo Run Number * @param sys Collision system * @param sNN Center of mass energy * @param field L3 Field * @param mc Simulations or not * @param sat Satellite interactions or not */ static void MakeFileName(TString& out, const TString& prefix, ULong_t runNo, UShort_t sys, UShort_t sNN, Short_t field, Bool_t mc=false, Bool_t sat=false) { out = TString::Format("%s_run%09lu_%s_%04dGeV_%c%dkG_%s_%s.pdf", prefix.Data(), runNo, (sys == 1 ? "pp" : sys == 2 ? "PbPb" : sys == 3 ? "pPb" : "unknown"), sNN, (field >= 0 ? 'p' : 'm'), TMath::Abs(field), (mc ? "MC" : "real"), (sat ? "satellite" : "nominal")); } /** * Draw corrections using the correction manager to get them * * @param what What to draw * @param out Output file name on return * @param prefix Prefix of the file name * @param runNo Run Number * @param sys Collision system * @param sNN Center of mass energy * @param field L3 Field * @param mc Simulations or not * @param sat Satellite interactions or not * @param options Options * @param local Local database file */ void Run(const Char_t* what, ULong_t runNo, const Char_t* sys, UShort_t sNN, UShort_t field, Bool_t mc=false, Bool_t sat=false, Option_t* options="", const char* local="") { Run(AliForwardCorrectionManager::ParseFields(what), runNo, AliForwardUtil::ParseCollisionSystem(sys), sNN, field, mc, sat, options, local); } void AppendName(TString& what, UShort_t which) { if (!what.IsNull()) what.Append("_"); switch (which) { case AliForwardCorrectionManager::kSecondaryMap: what.Append("secondary"); break; case AliForwardCorrectionManager::kAcceptance: what.Append("acceptance"); break; case AliForwardCorrectionManager::kELossFits: what.Append("elossfits"); break; default: what.Append("unknown"); break; } } /** * Draw corrections using the correction manager to get them * * @param what What to draw * @param out Output file name on return * @param prefix Prefix of the file name * @param runNo Run Number * @param sys Collision system * @param sNN Center of mass energy * @param field L3 Field * @param mc Simulations or not * @param sat Satellite interactions or not * @param options Options * @param local Local database file */ void Run(UShort_t what, ULong_t runNo, UShort_t sys, UShort_t sNN, UShort_t field, Bool_t mc=false, Bool_t sat=false, Option_t* options="", const char* local="") { AliForwardCorrectionManager& mgr = AliForwardCorrectionManager::Instance(); mgr.SetDebug(true); UShort_t flags = 0; TString name; if (what & AliForwardCorrectionManager::kSecondaryMap) { flags |= AliForwardCorrectionManager::kSecondaryMap; if (local) mgr.SetSecondaryMapPath(local); AppendName(name, AliForwardCorrectionManager::kSecondaryMap); } if (what & AliForwardCorrectionManager::kAcceptance) { flags |= AliForwardCorrectionManager::kAcceptance; if (local) mgr.SetAcceptancePath(local); AppendName(name, AliForwardCorrectionManager::kAcceptance); } if (what & AliForwardCorrectionManager::kELossFits) { flags |= AliForwardCorrectionManager::kELossFits; if (local) mgr.SetELossFitsPath(local); AppendName(name, AliForwardCorrectionManager::kELossFits); } if (what & AliForwardCorrectionManager::kVertexBias) Warning("CorrDrawer","Vertex bias not implemented yet"); if (what & AliForwardCorrectionManager::kDoubleHit) Warning("CorrDrawer","Double hit not implemented yet"); if (what & AliForwardCorrectionManager::kMergingEfficiency) Warning("CorrDrawer","Merging efficiency not implemented yet"); if (!mgr.Init(runNo, sys, sNN, field, mc, sat, flags, true)) { Error("CorrDrawer", "Failed to initialize for flags=0x%02x" "run=%lu, sys=%hu, sNN=%hu, field=%hd, mc=%d, sat=%d", flags, runNo, sys, sNN, field, mc, sat); return; } TString out; MakeFileName(out, name, runNo, sys, sNN, field, mc, sat); CreateCanvas(out); fBody->cd(); Double_t y = .8; DrawParameter(y, "Run #", Form("%lu", runNo)); DrawParameter(y, "System", AliForwardUtil::CollisionSystemString(sys)); DrawParameter(y, "#sqrt{s_{NN}}", AliForwardUtil::CenterOfMassEnergyString(sys)); DrawParameter(y, "L3 field", AliForwardUtil::MagneticFieldString(field)); DrawParameter(y, "Simulation", Form("%s", mc ? "yes" : "no")); DrawParameter(y, "Satellite", Form("%s", sat ? "yes" : "no")); PrintCanvas("Title"); if (what & AliForwardCorrectionManager::kSecondaryMap) { const AliFMDCorrSecondaryMap* sec = mgr.GetSecondaryMap(); if (!sec) Warning("CorrDrawer","No secondary map available"); else DrawIt(sec, true); } if (what & AliForwardCorrectionManager::kAcceptance) { const AliFMDCorrAcceptance* acc = mgr.GetAcceptance(); if (!acc) Warning("CorrDrawer","No acceptance available"); else DrawIt(acc, true); } if (what & AliForwardCorrectionManager::kELossFits) { const AliFMDCorrELossFit* fit = mgr.GetELossFit(); if (!fit) Warning("CorrDrawer","No energy loss fits available"); else DrawIt(fit, true); } CloseCanvas(); } /** * Fall-back method * * @param o Object to draw */ void Draw(const TObject* o) { if (!o) return; Warning("CorrDrawer", "Don't know how to draw a %s object", o->ClassName()); } /** * Draw a single plot of the mean acceptance correction * * @param acc Acceptance correction */ void Draw(const AliFMDCorrAcceptance* acc) { Summarize(acc, false); } /** * Draw a single plot of the mean secondary correction * * @param sec Secondary correction */ void Draw(const AliFMDCorrSecondaryMap* sec) { Summarize(sec, false); } /** * Draw a single plot summarizing the energy loss fits * * @param sec Energy loss fits */ void Draw(const AliFMDCorrELossFit* fits) { Summarize(fits, false); } /** * A generalized entry to the summarization functions * * @param what What to show - only one field * @param runNo Run number * @param sys System * @param sNN Center of mass energy in GeV * @param field L3 magnetic field * @param mc Simulation flag * @param sat Satellite interaction flag * @param options Options * @param local Local storage */ void Summarize(const TString& what, ULong_t runNo, const Char_t* sys, UShort_t sNN, Short_t field, Bool_t mc=false, Bool_t sat=false, Option_t* options="", const char* local="") { Summarize(AliForwardCorrectionManager::ParseFields(what), runNo, AliForwardUtil::ParseCollisionSystem(sys), sNN, field, mc, sat, options, local); } /** * A generalized entry to the summarization functions * * @param what What to show - only one field * @param runNo Run number * @param sys System * @param sNN Center of mass energy in GeV * @param field L3 magnetic field * @param mc Simulation flag * @param sat Satellite interaction flag * @param options Options * @param local Local storage */ void Summarize(UShort_t what, ULong_t runNo, UShort_t sys, UShort_t sNN, Short_t field, Bool_t mc=false, Bool_t sat=false, Option_t* options="", const char* local="") { AliForwardCorrectionManager& mgr = AliForwardCorrectionManager::Instance(); mgr.SetDebug(true); if (local) mgr.SetPrefix(gSystem->DirName(local)); UShort_t flag = 0; if (what & AliForwardCorrectionManager::kSecondaryMap) flag = AliForwardCorrectionManager::kSecondaryMap; if (what & AliForwardCorrectionManager::kAcceptance) flag = AliForwardCorrectionManager::kAcceptance; if (what & AliForwardCorrectionManager::kELossFits) flag = AliForwardCorrectionManager::kELossFits; if (what & AliForwardCorrectionManager::kVertexBias) Warning("CorrDrawer","Vertex bias not implemented yet"); if (what & AliForwardCorrectionManager::kDoubleHit) Warning("CorrDrawer","Double hit not implemented yet"); if (what & AliForwardCorrectionManager::kMergingEfficiency) Warning("CorrDrawer","Merging efficiency not implemented yet"); if (flag == 0) { Warning("CorrDrawer", "Nothing to draw"); return; } if (!mgr.Init(runNo, sys, sNN, field, mc, sat, flag, true)) { Error("CorrDrawer", "Failed to initialize for flags=0x%02x " "run=%lu, sys=%hu, sNN=%hu, field=%hd, mc=%d, sat=%d", flag, runNo, sys, sNN, field, mc, sat); return; } TString prefix; if (flag == AliForwardCorrectionManager::kSecondaryMap) prefix = "secondarymap"; else if (flag == AliForwardCorrectionManager::kAcceptance) prefix = "acceptance"; else if (flag == AliForwardCorrectionManager::kELossFits) prefix = "elossfits"; else prefix = "unknown"; TString out; MakeFileName(out, prefix, runNo, sys, sNN, field, mc, sat); CreateCanvas(out); fBody->cd(); Double_t y = .8; DrawParameter(y, "Run #", Form("%lu", runNo)); DrawParameter(y, "System", AliForwardUtil::CollisionSystemString(sys)); DrawParameter(y, "#sqrt{s_{NN}}", AliForwardUtil::CenterOfMassEnergyString(sys)); DrawParameter(y, "L3 field", AliForwardUtil::MagneticFieldString(field)); DrawParameter(y, "Simulation", Form("%s", mc ? "yes" : "no")); DrawParameter(y, "Satellite", Form("%s", sat ? "yes" : "no")); PrintCanvas("Title"); if (flag == AliForwardCorrectionManager::kSecondaryMap) { const AliFMDCorrSecondaryMap* sec = mgr.GetSecondaryMap(); if (!sec) Warning("CorrDrawer","No secondary map available"); else DrawIt(sec, true); } else if (flag == AliForwardCorrectionManager::kAcceptance) { const AliFMDCorrAcceptance* acc = mgr.GetAcceptance(); if (!acc) Warning("CorrDrawer","No acceptance available"); else DrawIt(acc, true); } if (flag == AliForwardCorrectionManager::kELossFits) { const AliFMDCorrELossFit* fit = mgr.GetELossFit(); if (!fit) Warning("CorrDrawer","No energy loss fits available"); else DrawIt(fit, true); } CloseCanvas(); } /** * Fall-back method * * @param o Object to draw * @param pdf Not used */ void Summarize(const TObject* o, Bool_t pdf=true) { if (!o) return; Warning("CorrDrawer", "Don't know how to draw a %s object", o->ClassName()); } /** * Draw a single summary plot or multiple plots of the acceptance * correction. A new Canvas is created for this. * * @param acc Acceptance correction * @param pdf If true, do multiple plots. Otherwise a single summary plot */ void Summarize(const AliFMDCorrAcceptance* acc, Bool_t pdf=true) { CreateCanvas("acceptance.pdf", false, pdf); DrawIt(acc, pdf); if (pdf) CloseCanvas(); } /** * Draw a single summary plot multiple plots of the secondary * correction. A new canvas is created for this. * * @param sec Secondary correction * @param pdf If true, do multiple plots. Otherwise a single summary plot */ void Summarize(const AliFMDCorrSecondaryMap* sec, Bool_t pdf=true) { CreateCanvas("scondarymap.pdf", false, pdf); DrawIt(sec, pdf); if (pdf) CloseCanvas(); } /** * Draw a single summary plot multiple plots of the energy loss * fits. A new canvas is created for this. * * @param sec Energy loss fits * @param pdf If true, do multiple plots. Otherwise a single summary plot */ void Summarize(const AliFMDCorrELossFit* fits, Bool_t pdf=true) { CreateCanvas("elossfits.pdf", false, pdf); DrawIt(fits, pdf); if (pdf) CloseCanvas(); } static void Summarize(const TString& what = "", Bool_t mc = false, const TString& output = "forward_eloss.root", const TString& local = "fmd_corrections.root", Option_t* options= "") { Summarize(AliForwardCorrectionManager::ParseFields(what), mc, output, local, options); } static void Summarize(UShort_t what, Bool_t mc = false, const TString& output = "forward_eloss.root", const TString& local = "fmd_corrections.root", Option_t* options= "") { TFile* fout = TFile::Open(output, "READ"); if (!fout) { Warning("SummarizeELoss", "Energy loss task output %s not found", output.Data()); return; } TCollection* forward = GetCollection(fout, "Forward"); if (!forward) return; TCollection* eventInsp = GetCollection(forward, "fmdEventInspector"); if (!eventInsp) return; UShort_t sys = 0, sNN = 0; Int_t field = 0; Int_t runNo; Bool_t satellite; if (!GetParameter(eventInsp, "sys", sys)) return; if (!GetParameter(eventInsp, "sNN", sNN)) return; if (!GetParameter(eventInsp, "field", field)) return; if (!GetParameter(eventInsp, "satellite", satellite)) return; if (!GetParameter(eventInsp, "runNo", runNo)) return; CorrDrawer* drawer = new CorrDrawer; drawer->Run(what, runNo, sys, sNN, field, mc, satellite, options, local); } protected: /** * Fall-back method * * @param o Object to summarize */ void DrawIt(const TObject* o) { if (!o) return; Warning("CorrDrawer", "Don't know how to summarize a %s object", o->ClassName()); } /** * Draw the acceptance correction * * @param corr Correction * @param details If true, make a multipage PDF, otherwise plot the mean. */ void DrawIt(const AliFMDCorrAcceptance* corr, Bool_t details=true) { if (!corr || !fCanvas) return; // --- Get vertex axis --------------------------------------------- const TAxis& vtxAxis = corr->GetVertexAxis(); Int_t nVtx = vtxAxis.GetNbins(); // --- Create stacks for summaries --------------------------------- TObjArray* stacks = CreateVtxStacks(vtxAxis); TObjArray* stacks2 = (corr->HasOverflow() && details ? CreateVtxStacks(vtxAxis) : 0); //__________________________________________________________________ // Create a title page if (details) { fBody->cd(); TLatex* ll = new TLatex(.5,.8, fCanvas->GetTitle()); ll->SetTextAlign(22); ll->SetTextSize(0.03); ll->SetNDC(); ll->Draw(); TLatex* l = new TLatex(.5,.8, ""); l->SetNDC(); l->SetTextSize(0.03); l->SetTextFont(132); l->SetTextAlign(12); l->DrawLatex(0.2, 0.70, "Acceptance due to dead channels"); l->SetTextAlign(22); l->DrawLatex(0.5, 0.55, "c_{v,r}(#eta,#phi) = #frac{" "#sum active strips #in (#eta,#phi)}{" "#sum strips #in (#eta,#phi)}"); PrintCanvas("Acceptance"); } // --- Loop over vertex ------------------------------------------ for (UShort_t v=1; v <= nVtx; v++) { Double_t vzMin = vtxAxis.GetBinLowEdge(v); Double_t vzMax = vtxAxis.GetBinUpEdge(v); if (details) DivideForRings(true, true); // --- Loop over detectors ------------------------------------- for (UShort_t d = 1; d <= 3; d++) { UShort_t nQ = (d == 1 ? 1 : 2); for (UShort_t q = 0; q < nQ; q++) { Char_t r = (q == 0 ? 'I' : 'O'); TH2* h2 = corr->GetCorrection(d, r, v); if (!h2) { Warning("DrawCorrAcc", "No correction for FMD%d%c, v=%d", d, r, v); corr->ls(); continue; } if (details) DrawInRingPad(d, r, h2, "colz"); Int_t nY = h2->GetNbinsY(); TH1* hh = h2->ProjectionX(Form("FMD%d%c", d, r), 1, nY); hh->Scale(1. / nY); hh->SetDirectory(0); hh->SetMarkerColor(AliForwardUtil::RingColor(d, r)); hh->SetLineColor(AliForwardUtil::RingColor(d, r)); hh->SetFillColor(AliForwardUtil::RingColor(d, r)); hh->SetFillStyle(3001); THStack* stack = static_cast(stacks->At(v-1)); if (!stack) { Error("", "No stack at v=%d", v-1); continue; } stack->Add(hh); if (!stacks2) { Warning("", "No phi acceptance defined"); continue; } stack = static_cast(stacks2->At(v-1)); if (!stack) { Error("", "No stack at v=%d", v-1); continue; } TH1* hp = corr->GetPhiAcceptance(d, r, v); if (!hp) { Error("", "No phi acceptance at v=%d", v-1); continue; } hp->SetDirectory(0); hp->SetMarkerColor(AliForwardUtil::RingColor(d, r)); hp->SetLineColor(AliForwardUtil::RingColor(d, r)); hp->SetFillColor(AliForwardUtil::RingColor(d, r)); hp->SetFillStyle(3001); // Info("", "Adding phi acceptance plot %d", Int_t(hp->GetEntries())); stack->Add(hp); } } if (details) PrintCanvas(Form("%+5.1fcmGetVertexAxis(); Int_t nVtx = vtxAxis.GetNbins(); TObjArray* stacks = CreateVtxStacks(vtxAxis); //__________________________________________________________________ // Create a title page if (details) { fBody->cd(); TLatex* ll = new TLatex(.5,.8, fCanvas->GetTitle()); ll->SetTextAlign(22); ll->SetTextSize(0.03); ll->SetNDC(); ll->Draw(); TLatex* l = new TLatex(.5,.8, ""); l->SetNDC(); l->SetTextSize(0.03); l->SetTextFont(132); l->SetTextAlign(12); l->DrawLatex(0.2, 0.70, "Secondary map"); l->SetTextAlign(22); l->DrawLatex(0.5, 0.60, "c_{v,r}(#eta,#phi)=#frac{" "#sum N_{ch,primary,i}(#eta,#phi)}{" "#sum N_{ch,FMD,i}(#eta,#phi)}"); l->SetTextAlign(12); l->DrawLatex(0.2, 0.50, "N: Number of events"); l->DrawLatex(0.2, 0.45, "N_{ch,primary,i}(#eta,#phi): Number of charged, " "primary particles in (#eta,#phi) bin"); l->DrawLatex(0.2, 0.40, "N_{ch,primary,i}(#eta,#phi): Number of charged, " "particles that hit the FMD in (#eta,#phi) bin"); l->DrawLatex(0.2, 0.35, "All quantities determined in MC"); PrintCanvas("Secondary maps"); } // --- Loop over vertex ------------------------------------------ for (UShort_t v=1; v <= nVtx; v++) { Double_t vzMin = vtxAxis.GetBinLowEdge(v); Double_t vzMax = vtxAxis.GetBinUpEdge(v); if (details) DivideForRings(true, true); // --- Loop over detectors ------------------------------------- for (UShort_t d = 1; d <= 3; d++) { UShort_t nQ = (d == 1 ? 1 : 2); for (UShort_t q = 0; q < nQ; q++) { Char_t r = (q == 0 ? 'I' : 'O'); TH2* h2 = corr->GetCorrection(d, r, v); if (!h2) { Warning("DrawCorrSec", "No correction for FMD%d%c, v=%d", d, r, v); continue; } if (details) DrawInRingPad(d, r, h2, "colz"); Int_t nY = h2->GetNbinsY(); TH1* hh = h2->ProjectionX(Form("FMD%d%c", d, r), 1, nY); hh->Scale(1. / nY); hh->SetDirectory(0); hh->SetMarkerColor(AliForwardUtil::RingColor(d, r)); hh->SetLineColor(AliForwardUtil::RingColor(d, r)); hh->SetFillColor(AliForwardUtil::RingColor(d, r)); hh->SetFillStyle(3001); THStack* stack = static_cast(stacks->At(v-1)); if (!stack) { Error("", "No stack at v=%d", v-1); continue; } stack->Add(hh); } } if (details) PrintCanvas(Form("%+5.1fcm(corr); fits->CacheBins(8); fits->Print("C"); TList* fitter = 0; if (details) { TFile* hists = 0; TDirectory* savDir = gDirectory; if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(fELossExtra.Data())) { hists = TFile::Open(fELossExtra, "READ"); // Info("", "Opened forward_eloss.root -> %p", hists); } if (hists) { TList* fr = static_cast(hists->Get("ForwardResults")); // Info("", "Got forward results -> %p", fr); if (fr) { fitter = static_cast(fr->FindObject("fmdEnergyFitter")); // Info("", "Got fitter -> %p", fitter); } hists->Close(); savDir->cd(); } fBody->cd(); TLatex* ll = new TLatex(.5,.8, fCanvas->GetTitle()); ll->SetTextAlign(22); ll->SetTextSize(0.05); ll->SetNDC(); ll->Draw(); TLatex* l = new TLatex(.5,.8, ""); l->SetNDC(); l->SetTextSize(0.03); l->SetTextFont(132); l->SetTextAlign(12); l->DrawLatex(0.2, 0.70, "1^{st} page is a summary of fit parameters"); l->DrawLatex(0.2, 0.67, "2^{nd} page is a summary of relative errors"); l->DrawLatex(0.2, 0.64, "Subsequent pages shows the fitted functions"); l->DrawLatex(0.3, 0.60, "Black line is the full fitted function"); l->DrawLatex(0.3, 0.57, "Coloured lines are the individual N-mip comp."); //l->DrawLatex(0.3, 0.54, "Full drawn lines correspond to used components"); //l->DrawLatex(0.3, 0.51, "Dashed lines correspond to ignored components"); l->DrawLatex(0.2, 0.54, "Each component has the form"); l->DrawLatex(0.3, 0.49, "f_{n}(x; #Delta, #xi, #sigma') = " "#int_{-#infty}^{+#infty}d#Delta' " "landau(x; #Delta', #xi)gaus(#Delta'; #Delta, #sigma')"); l->DrawLatex(0.2, 0.44, "The full function is given by"); l->DrawLatex(0.3, 0.41, "f_{N}(x; #Delta, #xi, #sigma', #bf{a}) = " "C #sum_{i=1}^{N} a_{i} " "f_{i}(x; #Delta_{i}, #xi_{i}, #sigma_{i}')"); l->DrawLatex(0.3, 0.35, "#Delta_{i} = i (#Delta_{1} + #xi_{1} log(i))"); l->DrawLatex(0.3, 0.32, "#xi_{i} = i #xi_{1}"); l->DrawLatex(0.3, 0.29, "#sigma_{i} = #sqrt{i} #sigma_{1}"); l->DrawLatex(0.3, 0.26, "#sigma_{n} #dot{=} 0"); l->DrawLatex(0.3, 0.23, "#sigma_{i}'^{2} = #sigma^{2}_{n} + #sigma_{i}^{2}"); l->DrawLatex(0.3, 0.20, "a_{1} #dot{=} 1"); l->DrawLatex(0.3, 0.15, Form("Least quality: %d", fMinQuality)); if (fitter) { TObject* refit = fitter->FindObject("refitted"); if (refit) l->DrawLatex(0.3, .10, "Refitted distributions"); } PrintCanvas("Energy loss fits"); } fBody->cd(); fits->Draw("error"); PrintCanvas("Fit overview"); if (!details) return; //__________________________________________________________________ // Draw relative parameter errors fBody->cd(); fits->Draw("relative"); PrintCanvas("Relative parameter errors"); //__________________________________________________________________ // Draw all fits individually for (UShort_t d=1; d<=3; d++) { UShort_t nQ = (d == 1 ? 1 : 2); for (UShort_t q = 0; q < nQ; q++) { Char_t r = (q == 0 ? 'I' : 'O'); TList* dists = 0; if (fitter) { // Info("", "Fitter: %s", fitter->GetName()); TList* dl = static_cast(fitter->FindObject(Form("FMD%d%c",d,r))); // Info("", "Got detector list -> %p", dl); if (dl) { // Info("", "Detector list: %s", dl->GetName()); dists = static_cast(dl->FindObject("EDists")); // Info("", "Got distributions -> %p", dists); } } printf("FMD%d%c ", d, r); ClearCanvas(); TObjArray* ra = fits->GetRingArray(d, r); if (!ra) continue; DrawELossFits(d, r, ra, dists); } } } /** * CINT does too much when optimizing on a loop, so we take this out * to force CINT to not optimize the third nested loop. * * @param d * @param r * @param ra */ void DrawELossFits(UShort_t d, Char_t r, TObjArray* ra, TList* dists) { Int_t nPad = 6; AliFMDCorrELossFit::ELossFit* fit = 0; TIter next(ra); Int_t i = 0; Int_t j = 0; while ((fit = static_cast(next()))) { j = i % nPad; Bool_t last = j == nPad-1; if (j == 0) DivideForRings(true, true); Bool_t same = false; if (dists) { // Info("", "Distributions: %s", dists->GetName()); TH1* dist = static_cast(dists->FindObject(Form("FMD%d%c_etabin%03d", d,r,fit->GetBin()))); // Info("", "Got histogram -> %p", dist); if (dist) { // Info("", "Histogram: %s", dist->GetName()); DrawInPad(fBody, j+1, dist, "HIST", 0x2); same = true; } } // if (same) DrawInPad(fBody, j+1, fit, Form("comp good values legend %s", (same ? "same" : "")), 0x2); if (fit->GetQuality() < fMinQuality) { TLatex* ltx = new TLatex(.2, .2, "NOT USED"); ltx->SetNDC(); ltx->SetTextFont(62); ltx->SetTextColor(kRed+1); ltx->SetTextAngle(30); ltx->SetTextSize(0.2); DrawInPad(fBody, j+1, ltx, "", 0); // ltx->Draw(); } // else // DrawInPad(fBody, j+1, fit, "comp good values legend", 0x2); printf("."); if (last) PrintCanvas(Form("FMD%d%c page %d", d, r, (i/nPad)+1)); i++; } j = i % nPad; if (j != 0) PrintCanvas(Form("FMD%d%c page %d", d, r, (i/nPad)+1)); printf(" done\n"); } /** * Create an array of per-vertex bin stacks * * @param vtxAxis Vertex axis * * @return Array of stacks */ TObjArray* CreateVtxStacks(const TAxis& vtxAxis) { // --- Create stacks for summaries --------------------------------- Int_t nVtx = vtxAxis.GetNbins(); TObjArray* stacks = new TObjArray(nVtx); for (UShort_t v = 1; v <= nVtx; v++) { THStack* stack = new THStack(Form("vtx%02d", v), Form("%+5.1fAddAt(stack, v-1); } return stacks; } /** * Draw the vertex stacks in the canvas * * @param stacks Stacks to draw * @param max Possible maximum of the stacks * * @return true on success */ Bool_t DrawVtxStacks(TObjArray* stacks, Double_t max=-1) { if (!stacks) return false; // --- Make summary page ------------------------------------------- Int_t nVtx = 10; // stacks->GetEntries(); fBody->Divide(3, (nVtx+2)/3, 0, 0); Int_t ipad = 0; for (UShort_t v = 1; v <= nVtx; v++) { ipad++; if (ipad == 1 || ipad == 12) ipad++; THStack* stack = static_cast(stacks->At(v-1)); if (!stack) { Error("", "No stack at v=%d", v-1); continue; } TVirtualPad* pad = fBody->cd(ipad); if (!pad) { Error("", "No pad at %d", ipad); continue; } pad->SetFillColor(kWhite); if (max > 0) stack->SetMaximum(max); stack->Draw("nostack hist"); } return true; } }; // // EOF //