// // This cut selects the AliRsnDaughter objects pointing // to tracks with a well defined true particle species, // defined through its PDG code or species according the // enumeration defined in AliRsnDaughter class. // --- // Using this cut on data results in no tracks passing it. // #include "AliRsnCutTrue.h" ClassImp(AliRsnCutTrue) //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnCutTrue::AliRsnCutTrue(const char *name, Int_t pdg) : AliRsnCut(name, AliRsnTarget::kDaughter, pdg) { // // Constructor version #1: // pass directly the PDG code // } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnCutTrue::AliRsnCutTrue(const char *name, AliRsnDaughter::ESpecies species) : AliRsnCut(name, AliRsnTarget::kDaughter, AliRsnDaughter::SpeciesPDG(species)) { // // Constructor version #2: // pass the species from AliRsnDaughter enum, which is converted into PDG code // } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnCutTrue::AliRsnCutTrue(const AliRsnCutTrue ©) : AliRsnCut(copy) { // // Copy constructor // } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnCutTrue &AliRsnCutTrue::operator=(const AliRsnCutTrue ©) { // // Assignment operator // AliRsnCut::operator=(copy); return (*this); } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRsnCutTrue::IsSelected(TObject *obj) { // // Check: // if the MC reference is present, recover PDG // and check if it matches the required one, in absolute value. // // convert target if (!TargetOK(obj)) return kFALSE; // check if MC is present if (!fDaughter->GetRefMC()) { AliError("Cannot check cut 'AliRsnCutTrue' without MC information"); return kFALSE; } // compare PDG fCutValueI = fDaughter->GetPDGAbs(); return OkValueI(); }